752 research outputs found

    Hukum Vaksin MR: Teori Istihalah dan Istihlak versus Fatwa MUI

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    Measles and rubella are infectious diseases that cause very dangerous diseases throughout the world. Both diseases are incurable; can only be prevented by administering the MR (Measles Rubella) vaccine. However, in Indonesia, the implementation of vaccination for these two diseases did not run smoothly due to the circulation of information that the basic ingredients or the process of making vaccines involved elements of pigs. On that basis, the Indonesian Ulema Council issued Fatwa Number 33 of 2018 concerning the Use of Mr (Measles Rubella) Vaccine Products from SII (Serum Institute Of India) for Immunization which stipulates that "the use of vaccines that utilize pig elements and their derivatives is unlawful". The MUI equates the involvement of pork as the main ingredient and as a medium for making vaccines. This paper relates the fatwa to the prohibition of certain objects in the Qur'an, hadith, and interpretations made by scholars, especially related to the theory of istihālah (perfect change) and istihlāk (mixing). Both of these theories are used in the thought of the scholars of schools and at the present time, especially in objects that are changed through fermentation and synthetic processes, which can be called chemical engineering. Campak dan rubella merupakan penyakit infeksi yang mengakibatkan pernyakit sangat berbahaya  di seluruh dunia. Kedua penyakit tidak dapat diobati; hanya dapat dicegah dengan pemberian vaksin MR (Measles Rubella). Namun demikian, di Indonesia, pelaksanaan vaksinasi untuk kedua penyakit ini tidak berjalan lancar karena beredarnya informasi bahwa bahan dasar atau proses pembuatan vaksin terlibat unsur babi. Atas dasar itu,   Majelis Ulama Indonesia menerbitkan Fatwa Nomor  33 Tahun 2018 tentang Penggunaan Vaksin Mr (Measles Rubella) Produk dari SII (Serum Intitute Of India) untuk Imunisasi yang menentukan bahwa  “penggunaan vaksin yang memanfaatkan unsur babi dan turunannya hukumnya haram”.  MUI menyamakan keterlibatan unsur babi sebagai bahan utama dan sebagai media pembuatan vaksin. Tulisan ini mengubungkan fatwa tersebut dengan keharaman benda tertentu dalam al-Qur'an,  hadis,  dan penafsiran yang dilakukan para ulama, terutama terkait dengan teori istihālah (perubahan sempurna) dan istihlāk (percampuran). Kedua teori ini digunakan dalam pemikiran para ulama mazhab dan pada masa sekarang, terutama sekali pada benda-benda yang berubah melalui proses fermentasi dan sintetis, yang dapat disebut sebagai rekayasa kimiawi

    Hadis-Hadis Hukum yang Kontra Pembaruan Al-Qur’an: Tinjauan Pola Pemahaman Mu’abbad dan Mu’aqqat

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    Artikel ini ditulis untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana pola pemahaman ulama terhadap hadis-hadis yang tampak kontra dengan semangat al-Qur‟an dan bagaimana alternatif pola pemahaman terhadap hadis-hadis tersebut sehingga produk fikih yang dihasilkan serasi dengan semangat al-Qur‟an? Ini dilakukan mengingat ada ketidaksinkronan antara sebagian teks-teks hadis hukum dengan semangat umum al-Qur‟an. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka teori yang mengatagorikan hadis menjadi dua, yaitu mu‟abbad (berlaku universal dan abadi) dan mu‟aqqat (berlaku hanya untuk masa dan kondisi tertentu). Kesimpulannya, ulama mazhab cenderung memahami hadis-hadis yang tampak bertentangan dengan al-Qur‟an hadis-hadis tasyrÄ«Ê»iyyah dengan pola pemahaman lafáș“iyyah; menganggapnya sebagai hadis-hadis mu‟abbad yang berlaku universal, lintas waktu dan tempat, dan berlaku ketat. Dengan pendekatan asbāb al-nuzĆ«l dan asbāb al-wurĆ«d al-áž„adÄ«ts dalam makna yang luas—sejarah sosial hukum Islam, ditemukan bahwa hadis-hadis yang tampak bertentangan dengan al-Qur‟an tersebut harus dipahami berlaku berbatas waktu atau pada masa Nabi Muhammad hidup di Semenanjung Arabia abad ke-7 Masehi. Dengan demikian, hadis-hadis tersebut dikategorikan kepada hadis-hadis mu‟aqqat, yang berlaku temporal; hanya pada masa, kondisi sosial masyarakat pada atau yang sama dengan di Semenanjung Arabia pada abad ke-7 Masehi

    Otoritas Hukum Sunah sebagai Wahyu

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    Di antara sebab perbedaan pendapat ulama dalam masalah hukum adalah penempatan posisi sunah Nabi: setingkat dengan al-Qur'an atau berada di bawahnya. Hal ini diperkuat oleh wacana bahwa sunah adalah bagian dari wahyu melalui teori ងikmah yang dikemukakan oleh para ulama fikih.  Konsekuensi dari teori ងikmah ini, ketentuan yang dimuat di dalam sunah memiliki otoritas setingkat dengan al-Qur'an. Kata “ងikmah” sendiri memang disebutkan beberapa kali di dalam al-Qur'an dan menjadi argumentasi utama para ulama.  Penelusuran terhadap penggunaan kata tersebut dalam al-Qur'an menunjukkan bahwa kata ងikmah memiliki banyak arti; al-Qur'an menggunakannya tidak hanya seputar Nabi Muhammad, tetapi juga di lingkungan Nabi lain dan manusia biasa. Karena itu, mewacanakan sunah sebagai bagian dari wahyu dengan teori ងikmah memiliki kelemahan. Selain itu, praktik para Sahabat yang memisahkan berbagai peran Muhammad: Nabi, pemimpin/kepala negara, dan manusia biasa menunjukkan bahwa ងikmah yang otoritasnya setingkat dengan wahyu hanya dalam masalah tasyrī’ (hukum). Hal ini dikuatkan oleh unsur kemanusiaan Muhammad yang disebut dengan jelas dalam al-Qur'an

    Confession of Zina Offense in Aceh: Legal Awareness or Compulsion?

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the terminology of confession of guilt in the Qanun Jinayat Aceh, both material and formal law. This topic needs to be studied considering that Qanun Jinayat is seen as a new legal norm in Indonesia, which was adopted from a different legal system, namely Islamic jurisprudence. The difference in the source of this system gives rise to many problems with legal norms and their enforcement in cases. Research on the decisions of the Syar'iyah Court in Aceh in the adultery case; carried out using a normative juridical approach, by reviewing the Qanun viewed from legal norms, confession of guilt. The results of the study show that (1) juridically, confession gets an official place as special evidence for adultery; referring to the Koran; (2) the confession of guilt by the alleged perpetrators of adultery is influenced by the initial process of their arrest as the perpetrators of the crime; in part it may be an encouragement of the belief in obtaining forgiveness stemming from the Islamic religious doctrine that punishment in this world is a pardon and will abolish punishment in the hereafter; (3) the strategy of law enforcement officials does not play much role here because some of their duties have been "implemented" by the community which is understood as part of their legal awareness. AbstrakTujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk menganalisis terminologi pengakuan bersalah dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh (QAHJ) baik hukum materil maupun formil. Topik ini perlu dikaji mengingat Qanun Jinayat dipandang sebagai sebuah norma perundang-undangan baru di Indonesia, yang diadopsi dari sistem hukum yang berbeda yaitu hukum Islam. Perbedaan sumber sistem ini melahirkan banyak problematika norma hukum dan penegakannya pada kasus-kasus. Penelitian atas putusan Mahkamah Syar`iyah di Aceh dalam perkara perzinaan; dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, dengan mengkaji Qanun yang dilihat dari norma hukum, pengakuan bersalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) secara yuridis pengakuan mendapatkan tempat resmi sebagai alat bukti khusus zina; mengacu kepada al-Quran; (2) pengakuan bersalah oleh tersangka pelaku perzinaan dipengaruhi oleh proses awal penangkapan mereka sebagai pelaku kejahatan; sebagiannya mungkin merupakan dorongan keyakinan mendapatkan pengampunan yang berasal dari doktrin agama Islam bahwa hukuman di dunia merupakan sebuah pengampunan dan akan menghapuskan hukuman di akhirat; (3) strategi aparatur penegakan hukum  tidak banyak berperan di sini karena sebagian tugas mereka sudah “dilaksanakan” oleh masyarakat yang dipahami sebagai bagian dari kesadaran hukum mereka

    Storyline structure in Hausa home videos : an analysis of Mai Kudi, Sanafahna, and Albashi

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    This study analyzes storyline structure in three Hausa home videos; Mai Kudi (The Rich Man), Sanafahna (with time truth shall dawn) and Albashi (Salary). The study measures storyline structure in these films against a Hollywood film industry model of story writing “the Hero's Journey”. It uses narrative analysis as its analytical tool, and narrative theory as its framework. After analyzing these videos, the study found that the major elements of storyline structure in Vogler's model formed the framework of the storyline structure in Hausa home videos analyzed. However, in spite of the preponderance of these elements within the storyline structure, there are significant variations to Vogler's model. Specifically, Vogler's model has some twelve stages spread on the universal structure of storytelling, i.e. beginning, middle and end. Few of these stages were found to exist in Hausa narrative structure, perhaps due to cultural differences between Western, Indian and Hausa cultures. The study therefore recommends screenwriters and producers to be aware of the existence of standard models of scriptwriting. It also recommends more training for script writers in the Hausa film industry

    Design and fabrication of arc thermal plasma reactor for petroleum sludge treatment

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    Over 130, 000 metric tonnes of toxic petroleum sludge are generated yearly in Malaysia. The traditional methods of disposing of petroleum sludge are short of providing the much-needed benign treatment. A more robust treatment technique is therefore desirable. The thermal plasma treatment technique is employed to bridge the gap. In this research, a 4.7 kW thermal plasma reactor was designed and fabricated. The output current and the plasma temperature range were 5 – 200 A and 356 – 1694 oC respectively. After the treatment, the morphology of the sludge transformed from jelly-like to crystalline solid. A mass reduction of 36.87 – 91.40% and a total organic compound reduction of 21.47 – 93.76% were achieved in a treatment period of 2 – 5 minutes. The leaching test indicates that the heavy metals were stabilized in the solid, and hence, the solid is safe for secure landfill. The product gas is a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2), water (H2O), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2) and ethylene (C2H4). The concentrations of the greenhouse gases, CH4 and CO2, were small. The lower heating value and the cold gas efficiency of the gas were 7.40 – 7.86 MJ/Nm3 and 25.22 – 51.90% respectively. The efficiency is within the range of the efficiency of gasification of petroleum sludge in an updraft gasifier. Based on the operating cost estimation, a profit margin of RM 3.11/kg of sludge was achieved. Two quadratic models, one for cold gas efficiency and the other for CO/CO2 ratio were developed. The developed models, using response surface methodology, showed a good fit with correlation coefficients of 99.32% and 99.66% for cold gas efficiency and CO/CO2 ratio respectively. The optimum operating conditions for the treatment were arc current = 188.15 A, plasma gas flow-rate = 31.54 L/min and treatment time = 1.89 min. The optimum responses obtained from the optimization of the reaction system were 52.59% and 1.80 for cold gas efficiency and CO/CO2 ratio respectively with the desirability of 1. Thermal plasma technique is, therefore, an alternative method for treating petroleum sludge

    Bahasa Hukum Qanun Jinayat Aceh: Teks Lama untuk Konteks Baru

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    Abstract: This paper begins with the problem of differences in public perception and law enforcement in enforcing the Qanun Jinayat. The main question to be answered is how to understand the legal language of the Qanun in the concept of the relationship between the text and the legal context? Several legal terms and concepts in the Qanun were selected for analysis. The results of the study indicate that the terms and concepts in the Qanun which are different from the language of the law in Indonesia show the characteristics of the law itself. The choice of the legal language of the Qanun reinforces that the law must change according to changing contexts; namely modern Acehnese society. However, the text of the Qanun itself, due to changes in context, cannot be separated from the possibility of changes/adjustments.Abstrak: Tulisan ini berawal dari permasalahan perbedaan persepsi masyarakat dan aparatur penegakan hukum dalam penegakan Qanun Jinayat. Pertanyaan utama yang ingin dijawab adalah bagaimana memahami bahasa hukum Qanun dalam konsep hubungan antara teks dan konteks hukum? Beberapa istilah hukum dan konsep dalam Qanun dipilih sebagai bahan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa istilah-istilah dan konsep-konsep dalam Qanun yang berbeda dengan bahasa perundang-undangan di Indonesia menunjukkan ciri dari hukum itu sendiri. Pilihan bahasa hukum Qanun menguatkan bahwa hukum harus berubah sesuai dengan perubahan konteks; yaitu masyarakat Aceh modern. Namun demikian, teks Qanun itu sendiri, karena perubahan konteks tidak terlepas dari kemungkinan perubahan/penyesuaian

    A User Readiness Model of Social Media for Learning among Polytechnic Students in Nigeria

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    The adoption of Internet resources for learning continues to grow in the world today. Despite the abundant benefit of utilizing social media due to the growth of web 2.0, an internet resource for communication and interaction, its use has not been fully embraced as a teaching tool in Nigeria. Social media is becoming a prominent communication tool and found to be facilitating teaching and learning activities among students. However, the user readiness of social media in learning by the students has been challenging. Despite the wide acceptance of social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, e.t.c.) amongst Nigerian polytechnic students, they do not utilize it for academic pursuit. This study examined the Use of Social Media among students in Nigerian Polytechnics. The main objective of this study is to find out the user readiness’ factors that influence the use of social media by the students in Nigerian Polytechnic. The evaluation results show that social media is an indispensable Internet platform among Nigerian Polytechnic students

    Comparative study of NGOs towards disaster risk reduction in Nigeria

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    The aim of this paper is to explore some comparative advantages of training indigenous groups towards disaster risk reduction. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are nonprofit organizations that have been recognized based on their efforts towards uplifting the poor, marginalized, unprivileged, underprivileged, impoverished and downtrodden groups. Based on related works, it is well known factor that on the average, a disaster occurs somewhere else in Nigeria’s each day and the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are usually the first or second agents to respond to humanitarian crisis, political, breakdown of the law and order. But it is unfortunate that even the NGOs suffered the same fate with the victims due to inadequate trainings on disaster risk reduction technics in Nigeria as a result of growing number of factors militating against them. The study followed a qualitative research strategy to conduct interviews with pre-tested interviews as key data collection instrument which was used in eliciting responses from10 heads of NGOs randomly selected from the North-Eastern Nigeria to seek information about the main NGOs missions in the region. The paper uses comparative analysis between Nigeria versus Malaysia to evaluate what is working well and what need to be corrected as both countries are party to world conference were global best framework on disaster risk reduction was developed at Sendai, Japan in 2015


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    Discussion of CCTV video recordings that serve as a monitoring tool to record all events. The existence of this tool is very useful as a source of information in case of a criminal act. Therefore, in this technological era, these video recordings then began to enter the realm of law, this video recording is very useful as a source of information in the event of a criminal act. It is not uncommon for these video recordings to be used as evidence in a trial, but the problem is that this video recording is not included in Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding various types of evidence, is not included in Islamic law, and also this video recording is very important. very vulnerable to being manipulated for certain purposes and purposes, therefore it is interesting for the author to research it, so the question arises how to use CCTV video evidence in trials of premeditated murder in Decision Number 465 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN Smg ?, how analysis of Islamic criminal law on the use of CCTV video evidence in the trial of premeditated murder in Decision Number 465 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN Smg? The method that I use in this journal is the library research method. The results of this study The use of CCTV video evidence in Decision Number 465 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN Smg can be used as legal evidence and in its use it is used as evidence for guidance by the judge supported by the testimonies of witnesses and statements from the an expert, in which the witnesses and experts have been sworn in to give true testimony at trial, so as to convince the judge of the truth of a criminal act committed by the defendant. The use of CCTV video recordings in Decision Number 465 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN Smg can be used as evidence of guidance or qarīnah which corroborates other evidence. The use of CCTV video evidence evidence in Islamic criminal law is included in the category of bayyinah which means anything that can show the truth of an event or action, in its use it is included in Qarīnah evidence
