100 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Content Based Image Retrieval by Combining Visual Features of an Image With A Threshold

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) uses the visual features of an image such as color, shape and texture to represent and index the image. In a typical content based image retrieval system, a set of images that exhibit visual features similar to that of the query image are returned in response to a query. CLUE (CLUster based image rEtrieval) is a popular CBIR technique that retrieves images by clustering. In this paper, we propose a CBIR system that also retrieves images by clustering just like CLUE. But, the proposed system combines all the features (shape, color, and texture) with a threshold for the purpose. The combination of all the features provides a robust feature set for image retrieval. We evaluated the performance of the proposed system using images of varying size and resolution from image database and compared its performance with that of the other two existing CBIR systems namely UFM and CLUE. We have used four different resolutions of image. Experimentally, we find that the proposed system outperforms the other two existing systems in ecery resolution of imag


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan profesionalitas guru di MA Amtsilati Bangsri Jepara tahun ajaran 2017/2018 dan untuk mengetahui problematika dan solusi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan profesionalitas guru di MA Amtsilati Bangsri Jepara tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MA Amtsilati Bangsri Jepara dengan obyek penelitian kepala sekolah dan guru. Untuk tercapainya tujuan di atas maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menyajikan data-data penelitian secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi nonparticipatory, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Serta teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kepala sekolah di MA Amtsilati berperan dengan maksimal sesuai dengan tujuannya. Terbukti dengan beberapa peran yaitu peran kepala sekolah sebagai edukator, kepala sekolah sebagai manajer, kepala sekolah sebagai administrator, kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor, kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin, kepala sekolah sebagai inovator, kepala sekolah sebagai Motivator. Problematika dalam meningkatkan profesionalitas guru di MA Amtsilati adalah tingkat pemahaman dan tingkat pengetahuan antar guru yang tidak sama, motivasi diri yang kurang setabil dan program yang masih terkendala dengan biaya. Adapun cara mengatasinya kepala sekolah memberikan motivasi pada setiap guru dirapat internal, dan mengkomunikasikan pada pihak yayasan tentang program yang masih terkendala dengan biaya untuk membawa kemajuan sekolah profesionalitas guru

    Studying the State Feedback linearization and Input-Output State Feedback linearization by using Matlab Software to Notice the Systems Response for all Feedback Controls Applied

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    المبادئ الأساسية لهذه الورقة حول دراسة التغذية الراجعة  والتي فيها  نهج شائع الاستخدام و يستخدم في التحكم في الأنظمة غير الخطية يتضمن النهج الخروج بتحويل النظام غير الخطي إلى نظام خطي مكافئ من خلال تغيير المتغيرات ومدخل تحكم مناسب. و تقتصر تقنيات الإدخال والمخرجات الخطية على العمليات التي تكون فيها هذه الديناميكيات الصفرية مستقرة ويتم تحقيق هذا الهدف من خلال اشتقاق مخرجات اصطناعية تنتج نموذجًا خطيًا للتغذية الراجعة بأبعاد الحالة ثم يتم تصنيع وحدة تحكم خطية للمدخلات الخطية نموذج الدالة وسيتم استخدام ثلاث حالات مختلفة للتحكم في التغذية الراجعة لتحقيق الاستقرار في النظام غير الخطي .The basic principles of this paper about the Feedback linearization is a common approach used in controlling nonlinear systems. The approach involves coming up with a transformation of the nonlinear system into an equivalent linear system through a change of variables and a suitable control input. Moreover, Input-output linearization techniques are restricted to processes in which these so-called zero dynamics are stable and this objective is achieved by deriving artificial outputs that yield a feedback linearized model with state dimension and a linear controller is then synthesized for the linear input-state model. Furthermore, in this paper three different cases of feedback control will be used to stabilize the nonlinear system

    Maximum allowable delay bound estimation using Lambert W function

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    The widespread of communication networks make them very promising to play a great role in future control systems. The communication networks will be present in the feedback control system which makes it a kind of time delay system. Closing the feedback system through a communication network introduces many challenges for the controller designers. Communication networks induce inherent time delay and some of the data may be lost which can destabilize the control system or result in poor system performance. It is important to identify the maximum time delay that the control system can withstand. In this paper, we report the application of the Lambert W function for calculating the maximum allowable delay bound in linear time delay control systems. The results of the calculation are compared with the most widely used Linear Matrix Inequalities based method. © 2017 IEEE


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    Bridges usually have massive concrete structures. The massive concrete will cause temperature on the concrete to be overheated when concrete hardening. The impact from this excess heat results in imperfect hydration and thermal crack which can affect the compressive strength of concrete. Simpang Susun Airmadidi Toll Access Bridge has a pile cap and pier structure with a width > 2 meters so that it can be categorized as mass concrete. To reduce heat arising from concrete hydration, additional materials are needed. The supplementary cementitious material that can be used in concrete mixed according to General Specifications of Road and Bridge Construction Works are materials in the form by minerals or waste materials such as fly ash, pozzolan and silica fume. Simpang Susun Airmadidi Toll Access Bridge project is used fly ash. The study was conducted by reading the temperature rise in two specimens with different concrete mixed. Test object 1 using 380 kg pure OPC cement and Test object 2 using 310 kg OPC cement and 100 kg fly ash F class per m3 of concrete. From the evaluation results it can be concluded that replacement of 24,4% cement using fly ash reducing maximum temperature of concrete from 84.4°C to 71.3°C or decreasing about 13.1°C. Thus fly ash can be an alternative environmentally friendly construction material.Jembatan umumnya memiliki ukuran struktur beton besar dan masif. Penggunaan beton yang masif akan menyebabkan temperatur pada beton menjadi berlebihan atau overheated pada saat pengerasan berlangsung. Dampak yang timbul akibat kelebihan panas ini mengakibatkan hidrasi semen tidak sempurna sehingga terjadi retak termal yang dapat mempengaruhi kuat tekan beton. Jembatan Akses Tol Simpang Susun Airmadidi memiliki bentuk struktur pile cap dan pier dengan lebar > 2 meter sehingga dapat dikategorikan sebagai mass concrete. Untuk mengurangi panas yang timbul pada hidrasi beton maka diperlukan bahan tambah, salah satu bahan tambah yang bisa dipakai dalam campuran beton menurut Spesifikasi untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan adalah bahan tambahan berupa mineral atau bahan limbah dapat berbentuk fly ash, pozzolan dan silica fume, pada proyek Jembatan Akses Tol Simpang Susun Airmadidi digunakan fly ash. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membaca kenaikan temperatur pada dua benda uji dengan campuran beton yang berbeda. Benda uji 1 menggunakan semen OPC murni sebanyak 380 kg dan Benda Uji 2 menggunakan semen OPC 310 kg dan fly ash kelas F 100 kg per m3 beton. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa penggantian 24,4% semen menggunakan fly ash menurunkan nilai temperatur maksimal beton dari semula sebesar 84,4°C menjadi 71,3°C atau terjadi penurunan sebesar 13,1°C

    Spectrum of AIDS Defining Opportunistic Infections in a Series of 77 Hospitalised HIV-infected Omani Patients

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    Objectives: Most of the morbidity and mortality in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) result from opportunistic infections (OIs). Although the spectrum of OIs in HIV infected patients from developing countries has been reported, there is a paucity of data on the natural history, pattern of disease, and survival of hospitalised patients with HIV/AIDS, particularly in Arab countries. The aim of this study was to study retrospectively the spectrum and frequency of various OIs in a cohort of hospitalised HIV-infected Omani patients. Methods: Included in the study were 77 HIV-infected Omani patients admitted to a tertiary care teaching hospital in Muscat, Oman, between January 1999 and December 2008. They were diagnosed on their first admission and hence were not on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) at presentation. The frequency of various clinical and laboratory findings and individual OIs were analysed. Results: In total, 45 patients (58%) had one or more AIDS-defining OIs. Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) was commonest (25%), followed by cryptococcal meningitis (22%), cytomegalovirus (CMV), retinitis (17%), disseminated tuberculosis (15%), and cerebral toxoplasmosis (12.5%). Only one patient with Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) was identified and one patient had disseminated visceral leishmaniasis. The majority of patients (77%) had CD4+ counts <200 cells/µL. Ten patients (22%) died during hospital stays, with five deaths (50%) being caused by disseminated CMV infection. Conclusion: A wide spectrum of OIs is seen in hospitalised HIV-infected patients in Oman. P. jiroveci pneumonia and cryptococcal meningitis were the commonest OIs, while disseminated CMV was the commonest cause of death. We hope these results will advance the knowledge of specialists treating HIV in Oman and the Gulf region.


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    Abstrak: Proses pemanenan buah salak harus dikerjakan secara teliti untuk memilih buah mana yang layak panen. Untuk buah salak yang telah matang, biasanya dapat dipetik hanya menggunakan tangan. Namun, jika buah salak yang hendak dipanen berada di tengah-tengah pohonnya dan tertutup oleh duri-duri, maka proses panen salak menjadi sulit. Tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) menjawab kebutuhan mitra, dengan memberikan solusi Inovasi TTG Full Plate Armor. Untuk mencapai tujuan pengabdian, prosedur yang ditempuh meliputi 1) survey lokasi, 2) pendekatan sosial, 3) pengembangan produk, 4) penyusunan panduan, 5) penerapan ipteks/TTG melalui kegiatan sosialisasi, introduksi alat/TTG dan pelatihan; 6) tindak lanjut melalui percontohan dan pendampingan; 7) monev: presentasi kemajuan dan laporan akhir, dan 8) memenuhi kewajiban luaran. Hasil PKM: 1) produk berfungsi dengan baik serta bermanfaat bagi pemakainya: a) melindungi tubuh dari duri pohon salak, b) memotong buah salak yang terjepit dengan mudah, c) dapat memangkas bagian pohon salak yang sudah tidak ada gunanya; dan 2) meningkatkan efisiensi proses panen salak dari 15 pohon menjadi 20, 23, 25 pohon dalam sehari. Abstract: The process of harvesting salak fruit must be done carefully to choose which fruit is suitable for harvesting. For ripe salak fruit, it can usually be picked only by hand. However, if the salak fruit to be harvested is in the middle of the tree and covered with thorns, then the salak harvesting process becomes difficult. The community service implementation team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Malang (UM) answered the needs of partners, by providing TTG Full Plate Armor Innovation solutions. To achieve the goal of service, the procedures taken include 1) site survey, 2) social approach, 3) product development, 4) preparation of guidelines, 5) application of science and technology/TTG through socialization activities, introduction of tools/TTG and training; 6) follow-up through pilots and mentoring; 7) monev: presentation of progress and final reports, and 8) fulfill external obligations. The results of PKM: 1) the product functions properly and is beneficial for the wearer: a) protects the body from the thorns of the salak tree, b) cuts the pinched salak fruit easily, c) can trim the part of the salak tree that is no longer useful; and 2) increasing the efficiency of the salak harvesting process from 15 trees to 20, 23, 25 trees in a day.

    Ecotourism Intention in Jordan: The Role of Ecotourism Attitude, Ecotourism Interest, and Destination Image

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    The goal of this research was to check the impact of eco-tourism attitude, eco-tourism interest, and destination image on eco-intention. The sample size of this study was 309, gathered using convenience sampling. The data collection instrument was developed using five-point Likert scale. The data was analyzed by using PLS-SEM. The findings of data analysis showed that the ecotourism attitude was positively affecting the ecotourism interest. However, ecotourism attitude was not significantly affecting the ecotourism intention. The ecotourism interest was positively affecting the ecotourism intention. The destination image was also significantly affecting ecotourism intention. Ecotourism service operators may work with tourism community members for creating projects targeting domestic people and provide them with learning experiences regarding nature, ecological and cultural heritage protection attempts and initiatives, and how ecotourism will support such efforts and initiatives and conserve them

    Indoor Radon Concentration Measurement in Selected Factories in Northern and Central Iraq

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    In this work, the outdoor radon concentration level and lung cancer risks have been measured in selected locations in northern and central Iraq during the summer season 2012 by using time integrated passive radon dosimeters containing LR-115 Type II plastic track detectors. These measurements were carried out in the factories for an exposure time of 60 day. The radon concentration in these factories ranges from (36.36 – 125.10) Bq.m-3 with an average of (59.93Bq.m-3), which within the acceptable radon levels (50-150) Bq.m-3 recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The average absorption effective dose equivalent for a person living in factories for which the investigation were done was found to be (1.425mSv.y-1). It is observed that the average lung cancer per year per 106 person was found to be 25.654. Keyword: LR-115 Type II nuclear track detectors; Radon concentration; AEDE; PAEC