118 research outputs found


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    This paper represented the founding of community based cross sectional study conducted to assess methods of prevention and control of malaria in Shendi city. Specifically it aims to evaluate the different methods of prevention service offered by local health authorities. Evaluation of community participation towards control of malaria and evaluation of personal protection against mosquito bite. Sample size of 192 was selected randomly out of 9000 households. An interview’ questionnaires and observations were used to collect the data from households, then the data was analyzed using both Microsoft Excel and Statistic Package for Social Sciences program (SPSS).The main results showed that Most dominant level of education of shendi population was university and secondary school. The study concludes that most population used personal protection against mosquito bites


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    Diarrheal diseases are a collection of diseases caused by multiple viral, bacterial, and parasitic organisms that share common symptoms, and it’s defined as the passage of three or more loose or liquid stool per day. This Descriptive community based cross sectional study was conducted in Shendi Town during the year2015To study Knowledge and Attitude towards diarrheal disease in children under five years. A system of simple random sampling allocation was followed to select the sample for coverage of diarrhea disease in Shendi town. The data was collected through instructed questionnaire according to SNAP standard Questionnaire which contains 20 closed ended questions with simple language that was been easily to understood by the respondents . The collected data was analyzed by entering it into computer and analyzed using both Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences Program (spss). The results then presented in tables and figures, and then subjected to additional statistical analyses T test to find associations and statistical significance by finding P value. The most important conclusions revealed from the study is, Most of mothers (55%) seek medical treatment when their children got diarrhea. The most important recommendations emerged from this study, Government and Shendi local authorities must educate mothers on diarrheal disease prevention and rehydration, Sufficient programs and facilities should be made available for family planning, Give oriented task health education to health workers

    The Acceptance of Treatment among Breast Cancer Patients and its Relations with Some Variables - Field study at Tishreen University Hospital “Department of Cancer Oncology” in Lattakia City

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    The research aimed to know the Extent of the Treatment Acceptance among Breast Cancer Patients at Tishreen University Hospital “Department of Cancer Oncology” in Lattakia City, also aimed to examine the differences in Treatment Acceptance(Social status, duration of the disease, age, education level). The research used Descriptive analytical method, The sample included (118) breast cancer patients in the year 2019. And to take the questionnaire President to measuring Treatment Acceptance from the views of sample. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff. Pilot sample consisted of (24) breast cancer patients. Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.861), also the Spearman-Brown which reach (0.883).   The research ended up with the following results: -              The Extent of the Treatment Acceptance among Breast Cancer Patients at Tishreen University Hospital “Department of Cancer Oncology” in Lattakia City was in medium degree. -             No statistically significant differences regarding the Extent of the Treatment Acceptance according to the variable duration of the disease. -             There are statistically significant differences regarding the Extent of the Treatment Acceptance according to the variable age in favor of the more than (40) years, and according to the variable Social status in favor of the marries, also according to the variable education level in favor of the licentiate. هدف البحث إلى تعرُّف درجة تقبل العلاج لدى مريضات سرطان الثدي في مشفى تشرين الجامعي (قسم الأورام السرطانية) في مدينة اللاذقية، والكشف عن الفروق بين إجابات أفراد عينة البحث من مريضات سرطان الثدي في درجة تقبل العلاج تبعاً للمتغيرات الآتية (الحالة الاجتماعية، مدة الاصابة بالمرض، العمر، المستوى التعليمي). استخدم المنهج الوصفي، واشتملت عينة البحث على (118) مريضة سرطان الثدي في مدينة اللاذقية لعام 2019، واتخذت الباحثة من الاستبانة أداةً رئيسة لقياس تقبل العلاج لدى أفراد عيّنة البحث، وللحكم على صدق الاستبانة عرضت على مجموعة مؤلفة من (7) محكمين مختصين، وتم التأكد من ثباتها بتطبيقها على عينة استطلاعية شملت (24) مريضة سرطان الثدي من خلال حساب معامل ألفا كرونباخ (Cronbach – Alpha)، والذي بلغ (0.861)، وكذلك من خلال حساب معامل سبيرمان براون (Spearman-Brown) الذي بلغ (0.883). توصلت نتائج البحث إلى الآتي: -                    إن مدى تقبل العلاج لدى مريضات سرطان الثدي في مشفى تشرين الجامعي في مدينة اللاذقية جاءت بدرجة متوسطة. -                    عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في درجة تقبل العلاج لدى مريضات سرطان الثدي تبعاً لمتغير مدة الاصابة بالمرض. -                    وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في درجة تقبل العلاج تبعاً لمتغير العمر لصالح ذوات الأعمار (40) فأكثر، وتبعاً لمتغير الحالة الاجتماعية لصالح المتزوجات، وتبعاً لمتغير المستوى التعليمي لصالح المريضات من حملة الإجازة الجامعية

    Oransal lindley fréchet dağılımının bazı teorik ve hesaplamalı yönleri

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    In this article, we study an extension of the Fréchet model by using the the odd Lindley-G family of distributions, which was introduced by [17]. Its some statistical properties such as quantile function, density shapes, moments, generating functions and order statistics are obtained. We estimate its parameters by maximum likelihood method. The Monte Carlo simulation is used for assessing the performance of the maximum likelihood method. The usefulness of the odd Lindley Fréchet model is illustrated by means of three real data sets.Bu çalışmada, Fréchet modelinin genişletilmiş bir versiyonu [17] tarafından önerilen oransal Lindley dağılım ailesi kullanılarak çalışılmıştır. Bu modele ait kuantil fonksiyonu, yoğunluk biçimi, momentler, üreten fonksiyon ve sıra istatistikleri gibi istatistiksel özellikleri elde edilmiştir. Model parametrelerinin en çok olabilirlik tahminleri elde edildi. En çok olabilirlik parametre tahminleri için bir simülasyon çalışılması verilmiştir. Önerilen modelin gerçek veri seti üzerindeki uygunluğu için üç veri analizi yapılmıştır

    Behavioural correlation for malicious bot detection

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    Over the past few years, IRC bots, malicious programs which are remotely controlled by the attacker, have become a major threat to the Internet and its users. These bots can be used in different malicious ways such as to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks to shutdown other networks and services. New bots are implemented with extended features such as keystrokes logging, spamming, traffic sniffing, which cause serious disruption to targeted networks and users. In response to these threats, there is a growing demand for effective techniques to detect the presence of bots/botnets. Currently existing approaches detect botnets rather than individual bots. In our work we present a host-based behavioural approach for detecting bots/botnets based on correlating different activities generated by bots by monitoring function calls within a specified time window. Different correlation algorithms have been used in this work to achieve the required task. We start our work by detecting IRC bots' behaviours using a simple correlation algorithm. A more intelligent approach to understand correlating activities is also used as a major part of this work. Our intelligent algorithm is inspired by the immune system. Although the intelligent approach produces an anomaly value for the classification of processes, it generates false positive alarms if not enough data is provided. In order to solve this problem, we introduce a modified anomaly value which reduces the amount of false positives generated by the original anomaly value. We also extend our work to detect peer to peer (P2P) bots which are the upcoming threat to Internet security due to the fact that P2P bots do not have a centralized point to shutdown or traceback, thus making the detection of P2P bots a real challenge. Our evaluation shows that correlating different activities generated by IRC/P2P bots within a specified time period achieves high detection accuracy. In addition, using an intelligent correlation algorithm not only states if an anomaly is present, but it also names the culprit responsible for the anomaly

    Students’ Performance in Reading with Understanding in English at Grade Four: A Scenario of Primary Schools in Bangladesh

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    Reading skill is essential for children’s development, and consecutive studies have shown a link between competency in reading and overall attainment. This study explored the students’ reading performances in English at grade four in government primary schools in Bangladesh. Mainly this study follows the quantitative research design as nature. Individual achievement tests have been used to assess the students’ performance in achieving comprehension skills in English. The data were collected from students who are studying at government primary schools in class four. Following the achievement test, it was found that few students could match all the words and sentences correctly with pictures. Besides, students showed poor performance in answering the Multiple Choice Questions correctly given in the graded text. A positive correlation was found between the matching sentences with pictures and reading comprehension and it has also shown a strong significant relationship between them. The results indicated that teachers should design the teaching-learning activities following teachers’ edition and provide ample opportunities for students to practice reading skills in the classroom

    Upper bounds on the uniform spreads of the sporadic simple groups

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    ‎‎A finite group GG has uniform spread kk if there exists a fixed conjugacy class CC of elements in GG with the property that‎ ‎for any kk nontrivial elements s1,s2,ldots,sks_1, s_2,‎ldots‎,s_k in GG there exists yinCyin C such that G=langlesi,yrangleG = langle s_i,yrangle for i=1,2,ldots,ki=1, 2,‎ldots,k‎. ‎Further‎, ‎the exact uniform spread of GG is the largest kk such that GG has the uniform spread kk‎. ‎In this paper we give upper bounds on the exact uniform spreads of thirteen sporadic simple groups‎

    Behavioural correlation for malicious bot detection

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    Over the past few years, IRC bots, malicious programs which are remotely controlled by the attacker, have become a major threat to the Internet and its users. These bots can be used in different malicious ways such as to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks to shutdown other networks and services. New bots are implemented with extended features such as keystrokes logging, spamming, traffic sniffing, which cause serious disruption to targeted networks and users. In response to these threats, there is a growing demand for effective techniques to detect the presence of bots/botnets. Currently existing approaches detect botnets rather than individual bots. In our work we present a host-based behavioural approach for detecting bots/botnets based on correlating different activities generated by bots by monitoring function calls within a specified time window. Different correlation algorithms have been used in this work to achieve the required task. We start our work by detecting IRC bots' behaviours using a simple correlation algorithm. A more intelligent approach to understand correlating activities is also used as a major part of this work. Our intelligent algorithm is inspired by the immune system. Although the intelligent approach produces an anomaly value for the classification of processes, it generates false positive alarms if not enough data is provided. In order to solve this problem, we introduce a modified anomaly value which reduces the amount of false positives generated by the original anomaly value. We also extend our work to detect peer to peer (P2P) bots which are the upcoming threat to Internet security due to the fact that P2P bots do not have a centralized point to shutdown or traceback, thus making the detection of P2P bots a real challenge. Our evaluation shows that correlating different activities generated by IRC/P2P bots within a specified time period achieves high detection accuracy. In addition, using an intelligent correlation algorithm not only states if an anomaly is present, but it also names the culprit responsible for the anomaly

    Ecological Study to Set Alternative Strategies for Reducing Child Mortality

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    Background:  Infant and child mortality are indicators of population wellbeing. Although, Child mortality rates are declining in Egypt, national averages mask regional disparities. For that, identification and quantification of factors contributing to mortality, at the local level, through ecological correlation studies could provide a guide to more focused public health interventions for reducing mortality. The study aims to improve child health and decrease child mortality rate through recognizing ecological/environmental factors predicting child mortality among municipalities in Giza governorate. Methodology: Ecological, cross sectional study, adopting the municipalities (n=215) as unit of analysis, was conducted to examine associations between child mortality and some human development indicators. Results: High negative significant correlation between U5MR and   access to water (r=-0.966) was found. Access to sanitation and access to electricity are negatively correlated with U5MR with r=-0.955 and - 0.905 respectively. The results with IMR were similar to that with U5MR. An increase in one percentage access of household to safe water predict 1.05and 0.78 fewer U5MR and IMR (R2=0.97 and 0.98; P≤0.001) respectively. U5MR and IMR decrease, significantly, by 0.82 and 0.61deaths, respectively, with increase access to sanitation by 1%. Conclusion: Access to safe water and sanitation are strong predictors of U5MR and IMR. Increase coverage of households by safe water has the largest impact in reduction of children mortality rate. For that, the study recommends advocacy to ensure coverage of household with safe water and sanitation system