957 research outputs found

    The Growth Response of Cocoa Seed (Theobroma Cacao L.) on Mulching and Watering

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    The research on growth response of cocoa seed (theobroma cacao l.) on mulching and watering has been done. This research uses Randomized Block Design consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is mulching (B) which consists of 3 levels and watering (W) which consists of 4 levels. Mulching showed a significant effect on the number of leaflets at 9 weeks of age and has no significant effect on plant height, leaf area, wet root weight and root dry weight. The highest number of leaves was found at B1 level (10.77 leaves) and the lowest was at B0 (9.56 leaves) without mulching. Watering gives no significant effect on all observed parameters of plant height, leaf number, leaf area, wet root weight and root dry weight. The highest number of leaves was found at W3 (10.55 leaves) and the lowest was at W1 (9.47 leaves) The interaction of mulching and watering have no significant effect on all observed parameters of plant height, leaf number, leaf area, wet root weight and root dry weight. Keywords: growth, response, cocoa seed, mulching, watering

    Community Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices Associated with Urogenital Schistosomiasis among School-Aged Children in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania

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    Background: On the Zanzibar islands, United Republic of Tanzania, elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis is strived for in the coming years. This qualitative study aimed to better understand community knowledge, perceptions, and practices associated with schistosomiasis among school-aged children on Unguja and Pemba islands, in order to inform the development of behavior change interventions contributing to eliminate urogenital schistosomiasis. Methodology: In 2011, we conducted 35 children’s discussion groups, 41 in-depth interviews with parents and teachers, and 5 focus group discussions with community members in Zanzibar. Using a modified-grounded theory approach, we transcribed and coded the narrative data followed by thematic analysis of the emergent themes. Principal Findings: Urogenital schistosomiasis is a common experience among children in Zanzibar and typically considered a boys’ disease. Children engage in multiple high-risk behaviors for acquiring schistosomiasis because of poor knowledge on disease transmission, lack of understanding on severity of disease-associated consequences, and lack of alternative options for water related activities of daily living and recreational play. Local primary school teachers had little to no training about the disease and no teaching tools or materials for students. Conclusions/Significance: Conducting activities in open natural freshwater contaminated by S. haematobium larvae compromises the health of school-aged children in Zanzibar. The perception of urogenital schistosomiasis as a minor illness rather than a serious threat to a child’s well-being contributes to the spread of disease. Understanding community perceptions of disease along with the barriers and facilitators to risk reduction behaviors among children can inform health promotion activities, campaigns, and programs for the prevention, control, and elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis in Zanzibar


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    Suangai Nangka terletak di Desa Belanting, Kecamatan Sambalia, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Terjadinya hujan di daerah aliran sungai Nangka selama berhari-hari menyebabkan kelongsoran lereng perbukitan di daerah aliran sungai Nangka bagian hulu. Tujuan dari perencanaan ini adalah untuk menanggulangi aliran debris secara efektif, efisien dan terarah, mengarahkan dan meredam aliran banjir debris, menganalisis debit banjir rancangan, menganalisis debit banjir dengan sedimen pada sungai Nangka di Kawasan Belanting serta untuk merencanakan Konstruksi Sabo Dam. Ketersediaan data curah hujan dari tahun 2004 – 2018. Untuk uji data kosistensi hujan di gunakan metode RAPS. Pemilihan jenis sebaran atau distribusi menggunakan Log Pearson Type III selanjutnya di lakukan uji keselarasan distribusi dengan dua metode yaitu Smirnov-Kolmogorov dan Chi Square. Perhitungan debit banjir rancangan menggunakan metode hidrograf satuan sintetik Nakyasu. Analisa sedimen untuk mengetahui volume sedimen dan debit aliran debrisnya kemudian di lakukan perencanaan untuk konstruksi main dam, sub dam dan kolam olak. Dari hasil analisa maka di dapatkan nilai dari tinggi curah hujan rancangan periode ulang 50 tahun sebesar 754,393 mm dengan Luas daerah aliran sungai untuk Sabo Dam ini sebesar 35,34 km2 dan di peroleh debit banjir rancangan sebesar 383,72 m3/det. Kemudian Hasil perencanaan Main Dam berupa : tinggi efektif Main Dam 11 m, kedalaman pondasi 4 m, tebal mercu Main Dam 3 m, lebar dasar Main Dam 15,75 m dengan kemiringan badan Main Dam arah hulu 0,6 dan arah hilir 0,25. Konstruksi Main Dam, Sub Sabo Dam dan Apron menggunakan pasangan batu dangan campura 1 Pc : 4 Pcr. Kata kunci : Debit, Aliran debris, Sedimen, Sungai Nangka, Sabo Da


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan menunjukkan bahwa saksi nikah tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai syarat dan rukun atau pengumuman dalam konteks pernikahan di era modernis (digitalisasi) saat ini, tetapi juga memerlukan rumusan hukum yang terperinci dan operasional, melalui pemahaman kombinasi tematik dan holistik. Metode dan pendekatan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan penelitian mix metode dengan pendekatan teologis normatif, sosio-historis dan yuridis empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data yakni berpijak pada dua prosedur, yaitu inferensi tekstual dan inferensi historis. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi data, dan uji validitas data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, saksi nikah bermakna sebagai pengumuman atau pemberitahuan peristiwa pernikahan kepada halayak umum dengan tujuan menjamin hak hukum kedua pasangan, bilamana terjadi permasalahan hukum akibat dari perkawinan tersebut dikemudian hari. Kedua, saksi nikah merupakan bukti hukum telah terjadinya peristiwa pernikahan adalah sarana atau alat untuk menjaga ketertiban dan terciptanya tujuan hukum pernikahan, sehingga apabila ada perubahan makna konteks sebagai cara yang lebih efektif dan efesian, maka cara itulah yang digunakan. Ketiga, bahwa saksi nikah dalam konteks sebagai bagian alat bukti telah terjadinya pernikahan secara sah, tidak hanya sekedar kehadiran saksi pada saat akad, tetapi juga harus tercatat


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    Dompu Regency is one of the regencies in West Nusa Tenggara Province with the highest number of child marriage cases. There has been a decrease in the number of cases from year to year. This is a good implication of the implementation of local government policies. The study aims to describe and analyze the process and results of the implementation of the policy to prevent child marriage in Dompu Regency for the 2016-2021 period. The study use descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach. Conducted at the Kantor Perlindungan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak (DP3A) Kab. Dompu in May 2021. Data collection techniques used interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used was qualitative consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions by applying inductive logic. The results showed (1) DP3A Dompu Regency implemented several policies to overcome the problem of child marriage. In the period 2016-2021, policies have been implemented to establish the Komisi Perlindungan Anak Desa (KPAD), the Simultaneous Movement Module Program, the creation of Adolescent Reproductive Health Education for each SMP/MTs and SMA/MA/SMK, and the selection of peer counselors. Some of these policies are the result of the formulation and agreement process and are implemented by the Dompu Regency DP3A together with local NGOs and NGOs. (2) The implementation of the policy to prevent child marriage is considered successful in preventing an increase in cases of child marriage; Dompu local government policies currently have an impact on public understanding of the risks of child marriage. (3) the policy becomes a program that only prioritizes sensation and mere formality, costs a lot of money, has incomplete impacts and targets, is faced with difficult regulatory conditions, so that some programs cannot be implemented optimally and have a more positive impact

    Prevalence of intestinal protozoa infection among school-aged children on Pemba Island, Tanzania, and effect of single-dose albendazole, nitazoxanide and albendazole-nitazoxanide.

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    Pathogenic intestinal protozoa infections are common in school-aged children in the developing world and they are frequently associated with malabsorption syndromes and gastrointestinal morbidity. Since diagnosis of these parasites is difficult, prevalence data on intestinal protozoa is scarce. We collected two stool samples from school-aged children on Pemba Island, Tanzania, as part of a randomized controlled trial before and 3 weeks after treatment with (i) single-dose albendazole (400 mg); (ii) single-dose nitazoxanide (1,000 mg); (iii) nitazoxanide-albendazole combination (1,000 mg--400 mg), with each drug given separately on two consecutive days; and (iv) placebo. Formalin-fixed stool samples were examined for the presence of intestinal protozoa using an ether-concentration method to determine the prevalence and estimate cure rates (CRs). Almost half (48.7%) of the children were diagnosed with at least one of the (potentially) pathogenic protozoa Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar and Blastocystis hominis. Observed CRs were high for all treatment arms, including placebo. Nitazoxanide showed a significant effect compared to placebo against the non-pathogenic protozoon Entamoeba coli. Intestinal protozoa infections might be of substantial health relevance even in settings where they are not considered as a health problem. Examination of a single stool sample with the ether-concentration method lacks sensitivity for the diagnosis of intestinal protozoa, and hence, care is indicated when interpreting prevalence estimates and treatment effects

    Mitigation of Lightning Hazards at the More Sensitive Points in Wind Farms Using Ant-Colony Optimization Technique

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    The lightning energy can be very harmfull to the wind turbine farm components. This paper attempts to evaluate the overvoltages at the sensitive points in wind farm, using ATP-EMTP package program. Four cases were performed; a) the transient voltage distribution in the insulating layer of the control line, b) the transient voltage on the control equipment, c) the coupling voltage between the tower and the control, and, d) the transient voltage distribution in the wind turbine WT generator, boast transformers and grid. These cases were performed under different lightning current conditions and at conventional design and proper design of grounding system. The results show that the ground potential rise (GPR) is reduced with using the proper design of wind turbine ground system, but the induced voltage at the control system will not affected. This work determines the optimum location of wind turbine at the areas of maximum lightning incidence. Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique is implemented to find the optimum wind farm location. This work enhances the protection strategy of the wind farms against lightning stroke

    Cultural influences on knowledge sharing in Kuwaiti Higher education institution : a case study approach

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    Knowledge sharing is an important element of knowledge management initiatives in organisations. It is well established in literature that cultural issues play an important role in influencing knowledge sharing practices. This research addresses cultural aspects that influence knowledge sharing within an academic environment. A single case study approach was adopted to explore the influence of culture on knowledgesharing practices within a Kuwaiti higher education institution known as PAAET. The complexity of the issues surrounding how PAAET operates necessitates the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Therefore, this research brings together evidence from a range of data collection tools. Thus, the literature review, the findings from a questionnaire survey, interviews and focus groups, and information from existing documents were analysed in order to identify how to promote an effective knowledge-sharing culture at the selected case study organisation. This research adds to the body of knowledge on "knowledge sharing" and extends this knowledge by addressing a total of twenty different factors categorised under four main headings: individual, organisational, national, and cross-cultural issues that both impede and facilitate knowledge sharing within a culture that is very complicated and very different from the Western culture. In addition, this research provides insight into how thesei ssuesm ight be addressedb y recommendings ome actionablep roposalsf or the authorities in the Kuwaiti higher education institute. These proposals offer some issues that could be considered when investigating and implementing successful and effective knowledge-sharing strategies. This research also provides the necessary theoretical underpinning to further develop the topic of knowledge sharing within complex institutions that are influenced by a multiplicity of factors. The research demonstrates that better performance and improved productivity can be achieved by implementing a coherent and balanced knowledge-sharing framework.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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