907 research outputs found

    Uganda health worker training of non-communicable diseases

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    The QCD equation of state at nonzero densities: lattice result

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    In this letter we give the equation of state of QCD at finite temperatures and densities. The recently proposed overlap improving multi-parameter reweighting technique is used to determine observables at nonvanishing chemical potentials. Our results are obtained by studying n_f=2+1 dynamical staggered quarks with semi-realistic masses on N_t=4 lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    6D Dyonic String With Active Hyperscalars

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    We derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Killing spinor in N=(1,0) gauge supergravity in six dimensions coupled to a single tensor multiplet, vector multiplets and hypermultiplets. These are shown to imply most of the field equations and the remaining ones are determined. In this framework, we find a novel 1/8 supersymmetric dyonic string solution with nonvanishing hypermultiplet scalars. The activated scalars parametrize a 4 dimensional submanifold of a quaternionic hyperbolic ball. We employ an identity map between this submanifold and the internal space transverse to the string worldsheet. The internal space forms a 4 dimensional analog of the Gell-Mann-Zwiebach tear-drop which is noncompact with finite volume. While the electric charge carried by the dyonic string is arbitrary, the magnetic charge is fixed in Planckian units, and hence necessarily non-vanishing. The source term needed to balance a delta function type singularity at the origin is determined. The solution is also shown to have 1/4 supersymmetric AdS_3 x S^3 near horizon limit where the radii are proportional to the electric charge.Comment: 28 pages, latex, minor corrections mad

    The QCD transition temperature: results with physical masses in the continuum limit

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    The transition temperature (TcT_c) of QCD is determined by Symanzik improved gauge and stout-link improved staggered fermionic lattice simulations. We use physical masses both for the light quarks (mudm_{ud}) and for the strange quark (msm_s). Four sets of lattice spacings (NtN_t=4,6,8 and 10) were used to carry out a continuum extrapolation. It turned out that only NtN_t=6,8 and 10 can be used for a controlled extrapolation, NtN_t=4 is out of the scaling region. Since the QCD transition is a non-singular cross-over there is no unique TcT_c. Thus, different observables lead to different numerical TcT_c values even in the continuum and thermodynamic limit. The peak of the renormalized chiral susceptibility predicts TcT_c=151(3)(3) MeV, wheres TcT_c-s based on the strange quark number susceptibility and Polyakov loops result in 24(4) MeV and 25(4) MeV larger values, respectively. Another consequence of the cross-over is the non-vanishing width of the peaks even in the thermodynamic limit, which we also determine. These numbers are attempted to be the full result for the TT\neq0 transition, though other lattice fermion formulations (e.g. Wilson) are needed to cross-check them.Comment: 13 pages 5 figures. Final version, published in Phys.Lett.

    FastJet user manual

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    FastJet is a C++ package that provides a broad range of jet finding and analysis tools. It includes efficient native implementations of all widely used 2-to-1 sequential recombination jet algorithms for pp and e+e- collisions, as well as access to 3rd party jet algorithms through a plugin mechanism, including all currently used cone algorithms. FastJet also provides means to facilitate the manipulation of jet substructure, including some common boosted heavy-object taggers, as well as tools for estimation of pileup and underlying-event noise levels, determination of jet areas and subtraction or suppression of noise in jets.Comment: 69 pages. FastJet 3 is available from http://fastjet.fr

    Open Cosmic Strings in Black Hole Space-Times

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    We construct open cosmic string solutions in Schwarzschild black hole and non-dilatonic black p-brane backgrounds. These strings can be thought to stretch between two D-branes or between a D-brane and the horizon in curved space-time. We study small fluctuations around these solutions and discuss their basic properties.Comment: 11 pages, REVTex, 5 figures, a reference adde

    Electrified BPS Giants: BPS configurations on Giant Gravitons with Static Electric Field

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    We consider D3-brane action in the maximally supersymmetric type IIB plane-wave background. Upon fixing the light-cone gauge, we obtain the light-cone Hamiltonian which is manifestly supersymmetric. The 1/2 BPS solutions of this theory (solutions which preserve 16 supercharges) are either of the form of spherical three branes, the giant gravitons, or zero size point like branes. We then construct specific classes of 1/4 BPS solutions of this theory in which static electric field on the brane is turned on. These solutions are deformations about either of the two 1/2 BPS solutions. In particular, we study in some detail 1/4 BPS configurations with electric dipole on the three sphere giant, i.e. BIons on the giant gravitons, which we hence call BIGGons. We also study BPS configurations corresponding to turning on a background uniform constant electric field. As a result of this background electric field the three sphere giant is deformed to squashed sphere, while the zero size point like branes turn into circular or straight fundamental strings in the plane-wave background, with their tension equal to the background electric field.Comment: 32 pages, 1 eps figure; v2: Presentation of derivation of light-cone Hamiltonian improved, Refs adde

    Lattice QCD at finite T and \mu

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    Recent results of lattice QCD at finite temperature and density are reviewed. At vanishing density the transition temperature, the equation of state and hadron properties are discussed both for the pure gauge theory and for dynamical staggered, Wilson and overlap fermions. The second part deals with finite density. There are recent results for full QCD at finite temperature and moderate density, while at larger densities QCD-like models are studied.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures, lattice2003(plenary). Minor correction

    IGF2BP2 alternative variants associated with glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies negative diabetes in Malaysian subjects

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    Background: The association of Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IGF2BP2) common variants (rs4402960 and rs1470579) with type 2 diabetes (T2D) has been performed in different populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of alternative variants of IGF2BP2; rs6777038, rs16860234 and rs7651090 with glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA) negative diabetes in Malaysian Subjects. Methods/Principal Findings: IGF2BP2; rs6777038, rs16860234 and rs7651090 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 1107 GADA negative diabetic patients and 620 control subjects of Asian from Malaysia. The additive genetic model adjusted for age, race, gender and BMI showed that alternative variants; rs6777038, rs16860234 and rs7651090 of IGF2BP2 associated with GADA negative diabetes (OR = 1.21; 1.36; 1.35, P = 0.03; 0.0004; 0.0002, respectively). In addition, the CCG haplotype and diplotype CCG-TCG increased the risk of diabetes (OR = 1.51, P = 0.01; OR = 2.36, P = 0.009, respectively). Conclusions/Significance: IGF2BP2 alternative variants were associated with GADA negative diabetes. The IGF2BP2 haplotypes and diplotypes increased the risk of diabetes in Malaysian subject

    Neutrino-Deuteron Scattering in Effective Field Theory at Next-to-Next-to Leading Order

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    We study the four channels associated with neutrino-deuteron breakup reactions at next-to-next to leading order in effective field theory. We find that the total cross-section is indeed converging for neutrino energies up to 20 MeV, and thus our calculations can provide constraints on theoretical uncertainties for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. We stress the importance of a direct experimental measurement to high precision in at least one channel, in order to fix an axial two-body counterterm.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures (eps