28 research outputs found

    Diversity Management and Organizational Performance in Pakistan

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    Purpose The main purpose of research is to examine the relationships between diversity management and organizational performance along with the fostering role of leadership dimensions. Methodology Diversity management practices have been measured using the EPDMP scale on a sample of 514 employees from organizations across Pakistan and data were collected from employees of universities. The PLS-SEM was used as the main technique for data analysis. Findings Results show that higher workforce diversity does not automatically produce inclusive climate-specific diversity inclusive leadership dimensions are required to support diversity environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. Further, the results confirm that the diversity-inclusive leadership dimensions moderate the relationship between diversity management and organizational performance. Conclusions The study concluded that diversity management has a positive and significant direct impact on organizational performance. Therefore, policymakers need to devise human resource statutes, rules, regulations, policies, and practices that promote a heterogeneous workforce in organizations and offer equal opportunities to all employees unrestricted by individual employee identities such as gender, race, ethnicity, education, religion, function, and abilities. Practical implications The findings are very helpful for HR managers for effective diversity management to enhance their organizational performance. Originality/value: The study explains the association of diversity management practices and organizational performance and moderating role of diversity leadership dimensions

    The Challenges Experienced during Data Collection on Pensioners’ Time Use in Bahawalpur Division, Pakistan

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    Collecting data is a crucial part of the research process. In this article we highlight the problems and challenges we encountered while collecting data for the time use of pensioners in Pakistan, a developing country. We faced some anticipated as well as unanticipated problems and challenges while conducting interviews with pensioners for our research. The unforeseen challenges included inappropriate conduct of data providers with a female researcher, lack of funds, time management issues, a decline in response, and security issues in the field. We end the article with the recommendations to overcome those challenges and hence improving the data collection procedure and providing guidelines for societal data collection not only in rural Punjab, Pakistan, but indeed for those working in any underdeveloped and rural society

    An Assessment of Research Trends on FISCAL POLICY

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    Fiscal policy has been a topic of research interest for researchers. It plays a very important role in the economic growth of any country. Fiscal policy does not only achieve economic development, but eliminates the hindrances that assist economic stability. Based on the significance of the term. This paper evaluates the research output of the term fiscal policy since 1970 in different fields using the Scopus database. The data was collected from the Scopus database and were analyzed using Microsoft Excel to analyze the research trends on fiscal policy. It is concluded that fiscal policy has been a topic of researchers\u27 focus since 1970 but higher attempts are made after 2000. Most of the researchers prefer journal article publications and only 1% are in the press, whereas all other articles are already published. Most of the publications are published in the English language and the researcher from the field of Economics, Econometrics & Finance, Social Sciences and Business, Management & Accounting are publishing the most on fiscal policy. This paper will assist the junior researchers to find the gap and design their future research on fiscal policy as this paper compiles the database of the last five decades available on Scopus

    Language Controversy: Impacts on National Politics and Secession of East Pakistan

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    Politics like other fields is mute without language. Though graphics, pictures and movies play important role yet they are ineffective, if not mixed with words. It was Hearst, an American journalist, who sent a cartoonist to Cuba to furnish the picture of Cuban war but he himself used words to ‘furnish the war.’ The international politics is also worthless without appropriate choice of language. In politics, use of proper words is inevitable for achieving political objectives and avoiding controversies but sometime language itself becomes a political issue. Pakistan faced this problem in early years of its independence when language controversy exercised far-reaching effects on subsequent history of the country as a whole. Imposition of Urdu as state language was thought unjust by Bengalispeaking Eastern wing and they demanded that Bengali should be given equal status to that of Urdu. There was a sense of being ignored and exploited by West Pakistan and it was thought a rightful demand on part of East Pakistan to have its own language. Bengali written in Devanagari was not approved by the central leadership and this attitude was resented by the Bengalis who asserted that Bengali was as much language of Muslim as that of Urdu. This sense of exploitation resulted in division of country into Bangladesh and Pakistan. Language was the major factor that contributed and intensified the feeling of mistrust between the two wings. The paper is an effort to shed light on how language issue contributed in determining the fate of a nation with special reference to the creation of Bangladesh.&nbsp

    Crowdsourced Machine Learning Based Recommender for Software Design Patterns

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    Software technology has become an essential part of human lives today. The role of software Engineers in making this technology as success is very fundamental. In software Engineering, the toughest stage is to design software as there is no particular rule or formula to covert requirements into design representation. A designer designs software using skills, critical thinking ability and previous experience only. To make this process easy, the design patterns came into existence which are the solutions that can be used repetitively to solve design problems. There have been several pieces of research presented regarding design Patterns but it is hard to find research regarding how the patterns are perceived and used in industries today and what nature of application uses which specific patterns. This paper uses a crowdsourced approach to acquire the finest practices that are being used in industries today including which quality attributes are affected most by the implementation of these patterns and which patterns are suitable for what type of applications. It also uses a machine learning supervised algorithm (Matchbox Recommender) to predict suitable design pattern for different nature of applications

    تأثير الإسلام في معاني الشعر وألفاظه وأغراضه في عصر صدر الإسلام: The influence of Islam on the meanings, expressions and purposes of poetry in the era of early Islam

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    The Arabic language and poetry are inseparable like soul and body, one is inseparable from the other, and since we reached the history of the pre-Islamic Arabs, we found it associated with poetry systems, and poetry was the great phenomenon in the pre-Islamic era, and the Arabs were passionate about rhetoric and eloquence, so the miracle of the Holy Qur’an came to them, So they were fascinated by it, and it captured their hearts, they were unable to come up with a verse like it, & they became exhausted with ways to match it, so they returned to their stubbornness, among the accusations they accused the Holy Qur’an of being poetry, and that the Prophet (SAWW) is a poet, even though they knew that he was farther from that. So, Islam kept all the good pre-Islamic values, concepts and morals as they were, endorsed them, refined the impurities attached to them, and denied and fought the wrong and bad morals and concepts. This constructive intellectual and cultural revolution occurred in poetry as well, so Islam exploited poetry to serve the Islamic religion, spread Islamic morals, praise its beauty, praise the Prophet (SAWW) and respond to the polytheists, and refute their pre-Islamic beliefs and concepts

    Determining the Statistical Relationship between Hearing Loss and Language Outcomes for Deaf Iraqi Children through a Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: This paper focus to know the relationship between hearing loss and language outcomes for deaf Iraqi children through a cross-sectional study conducted in different hospitals in Iraq, where information and demographic data were collected for 130 children whose ages ranged from 5 to 16 years and they were distributed according to gender: 100 boys and 30 females. In this study, results were evaluated according to several measures (Degree of Hearing Loss (4FAHL), PedsQL), and the data were analyzed statistically according to the IBM SOFT SPSS program To find mean value and standard regression in addition to the value of logistic regression to risk coefficient in this study. Results which found in this study according to Degree of Hearing Loss (4FAHL) classified to 4 types (Mild 23.6±5.9 dB, Moderate 49±6.6 for 55 patients with 42.3%, Severe 70.1±4.4 for 20 patients with 15.3%, Profound 90±4.3 for 10patients with 7.6% and were found low results according to compared with the control group, where Child Development was Inventory developmental quotient;(64 ±12 ), Preschool Language Scale(73±12 ) and we found A statistically significant relationship between quality of life with outcomes of the patient at p-value 0.01

    Students' Conceptual Mindfulness About Learning Pronunciation at College Level

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    The study highlights students' conceptual mindfulness about learning pronunciation at college level. The objective of the study were; 1) to find out the usefulness of English language pronunciation among college students, 2) to highlight students' problems in the way of learning English pronunciation at college level and 3) to find out the perceptions of students toward English pronunciation competence at college level. It was a descriptive study and questionnaire was used as a research tool. All the college students in the three districts (Okara, Pakpattan & Sahiwal) were included in the population. Fifty college students took from each district through simple random sampling techniques. So, the total sample of the study was 150 college students from three districts. Data was analyzed and find the mean score value for all the statement and then marked the mean score value with Levels of opinion. The results of the study informed us that learning the pronunciation of the 2nd language is difficult but not impossible; little concentration, practice and hard work is required to learn pronunciation of English language. It is concluded that four integrated skills; reading, listening, writing and speaking should be used in the teaching learning process for pronunciation and also used the 'listen and repeat' technique should be used


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    The educational literature provides information about students' attitudes and interests as an important component in learning second language competencies. The primary goals of the study were to explore the students’ attitudes towards learning English as a subject at secondary school level and to find out the difference between male and female students’ attitude towards learning English at secondary school level.  The current study was descriptive in nature and the survey technique was applied well in the research to achieve the research objectives of the study. The population of the study comprised of all the secondary school students in Punjab province as a large group. A random sample strategy was used to choose students from related schools in concerned districts i.e. Multan and Vehari. In the study, data was collected from 310 secondary school students from the districts of Multan and Vehari as a sample. According to the findings of this study, female secondary school students having significantly higher attitude towards learning English than male secondary school students. Teachers should also motivate and encourage students to explore and enhance their talents in learning and speaking English during classroom activities such as oral communications. Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and creating are all important aspects of learning the English languag

    The Impact of Employees’ Recognition, Rewards and Job Stress on Job Performance: Mediating Role of Perceived Organization Support

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    Aim - the purpose of this study is to examine the role of employee rewards, recognition, and job-related stress towards employee performance considering the mediating role of perceived organizational support in the call-centers located in Lahore, Pakistan.  Design - The data has been gathered through the survey method of the questionnaire. A simple random sampling technique is used for this study. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structure equation modeling (SEM) techniques have been used for statistical analysis.  Findings - Results showed that employee rewards and recognition have a significant and positive effect on employee performance whereas job stress has a significant and negative effect on employee performance. Findings also revealed that perceived organizational support significantly and fully mediates the relationship between employee rewards, recognition, and job stress and employee performance. So this study puts light on crucial factors that lead to better employee performance.  Implications - Employee rewards and recognition play an important role in overall employee performance. If the companies will not take it seriously, then it might lead to negative consequences. On the other hand, job stress also plays a vital role in employee performance