508 research outputs found

    Determination of the critical points for systems of directed percolation class using machine learning

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    Recently, machine learning algorithms have been used remarkably to study the equilibrium phase transitions, however there are only a few works have been done using this technique in the nonequilibrium phase transitions. In this work, we use the supervised learning with the convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm and unsupervised learning with the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm to study the nonequilibrium phase transition in two models. We use CNN and DBSCAN in order to determine the critical points for directed bond percolation (bond DP) model and Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton (DK) model. Both models have been proven to have a nonequilibrium phase transition belongs to the directed percolation (DP) universality class. In the case of supervised learning we train CNN using the images which are generated from Monte Carlo simulations of directed bond percolation. We use that trained CNN in studding the phase transition for the two models. In the case of unsupervised learning, we train DBSCAN using the raw data of Monte Carlo simulations. In this case, we retrain DBSCAN at each time we change the model or lattice size. Our results from both algorithms show that, even for a very small values of lattice size, machine can predict the critical points accurately for both models. Finally, we mention to that, the value of the critical point we find here for bond DP model using CNN or DBSCAN is exactly the same value that has been found using transfer learning with a domain adversarial neural network (DANN) algorithm.Comment: 13 pages. 9 figure

    The Legitimacy of Using Cross-Border Force to Counter-Terrorism before and after September 11 Attacks in the Light of the Right of Self-Defense

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    The international community has allowed counter-terrorism by the use of cross-border force in the twenty first century as a respond to September 11 attacks to eliminate terrorism that has constituted a serious threat to the international peace and security. It is argued that the use of cross-border force violates article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN that stipulates the refrain from the threat or the use of force in international relations to prevent the intervention in internal and external affairs and protect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of state members. Indeed, the international community before September 11 attacks rejected the use of force as a respond to terrorist attacks by asserting the context of article 2(4) and limiting the authority of using force under the right of self-defence, which is referred in article 51 of the Charter of the UN, to counter current armed attacks that did not include terrorist attacks. Nonetheless, the international community after September 11 attacks has admitted the use of cross-border force to counter-terrorism by activating the right of anticipatory self-defence and considering terrorism as imminent threat of armed attack. However, this has undermined the obligation of refrain from the intervention in internal and external affairs and protect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of state members, according to article 2(4). Also, powerful states may misuse this authority by a way threats the stability of other states, when the former invokes counter-terrorism as a reason to use power against other states in order invade the latter’s territories by derogating from article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN. Keywords: September 11 Attacks, Counter-Terrorism, Self-Defens

    The Impact of International Crises on the Refugees Personal Status

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    DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-30-01 Publication date:October 31st 2020 Introduction: Shariah is provided by Allah in the aim of repopulating the earth and establishing the Islamic caliphate. It aims to meet the interests of people and preventing any damage to people’s interests.  All the provisions of the judicial legislations aim at meeting the aforementioned goals of Shariah. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan went through several internal and external events recently. Such events shall affect the way of implementing the applicable laws, codes and regulations by courts in general and Shariah courts in particular. For example, they shall affect the way of implementing (the Law of Procedure before Shariah Courts). They shall affected the way of implementing the applicable laws, codes and regulations that regulate the personal status of people in general and refugees in particular in Jordan. In other words, Jordan is affected by the events experienced by Muslims in neighbouring countries. It should be noted that the Jordanian Law of Procedure before Shariah Courts include the litigation procedures in cases involving personal status of Muslims regardless of their nationalities

    Teacher’s turnover intentions

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the path of motivation leading to organizational commitment resulting in reduced turnover intentions (TIs). It examine the relationship between dimensions of motivation (amotivation, introjected regulations (IRs) and intrinsic motivation (IM)) with dimensions of commitment (affective, normative and continuance). Furthermore, it test the effect of these three dimensions of commitment on TIs. Design/methodology/approach A sample of 467 teachers working in public schools in Dhofar Governate in Sultanate of Oman was selected for the study. A path analysis was conducted to test the hypothesized model. Findings The analysis unveils that teacher’s TIs can be reduced with a right mix of motivation and commitment. Furthermore, amotivation is only linked to affective commitment and this linkage is positive; IRs positively affect continuance and normative commitment (NC); and IM positively affects affective commitment and NC. Moreover, a significant negative effect of affective, normative and continuance commitment is found on TIs. Originality/value This research sheds light on how motivation can indirectly affect TI through commitment. This study is of immense importance as it focuses on the education sector in Oman especially in Dhofar Governate. </jats:sec

    A review and comparison of efficient flooding schemes for on-demand routing protocols on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)

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    Since the basic components of ad hoc wireless networks are mostly battery-operated portable devices, power conservation is one of the central issues of such networks. Power-conservative designs for ad hoc networks pose many challenges due to the lack of central coordination facilities. Existing on-demand routing protocols perform route discovery by flooding the network with a query message requesting a route to the destination. Flooding is used because of its simplicity and greater success in finding the best route between the source and destination available at that time of route discovery. However, as flooding involves querying all reachable network nodes, frequent flooding can rapidly deplete the energy reserved at each node. In addition to consuming significant portions of the available network bandwidth. Further, as the number of communicating nodes increases, more congestion, contention, and collisions can be expected. This paper reviews and compares approaches for optimizing bandwidth efficiency of route discovery, where several efficient flooding schemes have been presented based on different techniques to solve the problems related with the traditional blind flooding

    Effect of Quenching Media on Mechanical Properties of Medium Carbon Steel 1030

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    يهدف البحث الى دراسة تأثير أوساط التقسية (الماء، الزيت، بولي فنيل كلورايد) على الخواص الميكانيكية للفولاذ 1030. تتضمن تطبيقات هذا الفولاذ أجزاء المكائن التي تتطلب مقاومة وصلادة. يتم تسخين الفولاذ لدرجة حرارة 950 &nbsp;ولمدة ساعة &nbsp;في فرن كهربائي ومن ثم يقسى في الماء، الزيت، والبولي فنيل كلورايد. بعد المعاملة الحرارية بالتقسية&nbsp; تجرى عملية المراجعة للعينات عند درجة حرارة 250&nbsp;في الهواء لمدة ساعة. تم تحديد الخواص الميكانيكية للعينات مثل خواص الشد والصلادة. كما تم قياس الحجم الحبيبي للأطوار وفحص البنية المجهرية للعينات قبل وبعد المعاملة الحرارية. أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث تحسن الخواص الميكانيكية للفولاذ متوسط الكاربون 1030، حيث ان التقسية بالماء تعطي أفضل النتائج وكما يلي: التقسية بالماء تؤدي الى زيادة أجهاد الخضوع، مقاومة الشد القصوى، ثابت اللدونة والصلادة. لكن في نفس الوقت تؤدي الى نقصان معامل يونك ومعامل الأصلاد الأنفعالي. كذلك التقسية بالماء التي تتبعها عملية المراجعة تؤدي الى تحسين البنية المجهرية للفولاذ ونقصان (تنعيم) الحجم الحبيبي لأطوار الفرايت والبرلايت للفولاذ المستخدم في هذا البحث.This investigation aims to study the effect of quenching media (water, oil, Poly Vinyl Chloride PVC) on mechanical properties of 1030 steel. The applications of this steel include machinery parts where strength and hardness are requisites. The steel is heated to about 950 &nbsp;and soaked for 1hr in electrical furnace and then quenched in different quenching medium such as water, oil and poly vinyl chloride. After heat treatment by quenching, the specimens are tempered at 250 &nbsp;for 1hr and then cooling in air. The mechanical properties of the specimens are determined by using universal tensile testing machine for tensile test, Vickers hardness apparatus for hardness testing, measuring the grain size of the phases and examine the microstructure of the specimens before and after heat-treatment. The results of this work showed that improving the mechanical properties of medium carbon 1030 steel, which is quenching by water gives the preferred results as the following: Quenching by water leads to increase σy, σu.t.s, K and hardness, but at the same time quenching by water leads to decrease E and n. Also the quenching by water and followed by tempering leads to improve the microstructure and decreasing (refining) of the grain size of ferrite and pearlite phases of the steel used in this work

    A Histopathological Study of the Therapeutic Role of Kisspeptin-10 Against Cadmium Chloride Toxicity in Rats

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    Kisspeptin is originally a metastasis suppressor. Currently, post preliminary discovery, the crucial physiology of kisspeptin appeared among several biological function in the living body such as supporting the reproductive system, regulation the metabolism, improvement the cardiac muscle action and smooth muscle of blood vessels. Moreover, Kisspeptin play an important role as a neurotransmitter through the Kisspeptin receptor. This study is designed to examine the anti-toxic role of Kisspeptin in some vital organs including the liver, spleen, and kidney. Kisspeptin is demonstrated as a detoxification agent via the elimination of toxicity of cadmium chloride to some organs of living rats such as the liver, spleen, and kidney. Direct negative effects of Kisspeptin on these organs have only been recognized. This study attempts to explain this role during the examination of histopathological changes in the case of cadmium chloride toxicity and the effect of Kisspeptin in reducing or elevating the toxicity after its administration in both 20 and 40 nanomolar / animal doses. Arguments and recent boundaries in the field, as well as areas of coming research related to kisspeptin’s varied function array, should underline

    Curricula Management and ABET Alignment at the Lebanese International University School of Engineering

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    Since 2011, the School of Engineering (SoE) at the Lebanese International University has been actively engaged in the development and constant evolution of engineering programs that are aligned with an assessment protocol aimed at determining how well graduating students achieve intended learning outcomes of their respective programs.  This is all done with the intention of having programs that are fully compatible with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and in anticipation of future accreditation. This paper highlights the curriculum management approach that has emerged from the collaboration between the various engineering departments, the development of program students’ outcomes (PSOs) and their indices, and the results from the preliminary outcomes reporting that involves the collection of data in line with best practices, well established key performance indicators and standardized benchmarking in the engineering education community.  All of which has been done as a part of education quality management and continual improvement purposes. A novel approach was adopted dependent on students’ evaluation of the PSOs.  The evaluation process is used in a feedback loop to enhance the rankings of the PSOs.  Preliminary Results indicate the usefulness of this technique.  More data will be collected in the coming years to be able to establish statistical significance. Keywords: Curricula management, ABET accreditation, PSO, KPI, benchmarking, academic assessment, reporting, engineering education

    Design and development of portable home based rehabilitation device

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    A constant monitoring process for arm rehabilitation activities is very significant to impart information of rehabilitation results to be analyzed by physical therapist. We propose here a new type of leg rehabilitation system. The aim of the system is to realize the multiple-degree-of-freedom (DOF) training of a leg by manipulating the patient's leg with wires. The majority of current portable orthotic devices and rehabilitative braces provide stability, apply precise pressure, or help maintain alignment of the joints without the capability for real time monitoring of the patient's motions and forces and without the ability for real time adjustments of the applied forces and motions. Improved technology has allowed for advancements where these devices can be designed to apply a form of tension to resist motion of the joint. The related studies to home-based rehabilitation process have shown improvement in promoting human movement recovery. Some previous studies regarding home-based rehabilitation process have shown improvement in promoting human movement recovery. However existing rehabilitation devices are expensive and need to be supervised by physical therapist. Some devices are not so efficient to be used at home due to large size and complexity. So this project aims to design and develop monitoring home-based device for arm rehabilitation. There are three basic units in designing this device which are sensory unit, main unit, and data logging unit. The sensory unit contains of flex sensor, five force sensitive resistors and accelerometer. Main unit is called data processing unit where this done by using Arduino Mega microcontroller. Data from Arduino is logged into PC to be shown in real time by Microsoft visual basic. Also data can be stored in SD card in excel file format to send it to doctors for analysis purpose. This device should be portable, affordable and determine a human movement analysis by determining the sensors characteristics

    Industrial Investment in Ma'an Governorate, Obstacles, Opportunities and Successful Projects

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    Industrial investment is one of the most important factors that help achieving sustainable economic development. This study aims to explore the obstacles, which constrain industrial investments in Ma'an Governorate (located in south Jordan) and the incentives to promote these investments. It also aims to explore investment projects with successful future opportunities. A survey on government and private departments’ managers, individual entrepreneurs, and professionals in Ma’an Governorate was conducted for data collection. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed. Out of this number, only 186 were returned. The response rate was about 58%. One-sample t-test and descriptive statistics showed that there are obstacles facing industrial investments, on the other side it showed that there are real incentives for industrial investments. The research findings show that the Governorate of Ma'an is eligible to attract various industrial projects, which have opportunities to be highly successful in the future such as glass factories, plastics, marble, clothing, and construction materials industries. This study recommends Jordanian government to improve basic infrastructure, promote private industrial investments and exploit the opportunities in the area through directing industrial investments towards the available resources. It also recommends promoting the governorate of Ma'an through media and highlights the prospects of success in various fields of industrial investment in a positive way. Keywords: Industrial Investment, investment obstacles, investment opportunities, future investment projects, Ma’an Governorate