233 research outputs found

    Conclusion: Emerging Insights on Islamic Education Curriculum Renewal

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    Live Metabolite-Deficient Bordetella pertussis: Determination of Suitability for use as a Vaccine in Humans using the Pertussis Mouse Model

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    This thesis embodies research that has demonstrated that there is strong case for further development of novel live attenuated metabolite deficient B pertussis vaccine such that it is non-toxic because it polarises the immune response of DTaP-vaccinated mice from Th2 to Th1 following booster vaccination with the live attenuated vaccine thus offering the chance of long term protection against whooping cough and disrupting the transmission from adolescents and adults to infants

    The Alphabets of Arabic Letters between Translation Arabization and Science Fiction

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    This study focuses on the importance of developing the Arabic scientific language to keep pace with technological progress through the reliance on the creative power of science fiction in creating new innovations supported by translation and Arabization. In addition, patents and naming in Arabic are important steps for the growth of Arabic language in the age of technology. Despite the lack of innovations in the Arab world and the great reliance on Western technology, investing in science fiction and imagining sophisticated innovations along with supporting scientific research can help in providing the necessary resources to advance the growth of Arabic language. Thus, science fiction plays a significant role in the development of the scientific Arabic language, insofar as the genre is not limited to imagining travel through the time machine, but rather it is a medium to compete with time by inventing what can be imagined in the future in the present, far from speculation and myths. Therefore, the link between science fiction and Arabic scientific language must be treated—not as a fictional station, but rather, as a key in promoting the scientific Arabic language and its growth, insofar as it is the wing that will pursue progress in the global space. In this paper, I aim to stimulate scholarly discussions about promoting Arabic language as a vital means for inventing cutting-edge innovations through relying on science fiction along with the role of translation and the Arabization thereof

    Parent Involvement and Student Achievement in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Evidence from PIRLS 2016 Data

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    Numerous studies have shown that parent involvement has a significant influence on student achievement. However, most of these studies have been conducted in western Europe and North America. In the Gulf Cooperation Council region, we find that quantitative research that targeted parents’ behavior is limited. In order to design efficient parent engagement programs and family policies, we need to understand how parents interact with their children’s education in this area. Data from PIRLS is the only open-access data that allows us to study parent involvement by using a large sample that may reveal parents' behavior patterns. This work investigates elements of parent involvement addressed in the parent questionnaire of PIRLS and studies their relationship to student reading achievement. The results showed a positive influence of parents’ practice of educational activities and their educational expectation on their children's achievement; and a negative association between the later and parents’ help with homework. Implications are discussed in the perspective of the social context in the GCC countries

    The Principles Upon Which The Islamic Civilization Was Built: How To Employ Them In Countering Violent Extremism And Terrorism

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    The Islamic civilization was built upon the noble religious teachings, which aimed at honoring humans, preserving their lives, and ensuring their safety and prosperity. However, the peace of our societies has been tainted by the rise in extremist ideologies and terrorism. This study analyzed the foundation and principles upon which Islamic civilization was built, highlighting five key principles, namely; seeking knowledge, universality of religion, humanity, tolerance, and equality. The reasons behind the rise in violent extremism and terrorism we see in our Muslim communities were analyzed, shedding light upon seven core reasons. The study found that there are four key players that are critical in mobilizing the principles of Islamic civilization in combatting violent extremisms and terrorism: the family, the universities, the regulatory institutions, and the media agencies. Recommendations were developed based on the role of each in promoting and instilling Islamic principles.   Keywords: Islamic Principles, Muslim Civilization, Violent Extremism, Terrorism, Humanity, Tolerance, Media, Youth

    Utilizing Diffusion and Temperature as a Means of Band-Gap Modulation for Conjugated Polymers

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    First, the effect of monomer feed ratios when two electroactive monomers diffuse towards each other as a means of modulating the band gap by creating different copolymers is presented. From two homopolymers, having a high and low energy band gap, a set of conjugated copolymers with different energy bang gaps were prepared in a single run using diffusion fundamentals. . Hence, a combination of the two monomers is used to generate solid state electrochromic devices of any color. Second, the preparation and characterization of conductive fabric using a conjugated polymer is introduced. The electrical properties, morphology, and the effect of temperature on conductive fabric resistance over a wide range of temperature were investigated. It was found that the conductive fabric had low sheet resistance with passage of high current. The material exhibited metallic behavior at a specific temperature due to the modulation in the band gap from the semiconductor to metal rang


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    Irrigation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) with saline groundwater is routinely practiced in the arid agroecosystems of United Arab Emirates (UAE), due to freshwater scarcity. Saline groundwater irrigation is known to deposit salts in the top layers of soil and increase soil salinization. However, how increasing soil salinization affects the belowground bacterial communities, is not well investigated. Soil samples were collected from 14 different date farms where irrigation water source was either non–saline water or saline groundwater. Soil bacterial communities were identified using 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding. The results showed that bacterial diversity (including Shannon diversity, richness, and evenness) didn’t vary between irrigation sources (non-saline water vs saline groundwater). However, distinct soil bacterial communities were observed between irrigation water sources, and they were significantly related to the irrigation water electrical conductivity. Of total 5155 OTUs, 21.3% were uniquely present in the soil while saline groundwater irrigation and 31.5% while non–saline water irrigation, and only 47.15% OTUs were shared. The abundance of Proteobacteria was higher in soil while saline groundwater irrigation, and pattern contrasted for Actinobacteriota. Compositional shift at genera level was also evident, wherein abundance of Subgroup_10, Novibacillus, Bauldea and Mycobacterium was higher while saline groundwater irrigation and Microvirga, Marmoricola, Ammoniphilus and Lysinibacillus abundance was low. Mycobacterium and Steroidobacter were the key indicator taxa while saline groundwater irrigation and Solirubrobacter and Sorangium were indicator of non–saline water irrigation. The results of this study indicate that soil determine colonization of bacterial communities under different irrigation water sources (non–saline water and saline groundwater irrigation) and it is influenced by salinity of irrigation water. The project results revealed that salinity of irrigation water selects distinct bacterial communities in soil, which are essential for maintaining soil health in oases agroecosystem of arid environments
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