91 research outputs found

    Separation of powers in the Kuwaiti criminal justice system

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    Discussions of the separation of powers tend to be related to the administrative state. By contrast, this research addresses the question of separating powers within the criminal justice system of Kuwait, examining the function of this division and the structures that are designed to protect the rights of citizens. Despite being formally regulated according to democratic principles, the criminal justice system of Kuwait has been described as excessively controlled by executive bodies. Currently, there appears to be a lack of research explaining how numerous criminal justice bodies in Kuwait can effectively promote the principles of freedom, democracy, and equality before the law, and separation of powers is an important factor which can be connected to such outcomes. The research aims to provide insights into the separation of powers between institutions and to assess its effectiveness in addressing the principles stated in the Constitution of Kuwait. The origins of the modern Kuwaiti criminal justice system will also be explored, with a focus on British jurisdiction (as a past influence) and French, Egyptian and Islamic law (as continuing influences). This development history makes Kuwait an excellent example of the fusion and diffusion of law, which, although it has been investigated widely, is still a topic of interest among modern researchers, alongside human rights and their protection through the criminal law system. This is one of the first studies to discuss the separation of powers in the Kuwaiti criminal justice system as a mixed phenomenon that can influence the protection of Kuwaiti citizens’ human rights at each stage of law enforcement and prosecution

    A Conceptual Efficient Design Of Energy Recovery Systems Using A New Energy-area Key Parameter

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    Energy integration in petrochemical and refining industries is an effective concept to minimize dependence on heating and cooling utilities through networks of exchanger equipment. Pinch Analysis is very popular and successful technique to optimize heat recovery between heat sources and sinks. Yet, design of networks of exchangers is challenging and requires careful attention to energy consumption and exchanger areas. This work presents a graphical methodology to design exchanger networks taking into account both heat loads and transfer areas of exchanger units in one single information. A new parameter is introduced for design that is the ratio between the heat load and the exchanger area and is determined in kW/m2. It is defined as an energy-area parameter expressing how much heat the exchanger would transfer per every meter square of area. Such parameter will be valuable key in design to screen matches of exchangers providing that both the heat and area are considered. The higher the value of the parameter, the better the performance of the exchanger, i.e. maximum heat transfer rate for minimum exchanger area. The design methodology embedding the energy-area parameter guarantees HEN designs with energy targets and minimum areas. A case is studied for the production of 100,000 t/y of dimethyl ether. An optimum network is generated by applying the new parameter with less exchanger areas and hot utility of 25% and 30%, respectively compared with an automated design by Aspen Energy Analyzer®. Also, substantial savings of about 47% in the total cost of the network are earned

    Better Heat And Power Integration Of An Existing Gas-oil Plant In Egypt Through Revamping The Design And Organic Rankine Cycle

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    Objective: The current study aims mainly to Maximize Condensate Recovery (NGLs), focusing on a gas processing train of Gas-Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) located in Egypt with a capacity of 4,230 kmole/h. Methods: The research study accounts for the constraint of Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) specification, which makes the storage in floating roof tanks is of a great risk. The study proposes the installation of the cryogenic train that recovers condensates (C4+). This train comprises of compression unit, expansion unit, three-phase separators and a re-boiled absorber. The problem of RVP will no longer exist because of the re-boiled absorber achieving RVP according to export specifications (RVP below 82.74 kPa). Heat integration is applied over the whole process to minimize the reliability of the external utilities. Further, an Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is introduced to the existing unit for more heat integration to develop useful work from process waste heat. Furthermore, both environmental emissions of CO2 and economic implications are investigated. Results: Energy integration played a vital role in decreasing the compressing power by about 31%, the cooling load by about 81%, and eliminating the heating load leading to zero CO2 emissions. Conclusion: The new energy-integrated retrofit scenarios exceed the recommended revamping schemes by previous works and base case in all aspects of condensate recovery, energy-saving, environmental concerning and economics

    Pharmacoinformatics-based identification of transmembrane protease serine-2 inhibitors from Morus Alba as SARS-CoV-2 cell entry inhibitors

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    Transmembrane protease serine-2 (TMPRSS2) is a cell-surface protein expressed by epithelial cells of specific tissues including those in the aerodigestive tract. It helps the entry of novel coronavirus (n-CoV) or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the host cell. Successful inhibition of the TMPRSS2 can be one of the crucial strategies to stop the SARS-CoV-2 infection. In the present study, a set of bioactive molecules from Morus alba Linn. were screened against the TMPRSS2 through two widely used molecular docking engines such as Autodock vina and Glide. Molecules having a higher binding affinity toward the TMPRSS2 compared to Camostat and Ambroxol were considered for in-silico pharmacokinetic analyses. Based on acceptable pharmacokinetic parameters and drug-likeness, finally, five molecules were found to be important for the TMPRSS2 inhibition. A number of bonding interactions in terms of hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interactions were observed between the proposed molecules and ligand-interacting amino acids of the TMPRSS2. The dynamic behavior and stability of best-docked complex between TRMPRSS2 and proposed molecules were assessed through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Several parameters from MD simulation have suggested the stability between the protein and ligands. Binding free energy of each molecule calculated through MM-GBSA approach from the MD simulation trajectory suggested strong affection toward the TMPRSS2. Hence, proposed molecules might be crucial chemical components for the TMPRSS2 inhibition

    Investigating attributes affecting the performance of WBI users

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Computers and Education. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Numerous research studies have explored the effect of hypermedia on learners' performance using Web Based Instruction (WBI). A learner's performance is determined by their varying skills and abilities as well as various differences such as gender, cognitive style and prior knowledge. In this paper, we investigate how differences between individuals influenced learner's performance using a hypermedia system to accommodate an individual's preferences. The effect of learning performance is investigated to explore relationships between measurement attributes including gain scores (post-test minus pre-test), number of pages visited in a WBI program, and time spent on such pages. A data mining approach was used to analyze the results by comparing two clustering algorithms (K-Means and Hierarchical) with two different numbers of clusters. Individual differences had a significant impact on learner behavior in our WBI program. Additionally, we found that the relationship between attributes that measure performance played an influential role in exploring performance level; the relationship between such attributes induced rules in measuring level of a learners' performance

    Qatar experience on One Health approach for middle-east respiratory syndrome coronavirus, 2012-2017: A viewpoint

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    The emergence of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (MERS-CoV) in the Middle East in 2012 was associated with an overwhelming uncertainty about its epidemiological and clinical characteristics. Once dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) was found to be the natural reservoir of the virus, the public health systems across the Arabian Peninsula encountered an unprecedented pressure to control its transmission. This view point describes how the One Health approach was used in Qatar to manage the MERS-CoV outbreak during the period 2012–2017. One Health focuses on the association between the human, animals and environment sectors for total health and wellbeing of these three sectors. To manage the MERS outbreak in Qatar through a One Health approach, the Qatar National Outbreak Control Taskforce (OCT) was reactivated in November 2012. The animal health sector was invited to join the OCT. Later on, technical expertise was requested from the WHO, FAO, CDC, EMC, and PHE. Subsequently, a comprehensive One Health roadmap was delivered through leadership and coordination; surveillance and investigation; epidemiological studies and increase of local diagnostic capacity. The joint OCT, once trained had easy access to allocated resources and high risk areas to provide more evidence on the potential source of the virus and to investigate all reported cases within 24–48 h. Lack of sufficient technical guidance on veterinary surveillance and poor risk perception among the vulnerable population constituted major obstacles to maintain systematic One Health performance

    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels: An outbreak investigation

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    Background: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) causes severe lower respiratory tract infection in people. Previous studies suggested dromedary camels were a reservoir for this virus. We tested for the presence of MERS-CoV in dromedary camels from a farm in Qatar linked to two human cases of the infection in October, 2013. Methods: We took nose swabs, rectal swabs, and blood samples from all camels on the Qatari farm. We tested swabs with RT-PCR, with amplification targeting the E gene (upE), nucleocapsid (N) gene, and open reading frame (ORF) 1a. PCR positive samples were tested by different MERS-CoV specific PCRs and obtained sequences were used for phylogentic analysis together with sequences from the linked human cases and other human cases. We tested serum samples from the camels for IgG immunofluorescence assay, protein microarray, and virus neutralisation assay. Findings: We obtained samples from 14 camels on Oct 17, 2013. We detected MERS-CoV in nose swabs from three camels by three independent RT-PCRs and sequencing. The nucleotide sequence of an ORF1a fragment (940 nucleotides) and a 4·2 kb concatenated fragment were very similar to the MERS-CoV from two human cases on the same farm and a MERS-CoV isolate from Hafr-Al-Batin. Eight additional camel nose swabs were positive on one or more RT-PCRs, but could not be confirmed by sequencing. All camels had MERS-CoV spike-binding antibodies that correlated well with the presence of neutralising antibodies to MERS-CoV. Interpretation: Our study provides virological confirmation of MERS-CoV in camels and suggests a recent outbreak affecting both human beings and camels. We cannot conclude whether the people on the farm were infected by the camels or vice versa, or if a third source was responsible. Funding: European Union projects EMPERIE (contract number 223498), ANTIGONE (contract number 278976), and the VIRGO consortium

    Identification of selective Lyn inhibitors from the chemical databases through integrated molecular modelling approaches

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    In the current study, the Asinex and ChEBI databases were virtually screened for the identification of potential Lyn protein inhibitors. Therefore, a multi-steps molecular docking study was carried out using the VSW utility tool embedded in Maestro user interface of the Schrödinger suite. On initial screening, molecules having a higher XP-docking score and binding free energy compared to Staurosporin were considered for further assessment. Based on in silico pharmacokinetic analysis and a common-feature pharmacophore mapping model developed from the Staurosporin, four molecules were proposed as promising Lyn inhibitors. The binding interactions of all proposed Lyn inhibitors revealed strong ligand efficiency in terms of energy score obtained in molecular modelling analyses. Furthermore, the dynamic behaviour of each molecule in association with the Lyn protein-bound state was assessed through an all-atoms molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study. MD simulation analyses were confirmed with notable intermolecular interactions and consistent stability for the Lyn protein-ligand complexes throughout the simulation. High negative binding free energy of identified four compounds calculated through MM-PBSA approach demonstrated a strong binding affinity towards the Lyn protein. Hence, the proposed compounds might be taken forward as potential next-generation Lyn kinase inhibitors for managing numerous Lyn associated diseases or health complications after experimental validation.The Deanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia through the Fast-track Research Funding Program.https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gsar20hj2022Chemical Patholog
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