913 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan apakah pembelajaran dengan model Treffinger dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi dan pemecahan masalah matematis serta self-regulated learning mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah desain kelompok kontrol pretes-postes. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan berupa pembelajaran model Treffinger dan kelas kontrol pembelajarannya secara konvensional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika pada salah satu Universitas di kota Ternate. Analisis statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji-t dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi dan pemecahan masalah matematis serta self-regulated learning mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran model Treffinger lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran konvensional; (2) Terdapat perbedaan pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi dan pemecahan masalah matematis serta self-regulated learning mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran model Treffinger lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran konvensional ditinjau berdasarkan kategori kemampuan awal matematis (tinggi, sedang, dan rendah); (3) tidak terdapat interaksi antara pembelajaran dan kategori KAM mahasiswa terhadap kemampuan komunikasi dan pemecahan masalah matematis serta self-regulated learning mahasiswa; dan (4) terdapat korelasi antara kemampuan komunikasi dan pemecahan masalah matematis, antara kemampuan komunikasi dan self-regulated learning matematis, serta antara kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self-regulated learning matematis mahasiswa. Kata Kunci: kemampuan komunikasi matematis, kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis, self-regulated learning matematis, model Treffinger. The aim of this research was to find out whether Treffinger model learning approach can enhance students’ mathematical communication and problem solving skill, and self-regulated learning. This research was quasi experimental study. The design of this study was pretest-posttest control group design. There were two groups of sample used in the study. The experimental group was given Treffinger model, while the control group was given conventional model. The population of this studi was the student of mathematics education program in one university in Ternate. The statistical analysis used to test the hypothesis of this study were t-test and mann-whitney U. The result of this study show that: (1) The students’ achievement and enhancement of mathematical communication and problem solving skill and self-regulated learning who obtained Treffinger model are higher than the students who obtained conventional model; (2) There are differences in the students’ achievement and enhancement of mathematical communication and problem solving skill and self-regulated learning based on students’ prior knowledge in mathematics (PKM) category (high, middle, and low); (3) There are no interaction between the student learning and PKM category on the students’ achievement and enhancement of in mathematical communication and problem solving skill and self-regulated learning; and (4) there are correlation between the students` mathematical of communication and problem solving skill, the students` mathematical communication skill and self-regulated learning, and the students’ problem solving skill and self-regulated learning in mathematics. Keywords: Mathematical Communication skills, mathematical problem solving skills, self-regulated learning and Treffinger mode

    Arabic-speaking refugee youth in Germany at the nexus of adversity and adaptation

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    Arabic-speaking refugee youth constitute one of the largest refugee youth groups in Europe in general and in Germany in particular. In the summer of 2015, Germany witnessed the highest number of asylum applications on record during what was named the “Long Summer of Migration”. Refugees from Arabic-speaking countries represented the largest group of arrivals, almost half of them were under the age of 18. Research that adopted a strength-based perspective with this population was limited. Consequently, the overarching goal of this dissertation was to bridge this gap and explore different aspects of refugee youth experiences. To contextualize refugee youth experiences and plan this research project, I integrated different lines of research including social, developmental, cultural, and clinical psychology in addition to behavioural psychology and behavioural economics. Specifically, I aimed to explore Arabic-speaking refugee youth’s coping, resilience and preferences, and investigate their associations with adverse experiences and mental health symptoms. The first research aim (chapter 2) was to examine post-migration challenges and coping of refugee youth. To achieve this aim, I utilized a qualitative design and conducted semi-structured interviews. This qualitative dataset was collected with 14- to 18-year-old Arabic-speaking refugee participants in Berlin and Potsdam (N= 20, 7 female) and analysed using thematic analysis. The main reported challenges were related to psychological wellbeing, school, friendship, accommodation, and discrimination. Participants coped with these challenges by relying on social support (friends, family, social services) and their inner resources (through avoidance, persistence, activity seeking, active engagement). The second research aim (chapter 3) was to utilise an ecological perspective of refugee youth resilience to investigate relations with socio-demographic variables, in addition to testing the association between resilience, mental health symptoms, and potentially traumatic exposure. To achieve this aim, I drew on a cross-sectional dataset collected in schools in Berlin with 14- to 19-year-old Arabic-speaking refugee (N=103, 54 female). The number of close friends emerged as the only socio-demographic variable to relate to resilience, furthermore resilience was inversely related to both depression and PTSD symptoms. The final research aim (chapter 4) was to explore the different associations between mental health (depression symptoms and PTSD symptoms), potentially traumatic exposure, and refugee youth preferences (risk, patience, and social preferences). Drawing on the same quantitative dataset, PTSD symptoms, but not traumatic exposure or depression symptoms, were significantly related to increased risk preferences. However, no significant relation was found for patience, altruism, trust, positive reciprocity, or negative reciprocity. This empirical research project offered detailed insights into the experiences of Arabic-speaking refugee youth, examining both individual and contextual factors. It revealed potentially traumatic events and post-migration stressors commonly faced by this group. Furthermore, the study highlighted the importance of social networks in supporting Arabic-speaking refugee youth coping and resilience.Arabischsprachige geflüchtete Jugendliche stellen eine der größten Gruppen von geflüchteten Jugendlichen in Europa und insbesondere in Deutschland dar. Während des sogenannten "langen Sommers der Migration" verzeichnete Deutschland die höchste Anzahl von Asylanträgen. Geflüchtete aus arabischsprachigen Ländern stellten die größte Gruppe von Ankommenden dar, von denen etwa die Hälfte unter 18 Jahre alt war. Es gibt allerding nur wenig Forschung zu dieser Zielgruppe, die eine ressourcenbasierte Perspektive einnimmt. Daher bestand das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Dissertation darin, diese Lücke zu schließen und verschiedene Aspekte der Erfahrungen geflüchteter Jugendlicher zu untersuchen. Um die Erfahrungen geflüchteter Jugendlicher zu kontextualisieren und dieses Forschungsprojekt zu planen, wurden verschiedene Forschungslinien, darunter Sozial-, Entwicklungs-, Kultur- und klinische Psychologie sowie Verhaltenspsychologie und Verhaltensökonomie zusammengeführt. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es, Bewältigung, Resilienz und Präferenzen von arabischsprachigen geflüchteten Jugendlichen zu erforschen und deren Zusammenhang mit belastenden Erfahrungen und psychischen Symptomen zu untersuchen. Das erste Forschungsziel (Kapitel 2) bestand darin, die Herausforderungen nach der Migration und die Bewältigungsstrategien geflüchteter Jugendlicher zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurden mithilfe eines qualitativen Ansatzes halbstrukturierte Interviews durchgeführt. Die qualitative Datensammlung erfolgte mit 14- bis 18-jährigen arabischsprachigen geflüchteten Teilnehmenden in Berlin und Potsdam (N=20, 7 weiblich) und wurde mittels thematischer Analyse ausgewertet. Die am Häufigsten berichteten Herausforderungen waren mit dem psychischen Wohlbefinden, der Schule, Freundschaften, Unterkunft und Diskriminierung verbunden. Die Teilnehmenden bewältigten diese Herausforderungen durch soziale Unterstützung (Freunde, Familie, soziale Dienste) und ihre persönlichen Ressourcen (durch Vermeidung, Ausdauer, Aktivitätssuche und aktive Beteiligung). Das zweite Forschungsziel (Kapitel 3) bestand darin, eine sozioökologischePerspektive der Resilienz geflüchteter Jugendlicher zu nutzen, um Zusammenhänge mit soziodemografischen Variablen zu untersuchen sowie den Zusammenhang zwischen Resilienz, psychischen Symptomen und potenziell traumatischen Erfahrungen zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurden an Berliner Schulen querschnittliche Daten von 14- bis 19-jährigen arabischsprachigen geflüchteten Jugendlichen erhoben (N=103, 54 weiblich). Die Anzahl enger Freunde erwies sich als einzige soziodemografische Variable, die mit Resilienz in Verbindung stand. Darüber hinaus war Resilienz invers mit sowohl Depressionssymptomen als auch PTBS-Symptomen assoziiert. Das letzte Forschungsziel (Kapitel 4) bestand darin, die verschiedenen Zusammenhänge zwischen psychischer Gesundheit (Depressionssymptome und PTBS-Symptome), potenziell traumatischer Exposition und den Präferenzen geflüchteter Jugendlicher (Risiko, Geduld und soziale Präferenzen) zu untersuchen. Unter Verwendung desselben quantitativen Datensatzes zeigte sich, dass PTBS-Symptome, aber nicht traumatische Exposition oder Depressionssymptome, signifikant mit erhöhten Risikopräferenzen verbunden waren. Es wurde jedoch kein signifikanter Zusammenhang mit Geduld, Altruismus, Vertrauen, positiver Reziprozität oder negativer Reziprozität festgestellt. Die vorliegende Dissertation erlaubt detaillierte Einblicke in die Erfahrungen arabischsprachiger geflüchteter Jugendlicher und untersucht sowohl individuelle als auch kontextuelle Faktoren. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen potenziell traumatische Ereignisse und postmigratorische Belastungen, denen diese Gruppe häufig ausgesetzt ist. Darüber hinaus betont die Studie die Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke für die Bewältigung und Resilienz arabischsprachiger geflüchteter Jugendlicher

    Sejauh Mana Guru Menggunakan Metafora Dalam Kepeduliannya Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Matematika Siswa

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    Belajar matematika masih merupakan hal yang sulit bagi siswa, karena disamping memiliki objek kajian yang abstrak, juga berdasarkan pada pola pikir yang deduktif. Untuk membantu siswa dapat memahami bahkan menjadi senang dalam belajar matematika, hal ini tidak terlepas dari peranan guru. Bagi guru, memahami matematika juga merupakan hal yang sulit, dan lebih sulit lagi adalah mengajarkan kepada siswa untuk dapat dipahami. Karena hal itu membutuhkan strategi, metode, dan pendekatan. Dalam pembelajaran matematika banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan. Di antaranya adalah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kegiatan belajar siswa yaitu: pengalaman, kemampuan, kematangan, dan motivasi siswa. Oleh karena itu, baik teori maupun metode dalam pembelajaran harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi siswa. Agar pembelajaran matematis menjadi bermakna dan dimaknai siswa, maka diperlukan cara-cara khusus untuk menjadikan siswa termotivasi belajar matematika. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan Metafora. Metafora dapat dipandang sebagai suatu strategi untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami matematika. Makalah ini akan menyajikan tentang apa sebenarnya metafofa, bagaimana menggunakannya dalam pembelajaran dan contoh penggunaannya serta kelebihan dalam menggunakan metafora Kata kunci : Kepedulian, Metafora, Pembelajaran Matematika Mathematics, for most of students, is still considered to be a difficult subject to learn because it does not only possess abstract objects of investigation but it is also based on deductive mindset. Enabling students to understand or even be enjoy learning mathematics, then, will demands good teachers' roles. For teachers, understanding mathematics is also difficult as well. In fact, the most difficult thing for them is how to teach mathematics that can be easily and quickly understood by students. That is why; mathematics teachers need to use exact strategies, methods and approaches. In mathematics learning, there are many things to consider. One of which is factors influencing students' learning activities, namely: their experience, ability, maturation, and motivation. That is why; we, as teachers, need to create learning methods and theories which are adaptive to students' condition. In order to create meaningful mathematics learning which in turn students get the real meaning of it at last, then, we need to use special ways for enabling students to get motivated in learning mathematics. One of these ways is using metaphor. This can be considered as a strategy to help students understand mathematics. This paper will present about what metaphor really looks like, how to use it in learning activities; also, the examples of its use and the benefits we can get from using it in learning will be explained

    Teachers\u27 perceptions of the effectiveness of the art education preparation program in Kuwait

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    This study was designed to investigate how pre-service, beginners, and advanced art teachers in Kuwait viewed their teacher preparation program by describing and evaluating its effectiveness. To examine the issues of art teacher training and current teaching, this study used quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The study included a qualitative document analysis and a quantitative survey questionnaire of pre-service art education teachers who have completed their classroom observation at the end of the fourth year at the College of Basic Education (CBE), beginning art education teachers who are teaching in the first of their second year at the Ministry of Education in Kuwait (MOE), and advanced art teachers who are ready to teach in the beginning of their fourth year at the Ministry of Education in Kuwait (MOE), in light of a description of the art education program in the College of Basic Education from which the teachers graduated.;The purposes of this research study are to view, examine, and investigate the perceptions of pre-service, beginners, and advanced art teachers about the effectiveness of the teacher education program in the State of Kuwait, and to offer suggestions for program improvement and the design of local curricular guidelines for the future of the art teacher program

    Patients' practices and experiences of using nebuliser therapy in the management of COPD at home.

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    How patients use their nebulisers at home is vital to ensure effective treatment and optimal health outcomes for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of the study was to identify the practicalities and problems associated with nebuliser use by patients with COPD at home, which may impact on the safety and effectiveness of therapy

    Safety experiments for small robots investigating the potential of soft materials in mitigating the harm to the head due to impacts

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    There is a growing interest in social robots to be considered in the therapy of children with autism due to their effectiveness in improving the outcomes. However, children on the spectrum exhibit challenging behaviors that need to be considered when designing robots for them. A child could involuntarily throw a small social robot during meltdown and that could hit another person's head and cause harm (e.g. concussion). In this paper, the application of soft materials is investigated for its potential in attenuating head's linear acceleration upon impact. The thickness and storage modulus of three different soft materials were considered as the control factors while the noise factor was the impact velocity. The design of experiments was based on Taguchi method. A total of 27 experiments were conducted on a developed dummy head setup that reports the linear acceleration of the head. ANOVA tests were performed to analyze the data. The findings showed that the control factors are not statistically significant in attenuating the response. The optimal values of the control factors were identified using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio optimization technique. Confirmation runs at the optimal parameters (i.e. thickness of 3 mm and 5 mm) showed a better response as compared to other conditions. Designers of social robots should consider the application of soft materials to their designs as it help in reducing the potential harm to the head

    Impact on Bacterial Micro-leakage in Exposed Root Canal Obturation Material in Teeth Irrigated with Different Solutions

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    Purpose: Determine the timeframe of bacterial penetration that occurs to the apex when obturation material (gutta percha) is exposed to bacteria for a set period of time (45 days) and to determine if bacterial penetration of the obturated root is influenced by the type of irrigant used during the final rinse (17% EDTA vs 2% Chlorhexidine vs full strength 5.25% NaOCl). Methods: Thirty-six extracted teeth, including six controls, were instrumented and irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl followed by a final rinse of either: 17% EDTA, 2% Chlorhexidine, or 5.25% NaOCl, and then obturated. Each root was suspended between two chambers: the coronal chamber inoculated with brain heart infusion broth and 〖10〗^8 colony-forming units of Enterococcus faecalis, the apical chamber with brain heart infusion broth. The latter was checked daily for turbidity, indicating bacterial leakage. Results: After excluding teeth with clear indications of experimental failure, 21 teeth were included in the analysis. Leakage rates were not significantly difference across the three groups (Chlorhexidine: 14%, EDTA: 67%, NaOCl: 50%; p-value=0.1581). Time to leakage was not significantly difference across the three groups (p-value=0.2470). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study it was shown that leakage occurs between 4-42 days and that there was no significant difference between the different solutions in preventing leakage