32 research outputs found

    Análisis de la percepción de marca y su relación con el rendimiento percibido en servicios deportivos: comparación entre público y privado

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    La percepción de marca es un elemento clave para el éxito empresarial, cómo somos percibidos por los usuarios actuales y potenciales determinará lo que van a pensar de nosotros, su disposición y en última instancia si van a percibir el servicio con mayor calidad o valor, si van a ser más leales o si van a recomendarlo de forma positiva. En esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para tratar de comprender mejor la percepción de marca y la relación que pudiera tener con las variables fundamentales para la gestión, en concreto analizando las opiniones de los usuarios de un servicio deportivo público y uno privado. Esta información puede ser una buena ayuda para los gestores, ya que si conocen qué variables influyen sobre otras y en qué medida lo hacen, podrán llevar a cabo acciones que les acerquen a los objetivos que desean de manera más efectiva y con menor necesidad de recursos. El instrumento utilizado ha sido un cuestionario formado a partir de la bibliografía y adaptado para el caso de los servicios deportivos, ya que los estudios de este aspecto en el ámbito deportivo son prácticamente inexistentes. Dicho cuestionario está constituido por un total de 11 dimensiones, seguidas de un apartado en el que se recogen los aspectos sociodemográficos, en base a los cuáles se han llevado a cabo comparaciones en las diferentes variables. Posteriormente, se han planteado tres modelos: un modelo en el que se relacionan las variables de marca, otro en el que se relacionan las de servicio y en tercer lugar, un modelo conjunto. Por último, se ha realizado un análisis de invarianza tanto en el modelo de marca como en el de rendimiento del servicio, con el fin de conocer si la titularidad posee un efecto de moderación en dichos modelos, y tratando de averiguar si existe o no esa influencia para poder afirmar que ambos modelos son adecuados para llevar a cabo mediciones tanto en servicios público como en privados.Brand perception is a key element for business success, how we are perceived by current and potential users will determine what they will think about us, their willingness and ultimately whether they will perceive the service with higher quality or value, if they will be more loyal or if they will recommend it in a positive way. In this doctoral thesis a study has been carried out to try to understand better the perception of the brand and the relation that could have with the fundamental variables for management, specifically analyzing the opinions of users of a public sports service and a private one . This information can be an aid to managers, because if they know which variables influence others and to what extent they do, they can carry out actions that bring them closer to the objectives they want more effectively and with less need for resources. The instrument is a questionnaire formed from the bibliography and adapted for the case of sports services, due to the fact that studies of this aspect in the sports field are practically nonexistent. This questionnaire consists of a total of 11 dimensions, followed by a section in which the sociodemographic aspects were collected, on the basis of which comparisons have been made in the different variables. Subsequently, three models have been proposed: a model in which the brand variables are related, another in which the service variables are related and, thirdly, a joint model. Finally, an invariance analysis has been performed in both the brand model and the service performance model, in order to know if ownership has a moderating effect, and trying to find out whether or not that influence exists, to be able to affirm that both models are suitable to carry out measurements in both public and private services

    Gender influence on brand recommendation at an esports event

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    Esports events are a mainstay of the esports industry and have become increasingly popular among the younger population. The purpose of this study was to use a predictive model to determine whether the variables of congruence, commitment and trust could be predictors of brand recommendation of an esports event and, if so, to what extend they did so and whether they were influenced by gender. To obtain the required information, a questionnaire was provided, validated and made up of scales adapted from previous studies at a national esports event organised in Sevilla, Spain. The SPSS version 25 statistical software was used for the analysis of all results. First, a descriptive analysis of the results and a t-test for independent samples were performed, followed by a Pearson correlation analysis to test and independence of the three predictor variables of the recommendation. Finally, a linear regression was performed to test whether the proposed variables predicted the recommendation and, if so, to what extent they did so. The obtained results indicate that, in general, the variables significantly predicted the recommendation, with congruence being the most important predictor. The model as a whole was able to explain 51% of the variance of the recommendation. When distinguishing users by gender, the same analysis showed that the predictor variables for the recommendation remained significant in men, explaining 53% of the variance. In contrast, in the analysis of women, there were no variables that showed significant values for predicting the recommendation. These data demonstrated gender differences in the esports sector, which suggests that esports event companies should change their branding strategies to avoid gender differences

    Temari teòric i pràctic de l'assignatura: Gestió i Organització d'Entitats i Esdeveniments Esportius

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    Temari teòric i pràctic complet de l'assignatura de Gestió i Organització d'Entitats i Esdeveniments Esportius pertanyent al grau en ciències de l'activitat física i de l'espor

    Influence of brand image of a sports event on the recommendation of its participants

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    The aim of this research is to test the psychometric properties and relationships of a model where, from brand congruence of a sport event, trust and commitment to it can be generated, influencing future behavior of participants and resulting in a higher recommendation also called Word of Mouth (hereinafter WOM). A quantitative approach has been carried out by means of a validated questionnaire with Likert-type responses, and data were analyzed with the EQS 6.4 software. The findings indicated that the model is adequate, and also confirm that from congruence, we can explain, at a theoretical level, 45% of trust, and in the same way, from the congruence and trust, we can explain 67% of the commitment with the brand. Finally, it is confirmed that trust and brand commitment significantly influence WOM, predicting it up to 51%. These conclusions provide implications to managers, to guide their marketing strategies more effectively and to know what is important to achieve the desired behaviors, which will favor the sustainability of the event and the generation of positive impacts in the host location. This research also provides original information in a context such as sporting events where the study of brand image is practically non-existent

    Influencia de la calidad, satisfacción, valor percibido e imagen corporativa en la confianza en la marca en el servicio fitness

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    Cada vez más medianas y pequeñas empresas destinan esfuerzos a aumentar la confianza en su marca. La literatura apoya que la confianza en la marca es antecedente de la satisfacción, la recomendación y la lealtad. Aun vista su importancia, el estudio en el ámbito de la gestión deportiva ha sido subestimado. Nuestro objetivo es proponer un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para explicar los antecedentes de la confianza en un servicio fitness premium. Los resultados de la consulta (314 usuarios) muestran que la imagen corporativa es el antecedente más importante de la confianza en la marca (β = .53), seguido del valor percibido (β = .16), satisfacción (β = .13) y por último la calidad (β = .12). Este artículo, aporta información novedosa por el hecho de estudiar la confianza en la marca dentro de la gestión deportiva en relación a otras variables ya tradicionales, sumado a que el fitness premium es un campo poco estudiado. La principal aportación extraída, es que la imagen es el factor más influyente sobre la confianza que transmite la marca a los clientes, lo que conlleva implicaciones prácticas para el gestor.Each time medium and small business give time increase the trust in their brand. The literature supports that brand trust is an antecedent of satisfaction, word of mouth and loyalty. Even given its importance, in the field of sport management has been underestimated. Our objective is to propose a multiple lineal regression model to explain the background of the trust in a fitness premium service. The results of the consultation (314 customers) show that the corporative image is the most important background in brand trust (β=.53), followed by the perceived value (β=.16), satisfaction (β=.13) and finally quality (β=.12). This paper provides new information by the fact of studying the brand trust inside sport management in relation with other traditional variables, added to premium fitness is a field little studied. The main extracted information, is that the image is the most influential factor of trust convey to brand customers, which lead to practical information for the sports managers

    Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Passion for Work on Performance Variables in Sports Clubs

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    Entrepreneurial orientation and passion for work have been widely studied due to their effects on the behaviour and attitude of management teams in the short- and long-term. However, despite the influences of these variables on the sustainability and survival of an entity, there is a gap when considering the effects of these two performance variables in sports organisations. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to understand the influences of entrepreneurial orientation and passion for work on service quality and sporting performance. To this end, 199 Spanish non-profit sports clubs were analysed using instruments with good psychometric properties. Data analysis was carried out using two complementary methodologies: hierarchical regression models and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. The findings show that innovation and risk-taking influence performance variables and that the inclusion of passion for work significantly increases the explanatory capacity of the model. On the other hand, it was also observed that entrepreneurial orientation dimensions and passion for work are part of the combination that allows the expected result to be explored to a greater extent. Theoretical and practical implications were drawn from these findings, which can be used to improve the economic and social sustainability of sport organisations. The study also provides useful information for managers and directors of sport organisations

    Study of spectator satisfaction at a major athletics event

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    Sporting events have become an important promotional tool for large cities, as they manage to generate levels of diffusion that would be economically unviable through advertising campaigns (Núñez, Calabuig, Añó, & Parra, 2014). These events have a high level of social repercussion and a strong presence in the media, thus generating a source of income for the cities (Añó, 2003). In this case, the relationship between the different dimensions of perceived quality and the competition elements regarding the satisfaction of the spectators of a Spanish Athletics Championship has been analysed to understand which elements have a greater influence on the achievement of higher levels of satisfaction, which will make the event more successful and generate a better perception of the event and the city that hosts it. In addition, the aim is to check whether the evaluations made by spectators show differences according to their age and gender, as well as their previous experience attending sporting events. The results show, at a descriptive level, that both spectators over 35 years of age and spectators who are women value the dimensions analysed most positively; differences are observed between these groups with respect to some of the analysed dimensions, whereas, regarding previous experience at events, the opinions are more equally distributed. For regression analysis, all the dimensions of perceived quality and the competition elements have a significant influence on user satisfaction, wherein the outcome quality and the competition elements are the most important elements in this prediction.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Analysis of perceptions related to gender stereotypes in secondary education – a gender comparison

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    Breaking gender stereotypes and overcoming them continue to be a challenge in today's society. Gender stereotypes may have negative consequences during the school stage and can be also perpetuated in adulthood. To avoid the development of gender stereotypes, the educational environment (specifically physical education) can be used to teach values that avoid actions that perpetuate such stereotypes. However, before initiating an intervention program or an action by teachers, it is essential to know the students' perception regarding gender inequality and stereotypes and how they act in response to them. Thus, this study aims to recognize and describe the attitudes of secondary school students towards gender equality by trying to identify possible differences between men and women. Specifically, the opinions of 91 male and female students from 3rd and 4th grade (aged 15-16 years old) of ESO (mandatory secondary education) in Spain were collected through a questionnaire that was based on validated scales that exist in the literature. This questionnaire consists of 30 items that make up 3 levels of analysis: sociocultural, relational and personal. The obtained results allow us to conclude that there are significant gender differences, and boys and girls have different opinions regarding gender stereotypes in sociocultural, relational and personal aspects. In general, analysed boys are less likely to change stereotypes than the girls. This result suggests that gender stereotypes do not develop equally in men and women at the secondary school stage, which allows us to determine which aspects differ according to gender so that in the future interventions can be implemented to solve the appearance of these stereotypes. Finally, practical implications and pedagogical proposals are presented, which highlight coeducation as the main methodology.Educació

    Análisis cualitativo comparativo de la lealtad en servicios públicos deportivos

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    Menor sensibilidad al precio, altas tasas de recomendación o la retención de clientes son consecuencias positivas de la gestión de la lealtad. Aunque es un aspecto clave de gestión, en los servicios deportivos es aún un tema poco desarrollado. Esta investigación pretende indagar en los antecedentes clave de la lealtad mediante el estudio de un servicio público deportivo (210 sujetos). El uso de ecuaciones estructurales y análisis cualitativo comparativo nos permiten estudiar de forma novedosa y desde los puntos de vista simétrico y asimétrico las condiciones causales y variables de influencia sobre la lealtad. Los resultados demuestran que la congruencia, la credibilidad y especialmente la calidad se constituyen en condiciones causales suficientes aunque no necesarias para lograr la lealtad. Entre las recomendaciones sugerimos a las organizaciones estrategias específicas de comunicación y marketing relacional con el fin de construir una marca sólida y fiable.Lower price sensitivity, high rates of recommendation or customer retention are positive consequences of loyalty management. Although it is a key aspect of management, in sports services is still a subject underdeveloped. This research aims to investigate the key antecedents of loyalty by studying a public sport service (210 subjects). Using structural equation modeling and comparative qualitative analysis, allow us to study in a new way, and from the point of view symmetrical and asymmetrical, causal conditions and variables that have influence on loyalty. The results show that congruence, credibility and especially quality, constitute sufficient grounds but not necessary conditions to achieve loyalty. As recommendations to organizations, we suggest specific strategies of communication and relationship marketing in order to build a solid and reliable brand

    Valor percibido, satisfacción e intenciones futuras en los servicios deportivos Poner congruencia y confianza de marca en la ecuación – Modelos lineales vs QCA

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of brand-related variables as congruence and brand trust on the traditional model formed by perceived quality, perceived value (PV) and satisfaction, in order to compare predictive models for the variables of PV, satisfaction and future intentions of 683 users of sports services.El objetivo es analizar el papel de las variables relacionadas con la marca como la congruencia y la confianza en la marca en el modelo tradicional formado por la calidad percibida, el valor percibido y la satisfacción, con el fin de comparar modelos predictivos para las variables de valor percibido, satisfacción e intenciones futuras de 683 usuarios de servicios deportivos.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport