161 research outputs found

    Basin scale assessment of landslides geomorphological setting by advanced InSAR analysis

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    An extensive investigation of more than 90 landslides affecting a small river basin in Central Italy was performed by combining field surveys and remote sensing techniques. We thus defined the geomorphological setting of slope instability processes. Basic information, such as landslides mapping and landslides type definition, have been acquired thanks to geomorphological field investigations and multi-temporal aerial photos interpretation, while satellite SAR archive data (acquired by ERS and Envisat from 1992 to 2010) have been analyzed by means of A-DInSAR (Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques to evaluate landslides past displacements patterns. Multi-temporal assessment of landslides state of activity has been performed basing on geomorphological evidence criteria and past ground displacement measurements obtained by A-DInSAR. This step has been performed by means of an activity matrix derived from information achieved thanks to double orbital geometry. Thanks to this approach we also achieved more detailed knowledge about the landslides kinematics in time and space


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    Affrontiamo in questo numero della Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia un tema tradizionale della nostra disciplina, quello della devianza e della criminalità minorile. Uno sguardo sul panorama degli studi del fenomeno e delle iniziative di riforma e trattamento dei minori devianti, nella seconda decade del terzo millennio, vede l’emersione di alcune significative novità accanto ad aspetti legati alla tradizione, in particolare nel nostro Paese. Questo numero della Rassegna contiene alcuni testi incentrati sulle caratteristiche del fenomeno, ed altri maggiormente orientati alla descrizione delle prospettive di prevenzione e trattamento, anche alla luce dei risultati della ricerca

    Kinetic analysis of secondary precipitation in a HP40-Nb alloy

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    The HP40-Nb heat resistant alloy (35Ni-25Cr-Nb) was analysed by means of optical microscopy after aging treatments at 1073 and 1173 K for different times, in order to apply the classic Johnson – Mehl-Avrami – Kolmogorov kinetic model (JMAK), and thus calculate the activation energy of secondary M23C6 precipitation, which occurs during thermal aging. The relevance of this theoretical analysis is to infer the mechanism that controls the nucleation and growth of M23C6 secondary carbides, since the amount and morphology of these phase influences the mechanical properties as well as the corrosion resistance in service. After performing the kinetic analysis using the JMAK model, the activation energy was found to be 208 kJ/mol, which would indicate that the secondary precipitation in this alloy is controlled by the Cr-diffusion phenomenon along the austenitic matrix.Fil: Sosa Lissarrague, Matías Humberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Metalurgia y Tecnología Mecánica; ArgentinaFil: Juan, Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Lanz, César Armando. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Metalurgia y Tecnología Mecánica; ArgentinaFil: La Rocca, Bruno. Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional. - Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología. Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Picasso, Alberto Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Metalurgia y Tecnología Mecánica; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentin


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    The Software Product Line (SPL) is geared toward large-scale reuse of software artifacts and components, productivity, cost reduction and time to market, and to improve quality. It based on two processes, domain engineering and application engineering. Before the diffusion of the series of own ISO standards to SPL, the engineering of the domain was formed by the analysis disciplines, design and implementation of the domain. However, in the ISO/IEC 26550 standard a new reference model is defined in which domain analysis is replaced by the scope of the SPL and domain requirements engineering. On the other hand, the ISO/IEC 26551 standard defines the reference model for the requirements engineering of SPL structured in five processes, the scope of the SPL is one of them and the first one to be considered in the development of SPL. In addition, in one of the scope of the SPL activities, it specified that the quality of the product must be considered. In this sense, this work proposes to incorporate the obtaining of the domain quality model of the SPL, which provides information on the software quality of any product. The quality model of the domain is obtained using the ISO/IEC 25010 standard. The artifacts that are built, relative to product quality, will be part of the product portfolio artifact, result of the scope of the product.La Línea de Productos de Software (LPS), está orientada a la reutilización a gran escala de artefactos y componentes de software, productividad, reducción de costos y tiempo de comercialización, y a mejorar la calidad. Se basa en dos procesos, la ingeniería del dominio y la ingeniería de la aplicación. Antes de la difusión de la serie de estándares ISO propios a una LPS, la ingeniería del dominio estaba formada por las disciplinas análisis, diseño e implementación del dominio. Sin embargo, en el estándar ISO/IEC 26550 se define un nuevo modelo de referencia en el cual el análisis del dominio es sustituido por el alcance de la LPS y la ingeniería de requisitos del dominio. Por otra parte, en el estándar ISO/IEC 26551 se define el modelo de referencia para la ingeniería de requisitos de una LPS estructurado en cinco procesos, el alcance de la LPS es uno de ellos y el primero que debe ser considerado en el desarrollo de una LPS. Además, en una de las actividades del alcance de la LPS, se especifica que debe ser considerada la calidad del producto. En tal sentido, este trabajo propone incorporar la obtención del modelo de calidad del dominio de la LPS, que proporcione información sobre la calidad de software de cualquier producto. El modelo de calidad del dominio se obtiene haciendo uso del estándar ISO/IEC 25010. Los artefactos que se construyen, relativos a la calidad del producto, formarán parte del artefacto portafolio del producto, resultado del alcance del producto.&nbsp

    Responses of a soil fungal community to severe windstorm damages in an old silver fir stand

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    Forests are increasingly threatened by climate change and the Anthropocene seems to have favored the emergence and adaptation of pathogens. Robust monitoring methods are required to prevent biodiversity and ecosystems losses, and this imposes the choice of bioindicators of habitat health. Fungal communities are increasingly recognized as fundamental components in nearly all natural and artificial environments, and their ecosystem services have a huge impact in maintaining and restoring the functionality of ecosystems. We coupled metabarcoding and soil analyses to infer the dynamics of a fungal community inhabiting the old silver fir stand in Vallombrosa (Italy), which is known to be afflicted by both Armillaria and Annosum root rot. The forest was affected in 2015, by a windstorm which caused a partial falling and uprooting of trees. The remaining stand, not affected by the windstorm, was used as a comparison to infer the consequences of the ecosystem disturbance. We demonstrated that the abundance of pathogens alone is not able to explain the soil fungal differences shown by the two areas. The fungal community as a whole was equally rich in the two areas, even if a reduction of the core ectomycorrhizal mycobiome was observed in the wind-damaged area, accompanied by the increase of wood saprotrophs and arbuscular mycorrhizas. We hypothesize a reshaping of the fungal community and a potentially ongoing re-generation of its functionalities. Our hypothesis is driven by the evidence that key symbiotic, endophytic, and saprotrophic guilds are still present and diversified in the wind-damaged area, and that dominance of single taxa or biodiversity loss was not observed from a mycological point of view. With the present study, we aim at providing evidence that fungal communities are fundamental for the monitoring and the conservation of threatened forest ecosystems


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    La orientación a metas ha hecho importantes aportes a la Ingeniería de Requisitos. Las metas refinan la visión global del negocio, exponen el valor de un sistema/software y proporcionan la fundamentación para su desarrollo. No obstante, las bondades obtenidas de la Ingeniería de Requisitos Orientada a Metas no garantizan que los sistemas de software estén alineados con la estrategia del negocio, ni que contribuyan efectivamente a la proposición de valor. Como un medio para mejorar esta situación se plantea la utilización de la Planificación Estratégica en el direccionamiento de la Ingeniería de Requisitos Orientada a Metas, considerando que en este proceso se establecen las metas de más alto nivel y las estrategias del negocio. Dada la existencia de un grupo diverso de técnicas orientadas a metas, el objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar las técnicas de mayor difusión con el fin de determinar cuál satisface en mayor grado los requisitos de un proceso de Ingeniería de Requisitos dirigido por la Planificación Estratégica. La evaluación realizada se basó en el Análisis de Características propuesto por Kitchenham. El grupo de características establecido persigue examinar la capacidad de las técnicas para: (1) el modelado de los conceptos básicos de la Planificación Estratégica, y (2) la representación de metas en diferentes niveles de abstracción y sus interrelaciones.Goal orientation has made important contributions to Requirements Engineering. Goals refine the overall vision of business, expose the value of a system/software and provide the rationale for its development. However, the benefits obtained from Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering do not guarantee the strategic alignment of software systems nor do they effectively contribute to the value proposition. As a means to improve this situation, it is proposed the use of Strategic Planning for driving Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering, considering that this process defines the business highest level goals and strategies. Given the existence of a diverse group of goal-oriented techniques, the objective of this research is to assess the most widely used techniques in order to determine which one meets, in a higher degree, the requirements of a Strategic Planning-driven Requirements Engineering process. The evaluation was based on the Kitchenham´s Feature Analysis. The specified set of features pursues to examine the ability of the techniques for: (1) modelling the basic concepts of Strategic Planning, and (2) representing of goals at different levels of abstraction and their interrelationships

    Il Barracuda si racconta: l'utilizzo di metodi di analisi narratologica, psicosociale e semiotica in criminologia clinica

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    Starting from the analysis of a fictional story written by an author of violent crimes repeatedly subjected to a psychiatric examination, this work aims to highlight the importance of studying the writings of criminals to "understand" the author of the story. In order to show the clinical-criminological usefulness of the analysis of the written productions of the perpetrators, we have subjected the narrative text produced by the subject to a cross-examination, reading it from the point of view of the content in the light of the history of the same available in the expert report, and subsequently analyzing it according to multiple methods of investigation (analysis according to the contributions of narrative criminology, psychodynamic analysis of the defenses according to the contributions of psychosocial criminology, semiotic analysis according to Barthes). All this in order to better understand the characteristics of the subject and to attempt an all-round description.The study of the offender's narratives allows us to better represent the conflict that leads to the passage to the violent act: the in-depth analysis of the narrative productions, both before and after the crime committed, highlights the traumatic moments and the delicate passages that precede the fall of the process of symbolization and the construction of a representation of the self and the other that sees violence as the only way out of an otherwise unmanageable situation.Partendo dall’analisi di un racconto di finzione scritto da un autore di reati violenti più volte sottoposto a perizia psichiatrica, questo lavoro si propone di evidenziare l’importanza dello studio degli scritti dei criminali per “comprendere” il soggetto autore della storia. Allo scopo di mostrare l’utilità clinico-criminologica dell’analisi delle produzioni scritte degli autori di reato, abbiamo sottoposto il testo narrativo prodotto dal soggetto a un esame incrociato, leggendolo dal punto di vista del contenuto alla luce della storia dello stesso reperibile nell’elaborato peritale, e successivamente analizzandolo secondo plurime metodiche di indagine (analisi secondo i contributi della criminologia narrativa, analisi psicodinamica delle difese secondo i contributi della criminologia psicosociale, analisi semiotica secondo Barthes). Tutto ciò al fine di comprendere meglio le caratteristiche del soggetto e di tentarne una descrizione a tutto tondo. Lo studio delle narrative del reo permette di meglio rappresentare il conflitto che conduce al passaggio all’atto violento: l’analisi approfondita delle produzioni narrative, sia precedenti che suc-cessive al reato commesso, evidenzia i momenti traumatici e i delicati passaggi che precedono la caduta del processo di simbolizzazione e la costruzione di una rappresentazione del sé e dell’alter che vede nella violenza l’unico modo per uscire da una situazione altrimenti ingestibile

    Geological and geomorphological analysis of a complex landslides system: the case of San Martino sulla Marruccina (Abruzzo, Central Italy)

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    This work deals with the landslides affecting the area surrounding the village of San Martino sulla Marrucina and involving the neighboring municipalities of Casacanditella and Filetto. The geological and geomorphological settings of this area are being discussed. The enclosed maps have been realized following a multidisciplinary approach, based on morphometric, geological, and geomorphological analyses and supported by air-photo interpretation, dendrochronology, and satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR). The map is organized in four sections: orography (on the upper part), geological map (on the upper right part), main geomorphological map (in the central left part, 1:7,500 scale), and multitemporal analysis (in the lower part). The aforementioned multi-temporal assessment of landslides was performed according to the geomorphological evidence-based criteria and the past ground displacement measurements were obtained by dendrochronology and InSAR. The aim of the study is to understand the evolution in time and space of this landslide area, focusing on the corresponding kinematics

    Plan de marketing : desarrollo de mercado para una empresa social-caso Yaqua

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó mediante la aplicación de una investigación de mercado para el producto de la primera empresa social de consumo masivo en el Perú: Yaqua. El principal objetivo fue determinar si sería viable el ingreso del producto a la ciudad de Arequipa, específicamente en los distintos puntos de venta de las universidades de dicha ciudad, para después desarrollar un plan de marketing aplicado al ingreso del producto a este nuevo mercado. En ese sentido, se realizó un planteamiento de la situación, en la que se enmarca de forma general la situación del país y la ciudad de Arequipa respecto a este sector. De esta forma, el análisis situacional ayudó a definir el estado actual del entorno externo e interno de la organización, lo que permitió obtener un diagnóstico que sirvió de base para el desarrollo de las distintas estrategias aplicadas. En el desarrollo de la investigación de mercado se pudo obtener información sobre el sector de agua embotellada que sirvió para conocer las diferentes perspectivas del público objetivo al cual se dirige la empresa en mención: jóvenes universitarios de 17 - 25 años. La conclusión de la investigación de mercado determinó el desarrollo de los objetivos y estrategias que se utilizaron en el plan de marketing para las campañas de lanzamiento y mantenimiento a realizarse en las distintas universidades de la ciudad de Arequipa. Con la presentación de un sustento económico de la decisión del inicio de las operaciones en dicha ciudad se presentó a la empresa las conclusiones y recomendaciones relativas a las mejoras tanto de sus actuales operaciones así como los diferentes riesgos a los que se podría enfrentar si decidiera desarrollar nuevos mercados.Tesi

    Virtual Surgical Planning, 3D-Printing and Customized Bone Allograft for Acute Correction of Severe Genu Varum in Children

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    Complex deformities of lower limbs are frequent in children with genetic or metabolic skeletal disorders. Early correction is frequently required, but it is technically difficult and burdened by complications and recurrence. Herein, we described the case of a 7-year-old girl affected by severe bilateral genu varum due to spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. The patient was treated by patient-specific osteotomies and customized structural wedge allograft using Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) and 3D-printed patient-specific instrumentation (PSI). The entire process was performed through an in-hospital 3D-printing Point-of-Care (POC). VSP and 3D-printing applied to pediatric orthopedic surgery may allow personalization of corrective osteotomies and customization of structural allografts by using low-cost in-hospital POC. However, optimal and definitive alignment is rarely achieved in such severe deformities in growing skeleton through a single operation