102 research outputs found

    Remote sensing and global databases for soil moisture estimation at different depths in the Pernambuco state, Northeast Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The present study aimed to apply and assess an exponential filter that calculates the root-zone soil moisture using surface data from the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) satellite, as well as to assess soil moisture simulated in land-surface models from global databases. The soil water index (obtained after application of the exponential filter) and soil moisture simulated using land surface models (GLDAS-CLSM, GLDAS-Noah, and ERA5-Land) from global databases were compared with in situ data to evaluate their efficiency in estimating soil water content at different depths. Surface measurements from the SMOS satellite allowed the estimation of soil moisture at depths of 20 and 40 cm by applying the exponential filter. At both depths, the application of the exponential filter significantly improved the estimation of soil moisture measured by the SMOS satellite. The GLDAS-Noah model had the best root mean square error values, whilst the GLDAS-CLSM and ERA5-Land models overestimated the soil moisture. Nevertheless, the seasonal variation was well represented by all land surface models

    Wet-white shavings as a potential source for leather retanning bioagents

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    The tanning industry generates a high quantity of solid wastes, so there is a need to create ways to value these wastes with aim to reduce environmental impact. A lot of research work has been done recently and some authors have shown the potential for obtaining protein hydrolysates from solid wastes and its application. The present work had a main objective the wet-white shavings valorization by production of hydrolysed protein and biopolymrs for leather retanning.The authors would like to acknowledge IAPMEI for the support of the Project LSW2Chem 45319 by Portugal 2020 ProgrammeN/

    Aplicação de índice de vegetação no monitoramento da seca: açude Algodões no sertão pernambucano

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    O baixo índice pluviométrico é uma das principais características da região Semiárida do Brasil. Em particular, verifica-se nesta região uma redução significativa dos totais pluviométricos a partir do ano de 2011, ocasionando sérios danos aos níveis dos reservatórios. O açude Algodões, principal fonte hídrica para o município de Ouricuri Pernambuco, vem apresentando uma queda considerável em seu volume, onde em 2016 foi declarado em situação de emergência. Logo, fazendo uso de ferramentas de geoprocessamento, objetivou-se analisar o real cenário da área incremental da microbacia do açude Algodões. Utilizou-se o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada – NDVI para se obter informações sobre a vegetação na área de estudo entre os anos de 2011 e 2016, além de imagens de alta resolução para identificar a redução na lâmina d’água do açude entre os anos de 2011 (ano médio normal) e 2016 (ano de seca). Dados hidrometeorológicos auxiliaram a perceber que os períodos com desvios negativos à pluviometria média climatológica coincidiram com a redução no volume do açude

    Use of SMOS L3 soil moisture data: validation and drought assessment for Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil

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    The goal of this study was to validate soil moisture data from Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) using two in situ databases for Pernambuco State, located in Northeast Brazil. The validation process involved two approaches, pixel-station comparison and areal average, for three regions in Pernambuco with different climatic characteristics. After validation, the SMOS data were used for drought assessment by calculating soil moisture anomalies for the available period of data. Four statistical criteria were used to verify the quality of the satellite data: Pearson correlation coefficient, Willmott index of agreement, BIAS, and root mean squared difference (RMSD). The average RMSD calculated from the daily time series in the pixel and the areal assessment were 0.071 m3m-3 and 0.04 m3m-3, respectively. Those values are near to the expected 0.04 m3m-3 accuracy of the SMOS mission. The analysis of soil moisture anomalies enabled the assessment of the dry period between 2012 and 2017 and the identification of regions most impacted by the drought. The driest year for all regions was 2012, when the anomaly values achieved -50% in some regions. The use of SMOS data provided additional information that was used in conjunction with the precipitation data to assess drought periods. This may be particularly relevant for planning in agriculture and supporting decision makers and farmers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Developing a Plastic Waste Management Program: From River Basins to Urban Beaches (Case Study)

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    Solid waste accumulation in coastal environments has been a growing concern. In the coastal megacity of Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, plastic waste issues currently exist both at the ocean scale and river basin scale. The city is known as the 'Brazilian Venice' thanks to the Capibaribe River, which crosses many neighborhoods, running in a west-east direction into the Atlantic Ocean. This paper provides the initial basis to develop a Plastic Waste Management Program proposal for implementation in the city of Recife, given the lack of resolutions that have looked at plastic waste management through integrated water environment scales (from river basin to ocean). The methodology used included articulation and documental collection from four main public agencies from the state/city and stakeholders. The results showed its relevance for better plastic waste management in Recife, considering an integrated water environment on a river basin-to-ocean scale by using the recognized major connected water environments (Capibaribe river and Boa Viagem beach). Similar integrated program proposals could be made for other coastal areas, enabling not only the identification of fragilities but also the exchange of information regarding the theme


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    Vivemos em tempos onde a saúde mental virou um tema que vem chamando bastante atenção, as pessoas estão procurando cada vez mais as redes de saúde mental, em busca de um profissional que possa escutar, acolher e curar seu sofrimento, entretanto um dos fatores que pode prejudicar esse processo de “cura” é o imediatismo, pois a maioria das pessoas que procuram a escuta psicológica ou um profissional psiquiatra almeja que os resultados surjam de forma instantânea, o que é um grande equívoco, pois digamos que o paciente que está em sofrimento e faz o uso da medicação, naquele momento em que o fármaco faz efeito ele vai ter um alívio do seu sintoma, porém a raiz do problema, a sua patologia ainda estará ali, pronta para voltar, pois não houve uma elaboração do problema e sim uma contenção do sintoma e que não vai trazer benefícios a longo prazo. Trata-se de um relato de experiência resultante das práticas do estágio profissionalizante I realizadas no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS GERAL DE QUIXADÁ), realizadas de Agosto a Novembro desse ano, onde foi possível fazer uma observação crítica sobre a banalização do uso de psicofármacos, assim como pela tentativa de supressão imediata do sofrimento através do uso de medicamentos, que são percebidos pelos pacientes como verdadeiras “pílulas da felicidade”, e que somente com elas, poderão se recuperar dos conflitos psíquicos. O presente trabalho, apresenta como objetivo primordial discorrer sobre o consumo excessivo de psicotrópicos, buscando compreender os motivos deste fenômeno. Através dos atendimentos realizados durante o estágio, e de observação participante, foi possível constatar que impera, hoje, o apelo emblemático ao prazer, um prazer que não se resume apenas à ausência de sofrimento, mas que há de ser intenso e imediato, e que acaba ocasionando um grave problema de saúde pública: a dependência de psicofármacos. Apesar disso, entre os profissionais da área da saúde, é unânime o reconhecimento de que os psicofármacos são essenciais em diversos tratamentos. As ressalvas são de que os medicamentos não podem ser vistos como uma solução mágica para tratar os transtornos mentais. As sensações de angústia, insegurança, isolamento, desespero, podem ser resolvidas sem a necessidade de substâncias químicas, em grande parte dos casos. Da ordem do necessário está a procura pelo tratamento adequado, aliado a um estilo de vida saudável

    Use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels for micropropagation of mature Eucalyptus microcorys

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    Background: Micropropagation, an in vitro vegetative propagation technique using small propagules is one of the main applications of plant tissue culture. It can be used to clone specific plants with desired traits and reduce the cost of plant propagation. In this study, we developed a protocol for micropropagation of Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell using a selected mature tree, in which we tested various combinations of different culture media and evaluated the use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels during the adventitious rooting and acclimatisation phases. Methods: Epicormic shoots were used as an explant source. After the in vitro explant establishment and multiplication, we tested 8 combinations of BAP, NAA and IBA in the elongation phase. Three types of microvessels were tested in the adventitious rooting phase and acclimatisation of the microcuttings. Results: Epicormic shoots had an establishment percentage of 40.6% and a total of 820 explants were generated by the 11th subculture, with an average of 12 buds per explant. Best shoot elongation results were achieved with BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) and BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) + IBA (1 mg L-1) combinations, whereas microvessel types M2 and M3 provided higher rooting and acclimatisation. According to the results of ISSR markers, at the end of 535 days of in vitro cultivation, cloning was successful between acclimatised micro-plantlets and the parent plant. Conclusions: The micropropagation protocol using microvessels was efficient in producing E. microcorys clonal microplantlets and is recommended for further studies with this species, and for testing in the micropropagation of other species.Peer reviewe

    Dialogic science-policy networks for water security governance in the arid Americas

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    Addressing wicked problems challenging water security requires participation from multiple stakeholders, often with conflicting visions, complicating the attainment of water-security goals and heightening the need for integrative and effective science-policy interfaces. Sustained multi-stakeholder dialogues within science-policy networks can improve adaptive governance and water system resilience. This paper describes what we define as “dialogic science-policy networks,” or interactions -- both in structural and procedural terms -- between scientists and policy-makers that are: 1) interdisciplinary, 2) international (here, inter-American), 3) cross-sectoral, 4) open, 5) continual and iterative in the long-term, and 6) flexible. By fostering these types of interactions, dialogic networks achieve what we call the 4-I criteria for effective science-policy dialogues: inclusivity, involvement, interaction, and influence. Here we present several water-security research and action projects where some of these attributes may be present. Among these, a more comprehensive form of a dialogic network was intentionally created via AQUASEC, a virtual center and network initially fostered by a series of grants from the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research. Subsequently, AQUASEC has significantly expanded to other regions through direct linkages and additional program support for the International Water Security Network, supported by Lloyd's Register Foundation and other sources. This paper highlights major scientific and policy achievements of a notable suite of science-policy networks, shared practices, methods, and knowledge integrating science and policy, as well as the main barriers overcome in network development. An important gap that remains for future research is the assessment and evaluation of dialogic science-policy networks' long-term outcomes.Fil: Lutz Ley, America N.. El Colegio de Sonora; MéxicoFil: Scott, Christopher A.. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Wilder, Margaret. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Varady, Robert G.. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Ocampo Melgar, Anahi. Universidad de Chile.; ChileFil: Lara Valencia, Francisco. Arizona State University; Estados UnidosFil: Zuniga Teran, Adriana. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Buechler, Stephanie. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Díaz Caravantes, Rolando. El Colegio de Sonora; MéxicoFil: Ribeiro Neto, Alfredo. El Colegio de Sonora; MéxicoFil: Pineda Pablos, Nicólas. El Colegio de Sonora; MéxicoFil: Martin, Facundo Damian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Climate change impact on a wine-producing region using a dynamical downscaling approach: Climate parameters, bioclimatic indices and extreme indices

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    Climate change is of major relevance to wine production as most of the winegrowing regions of the world are located within relatively narrow latitudinal bands with average growing-season temperatures (GSTs) limited to 13–21 C. This study focuses on the incidence of climate variables and indices that are relevant both for climate change assessment and for grape production, with emphasis on grapevine bioclimatic indices and extreme events (e.g., cold waves, storms, heatwaves). Dynamical downscaling of European Reanalysis-Interim and Max Planck Institute Earth System low-resolution global simulations forced with a Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) greenhouse gas emission scenario was performed with the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model to a regional scale including the Douro Valley of Portugal for recent-past (1986–2005) and future periods (2046–2065, 2081–2100). The number, duration and intensity of events were superimposed over critical phenological phases estimated by using a specific local grapevine varietal phenological model in order to assess their positive or negative implications for wine production in the region. An assessment of the relevance of climate parameters and indices and their progression in recent-past and future climate scenarios with regard to the potential impact on wine production was performed. Results indicate a positive relation between higher growing-season heat accumulations and greater vintage yields. A moderate incidence of very hot days (daily maximum temperature above 35 C) and drought from pre-véraison phenological conditions have a positive association with vintage ratings. However, the mid- and long-term WRF-MPI RCP8.5 future climate scenarios reveal shifts to warmer and drier conditions, with the mean GST not remaining within range for quality wine production in the long-term future climate scenario. These results indicate potential impacts that suggest a range of strategies to maintain wine production and quality in the region.The authors wish to thank the DOUROZONE project (PTDC/AAG-MAA/3335/2014; POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 016778) for financial support through Project 3599 – Promoting the Scientific Production and the Technological Development, and Thematic Networks (3599-PPCDT) – and through FEDER, and the national funds from FCT-Science and Technology Portuguese Foundation for the doctoral grant of D. Blanco-Ward (SFRH/BD/139193/2018). Thanks are also due for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007638), to FCT/MEC through national funds, and the co-funding by FEDER within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio