57 research outputs found

    Using graphics processors to accelerate the computation of the matrix inverse

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    We study the use of massively parallel architectures for computing a matrix inverse. Two different algorithms are reviewed, the traditional approach based on Gaussian elimination and the Gauss-Jordan elimination alternative, and several high performance implementations are presented and evaluated. The target architecture is a current general-purpose multi-core processor (CPU) connected to a graphics processor (GPU). Numerical experiments show the efficiency attained by the proposed implementations and how the computation of large-scale inverses, which only a few years ago would have required a distributed-memory cluster, take only a few minutes on a hybrid architecture formed by a multi-core CPU and a GPU

    Unleashing GPU acceleration for symmetric band linear algebra kernels and model reduction

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    Linear algebra operations arise in a myriad of scientific and engineering applications and, therefore, their optimization is targeted by a significant number of high performance computing (HPC) research efforts. In particular, the matrix multiplication and the solution of linear systems are two key problems with efficient implementations (or kernels) for a variety of high per- formance parallel architectures. For these specific prob- lems, leveraging the structure of the associated matrices often leads to remarkable time and memory savings, as is the case, e.g., for symmetric band problems. In this work, we exploit the ample hardware concurrency of many-core graphics processors (GPUs) to accelerate the solution of symmetric positive definite band linear systems, introducing highly tuned versions of the corre- sponding LAPACK routines. The experimental results with the new GPU kernels reveal important reductions of the execution time when compared with tuned imple- mentations of the same operations provided in Intel’s MKL. In addition, we evaluate the performance of the GPU kernels when applied to the solution of model or- der reduction problems and the associated matrix equa- tions.Ernesto Dufrechou and Pablo Ezzatti acknowledge the support from Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas, and Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovacioón, Uruguay. Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí was sup- ported by project TIN2011-23283 of the Ministry of Science and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER, and project P1-1B2013-20 of the Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa and UJI

    Periódico “El Eco”. Fuente de información medioambiental de la ciudad de Manzanillo durante la colonia (Ensayo)

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    The appearance of the first newspaper in Cuba, according to data offered by the consulted bibliography, dates back to the 1764 and 1790 years in Havana while this information source appears in the village of Manzanillo in 1857 with the foundation of “El ECO” newspaper . Despite the fact that it was held just for a short period, it left important trails among the inhabitants of this region of the country. A great deal of information were registered in its different sections, among them the ones that were addressed to the treatment of the different components of the environment, views that are offered by the authors of this article departing from reasoning that the published in that historical period set the bases for the further development of what is known today as the environmental journalism.El surgimiento del primer periódico en Cuba, según datos ofrecidos por la literatura consultada, se ubica entre los años 1764 y 1790 en La Habana, mientras que en la Villa de Manzanillo ubica a este órgano informativo en el año 1857, cuando se funda el periódico “El ECO”. A pesar de que se sostuvo durante un corto período, dejó una huella importante en los pobladores de esta región del país. Múltiples informaciones quedarían registradas en sus diferentes secciones, entre ellas las que se dedicaron al tratamiento de los diferentes componentes del Medio Ambiente, consideraciones que pretenden ofrecer los autores del presente artículo, a partir de razonar que las noticias publicadas en ese período histórico sentaron las bases para el desarrollo de lo que en la actualidad se conoce como periodismo ambiental

    Solving Algebraic Riccati Equations on Hybrid CPU-GPU Platforms

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    The solution of Algebraic Riccati Equations is required in many linear optimal and robust control methods such as LQR, LQG, Kalman filter, and in model order reduction techniques like the balanced stochastic truncation method. Numerically reliable algorithms for these applications rely on the sign function method, and require O(8n3) floating-point arithmetic operations, with n in the range of 103 −105 for many practical applications. In this paper we investigate the use of graphics processors (GPUs) to accelerate the solution of Algebraic Riccati Equations by off-loading the computationally intensive kernels to this device. Experiments on a hybrid platform compose by state-of-the-art general-purpose multi-core processors and a GPU illustrate the potential of this approach.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Hyperspectral Unmixing on Multicore DSPs: Trading Off Performance for Energy

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    Wider coverage of observation missions will increase onboard power restrictions while, at the same time, pose higher demands from the perspective of processing time, thus asking for the exploration of novel high-performance and low-power processing architectures. In this paper, we analyze the acceleration of spectral unmixing, a key technique to process hyperspectral images, on multicore architectures. To meet onboard processing restrictions, we employ a low-power Digital Signal Processor (DSP), comparing processing time and energy consumption with those of a representative set of commodity architectures. We demonstrate that DSPs offer a fair balance between ease of programming, performance, and energy consumption, resulting in a highly appealing platform to meet the restrictions of current missions if onboard processing is required

    La relación Historia-Medio Ambiente en la Educación Patrimonial de los estudiantes de Secundaria Básica en el municipio de Bartolomé Masó Márquez (Original)

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    The latest outcomes within the research field of the social and Natural Sciences have strengthened the synergy between the environment and the historical events, aspect that grounds the relationship man-historical nature. In such a sense, the knowledge of the historical and natural patrimony of Bartolomé Masó municipality becomes an irreplaceable source of inspiration and consciousness of the riches of history and the environment aimed at the preservation of such important dimensions, components that contribute to the national identity. The patrimonial education from an interdisciplinary approach, has a strong territorial anchor, came forth from a context made up of physical biological and historical factors interconnected to cach other, with a support from the Environmental Education as a process. The aforesaid becomes the objective of this research, which is the ground of the exposer´s Student Scientific Work who made use of theoretical and empirical research methods to carried it out.Los últimos resultados dentro del campo investigativo de las Ciencias Sociales y Naturales han potenciado la sinergia entre medioambiente y acontecimientos históricos, aspecto que fundamenta la relación hombre-sociedad-naturaleza. En tal sentido el conocimiento del Patrimonio Histórico y Natural del municipio de Bartolomé Masó constituye fuente insustituible de inspiración y concienciación de las riquezas de la historia y el medioambiente con orientación hacia la preservación de tan importantes dimensiones, componentes que aportan a la identidad nacional. La educación patrimonial desde un enfoque interdisciplinario presenta un fuerte anclaje territorial, surgido de un contexto constituido por factores físico-biológicos e históricos interconectados entre sí, con un sustento desde la Educación Ambiental como proceso. Lo anterior se constituye en objetivo de la presente investigación, fundamento del Trabajo Científico Estudiantil de la ponente en el cual se aplicaron métodos de investigación teóricos y empíricos

    La concepción ambientalista de Fidel Castro. Su visión en la protección y conservación del Patrimonio Natural ante los desafíos del siglo XXI

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    The knowledge of the Natural Patrimony of Bartolomé Masó Márquez municipality in Granma province is an irreplaceable source of inspiration and conciousness of the natural richness and the role it has played within the different historical events of the Cuban revolutionary process, led by the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, the chief forwarder of an Environmental Policy with a vision towards the future. Inspired by the legacy for the future generations before the challenges of the XXI Century, this investigation is conceived becoming the student Scientific Work of the main authoress who supplies the pedagogical practice with an Informative Booklet for the treatment of the Natural Patrimony of Bartolomé Masó municipality, which becomes an essential bibliographical source for students and teachers to be used from the History of Cuba teaching learning process in the ninth grade of the junior high school.El conocimiento del Patrimonio Natural del municipio de Bartolomé Masó Márquez de la provincia de Granma constituye fuente insustituible de inspiración y concienciación de las riquezas naturales y, el rol que han jugado en los diferentes acontecimientos históricos del proceso revolucionario cubano, liderado por el Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, máximo promotor de una Política Ambiental con visión de futuro. Inspirado en el legado dejado para las futuras generaciones ante los retos del Siglo XXI, se concibe la investigación devenida en el Trabajo Científico Estudiantil de la ponente principal, que aporta a la práctica pedagógica un Folleto Informativo para el tratamiento del Patrimonio Natural del municipio Bartolomé Masó, el cual constituye una fuente bibliográfica esencial para estudiantes y docentes en función de su utilización desde el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia de Cuba en el 9no grado de la Secundaria Básica

    Computación de alto desempeño para la reducción de modelos

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    El interés creciente por contar con modelos matemáticos que permitan realizar simulaciones, evaluar posibles diseños, estudiar impactos, etc. en distintos campos de ingeniería, pero a su vez la necesidad de que estos modelos sean tratables en un tiempo aceptable, dan origen al campo de trabajo de la reducción de modelos. Estas técnicas buscan, dado un modelo matemático, encontrar otro cuya dimensión sea considerablemente menor pero que presente un comportamiento similar al del modelo original. De esta forma, es posible utilizar el modelo reducido en posteriores simulaciones o estudios, disminuyendo así las necesidades de cómputo y tiempo de ejecución. Este trabajo presenta una pequeña introducción a la temática de reducción de modelos, con particular interés en los métodos basados en realizaciones balanceadas. Además, se estudia las técnicas de HPC y su aplicación para la aceleración de los métodos de reducción de modelos

    The Impact of the Multi-core Revolution on Signal Processing

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    This paper analyzes the influence of new multi- core and many-core architectures on Signal Processing. The article covers both the architectural design and the programming models of current general-purpose multi-core processors and graphics processors (GPU), with the goal of identifying their possibilities and impact on signal processing applications