436 research outputs found

    Intra-facility equity in discrete and continuous p-facility location problems

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    We consider facility location problems with a new form of equity criterion. Demand points have preference order on the sites where the plants can be located. The goal is to find the location of the facilities minimizing the envy felt by the demand points with respect to the rest of the demand points allocated to the same plant. After defining this new envy criterion and the general framework based on it, we provide formulations that model this approach in both the discrete and the continuous framework. The problems are illustrated with examples and the computational tests reported show the potential and limits of each formulation on several types of instances. Although this article is mainly focused on the introduction, modeling and formulation of this new concept of envy, some improvements for all the formulations presented are developed, obtaining in some cases better solution times.Project TED2021-130875B-I00, supported by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 and the European Union ‘‘NextGenerationEU/PRTR’’Research project PID2022- 137818OB-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain)Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Spain: PID2020-114594GB-C2; Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain P18-FR-1422 and B-FQM-322-UGR20 (ERDFIMAG-Maria de Maeztu, Spain grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBU

    Measuring vertical velocities with low frequency ADCP instruments: a case of study in the strait of Gibraltar

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    Underwater Cultural heritage risk assessment methodology for wave-induced hazards: The showcase of the Bay of Cadiz

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    Coastal areas are characterized by high energetic conditions associated to the wave transformation process and by numerous underwater cultural heritage (UCH) sites whose preservation is crucial given their cultural and economic value. UCH management requires a decision support system to prioritize UCH interventions and actions for long-term preservation. This paper presents a novel UCH risk assessment methodology to quantitatively assess the impact of wave-induced hazards on UCH in coastal environments at a local level and the screening of UCH sites at risk. The UCH risk is calculated as a function of vulnerability (depending on archaeological materials, slope, and seabed type), hazard (decontextualization, scouring, and erosive wear), and exposure computed for the UCH sites registered in an archaeological database. The procedure was validated at two shipwreck sites, Bucentaure and Fougueux, in the Bay of Cadiz. An agreement between the risk index value and the in situ measurements of the rates of scouring and corrosion (used as a proxy of erosive wear) was observed. The methodology was tested in the Bay of Cadiz using an archaeological database containing 56 UCH sites. It allowed identifying the UCH sites at high risk: six are at risk of decontextualization, four are in peril of scouring erosion, and two are at risk of erosive wear. Two UCH sites at high risk of at least two hazards were also identified. This UCH risk assessment methodology is a stepping stone towards a decision support system that will give priority to research, prospection, management, and protection measures in the UCH sites analyzed to ensure their preservation in a context of climate change in the era of a sustainable blue economy.18 página

    RNA nuclear export is blocked by poliovirus 2A protease and is concomitant with nucleoporin cleavage

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    Cytopathic viruses have developed successful strategies to block or, at least, to attenuate host interference with their replication. Here, we have analyzed the effects of poliovirus 2A protease on RNA nuclear export. 2A protease interferes with trafficking of mRNAs, rRNAs and U snRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, without any apparent effect on tRNA transport. Traffic of newly produced mRNAs is more strongly affected than traffic of other mRNAs over-represented in the cytoplasm, such as mRNA encoding -actin. Inhibition of RNA nuclear export in HeLa cells expressing 2A protease is concomitant with the cleavage of Nup98, Nup153, Nup62 and their subsequent subcellular redistribution. The expression of an inactive 2A protease failed to interfere with RNA nuclear export. In addition, other related proteases, such as poliovirus 3C or foot and mouth disease virus Lpro did not affect mRNA distribution or Nup98 integrity. Treatment of HeLa cells with interferon (IFN)- increased the relative amount of Nup98. Under such conditions, the cleavage of Nup98 induced by 2A protease is partial, and thus IFN- prevents the inhibition of RNA nuclear export. Taken together, these results are consistent with a specific proteolysis of Nup98 by 2A protease to prevent de novo mRNA traffic in poliovirus-infected cells.Peer reviewe

    Análisis normativo y jurisprudencial de la responsabilidad penal del Coordinador-a de Seguridad y Salud

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    Durante la ejecución de una obra, el accidente de trabajo grave (en determinados casos) y el mortal (en su totalidad), derivan en la búsqueda de las responsabilidades administrativas, civiles y penales de los diferentes agentes o sujetos intervinientes en el proceso constructivo. La determinación de responsabilidades, a instancia de oficio de la Fiscalía especializada o porque junto ésta se ejerza una acción acusatoria particular de los perjudicados, tiene un fin punitivo y/o de resarcimiento indemnizatorio del trabajador. Algunos de los procedimientos penales concluyen con una sentencia condenatoria sobre el Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud durante la ejecución de la obra, por determinarse que ha existido causalidad, por acción u omisión, entre el accidente y las obligaciones atribuidas en la normativa a estos sujetos. En consecuencia podemos realizar el estudio y análisis de las sentencias, para determinar cuáles han sido las funciones atribuidas a estos agentes y que obligaciones descuidaron u omitieron, para así comprobar si en el ámbito jurídico hay una correcta interpretación de la normativa y del verdadero trabajo que un Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud tiene asignado en obra.Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de Españ

    Sustainable Development of Coastal Food Services

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    Coastal food services are an important segment within ‘sea and sun’ tourism. They have a direct impact on the environment from liquid and solid waste generation, air contamination, and excessive energy and water consumption. Mass tourism and the contemporary threat of climate change enhance the anthropogenic intrusion, especially in vulnerable coastal zones. To prevent overexploitation of the coastal zones, the adaptation of the sustainable principles by coastal stakeholders is an urgent matter. Thus, this study aims to design a model of sustainable development for restaurants and to examine the level of its adoption by seaside restaurant owners in two touristic beach areas of Cadiz province, Spain. A questionnaire was performed during the high summer season in 2018. The obtained data was analysed by IBM SPSS software. The survey results showed that the model of sustainable development has been poorly adopted by restaurant managers. Foreign managers of international restaurants are less involved in the adoption of the sustainable model in comparison to Spanish restaurant owners. Moreover, restaurants that have been opened more than 10–20 years provide a more sustainable way of business operation in comparison with newly established food service organizations

    Environmental consciousness of beach tourists

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    Purpose - The main goal of the present investigation is to estimate the level of tourists ' environmental consciousness (EC), which forms their intention to behave environmentally friendly (EF) during vacation time. Design - Variables of environmental awareness, environmental perception, environmental attitude, and perceived behavioural control were employed to analyze the level of tourists EC. Methodology - A tourists ' questionnaire was carried out in four mature beach destinations in the province of Cadiz during the high summer season of 2018. A systematic random selection of respondents was conducted along the pathway parallel to each beach covering both the dry and intertidal areas. In addition, Paper and Pencil Interviewing (PAPI) was completed with the tourists. Approach - Latent class analysis (LCA) model was implemented the R statistical computing program to evaluate tourists' EC. Findings - Results demonstrated that beach tourists can be divided into three groups with low, medium and high EC. The largest group of tourists has medium EC, followed by low and high ones. Thus, the outcome demonstrates that the majority of beachgoers have insufficient levels of EC and intention to behave in an environmentally friendly manner. Originality of the research - The research includes exceptional variables to demonstrate the level of tourists ' EC and the most probable behaviour of derived groups. Moreover, the statistical analysis provides socio-geographic characteristics of these groups of tourists. Thus, the investigation serves local policymakers as a complementary tool to design an adequate management model of sustainable tourism developmen

    Calidad del grano

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    Existe una amplia gama de tipos de granos de maíz. Las diferencias entre estos maíces radican en el tamaño, forma y color del grano, la dureza de su endosperma y la composición química. Tales diferencias condicionan la aptitud del grano para diferentes usos y destinos.EEA BalcarceFil: Cirilo, Alfredo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino; Argentina.Fil: Izquierdo, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina

    Consensus on early detection of disease progression in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Consensus; Early detection; Secondary progressive multiple sclerosisConsenso; Detección precoz; Esclerosis múltiple progresiva secundariaConsens; Detecció precoç; Esclerosi múltiple progressiva secundàriaBackground: Early identification of the transition from relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) to secondary progressive MS (SPMS) can be challenging for clinicians, as diagnostic criteria for SPMS are primarily based on physical disability and a holistic interpretation. Objective: To establish a consensus on patient monitoring to identify promptly disease progression and the most useful clinical and paraclinical variables for early identification of disease progression in MS. Methods: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was used to establish the level of agreement among a panel of 15 medical experts in MS. Eighty-three items were circulated to the experts for confidential rating of the grade of agreement and recommendation. Consensus was defined when ≥66% agreement or disagreement was achieved. Results: Consensus was reached in 72 out of 83 items (86.7%). The items addressed frequency of follow-up visits, definition of progression, identification of clinical, cognitive, and radiological assessments as variables of suspected or confirmed SPMS diagnosis, the need for more accurate assessment tools, and the use of promising molecular and imaging biomarkers to predict disease progression and/or diagnose SPMS. Conclusion: Consensus achieved on these topics could guide neurologists to identify earlier disease progression and to plan targeted clinical and therapeutic interventions during the earliest stages of SPMS.This work was supported by Novartis. Meetings, data analysis, and medical writing assistance were funded by Novartis. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript