84 research outputs found

    Microwave enhanced ion-cut silicon layer transfer

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    Microwave heating has been used to decrease the time required for exfoliation of thin single-crystalline silicon layers onto insulator substrates using ion-cut processing. Samples exfoliated in a 2.45 GHz, 1300 W cavity applicator microwave system saw a decrease in incubation times as compared to conventional anneal processes. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, cross sectional scanning electron microscopy, cross sectional transmission electron microscopy, and selective aperture electron diffraction were used to determine the transferred layer thickness and crystalline quality. The surface quality was determined by atomic force microscopy. Hall measurements were used to determine electrical properties as a function of radiation repair anneal times. Results of physical and electrical characterizations demonstrate that the end products of microwave enhanced ion-cut processing do not appreciably differ from those using more traditional means of exfoliation. © 2007 American Institute of Physics

    Effect of substrate growth temperatures on H diffusion in hydrogenated Si/Si homoepitaxial structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    We have investigated hydrogen diffusion in hydrogenated 〈100〉 Si/Si homoepitaxial structures, which were grown by molecular beam epitaxy at various temperatures. The substrate growth temperature can significantly affect the H diffusion behavior, with higher growth temperatures resulting in deeper H diffusion. For the Si/Si structure grown at the highest temperature of 800°C, H trapping occurs at the epitaxial Si/Si substrate interface, which results in the formation of (100) oriented microcracks at the interface. The mechanism of H trapping and the potential application of these findings for the development of a method of transferring ultrathin Si layers are discussed. © 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Plasma hydrogenation of strained Si/SiGe/Si heterostructure for layer transfer without ion implantation

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    We have developed an innovative approach without the use of ion implantation to transfer a high-quality thin Si layer for the fabrication of silicon-on-insulator wafers. The technique uses a buried strained SiGe layer, a few nanometers in thickness, to provide H trapping centers. In conjunction with H plasma hydrogenation, lift-off of the top Si layer can be realized with cleavage occurring at the depth of the strained SiGe layer. This technique avoids irradiation damage within the top Si layer that typically results from ion implantation used to create H trapping regions in the conventional ion-cut method. We explain the strain-facilitated layer transfer as being due to preferential vacancy aggregation within the strained layer and subsequent trapping of hydrogen, which lead to cracking in a well controlled manner. © 2005 American Institute of Physics

    H-induced platelet and crack formation in hydrogenated epitaxial Si/Si <inf>0.98</inf>B <inf>0.02</inf>/Si structures

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    An approach to transfer a high-quality Si layer for the fabrication of silicon-on-insulator wafers has been proposed based on the investigation of platelet and crack formation in hydrogenated epitaxial Si Si0.98 B0.02 Si structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. H-related defect formation during hydrogenation was found to be very sensitive to the thickness of the buried Si0.98 B0.02 layer. For hydrogenated Si containing a 130 nm thick Si0.98 B0.02 layer, no platelets or cracking were observed in the B-doped region. Upon reducing the thickness of the buried Si0.98 B0.02 layer to 3 nm, localized continuous cracking was observed along the interface between the Si and the B-doped layers. In the latter case, the strains at the interface are believed to facilitate the (100)-oriented platelet formation and (100)-oriented crack propagation. © 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Osteochondral Grafting: Effect of Graft Alignment, Material Properties, and Articular Geometry

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    Osteochondral grafting for cartilage lesions is an attractive surgical procedure; however, the clinical results have not always been successful. Surgical recommendations differ with respect to donor site and graft placement technique. No clear biomechanical analysis of these surgical options has been reported. We hypothesized that differences in graft placement, graft biomechanical properties, and graft topography affect cartilage stresses and strains. A finite element model of articular cartilage and meniscus in a normal knee was constructed. The model was used to analyze the magnitude and the distribution of contact stresses, von Mises stresses, and compressive strains in the intact knee, after creation of an 8-mm diameter osteochondral defect, and after osteochondral grafting of the defect. The effects of graft placement, articular surface topography, and biomechanical properties were evaluated. The osteochondral defect generated minimal changes in peak contact stress (3.6 MPa) relative to the intact condition (3.4 MPa) but significantly increased peak von Mises stress (by 110%) and peak compressive strain (by 63%). A perfectly matched graft restored stresses and strains to near intact conditions. Leaving the graft proud by 0.5 mm generated the greatest increase in local stresses (peak contact stresses = 6.7 MPa). Reducing graft stiffness and curvature of articular surface had lesser effects on local stresses. Graft alignment, graft biomechanical properties, and graft topography all affected cartilage stresses and strains. Contact stresses, von Mises stresses, and compressive strains are biomechanical markers for potential tissue damage and cell death. Leaving the graft proud tends to jeopardize the graft by increasing the stresses and strains on the graft. From a biomechanical perspective, the ideal surgical procedure is a perfectly aligned graft with reasonably matched articular cartilage surface from a lower load-bearing region of the knee

    Phytotoxic Effects of (±)-Catechin In vitro, in Soil, and in the Field

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    BACKGROUND: Exploring the residence time of allelochemicals released by plants into different soils, episodic exposure of plants to allelochemicals, and the effects of allelochemicals in the field has the potential to improve our understanding of interactions among plants. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted experiments in India and the USA to understand the dynamics of soil concentrations and phytotoxicity of (+/-)-catechin, an allelopathic compound exuded from the roots of Centaurea maculosa, to other plants in vitro and in soil. Experiments with single and pulsed applications into soil were conducted in the field. Experimental application of (+/-)-catechin to soils always resulted in concentrations that were far lower than the amounts added but within the range of reported natural soil concentrations. Pulses replenished (+/-)-catechin levels in soils, but consistently at concentrations much lower than were applied, and even pulsed concentrations declined rapidly. Different natural soils varied substantially in the retention of (+/-)-catechin after application but consistent rapid decreases in concentrations over time suggested that applied experimental concentrations may overestimate concentrations necessary for phytotoxicity by over an order of magnitude. (+/-)-Catechin was not phytotoxic to Bambusa arundinacea in natural Indian soil in a single pulse, but soil concentrations at the time of planting seeds were either undetectable or very low. However, a single dose of (+/-)-catechin suppressed the growth of bamboo in sand, in soil mixed with organic matter, and Koeleria macrantha in soils from Montana and Romania, and in field applications at 40 microg l(-1). Multiple pulses of (+/-)-catechin were inhibitory at very low concentrations in Indian soil. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that (+/-)-catechin is highly dynamic in natural soils, but is phytotoxic well below natural concentrations measured in some soils and applied at low concentrations in the field. However, there is substantial conditionality in the effects of the allelochemical

    Effects of a Caffeine-Containing Energy Drink on Simulated Soccer Performance

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    [Background] To investigate the effects of a caffeine-containing energy drink on soccer performance during a simulated game. A second purpose was to assess the post-exercise urine caffeine concentration derived from the energy drink intake. [Methodology/Principal Findings] Nineteen semiprofessional soccer players ingested 630±52 mL of a commercially available energy drink (sugar-free Red Bull®) to provide 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body mass, or a decaffeinated control drink (0 mg/kg). After sixty minutes they performed a 15-s maximal jump test, a repeated sprint test (7×30 m; 30 s of active recovery) and played a simulated soccer game. Individual running distance and speed during the game were measured using global positioning satellite (GPS) devices. In comparison to the control drink, the ingestion of the energy drink increased mean jump height in the jump test (34.7±4.7 v 35.8±5.5 cm; P<0.05), mean running speed during the sprint test (25.6±2.1 v 26.3±1.8 km · h−1; P<0.05) and total distance covered at a speed higher than 13 km · h−1 during the game (1205±289 v 1436±326 m; P<0.05). In addition, the energy drink increased the number of sprints during the whole game (30±10 v 24±8; P<0.05). Post-exercise urine caffeine concentration was higher after the energy drink than after the control drink (4.1±1.0 v 0.1±0.1 µg · mL−1; P<0.05). [Conclusions/significance] A caffeine-containing energy drink in a dose equivalent to 3 mg/kg increased the ability to repeatedly sprint and the distance covered at high intensity during a simulated soccer game. In addition, the caffeinated energy drink increased jump height which may represent a meaningful improvement for headers or when players are competing for a ball

    Climate Change Impact on Neotropical Social Wasps

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    Establishing a direct link between climate change and fluctuations in animal populations through long-term monitoring is difficult given the paucity of baseline data. We hypothesized that social wasps are sensitive to climatic variations, and thus studied the impact of ENSO events on social wasp populations in French Guiana. We noted that during the 2000 La Niña year there was a 77.1% decrease in their nest abundance along ca. 5 km of forest edges, and that 70.5% of the species were no longer present. Two simultaneous 13-year surveys (1997–2009) confirmed the decrease in social wasps during La Niña years (2000 and 2006), while an increase occurred during the 2009 El Niño year. A 30-year weather survey showed that these phenomena corresponded to particularly high levels of rainfall, and that temperature, humidity and global solar radiation were correlated with rainfall. Using the Self-Organizing Map algorithm, we show that heavy rainfall during an entire rainy season has a negative impact on social wasps. Strong contrasts in rainfall between the dry season and the short rainy season exacerbate this effect. Social wasp populations never recovered to their pre-2000 levels. This is probably because these conditions occurred over four years; heavy rainfall during the major rainy seasons during four other years also had a detrimental effect. On the contrary, low levels of rainfall during the major rainy season in 2009 spurred an increase in social wasp populations. We conclude that recent climatic changes have likely resulted in fewer social wasp colonies because they have lowered the wasps' resistance to parasitoids and pathogens. These results imply that Neotropical social wasps can be regarded as bio-indicators because they highlight the impact of climatic changes not yet perceptible in plants and other animals