214 research outputs found

    VOD service providers and regulation in the European Union: an audiovisual diversity approach

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    A recent firm step in order to impose a quota for the catalogues of on-demand audiovisual service providers has been given by the EU countries through the reformulation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive in 2018. This paper aims to analyse the potential implications of this change, in relation to the way the promotion of European works has been implemented so far, since some comments can be made in light of this reformulation. It will be argued that more interesting than the obligation to comply with a quota, defined by the geographical origin of audiovisual works, is the idea of making platforms part of every national audiovisual production and financing system via direct or indirect financial contributions. It is concluded that the latter can offer a wider room for manoeuvre to better help focus public policy decisions when there is political will, as the French and German cases prove

    A Multi-state model for the analysis of functional decline and mortality of frail elderly patients

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi, que correspon a un projecte de recerca sobre la pèrdua funcional i la mortalitat de persones grans fràgils, és construir un procés de supervivència predictiu que tingui en compte l’evolució funcional i nutricional dels pacients al llarg del temps. En aquest estudi ens enfrontem a l’anàlisi de dades de supervivència i mesures repetides però els mètodes estadístics habituals per al tractament conjunt d’aquest tipus de dades no són apropiats en aquest cas. Com a alternativa utilitzem els models de supervivència multi-estats per avaluar l’associació entre mortalitat i recuperació, o no, dels nivells funcionals i nutricionals considerats normals. Després d’estimar el model i d’identificar els factors pronòstics de mortalitat és possible obtenir un procés predictiu que permet fer prediccions de la supervivència dels pacients en funció de la seva història concreta fins a un determinat moment. Això permet realitzar un pronòstic més precís de cada grup de pacients, la qual cosa pot ser molt útil per als professionals sanitaris a l’hora de prendre decisions clíniques.The aim of this study, corresponding to a research project on functional decline and mortality of frail elderly patients, is to build a predictive survival process which takes into account the functional and nutritional evolution of the patients over time. We deal with both survival data and repeated measures but the usual statistical methods for the joint analysis of longitudinal and survival data are not appropriate in this case. As an alternative we use the multi-state survival model approach to evaluate the association between mortality and the recovery, or not, of normal functional and nutritional levels. Once the model is estimated and the prognostic factors of mortality identified, a predictive process is computed which allows predictions to be made of a patient’s survival based on their history at a given time. This provides a more exact estimate of the prognosis for each group of patients which may be very helpful to clinicians in the making of decisionsEl objetivo de este estudio, correspondiente a un proyecto de investigación sobre la pérdida funcional y la mortalidad de ancianos frágiles, es construir un proceso de supervivencia predictivo que tenga en cuenta la evolución funcional y nutricional de los pacientes a lo largo del tiempo. En este estudio nos enfrentamos al análisis de datos de supervivencia y medidas repetidas pero los métodos estadísticos habituales para el tratamiento conjunto de este tipo de datos no son apropiados en este caso. Como alternativa utilizamos los modelos de supervivencia multi-estados para evaluar la asociación entre mortalidad y recuperación, o no, de los niveles funcionales y nutricionales considerados normales. Despuésde estimar el modelo y de identificar los factores pron ́osticos de mortalidad es posible obtener un proceso predictivo que permite hacer predicciones de la supervivencia de los pacientes en función de su historia concreta hasta un determinado momento. Esto permite realizar un pronóstico más preciso de cada grupo de pacientes, lo cual puede ser muy útil para los profesionales sanitarios en la toma de decisiones clínicas

    Alcohol and tobacco consumption, personality, and cybervictimization among adolescents

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    Cyberbullying has emerged as a public health problem. Personality may play an important role in substance use and cybervictimization. The aim of this study was to examine whether tobacco and alcohol consumption and personality traits are associated with cybervictimization in Spanish adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 765 secondary students (aged 14–16) from 16 secondary schools in Spain. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing sociodemographic characteristics; tobacco and alcohol consumption; cybervictimization (Garaigordobil Scale); and personality traits (Big Five Questionnaire). A logistic regression model controlling for sex, age, parental education and personality traits was used to determine the independent associations and interactions between tobacco and alcohol consumption and cybervictimization. The results indicate that a total of 305 adolescents (39.9%) reported that they were cyberbullied in the past year. Girls were more likely to be cyberbullied than boys. Cybervictims had a significantly greater monthly alcohol consumption (OR = 1.51; 95% CI = 1.05–2.15), higher scores for extraversion (OR = 1.31; 95% CI = 1.06–1.63) and emotional instability (OR = 1.53; 95% CI = 1.27–1.83); as well as lower scores for conscientiousness (OR = 0.78; 95% CI = 0.63–0.95). These results suggest that personality traits and alcohol consumption are independently associated with cybervictimization. Our study suggests the existence of underlying common personality factors for cybervictimization and alcohol and tobacco use.Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PI12/0181


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    The Dual Career of Student-Athletes is a topic of great interest in Europe, and the European Commission supports projects to implement measures that promote and stimulate this career. Within the European Dual Career ESTPORT project, two sports tutoring models were analyzed (UCAM Tutorship Model and DUCASTUN Model) in two different countries (Spain and Italy). In 2016, the UCAM model of sports tutoring was used to tutoring 188 students. They were granted a scholarship and assisted by an individual tutor. The model and the system which has developed from it was evaluated. That provided essential pieces of information on sports life, academic life and sports tutoring. The DUCASTUN model of the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, was implemented with 18 student-athletes and evaluated through the ESTPORT project, emphasizing the use of Web 2.0 technology as an essential element to achieving effective sports tutoring

    Effectiveness of a complex intervention in reducing the prevalence of smoking among adolescents: study design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The likelihood of an adolescent taking up smoking may be influenced by his or her society, school and family. Thus, changes in the immediate environment may alter a young person’s perception of smoking. METHODS/DESIGN: The proposed multi-center, cluster-randomized controlled trial will be stratified by the baseline prevalence of smoking in schools. Municipalities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants will be randomly assigned to a control or intervention group. One secondary school will be randomly selected from each municipality. These schools will be randomized to two groups: the students of one will receive any existing educational course regarding smoking, while those of the other school will receive a four-year, class-based curriculum intervention (22 classroom lessons) aimed at reinforcing a smoke-free school policy and encouraging smoking cessation in parents, pupils, and teachers. The intervention will also include annual meetings with parents and efforts to empower adolescents to change the smoking-related attitudes and behaviors in their homes, classrooms and communities. We will enroll children aged 12-13 years as they enter secondary school during two consecutive school years (to obtain sufficient enrolled subjects). We will follow them for five years, until two years after they leave secondary school. All external evaluators and analysts will be blinded to school allocation. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of a complex intervention in reducing the prevalence of smoking in the third year of compulsory secondary education (ESO) and two years after secondary school, when the participants are 14-15 and 17-18 years old, respectively. DISCUSSION: Most interventions aimed at preventing smoking among adolescents yield little to no positive long-term effects. This clinical trial will analyze the effectiveness of a complex intervention aimed at reducing the incidence and prevalence of smoking in this vulnerable age group. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials: NCT01602796


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    El posicionamiento en tiempo real usando GPS se hace mediante correccionesdiferenciales enviadas desde una estación base hacia un receptor móvil.Generalmente, la corrección es enviada vía radio o por medio de satélites decomunicación. Con el desarrollo del internet inalámbrica y con el aumento de lacobertura de la señal mediante un Protocolo, conocido como IP, han hecho que se integren estas tecnologías para realizar mediciones para trabajos y estudios en tiempo real usando la tecnología GPS, y mediante el protocolo NTRIP. Estatécnica se ha estado desarrollando e implementando de forma constante en la región, siendo el presente y futuro de las mediciones para trabajos de precisión y en tiempo real. En este trabajo, se muestra la implementación de la técnica NTRIP para posicionamiento en tiempo real. El acceso a datos brutos del GPS en un móvil ANDROID y un navegador Mobile Mapper 10, la utilización de NTRIP para el envió de correcciones diferenciales por medio del protocolo IP, y el internet como red de información inmediata, fueron la base general para crear una aplicación que utiliza una corrección diferencial por posición. Los primeros resultados muestran una mejoría en la posición, pudiendo llegar a obtener un error medio de 2.3m en una Tablet con Android, y 1.6 m con el Mobile Mapper 10; en un tiempo de 5 minutos

    Cybervictimization among secondary students: social networking time, personality traits and parental education

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    Background: Cyberbullying among children and adolescents is a major public health concern. However, research has not yet definitively identified the risk factors associated with cybervictimization. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of cybervictimization with use of social networks, personality traits and parental education in secondary students. Methods: The study population consisted of 765 secondary students (56.5% girls) from Majorca (Spain) who were aged 15.99 years (grade 4). The data were from the 16 secondary school centers that participated in the ITACA Project, a multi-center, cluster randomized controlled trial. Cybervictimization was measured by the Garaigordobil Cybervictimization Scale, and the Big Five Questionnaire for Children was used to assess personality traits. Results: Results showed that 39.9% of the students were cybervictims. Univariate analysis indicated that more girls than boys were cybervictimized (43.1% vs 35.7%). Cybervictims spent more time in social networking sites than non-victims (6 h 30 min vs. 5 h 16 min) and had greater emotional instability (0.16 vs. -0.23) and extraversion (0.11 vs. -0.09) and were less conscientious (− 0.001 vs. 0.20). Multivariable analysis indicated that social networking time was not significantly associated with cybervictimization after controlling for personality traits, but the same personality traits remained significantly associated. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that cyberbullying is a frequent and relevant problem in adolescents. Big Five personality traits are related with cybervictimization. Possible ways to design interventions include promoting social leisure activities, encourage responsible attitudes and provide stress coping toolsInstituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PI12/0181

    Clasificación binaria mediante ensembles para clases desbalanceadas: una aplicación al problema de predicción de fuga de clientes

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    147 p.En el presente trabajo de Tesis se propone una metodología para la construcción de un modelo de clasificación binaria en el contexto de desbalance y traslape de clases, con el objetivo de generar un modelo con un mayor poder predictivo. El modelo está basado en la combinación de métodos de dos enfoques de clasificación: el enfoque discriminante y el basado en reconocimiento o clasificación de una clase. A través de esta estrategia se espera inducir clasificadores individuales capaces de rescatar de mejor manera diversas regiones del espacio de datos y de esta manera combinar sus decisiones en un ensemble de métodos. Al respecto, dos estrategias de combinación de decisiones son utilizadas: reglas fijas de combinación y el método Stacking. La aplicación de la metodología sobre bases de datos artificiales muestra la capacidad de los ensembles para incrementar el rendimiento de clasificación. Al respecto, los beneficios generados son mayores en aquellas bases de datos más complejas, en las cuales los métodos individuales no generan resultados satisfactorios, pero tienden a ser más diversos. Además, la metodología es aplicada a un problema real de predicción de fugas de clientes. En este contexto, se confirma la capacidad de los ensembles para generar predicciones más asertivas, logrando un 5.4% de incremento por sobre el máximo alcanzado por un clasificador individual, considerando como medida de rendimiento la media geométrica de las tasas de acierto individuales sobre cada clase. Se destaca que este beneficio es originado principalmente por un incremento en la tasa de acierto sobre la clase “Fuga” (minoritaria). Los resultados obtenidos en la etapa de experimentación, así como en la aplicación real, sugieren que el método Stacking es el más adecuado para la combinación de clasificadores cuando es inducido un meta-clasificador robusto como SVM con función de kernel RB

    Cybervictimization among secondary students: social networking time, personality traits and parental education

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    BackgroundCyberbullying among children and adolescents is a major public health concern. However, research has not yet definitively identified the risk factors associated with cybervictimization. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of cybervictimization with use of social networks, personality traits and parental education in secondary students.MethodsThe study population consisted of 765 secondary students (56.5% girls) from Majorca (Spain) who were aged 15.99years (grade 4). The data were from the 16 secondary school centers that participated in the ITACA Project, a multi-center, cluster randomized controlled trial. Cybervictimization was measured by the Garaigordobil Cybervictimization Scale, and the Big Five Questionnaire for Children was used to assess personality traits.ResultsResults showed that 39.9% of the students were cybervictims. Univariate analysis indicated that more girls than boys were cybervictimized (43.1% vs 35.7%). Cybervictims spent more time in social networking sites than non-victims (6h 30min vs. 5h 16min) and had greater emotional instability (0.16 vs. -0.23) and extraversion (0.11 vs. -0.09) and were less conscientious (-0.001 vs. 0.20). Multivariable analysis indicated that social networking time was not significantly associated with cybervictimization after controlling for personality traits, but the same personality traits remained significantly associated.ConclusionsOur findings indicate that cyberbullying is a frequent and relevant problem in adolescents. Big Five personality traits are related with cybervictimization. Possible ways to design interventions include promoting social leisure activities, encourage responsible attitudes and provide stress coping tools.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Health Research Funds of the Carlos III Health Institute (PI12/01813)