5,276 research outputs found

    Why one-size-fits-all vaso-modulatory interventions fail to control glioma invasion: in silico insights

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    There is an ongoing debate on the therapeutic potential of vaso-modulatory interventions against glioma invasion. Prominent vasculature-targeting therapies involve functional tumour-associated blood vessel deterioration and normalisation. The former aims at tumour infarction and nutrient deprivation medi- ated by vascular targeting agents that induce occlusion/collapse of tumour blood vessels. In contrast, the therapeutic intention of normalising the abnormal structure and function of tumour vascular net- works, e.g. via alleviating stress-induced vaso-occlusion, is to improve chemo-, immuno- and radiation therapy efficacy. Although both strategies have shown therapeutic potential, it remains unclear why they often fail to control glioma invasion into the surrounding healthy brain tissue. To shed light on this issue, we propose a mathematical model of glioma invasion focusing on the interplay between the mi- gration/proliferation dichotomy (Go-or-Grow) of glioma cells and modulations of the functional tumour vasculature. Vaso-modulatory interventions are modelled by varying the degree of vaso-occlusion. We discovered the existence of a critical cell proliferation/diffusion ratio that separates glioma invasion re- sponses to vaso-modulatory interventions into two distinct regimes. While for tumours, belonging to one regime, vascular modulations reduce the tumour front speed and increase the infiltration width, for those in the other regime the invasion speed increases and infiltration width decreases. We show how these in silico findings can be used to guide individualised approaches of vaso-modulatory treatment strategies and thereby improve success rates

    Water vapor emission from IRC+10216 and other carbon-rich stars: model predictions and prospects for multitransition observations

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    We have modeled the emission of H2O rotational lines from the extreme C-rich star IRC+10216. Our treatment of the excitation of H2O emissions takes into account the excitation of H2O both through collisions, and through the pumping of the nu2 and nu3 vibrational states by dust emission and subsequent decay to the ground state. Regardless of the spatial distribution of the water molecules, the H2O 1_{10}-1_{01} line at 557 GHz observed by the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) is found to be pumped primarily through the absorption of dust-emitted photons at 6 μ\mum in the nu2 band. As noted by previous authors, the inclusion of radiative pumping lowers the ortho-H2O abundance required to account for the 557 GHz emission, which is found to be (0.5-1)x10^{-7} if the presence of H2O is a consequence of vaporization of orbiting comets or Fischer-Tropsch catalysis. Predictions for other submillimeter H2O lines that can be observed by the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO) are reported. Multitransition HSO observations promise to reveal the spatial distribution of the circumstellar water vapor, discriminating among the several hypotheses that have been proposed for the origin of the H2O vapor in the envelope of IRC+10216. We also show that, for observations with HSO, the H2O 1_{10}-1_{01} 557 GHz line affords the greatest sensitivity in searching for H2O in other C-rich AGB stars.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Second INTEGRAL AGN Catalogue

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    The INTEGRAL mission provides a large data set for studying the hard X-ray properties of AGN and allows testing of the unified scheme for AGN. We present analysis of INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI, JEM-X, and OMC data for 199 AGN supposedly detected by INTEGRAL above 20 keV. The data analysed here allow a significant spectral extraction on 148 objects and an optical variability study of 57 AGN. The slopes of the hard X-ray spectra of Seyfert 1 and Seyfert~2 galaxies are found to be consistent within the uncertainties, whereas higher cut-off energies and lower luminosities are measured for the more absorbed / type 2 AGN. The intermediate Seyfert 1.5 objects exhibit hard X-ray spectra consistent with those of Seyfert 1. When applying a Compton reflection model, the underlying continua appear the same in Seyfert 1 and 2 with photon index 2, and the reflection strength is about R = 1, when assuming different inclination angles. A significant correlation is found between the hard X-ray and optical luminosity and the mass of the central black hole in the sense that the more luminous objects appear to be more massive. There is also a general trend toward the absorbed sources and type 2 AGN having lower Eddington ratios. The black holemass appears to form a fundamental plane together with the optical and X-ray luminosity of the form Lv being proportional to Lx^0.6 M^0.2, similar to that found between radio luminosity Lr, Lx, and M. The unified model for Seyfert galaxies seems to hold, showing in hard X-rays that the central engine is the same in Seyfert 1 and 2, but seen under different inclination angles and absorption. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Corrections by language editor included in version

    Chrysothrix flavovirens, Lepraria elobata, and Ochrolechia arborea new to Portugal

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    Chrysothrix flavovirens, Lepraria elobata, and Ochrolechia arborea are reported as new to Portugal, based on surveys carried out in pine forests along the Portuguese coast. Data on the distribution, secondary products and ecology of the species are presented

    Spitzer-IRS high resolution spectroscopy of the 12\mu m Seyfert galaxies: I. First results

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    The first high resolution Spitzer IRS 9-37um spectra of 29 Seyfert galaxies (about one quarter) of the 12um Active Galaxy Sample are presented and discussed. The high resolution spectroscopy was obtained with corresponding off-source observations. This allows excellent background subtraction, so that the continuum levels and strengths of weak emission lines are accurately measured. The result is several new combinations of emission line ratios, line/continuum and continuum/continuum ratios that turn out to be effective diagnostics of the strength of the AGN component in the IR emission of these galaxies. The line ratios [NeV]/[NeII], [OIV]/[NeII], already known, but also [NeIII]/[NeII] and [NeV]/[SiII] can all be effectively used to measure the dominance of the AGN. We extend the analysis, already done using the 6.2um PAH emission feature, to the equivalent width of the 11.25um PAH feature, which also anti-correlates with the dominance of the AGN. We measure that the 11.25um PAH feature has a constant ratio with the H_2 S(1) irrespective of Seyfert type, approximately 10 to 1. Using the ratio of accurate flux measurements at about 19um with the two spectrometer channels, having aperture areas differing by a factor 4, we measured the source extendness and correlated it with the emission line and PAH feature equivalent widths. The extendness of the source gives another measure of the AGN dominance and correlates both with the EWs of [NeII] and PAH emission. Using the rotational transitions of H2_2 we were able to estimate temperatures (200-300K) and masses (1-10 x 10^6 M_sun), or significant limits on them, for the warm molecular component in the galaxies observed.Comment: submitted to ApJ, Aug.2007, revised, in the refereeing proces

    High-J CO SLEDs in nearby infrared bright galaxies observed by Herschel-PACS

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    We report the detection of far-infrared (FIR) CO rotational emission from nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) and starburst galaxies, as well as several merging systems and Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs). Using Herschel-PACS, we have detected transitions in the Jupp_{upp} = 14 - 20 range (λ\lambda \sim 130 - 185 μ\mum, ν\nu \sim 1612 - 2300 GHz) with upper limits on (and in two cases, detections of) CO line fluxes up to Jupp_{upp} = 30. The PACS CO data obtained here provide the first well-sampled FIR extragalactic CO SLEDs for this range, and will be an essential reference for future high redshift studies. We find a large range in the overall SLED shape, even amongst galaxies of similar type, demonstrating the uncertainties in relying solely on high-J CO diagnostics to characterize the excitation source of a galaxy. Combining our data with low-J line intensities taken from the literature, we present a CO ratio-ratio diagram and discuss its potential diagnostic value in distinguishing excitation sources and physical properties of the molecular gas. The position of a galaxy on such a diagram is less a signature of its excitation mechanism, than an indicator of the presence (or absence) of warm, dense molecular gas. We then quantitatively analyze the CO emission from a subset of the detected sources with Large Velocity Gradient (LVG) radiative transfer models to fit the CO SLEDs. Using both single-component and two-component LVG models to fit the kinetic temperature, velocity gradient, number density and column density of the gas, we derive the molecular gas mass and the corresponding CO-to-H2_2 conversion factor, αCO\alpha_{CO}, for each respective source. For the ULIRGs we find α\alpha values in the canonical range 0.4 - 5 M_\odot/(K kms1^{-1}pc2^2), while for the other objects, α\alpha varies between 0.2 and 14.} Finally, we compare our best-fit LVG model ..Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures; Accepted to Ap

    Detection of Acetylene toward Cepheus A East with Spitzer

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    The first map of interstellar acetylene (C2H2) has been obtained with the infrared spectrograph onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. A spectral line map of the ν5\nu_5 vibration-rotation band at 13.7 microns carried out toward the star-forming region Cepheus A East, shows that the C2H2 emission peaks in a few localized clumps where gas-phase CO2 emission was previously detected with Spitzer. The distribution of excitation temperatures derived from fits to the C2H2 line profiles ranges from 50 to 200 K, a range consistent with that derived for gaseous CO2 suggesting that both molecules probe the same warm gas component. The C2H2 molecules are excited via radiative pumping by 13.7 microns continuum photons emanating from the HW2 protostellar region. We derive column densities ranging from a few x 10^13 to ~ 7 x 10^14 cm^-2, corresponding to C2H2 abundances of 1 x 10^-9 to 4 x 10^-8 with respect to H2. The spatial distribution of the C2H2 emission along with a roughly constant N(C2H2)/N(CO2) strongly suggest an association with shock activity, most likely the result of the sputtering of acetylene in icy grain mantles.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Clustering of red Galaxies near the Radio-loud Quasar 1335.8+2834 at z=1.1

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    We have obtained new deep optical and near-infrared images of the field of the radio-loud quasar 1335.8+2834 at z=1.086z=1.086 where an excess in the surface number density of galaxies was reported by Hutchings et al. [AJ, 106, 1324] from optical data. We found a significant clustering of objects with very red optical-near infrared colors, 4RK64 \lesssim R-K \lesssim 6 and 3IK53 \lesssim I-K \lesssim 5 near the quasar. The colors and magnitudes of the reddest objects are consistent with those of old (12 Gyr old at z=0) passively-evolving elliptical galaxies seen at z=1.1z=1.1, clearly defining a `red envelope' like that found in galaxy clusters at similar or lower redshifts. This evidence strongly suggests that the quasar resides in a moderately-rich cluster of galaxies (richness-class 0\geq 0). There is also a relatively large fraction of objects with moderately red colors (3.5<RK<4.53.5 < R-K < 4.5) which have a distribution on the sky similar to that of the reddest objects. They may be interpreted as cluster galaxies with some recent or on-going star formation.Comment: 14 pages text, 5 PostScript figures, 1 GIF figure, and 1 combined PS file. Accepted for ApJ, Letter