207 research outputs found

    Problematics Law of Civil Reputation Damages Against Corruption Criminal Acts That Has Been Decided to Free

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    Provisions of Article 32 Paragraph (2) of Law 31/1999 jo. Law 20/2001 provides an alternative to the filing of a civil suit to recover state financial losses for corruptors even though they have been terminated criminally free. The problem is how to implement the civil lawsuits in returning state finances in law practice. Because legal practice shows that there are legal problems in Article 32 paragraph (2) of Law 31/1999 jo. Law 20/2001 which implies the lack of use of civil litigation instruments in corruption cases

    Pengaruh Transaction Cost, Market Value dan Variance of Stock Return terhadap Holding Period pada Saham-Saham di Bursa Efek Jakarta Periode 2000-2001

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    This is a replication of the research done Atkins and Dyl (1997). who investigated the effect of transaction cost represented by bid-ask spread, market value, and variance of stock return on the holding period. Their research was done on the basis of the proposition presented by Amihud and Mendelson (1986) and Constantinides (1986) stating that in equilibrium, a higher bid-ask spread results in the underlying security being owned by investors who expect to hold the security for a longer time, and vice versa. There are two additional propositions added by Atkins and Dyl, the first of which stated that the higher the market value, the longer the holding period will be, and vice versa. Whereas the second proposition stated that the higher the variance of stock return the shorter the holding period will be, and vice versa. Atkins and Dyl tested the three propositions and they are proved to work on the stocks in National Association of Securities Dealer Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) and in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) applying the hybrid quote-driven system. The object of this research is the firms listed in the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) that apply the order-driven system. Regression method that is used in this research is two- stage least squares regression. The end result of the hypothesis testing, both simultaneous and partial indicates transaction cost, market value, and variance of stock return have a significant influence on the holding period of the stocks in Jakarta stock Exchange, both for the period of 2000 and 2001 as well. The result of this research is consistent with that of Atkins and Dyl

    Sikap Elit Politik Dalam Pemilihan Langsung Kepala Daerah Di Kota Manado

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    Analyse of local political attitude elite to major  election in Manado city depicting that positive attitude of Political Elite and also society and government to implementation of Pilkada in Manado City later. Some factor is assumed as impeller incidence of various problem at one particular area is : Collective Hardness and Mass Riot, Economics difference, political and social deprivasi, and primordialisme factor, like etnisitas and religion. There are seven strategic step in order to realizing implementation of Pilkada : Profesioalisme and Independency of KPUD, Role and Function of Parpol, Institute of Panwas, Role Of Self-Supporting Institute of Society (LSM), Reposition Role Of Government Officer Security, Role of Mass Media in Education of Politics, Sincerity and of siding Mass media. From three the finding hence can be concluded that 1)Positive attitude of Elite, Society and Government shall follow-up with existence of agreement between various side to realizing peaceful and peaceful Pilkada 2) the Various conflict that happened at area which will and have implementation of Pilkada have to anticipate early possible by approach among various side area and also always entangle society in every even and process of Pilkada as according to rule going into effect 3) Very expected by support and cooperation  from various of  side exist in area for the shake of its form of expectation with in the next Pilkada . Therefore suggested that by there is action of positive attitude of Local Elite to implementation of PILKADA Manado City.. In this case Elite becoming measuring rod in society have to really show of  good Attitude in order to implementation of the next PILKADA  because process of grab people conscience non by way of allowing all way for i

    Pembangunan Demokrasi Pasca Konflik di Aceh

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    Tulisan ini akan mengulas tentang pembangunan di Aceh pasca Konflik antara Pemerintah dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) yang sangat berdampak pada kondisi dan kelangsungan hidup masyarakat Aceh. Tulisan ini akan menggunakan kacamata pembangunan Internasional, dan akan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yang pertama adalah bagian pendahuluan yang akan membahas mengenai sejarah singkat konflik di Aceh, mengapa terjadi, bagaimana masyarakat sipil yang selalu menjadi korban dalam pertikaian ini, dan akhirnya disepakatinya perjanjian damai antara kedua belah pihak pada tahun 2005. Bagian analisis akan mengeksplorasi USAha-USAha pembangunan di Aceh baik oleh pemerintah domestik maupun kerjasama bantuan dari pihak asing, baik yang mewakili negara, organisasi Internasional seperti PBB, maupun NGOs. Dalam hal ini akan dilihat keefektifan kerjasama antara pemerintah domestik dengan bantuan-bantuan dari pihak asing tersebut bagi pembangunan di Aceh. Kemudian akhirnya kesimpulan

    Politik Ke-Minahasaan dari Waktu ke Waktu: Perspektif Strukturasi.

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    The presence of the new local elites to be threat for structure has been established through newsocial practices they trying to do. Through that social practices, new local elites trying to derutinisasi oldhabits to be new structure allow dominance and their legitimacy. This article purpose to reaffirmed socialchange facts always inherent on the building ethnic and politic in Minahasa. Especially be related withthe power context inside it.Western civilization in terms of education and religion to give modalities for the christian actor toderutinisasi old structure their according to mistakenly. Because conducted a massive and continuous,action of derutinisasi reap success in shaping the structure of christianity on the groud of Minahasa.After the opening tap democratic new order evidently to result the another interesting phenomenon. Thetrend of revival ethnic identity sticking to the surface, also happened in Minahasa. The traditionalstructures trying to repeat past power

    Sikap Elit Politik dalam Pemilihan Langsung Kepala Daerah di Kota Manado

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    Analyse of local political attitude elite to major election in Manado city depicting that positive attitude of Political Elite and also society and government to implementation of Pilkada in Manado City later. Some factor is assumed as impeller incidence of various problem at one particular area is : Collective Hardness and Mass Riot, Economics difference, political and social deprivasi, and primordialisme factor, like etnisitas and religion. There are seven strategic step in order to realizing implementation of Pilkada : Profesioalisme and Independency of KPUD, Role and Function of Parpol, Institute of Panwas, Role Of Self-Supporting Institute of Society (LSM), Reposition Role Of Government Officer Security, Role of Mass Media in Education of Politics, Sincerity and of siding Mass media. From three the finding hence can be concluded that 1)Positive attitude of Elite, Society and Government shall follow-up with existence of agreement between various side to realizing peaceful and peaceful Pilkada 2) the Various conflict that happened at area which will and have implementation of Pilkada have to anticipate early possible by approach among various side area and also always entangle society in every even and process of Pilkada as according to rule going into effect 3) Very expected by support and cooperation from various of side exist in area for the shake of its form of expectation with in the next Pilkada . Therefore suggested that by there is action of positive attitude of Local Elite to implementation of PILKADA Manado City.. In this case Elite becoming measuring rod in society have to really show of good Attitude in order to implementation of the next PILKADA because process of grab people conscience non by way of allowing all way for i

    Fractination and Phytochemical Screening of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) Leaves Extracts and Their Utilization as Aedes aegypti Mosquito 3rd and 4th Biolarvacide

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan fraksi dan konsentrasi efektif dari daun kenikir yang berpotensi sebagai biolarvasida. Dalam penelitian ini, metode ektraksi yang digunakan adalah metode ekstraksi bertingkat yang dimulai dari pelarut non polar adalah heksan, kemudian dilanjutkan secara berturut-turut dengan pelarut semipolar (etil asetat) dan pelarut polar (metanol). Pengujian larvasida dilakukan terhadap larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti instar III dan IV pada masing-masing fraksi dengan berbagai variasi konsentrasi (600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 ppm) dengan 4 kali pengulangan dan 3 subsampling. Perbandingan antar perlakuan diuji dengan uji Beda Jujur Nyata (BNJ) dengan tingkat kebermaknaan 5% dan untuk menentukan dosis efektif LC50 digunakan analisa probit. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, fraksi efektif yang berpotensi sebagai biolarvasida adalah fraksi heksan. Nilai konsentrasi LC50 dalam fraksi heksan pada instar 3 dengan waktu pengamatan 48 dan 72 jam secara berturut-turut adalah 1382 dan 1194 ppm, sedangkan nilai LC50 pada instar 4 dengan waktu pengamatan 72 jam adalah 1727 ppm. Senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terkandung dalam fraksi heksan adalah alkaloid, terpenoid dan steroid, flavonoid dan glikosida.This study purpose is to determine the fraction and the effective concentration of the Cosmos caudatus leaves which potentially used as bio larvicide. The method of this research was used multilevel extraction which began with hexane as the non-polar solvent, and followed by ethyl acetate as the semi-polar solvent, and methanol sequentially. The larvicide test was done upon the 3 rd and 4th instar of Aedes aegypti mosquito’s larvae on each fraction with various concentration (600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, and 1800) ppm with 4 repetition and 3 subsampling. The comparison between the treatments were tested by Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test with 5% significance level. The determination of effective concentration of LC50 were used Probit Analysis. Based on the test result, potentially effective fraction as biolarvicide is hexane fraction. LC50 value concentration in the hexane fraction at the 3 rd instar with observation time 48 and 72 hours respectively is 1382 ppm and 1194 ppm, while LC50 value at 4th instar with observation time 72 hours is 1727 ppm. The secondary metabolite compounds that contained within the hexane fraction are alkaloid, terpenoid and steroid, flavonoid and glycoside

    Att sälja kunskap : en diskursanalys av marknadsföring av läromedel i svenska 1955–2012

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    I uppsatsen undersöks kunskapsuppfattningar i läromedelsannonser inriktade mot högstadiet, gymnasiet eller motsvarande. Det resoneras också kring hur forskning teoretiskt kan förhålla sig olika pedagogiska traditioner


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    Pasar Tradisional merupakan tempat masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok, dimana masyarakat sangat tergantung dengan keberadaan pasar. Latar belakang dari perancangan ini yaitu paradigma masyarakat yang menganggap bahwa pasar tradisional lekat dengan hal yang kotor, kumuh, dan kurang layak, hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat berpindah ke pasar modern untuk mencari kebutuhan akan bahan pokok. Adapun tujuan Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pasar Multifungsi di Kota Surabaya adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pasar tradisional di kota Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan observasi langsung dan daftar pustaka. Hasil pengolahan data nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam perencanaan dan perancangan, dimana menghasilkan konsep makro identitas pasar. Oleh karena itu, pasar seharusnya perlu untuk dikembangkan kualitasnya agar masyarakat senang untuk pergi ke pasar dan juga tidak hanya pada kalangan wanita saja, namun dari berbagai kalangan, oleh sebab itu fungsi dari pasar perlu untuk ditambah, agar masyarakat yang pergi tidak hanya semata-mata untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan pokok, namun juga dapat menikmati fasilitas lain dari pasar itu sendiri.Hal ini juga dapat menjadi potensi bagi para pedagang kecil, agar dapat membuka lapangan kerja yang luas dan mencakup seluruh lapisan masyarakat

    KOORDINASI ELITE DESA DALAM PELAKSANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DESA (Studi Di Desa Pampalu Ecamatan Beo Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud)

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    Koordinasi antara elite desa dalam pembangunan sangatlah penting. Melaluipembangunan yang dilaksanakana di desa dapat dilihat sejauh mana keterlibatan dankoordinasi dari elite kekuasaan dan elite non kekuasaan, dalam menunjang sukses danlancarnya pembangunan di desa Pampalu. Perlunya keterlibatan dari elite desa dalampembangunan terutama elite non kekuasaan, Agar keputusan dalam pelaksanaanpembangunan tidak hanya berada di satu pihak tetapi hasil keputusan secara bersama.Karena tujuan dari koordinasi untuk menyelasarkan, menyerasikan pemikiran,menjaga iklim responsive dalam organisasi dan juga untuk mencegah konflik.Koordinasi adalah untuk bekrja bersama-sama atau menyepakati bersama. Metodeyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatankualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan jenis data primer berupa wawancara danobservasi di desa Pampalu kecamatan Beo Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. Danpengumpulan data dengan jenis data sekunder berupa dokumentasi. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan bahwa koordinasi elite desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan desa didesa Pampalu kecamatan beo selatan kabupaten kepulauan talaud masih belum baikhal ini dapat dilihat dari koordinasi yang dilakukan antara elite kekuasaan dan elitenon kekuasaan jarang dilakukan dan masih kurangnya pakar-pakar pemikir atauprofesor yang mengerti dengan baik tentang pembangunan dan pemberdayaan sertapenggunaan dana desa.Kata Kunci: Koordinasi, Elit, Pembangunan Des
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