15 research outputs found
Skandalereignis oder Skandalberichterstattung? Vom Hoffnungsträger zum Sündenbock: Die Berichterstattung über den Fall Tebartz-van Elst
Ehrlichkeit, Vertrauen und Gemeinwohlorientierung bilden das Grundgerüst der moralischen Codes der katholischen Kirche. Doch wie reagiert die Medienöffentlichkeit, wenn ein Bischof durch den Bau eines prunkvollen Bischofshauses gegen diese verstößt? In der öffentlichen Diskussion um Verschwendung und Verleugnung von 31 Millionen Euro ging es vor allem um den Bauherrn Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, der sich einer heftigen Kritik um seinen Führungsstil und der Finanzierung des Bischofshauses stellen musste. Im Zentrum dieses Beitrags stehen die Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse der Presseberichterstattung im Fall Tebartz-van Elst: Zum einen geht es um die Attribuierung des ehemaligen Bischofs in den einzelnen Printmedien, zum anderen um die Einordnung der Ereignisse als Skandalereignis oder Skandalbe-richterstattung. EnglishBarbara-Henrika Alfing: A Scandalous Event or Scandalous Reporting? From the Bearer of Hope to Scapegoat. Press Reporting Concerning the Case of Tebartz-van Elst. Honesty, trust and orientation towards the common good constitute the basic framework of the moral code of the Catholic Church. However, how does the public media react when a bishop violates these by building a palatial bishop’s residence? The public discussion regarding the waste and denials surrounding 31 million Euros was centered primarily around the builder Franz Peter Tebartz-van Elst, who was confronted with intense criticism of his management style and the financing of the bishop’s residence. At the center of this article are the results of a quantitative content-analysis with regard to press coverage of the Tebartz-van Elst case: for one, it addresses the attributions concerning the former bishop by individual print media and, on the other hand, the classification of these events as either a scandalous affair or a case of scandalous reporting.
Paleoarchean metamorphism in the Acasta Gneiss Complex: Constraints from phase equilibrium modelling and in situ garnet Lu–Hf geochronology
The oldest known evolved (felsic) rocks on Earth (c. 4.03 Ga) are found in the Acasta Gneiss Complex (AGC) in north-western Canada and represent a fundamental keystone in unravelling the geological processes governing crustal growth and differentiation during the Hadean and early Archean. Although the timing of multiple episodes of magmatism, metamorphism and deformation in these tonalitic gneisses has been investigated extensively, the metamorphic pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions recorded by the rocks are poorly constrained. Here, we use phase equilibrium modelling coupled with in situ garnet Lu–Hf geochronology and trace element analysis for two garnet-bearing tonalitic gneisses to decipher the metamorphic history of the AGC. The observed mineral assemblages are consistent with peak metamorphic conditions of T = 725–780°C and P = 4.5–6.2 kbar and the generation of a small amount of melt (77.5°C/kbar)
O trabalho em uma instituição de acolhimento à crianças e adolescentes: relato de experiência / Work in a child and adolescent care institution: experience report
No Brasil há inúmeras crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados. O acolhimento institucional é realizado como medida de proteção pela ocorrência de violação ao direito à saúde física ou mental. O contexto de vida e o desenvolvimento desses na instituição podem contribuir para a manifestação de processos patológicos. Objetivo: refletir sobre a assistência prestada às crianças e adolescentes em uma instituição de acolhimento. Metodologia: relato de experiência construído a partir da atuação de uma das autoras como assistente social em instituição filantrópica de acolhimento para crianças e adolescentes de um município do noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, mantido por uma igreja evangélica. O registro de percepções e reflexões foi realizado no primeiro semestre de 2016. Resultados: os menores acolhidos deveriam permanecer temporariamente na instituição, mas muitos permanecem por um longo período e boa parte do seu desenvolvimento ocorre nesse local. Dessa forma, a assistência é multidisciplinar, com escuta terapêutica, ações de reinserção à família extensa, emancipação e atenção psíquica. Conclusão: crianças e adolescentes em situação de acolhimento institucional permanecem muito tempo institucionalizados e apresentam sofrimento psíquico. A atenção deve ser humanizada e compreender ações como escuta terapêutica, reinserção familiar, estabelelcimento de limites e desenvolvimento de capacidade para crescimento pessoal e preparo para a vida fora desse ambiente.
Kontribusi Power Otot Tungkai Terhadap Hasil Lompat Jangkit Siswa Putera Kelas X IPA SMAN 1 Cerenti Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
Based on the obeservation that the authors carry out is known that the mastery of the basic jump jump technique of students is still relatively unfavorable it can be seen from the jump results are still close, it may be caused by the lack of maximum leg muscle power owned by students. The pupose this research is to know contribution of the leg muscle power towards result of triple jump student of kelas X IPA SMA N 1 Cerenti Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi This type of research is correlation. The population studied were the students of the class X IPA N 1 Cerenti Kecenti Kecamatan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, which amounted to 13 students of the son. Thus the sample in this study is 13 students of the son. Based on the results of research that has been done then it can be concluded that there is a contribution of leg muscle power to the jump result jangkit student class X IPA N 1 Cerenti Kecamatan Cerenti Kuantan Singingi district of 36.4% or with the correlation number is at the value of 0.603 and is on strong category. It is shown also at rhitung = 0,603 then if seen on r table with provisions at significant level 5% found rtabel = 0,553. Thus count r = 0.603 > table r= 0.553 and it can also be said that the contribution given is significant
Äcker, Ähren, Agrarkritik : eine kommunikationswissenschaftliche Studie zur medialen Darstellung von Krisen und krisenhaften Zuständen in der deutschen Landwirtschaft
Krisen und krisenhafte Ereignisse sind häufig Kristallisationspunkte, die die bisherigen Produktionsweisen und Anwendungen der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis öffentlich hinterfragen. Je häufiger sie auftreten, desto mehr Furchen ziehen sich durch das Bild einer idyllisierten Landwirtschaft. In den Medien nehmen diese Krisen einen breiten Raum ein und zugleich prägt die journalistische Berichterstattung die öffentliche Wahrnehmung eines Wirtschaftszweigs, der seit jeher die lebensnotwendige Aufgabe erfüllt, sichere, gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Nahrungsmittel für die Gesellschaft herzustellen. Innerhalb der Kommunikationswissenschaft stellt die Landwirtschaft gleichwohl ein thematisches Phänomen dar, das bisher nur in unzureichendem Maße aufgegriffen wurde. Die vorliegende Dissertation verfolgt daher das Ziel, im Ansatz darzustellen, welches mediale Bild der Landwirtschaft bei Krisen und krisenhaften Ereignissen in den vergangenen 30 Jahren in ausgewählten Printmedien gezeichnet wurde
Grundlagen fuer herstelleruebergreifende Module offener Steuerungen. Teilvorhaben: Querschnittsaufgaben, Benutzermodule, Gestaltung und Erprobung in Transferstrassen Schlussbericht
SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(68,14) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Replication Data for: Modal abundances of coarse-grained (>5 µm) components within CI-chondrites and their individual clasts – Mixing of various lithologies on the CI parent body(ies).
For the bulk rocks of CI chondrites, various values are given for the modal abundance of matrix (95–100 vol%) and the accompanying mineral constituents. Here, we have determined the modal abundance of phases >5 μm in the CI chondrites Orgueil, Ivuna, Alais, and Tonk. Considering this cut-off grain-size to distinguish between matrix and coarse-grained constituents, then, we find the modal abundance of the minor phases magnetite, pyrrhotite, carbonate, olivine, and pyroxene to be 6 vol% in total, and these phases are embedded within the fine-grained, phyllosilicate-rich matrix, making up 94 vol%. The values vary slightly from meteorite to meteorite. Considering all four chondrites, the most abundant phase is - by far - magnetite (4.3 vol%) followed by pyrrhotite (∼1.1 vol%). All four CI chondrites are complex breccias, and their degree of brecciation decreases in the sequence: Orgueil > Ivuna > Alais ∼ Tonk. Because these meteorites contain clasts with highly variable modal abundances, we therefore also studied individual clasts with high abundances of specific coarse-grained phases. In this respect, in Orgueil we found a fragment with a 21.5 vol% of magnetite as well as a clast having 31.8 vol% phosphate. In Ivuna, we detected an individual clast with a 21.5 vol% of carbonates. Thus, since the CI composition is used as a geochemical standard for comparison, one also should keep in mind that sufficiently large sample masses are required to reveal a homogeneous CI composition. Small aliquots with one dominating lithology may significantly deviate from the suggested standard CI composition.
TRR 170 no. 7
Este é um estudo de caso que relata as vivências compartilhadas no decorrer das atividades práticas do Curso de Enfermagem no componente curricular de Enfermagem em Saúde da Criança. As atividades foram realizadas em uma Unidade Pediátrica, com uma criança portadora de epilepsia, em tratamento de pneumonia aspirativa. O caminho metodológico, foi percorrido por meio da implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem (SAE),utilizando-se uma entrevista com o familiar cuidador e busca de dados complementares no prontuário de saúde do paciente. Conclui-se que a SAE é uma atividade inerente à profissão de enfermagem e possibilita ao acadêmico a aproximação com a assistência e a realização das ações de saúde em enfermagem. Contribui ainda, para a qualidadede atenção ao paciente e familiares e pode refletir de forma positiva na recuperação e reabilitação física, social e emocional destes