16 research outputs found

    Analisis StrukturChassis Mobil Listrik Enggang EVO Terhadap Beban Statik

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    Electric cars are one alternative vehicle to overcome the problem of fuel oil scarcity. One aspect to be considered in the design of electric cars is the safety and comfort of the driver to avoid serious injury in case of accident. Chassis is one of the most important components of the vehicle, because it serves as a weight support vehicle, engine, and driver and passengers Because the chassis will receive the load, it is necessary to do analysis by Finite Element Analysis. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of stress on chassis and safety factor value due to stress with material AISI 310 and ASTM A36. The method used is the simulation of chassis to passenger load, engine load, front collision load, rear crash load, and side collision load. After the simulation the chassis safely receives the passenger load and engine load. Simulation results of front, rear and side collision loads show that the chassis is not safe to load, so redesign must be done. Redesign is done by increasing the number of bars on the chassis to reduce the working sitress. The chassis simulation results after the redesign show the chassis safely accept front, rear, and side impact loads


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    ABSTRAKAngka kriminalitas yang meningkat menjadi salah satu permasalahan pembangunan di kota Balikpapan. Tindakan kriminalitas seperti pencurian, penculikan anak, tindakan asusila terhadap perempuan dan sebagainya sangat meresahkan warga. Tidak terkecuali untuk warga perumahan Griya Wiyata Asri (GWA) III, RT 19, Kelurahan Karang Joang, Balikpapan. Sejauh ini, pelaksanaan Siskamling terbukti efektif dalam meminimalisir terjadinya tindak kejahatan di perumahan GWA III, terutama pada malam hari. Namun, permasalahan terjadi pada siang hari karena mayoritas warga perumahan masuk dalam kategori produktif, bekerja sehingga berada di luar perumahan, bahkan ada yang di luar kota. Suasana perumahan sangat sepi, sehingga meninggalkan celah tindakan kriminalitas bisa terjadi pada siang hari. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan upaya penanggulan atau pencegahan tindak kriminalitas. Untuk membantu upaya pencegahan tindak kriminalitas, dirakitlah sebuah Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). UAV ini digunakan untuk memantau kondisi di perumahan GWA III. Metode evaluasi dari pengabdian masyarakat tahap awal ini adalah sebatas melalui  observasi hasil pemantauan udara. Dari hasil foto, kejernihan foto dan kondisi perumahan yang dapat diobservasi secara jelas per bingkai foto udara, maka UAV ini berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai penunjang siskamling dengan permasalahan kurangnya sumber daya manusia pada siang hari di perumahan GWA III ini.     Kata kunci: UAV; siskamling; keamanan. ABSTRACTBalikpapan, a city of oil. Despite this predicate, it suffer from high criminal level. This incude robbery, child kidnapping, female abuse that have been a great concern in many residential in Balikpapan. One of this residence is Griya Wiyata Asri III Residence. In this residence, a neigbourhood security system has been made. In this system, the resident of this residence have a shift to do a night watching. This system have been effective in the night, but in the daylight, because most of the people are in productive age, most of them working outside of this residential, make this residential empty, thus, making an opportunity for criminal to occur. To answer this probem, an unmanned aerial vehicle was built to monitor the condition of the neighbourhood. The evaluation of this preliminary stage of this community service was done merely from the results of the aerial view. This aerial view, it is so clear and can capture well the activity done in the neighbourhood in a one frame. So, this UAV have a potential to be used as aid to the neighbourhood security system which have a problem on lacking some human resources in the daylight. Keywords: UAV; security; neighbourhood


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    THE EFFECT OF ANGLE OF ATTACK AND WIND SPEED TO HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE PERFROMANCEWind energy is a new renewable energy which has great potential to produce electrical energy. Wind technology development is constrained by unstable wind speed. Horizontal wind turbine have several advantages: simple manufacturing processes, easy maintenance, high efficiency, and have blades which always move perpendicular to the direction of winds produces stable  power. The efficiency can be improved with the variation of angle of attack and wind speed. This study using wind speeds 3.8 m/s, 4.3 m/s, and 5.8 m/s with angle of attack 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300. The test results shows that the higher wind speed will increase rotation speed. On Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine testing with wind speed 3.8 m/s, the largest power in the 250 angle of attack is 46.43 mW. The test with wind speed 4.3 m/s, the largest electrical power obtained at angle of attack 250 is 99.14 mW. While the largest power with wind speed 5.8 m/s at angle of attack 300 is 107.91 mW. The best coefficient of Power is 11.6% with the wind speed 5.8 m/s and angle of attack 300.Keywords:coefficient of power, power, blade, horizontal axis wind turbin

    Perancangan Kebijakan Sistem Ketenagalistrikan Kawasan Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

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    The Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) already has 17 study programs and 3002 active students until 2021 and is projected to have 20 study programs by 2025. However, geographical location of ITK affect ITK facilities readiness that later supporting tridharma activities to be carried out perfectly. The Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing System (MEP) at the ITK Campus needs to be designed with a sustainable design in order to accommodate the needs of electricity, sound, air conditioning, clean water, and dirty water on the ITK Campus until 2025. This study aims to design a sustainable MEP design for distribution of electricity especially in lightning protection in order to meet the characteristics of safe, reliable and appropriate design. The stages involved include 8 (eight) processes, namely: 1) data collection and design of the existing MEP, 2) projecting the growth of the academic community and equipment needs until 2025, 3) reviewing the existing MEP system as the existing protection system, 4) calculation of the suitability of the existing MEP system based on projected needs, SNI and SPLN, 5) planning for improvement of existing systems and plans for developing MEP systems, 6) making working drawings of the MEP system, 7) drafting Bill of Quantity MEP, and 8) MEP budgeting. This research is expected to produce output in the form of MEP planning drawings that are recommendation of detailed engineering design which are documented in strategic policies through the rector's regulation. This research is aimed to be used as a reference for MEP design for ITK development in the future development


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    Manual material handling using hand truck is limited to flat surfaces. Hand truck equipped with tri-star wheel mechanisms can overcome these problems. On this research is discussed about the design of the tri-star wheel mechanism on the stair-climbing hand truck. For the first step,  Design aims to analyze stresses and factor of safety on the shaft that supports the frame and wheels. The shaft is designed through the selection of material and dimensions to determine the factor of safety according to the amount of loading given. The modeling results in the software are then analyzed using the FEA simulation method. The shaft component uses various material ASTM A41, AISI 304, and AL 6061 with diameters of 6 mm, 12 mm, and 18 mm. The shaft receives a load of 400 N. The simulation results show that the materials that can be used are ASTM A41 and AISI 304 with a diameter of 12 mm and 18 mm, while the AL 6061 material can only be used on a diameter of 18 mm


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    Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pada Gedung perkuliahan E, F dan G, salah satu fasilitas yang masih minim adalah bagian proteksi kebakaran. Kondisi gedung hanya memiliki APAR yang tesebar di tiap lantai. Proteksi Kebakaran aktif seperti sistem sprinkler belum tersedia di gedung ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem sprinkler pada Gedung perkuliahan E, F dan G. Penelitian ini memiliki tahapan pelaksanaan berupa tinjauan pustaka, Tinjauan lapangan, spesifikasi data, dan perencanaan sistem sprinkler. Untuk perencanaan sistem sprinkler, beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan adalah identifikasi tingkat bahaya kebakaran, arah pancaran sprinkler, tingkat suhu kepala sprinkler, jarak maksimum antar sprinkler, daerah yang dilindungi sprinkler, irisan antar sprinkler, luas area sprinkler, menentukan pressure, flow rate dan pressure drop, volume air untuk kebutuhan sprinkler.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dibutuhkan sprinkler head sebesar 234 buah yang tersebar di 3 lantai. Dibutuhkan debit dan tekanan serta ukuran pipa pada sprinkler terjauh masing- masing sebesar 22,604 GPM, 16,293 psi, dan 1”. Pada pipa pembagi, ukuran pipanya sebesar 4”, dengan debit dan tekanan sebesar 30,883 GPM dan 30,414 psi. Volume air untuk kebutuhan sprinkler untuk 3 lantai sebesar 2779,47 galo

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja Turbin Ulir Archimedes Satu Sudu dengan Variasi Head

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    Solusi alternatif yang menjawab permasalahan energi fosil adalah penggunaan energi terbarukan. Energi air merupakan salah satu energi terbarukan yang cukup besar penggunaannya di dunia. Salah satu turbin yang cocok diaplikasikan pada kondisi aliran  dengan head yang rendah adalah turbin Ulir Archimedes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  menguji performa turbin ulir Archimedes pada beberapa head, yaitu head 300 mm, 500 mm dan 700 mm. Turbin yang digunakan memiliki jumlah sudu satu. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen, yang dilakukan di laboratorium pada instalasi pengujian yang dirancang.  Pada eksperimen ini didapatkan  daya tertinggi didapatkan pada head 700 mm sebesar 6,407 Watt dan efisiensi terbesar 26,59% pada variasi head 500 mm. Hal ini menunjukkan performa suatu turbin tergantung pada kondisi operasinya

    Estimated VO2 max Analysis with Six-Minute Walking Test on Obese Patients in Primary Health Care in Makassar

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    Introduction: Obesity poses a severe threat to global health, making it a significant epidemiological concern that requires special attention. It is associated with several risk factors for various diseases. Alarmingly, one in three Indonesian adults is obese, with the obesity rate steadily increasing. Studies have shown that excess fat mass is linked to higher mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease, which is currently Indonesia's leading cause of death. To assess a person's functional capacity and ability for basic physical activity, the 6-minute walking test (6MWT) is utilized, as it proves to be a powerful predictor of morbidity and mortality rates. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the association between VO2 max using 6MWT in obese patients of Makassar City. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study. The samples comprised all obese individuals who provided signed approval letters and were registered at Makassar City's 20 Public Health Centers. Consecutive sampling was used to gather the samples. Subsequently, the samples were examined and categorized based on their level of obesity.   The 6MWT results are then used with Nury's Formula to produce an estimated VO2max result. To analyze the association between VO2 max using 6MWT and obesity, statistical analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney test, with significant results indicated by (p < 0.05). Results: A total of 163 participants comprised the study's sample, with the majority being female and aged 50 years or older. After filling out the questionnaire, data show that most of the obese participants had a family history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), experienced significant stress levels, and had average BMIs falling into the category of obesity. According to the study, the average distance covered in the 6-minute walking test was 340.18 meters (±82.6 meters). When the study participants were ranked by their estimated VO2 max, the average value was 15.10±5.52 for those with first-degree obesity. Following them were participants with second-degree obesity, with results averaging 15.03±5.39 (p = 0.021). Conclusion: A significant inverse association exists between obesity and VO2 max, which means that the more obese a person is, the lower their VO2 max tends to be.


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    Limbah hasil perkebunan seperti nanas dapat menghasilkan limbah khususnya pada bagian kulit. Limbah ini dapat memiliki dampak terhadap pencemaran lingkungan. Teknologi anaerobic digestion merupakan salah upaya untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan memanfaatkan limbah untuk menghasilkan biogas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat potensi campuran kotoran sapi dan kulit nanas dengan anaerobic digestion untuk menghasilkan biogas. Volume digester yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebesar 20 L dengan variasi SN1 (kotoran sapi 50%: kulit nanas 50%), SN2 (kotoran sapi 70%: kulit nanas 30%), dan SN3 (kotoran sapi 30%: kulit nanas 70%) dengan rasio pengenceran air 1:3. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan rata – rata temperatur biogas SN1 30,4 °C, SN2 29.9 °C dan SN3 31,8 °C. Tekanan yang dihasilkan SN1 0,38 bar, SN2 0,93 bar, dan SN3 1,86 bar. Massa SN1 2,9 g, SN2 7,3 g dan SN3 17,4 g. Selanjutnya hasil produksi biogas ini diuji dengan rice cooker biogas, dan dibutuhkan waktu memasak nasi selama 14 menit 35 detik. Campuran dari kotoran sapi dan kulit nanas ini berpotensi untuk menghasilkan biogas

    Analisis Pengaruh Jenis Busi dan Celah Pada Performa Sepeda Motor Satria F 150

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    Busi merupakan salah satu komponen yang paling penting selama proses pembakaran pada mesin bensin. Ketidaksesuaian antara jarak celah busi dengan bahan bakar dapat menyebabkan backfire dan knock. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh celah busi standar dan iridium terhadap perfoma mesin sepeda motor Satria F 150. Parameter yang diteliti pada penelitian ini meliputi jenis busi (standar dan iridium) dan jarak celah busi (0,55 mm, 0,70 mm dan 0,85 mm). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, dimana pengujiannya menggunakan dyno test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dilakukan jenis busi terbaik yaitu busi iridium dengan celah busi sebesar 0,55 mm. Dimana torsi terbaik yang didapatkan sebesar 11,8 Nm, daya mesin sebesar 7,758 kW, dan konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik sebesar 0,072 kg/kWh.