405 research outputs found

    Optimum Workforce Scheduling Under the (14, 21) Days-Off Timetable

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    Analysis of Power Converter\u27s Control Techniques in Grid-Tie and AC Micro/Smart Grid

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    Power converters have an outstanding potential in micro and smart grid applications that require flexible and fast power control as well as rigid voltage regulation at the point of common coupling. Power converters are required to properly operate under several modes of operation such as grid-tie and micro-grid modes of operations. In addition, the control system should be designed to enable proper load sharing between several units. Several control techniques have been proposed in the literature to address most of the control requirements of the power converters under different operating modes mentioned above. However, references found in the literatures are usually centered on the analysis of the system under only one mode of operation and using a single control strategy. Comprehensive study that combines an in depth analysis of the power converters control under several modes are very scarce in the literature. In this thesis, a detailed survey and analysis of power converter control techniques in Grid-Tie and AC Micro/Smart Grid applications are introduced. This analysis is based on detailed nonlinear time domain simulations as well as average and small signal models for system stability assessment and performance evaluation

    Analysis of Physical and Chemical Properties of Eucalyptus Oil in Suli Vilage, Salahutu Sub–District, Central Maluku District

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leaf weight and storage time of eucalyptus leaves on yield, seniol content, specific gravity, refractive index, and optical rotation. This study used a factorial randomized block design with 2 factors, namely: treatment A (leaf weight) with 3 levels of treatment, namely: A1 = 3000 g A2 = 4000 g A3 = 5000 g, and factor B (storage time) with 3 levels of treatment B1 = 2 days of storage B2 = 4 days of storage B3 = 6 days of storage. Based on the results of the study, the yield of eucalyptus oil ranged from 0.44% - 0.94%, and the cineol content of eucalyptus oil was 46.7%-52.7%. The specific gravity of eucalyptus oil is 0.91%–0.93%. The optimal rotation of eucalyptus oil ranged from -2.16 to -3.94. Based on the Indonesian National Standard SNI 06-3954-2001, the physicochemical properties of eucalyptus oil, namely cineol content, specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, and solubility in ethanol 80% have values that meet SNI 06-3954-2001


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    Checking the accuracy of the required medical equipment on the suction pump calibrator with measurements that have been made using a standardized pressure gauge. The purpose of this study was to determine the maintenance of the suction pump at Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan in 2022. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative. The tool used is a suction pump and a questionnaire as a measuring tool used. The results showed that the motor rotation function, cable resistance, and hose were not in accordance with the suction pump maintenance standard, and encountered problems, namely the tool could not work as usual, so that maintenance repairs were carried out on the tool, namely readjusting the value according to the standard on the suction pump tool, so that the tool was able to work well

    Analysis of Selection of Alternative Materials Outer Support Solar Water Heater

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    In producing a product, the Manufacturing Industry always prioritizes safety, quality, and profit. One product that prioritizes these criteria is Outer Support on Solar Water Heaters. Currently, the material used in the outer support of the solar water heater is SS 304, the SS 304 material is considered too expensive, so the profits obtained by the manufacturing industry are very small. In addition, SS304 material from year to year is getting harder and harder to find. In this study, an analysis of the selection of alternative outer support materials for solar water heaters was carried out in order to obtain materials that can fulfill the outer support function at a relatively cheap price, do not reduce the outer support function and are easy to obtain or many on the market. The method used in this study uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and CES edupack software as the process of selecting materials. In this study, several tests of mechanical properties were carried out, namely tensile tests, hardness tests, and corrosion resistance tests to determine the mechanical properties of the material, and simulations of selected materials were carried out using Solidworks software, with the aim of knowing the maximum stress value and safety factor. The results obtained from this study obtained an alternative material, namely AISI 201 for the outer support. The results of the hardness test obtained the best hardness value in AISI 201 of 177.17 VHN. The results of the tensile test obtained a yield strength value of 390.35 MPa on AISI 201 materia

    Mikro programları desteklemek için zekat kullanımında en iyi uygulamalar

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    Zakah is one of the most effective tools in the Islamic fiscal policy and economic system that has been introduced to achieve a variety of socio-economic objectives. On top of those objectives are poverty alleviation and wealth redistribution. The former objective is clearly indicated in the hadith that is narrated by imam al-Bukhari when the Prophet (PBUH) commanded Mu'adh bin Jabal, his delegate to govern Yemen: “Inform them (the people of Yemen) that Allah has made a charity obligatory upon them, that is collected from their rich and given back to their poor...Bu makale, Mikro Kurumsal Destek Programlarında (MSP) Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerin finansmanı için zekat fonlarını kullanmanın uygun olup olmadığını araştırmaktadır. Makale, zekat fonlarının mikro işletmelerin finansmanında kullanıldığı iki vaka çalışmasını ele almakdatır; ilk vaka çalışması Malezya ve ikincisi Endonezya'dadır..

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pedagang Toko Pakaian (Studi Kasus Pasar Baru Kota Bekasi)

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    Penelitian ini mengambil judul “Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pedagang Toko Pakaian (Studi Kasus Pasar Baru Kota Bekasi)” Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel tingkat pendidikan, lama usaha, modal, jam kerja dan lokasi usaha terhadap pendapatan pedagang toko pakaian di Pasar Baru kota Bekasi. dan Untuk mengetahui variabel yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap pendapatan pedagang toko pakaian di Pasar Baru kota Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode wawancara dan pengisian kuisioner yang dilakukan kepada pedagang pakaian di pasar Baru kota Bekasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis. Hasil uji F diketahui bahwa variabel tingkat pendidikan, lama usaha, modal, jam kerja dan lokasi secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan pedagang pasar baru Bekasi. Dan hasil uji t diketahui bahwa variabel tingkat pendidikan, lama usaha dan lokasi berpengaruh negati terhadap pendapatan pedagang pasar baru Bekasi, sedangkan variabel modal dan jam kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap pendapatan pedagang pasar baru Bekasi. Penelitian ini memberikan beberapa implikasi yaitu para pedagang pakaian di pasar Baru bekasi perlu memperhatikan faktor modal dan jam kerja. Variabel modal dan jam kerja memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap pendapatan para pedagang toko pakaian di pasar Baru Bekasi. Maka dari itu apabila pedagang ingin meningkatkan pendapatannya, pedagang fokus kepada dua aspek tersebut. Para pedagang perlu menambah modal agar barang yang diperjual belikan semakin bertambah. Selain modal para pedagang yang memilki jam kerja sedikit harus menambahkan jam kerja dengan cara meningkatan jam operasional atau menggunakan media lain seperti media online