65 research outputs found


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    Abstrak                 Masa Tufulah, Golden age adalah masa keemasan dimana anak membangun segala dan nilai-nilai dalam kehidupannya termasuk dalam informasi tetang seks. Jika tidak dapat informasi yang tidak tepat maka akan terjadi miskonsepsi bisa berkibat fatal. Informasi tetang seks sebaiknya dibagun dengan nilai-nilai keagaman, bahwa seks bagian dari fitrah manusia yang sifatnya wajar dan alamiah terdapat pada semua orang. selain itu anak mempunyai konsep yang baik tentang seks sebelum masa tamyiz  sehingga anak sudah bisa memilah memilih prilaku yang sesuai dengan nilai yang dimilkinya, apa yang bermanfat dan merugikan bagi bisa dihindari. Tujuan pendidikan seksual adalah membuat sikap emosional yang sehat terhadap masalah seksual dan membimbing anak kearah hidup dewasa/baligh  yang sehat dan bertangungjawab terhadap kehidupan seksualnya. Pada anak usia dini cara memberikan pendidikan seksual adalah mulai memperkenlakan organ organ seks yang dimilki dan konsep aurat melekat padanya secara singkat


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    Optimasi dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah proses untuk mencapai hasil yang ideal dan terukur secara efektif atau sebuah bentuk optimalisasi proses perancangan dan pembuatann terhadap sesuatu hal yang sudah ada, dengan kata lain sebuah langkah atau tindakan berupa proses atau penerapan metodologi untuk membuat sesuatu, baik berupa sistem, desain, atau keputusan dengan harapan bisa menjadi lebih sempurna dan efektif, disamping itu mencari solusi alternatif dengan mempertimbangkan biaya yang paling efektif atau maksimalisasi terhadap kinerja berdasarkan kendala yang diberikan, yaitu dengan memaksimalkan faktor yang diharapkan dan meminimalkan yang tidak diharapkan. Pengembangan sistem (system development) adalah langkah atau tahap perubahan sebuah sistem (dalam hal ini sistem informasi) yang didasarkan pada hasil rekomendasi analisis yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sistem itu sendiri, sehingga diharapkan dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi, sementara Sistem Informasi merupakan kombinasi dari teknologi informasi dan aktivitas manusia yang menggunakan teknologi untuk mendukung operasi dan manajemen

    Penerapan kurikulum pesantren Muhammadiyah pada pendididkan dasar dan menengah Boarding School : Peneliti di SMP-SMA Plus Pesantren Amanah Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya dan Mts-MA Pondok Pesantren Al-Furqon Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

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    Kurikulum sesuatu yang penting dalam pendidikan. Kurikulum menjadi jalan yang harus ditempuh untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan oleh karena itu menjadi isi dan warna dan identitas yang terbentuk atas nilai dan keterampilan. Kurikulum Pesantren yang diterap pada Pendididkan Dasar Dan Menengah Boarding School merupakan kajian lanjut dari pengembangan kurikulum (Writen Curiculum) menjadi pelaksanaan kurikulum (Action Curiculum.). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan di dua pesantren yaitu, Pesantren Al-furqon Muhammadiyah (MTs dan MA) dan Pesantren Amanah Muhammadiyah (SMPdan SMA). Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kebijakan, rumusan dan program, realisasi, faktor pendukung dan penghambat, keberhasilan dari Penerapan Kurikulum Pesantren Muhammadiyah Penelitiian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mengunakan deskriftif analitik, karena penelitian ini mendeskripsikan secara holistik dan komperhensif dan mendalam suatu gejala, peristiwa, kejadian yang terjadi. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data penelitian dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Dalam opersioanlnya data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis dan interpertasi sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukan bahwa Penerapan Kurikulum Pesantren Muhammadiyah di pesantren Alfurqon dan Amanah adalah dalam kebijakaan memiliki kesamaan berdasarkan kebutuhan dengan prinsip religious, idiologis, dan humanistis. Dengan Rumusan dan program penerapan kurikulum pesantren Muhammadiyah .memiliki kesamaan dan kemiripan yaitu. Kesatuan dalam rumusan dan program dari pengembangan Al-Islam dan Kebahasa Araban, keberagaman dalam pelaksanaan. Dan Realisasi penerapan kurikulum pesantren Muhammadiyah yang masih mengunakan pendekatan yang lebih banyak berpusat pada guru (Teacher centered) daripada pendekatan berpusat pada murid (student centered). dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat penerapan kurikulum pesantren Muhammadiyah Pendukung tenaga pendidik dan siswa. Penghambat sarana dan pengembangan kurikulum. keberhasilan penerapan kurikulum pesantren sama sudah berhasil dengan ukuran nilai sudah diatas KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal


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    Teenages are population between age of 10 – 24 years old and haven’n married yet. Adolescence is a period when physical, psychological, and intelectual growth and development happen rapidly. In order to keep being healthy, one has to pay attention on personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is a behavior to maintain cleanliness and health in order to maintain physical and psylogical welfare. The objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge that teenage girls have on how to maintain the health of female reproductive organ in Mandungan Margoluwih Seyegan Sleman. This was a descriptive study. Data was generated by total sampling with questionaire. The study conducted in Mandungan Margoluwih Seyegan Sleman. The averall level of knowledge on how to maintain the health of female reproductive organ was categorized as good with result of 25 subjects (67,56%), moderate 12 subjects (32,44%), and poor was none (0%). Knowledge regarding female reproductive organs was averall good with result of 34 subjects (91,89%), moderate with result of 3 subjects (8,11%), and poor was none (0%). Level of knowledge on how to nourish female reproductive organs was good with 13 subjects (35,13%), moderate with 4 (10,82%), and overall poor with 2o subjects (54,05%). Knowledge about the consequences of not taking care of female reproductive organs was in good criteria with 26 subjects (70,27%), moderate with 7 subjects (18,92%) and pour with 4 subjects (10,81%). The research concluded that the level of knowledge that teenage girls have on how to maintain the heath of female reproductive organ in Mandungan Margoluwih Seyegan Sleman is overall good

    Hypophosphatemia and Hyponatremia in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients and Its Relation to Clinical Characteristic and Disease Activity

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    Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic auto-immune disease with diverse manifestations, ranging from mild rash or arthritis to severe organ-threatening involvement.Objective: The aim of the work was to find-out the possible association of hypophosphatemia and hyponatremia with disease activity in SLE patients.Patients and methods: A total of 100 patients with SLE were involved in this study and the serum level of sodium and phosphorus, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), leucocytic and platelet counts, and 24 hr. protein were measured. SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) score was assessed,Results: The majority of patients were females; 94 (94%) and 6 males (6%) (F:M 15.7:1). The age of the patient ranged from 17 to 63 years with a mean age of 34.23 ±11.19 years. The disease duration was 48±55.7 months. 7. 41% of SLE patients were hyponatremic and 49% showed normonatremic. There was a significant correlation between Na level, SLEDAI score, vasculitis and arthritis and insignificant correlation with ESR. 47 patients were hypophosphatemic  (47%) and 53 (53%) were normophophatemic. There was a significant correlation between phosphate level and SLEDAI, oral ulcers p=0.001 and arthritis p<0.0004 but negatively related with ESR.Conclusion: It could be concluded that hyponatremia and hypophosphatemia are significantly related to SLEDAI, so it could be used as indicators of SLE activity and sever inflammation

    An Examination of Income Effect on Consumers’ Ethical Evaluation of Counterfeit Drugs Buying Behaviour: A Cross-Sectional Study in Qatar and Sudan

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    Introduction There are limited studies on consumer behaviour toward counterfeit products and the determining factors that motivate willingness to purchase counterfeit items. Aim This study aimed to fill this literature gap through studying differences in individual ethical evaluations of counterfeit drug purchase and whether that ethical evaluation affected by difference in income. It is hypothesized that individuals with lower/higher income make a more/less permissive evaluation of ethical responsibility regarding counterfeit drug purchase. Materials and Methods To empirically test the research assumption, a comparison was made between people who live in the low-income country Sudan and people who live in the high-income country Qatar. The study employed a face-to-face structured interview survey methodology to collect data from 1,170 subjects and the Sudanese and Qatari samples were compared using independent t-test at alpha level of 0.05 employing SPSS version 22.0. Results Sudanese and Qatari individuals were significantly different on all items. Sudanese individuals scored below 3 for all Awareness of Societal Consequences (ASC) items indicating that they make more permissive evaluation of ethical responsibility regarding counterfeit drug purchase. Both groups shared a basic positive moral agreement regarding subjective norm indicating that influence of income is not evident. Conclusion Findings indicate that low-income individuals make more permissive evaluation of ethical responsibility regarding counterfeit drugs purchase when highlighting awareness of societal consequences used as a deterrent tool, while both low and high-income individuals share a basic positive moral agreement when subjective norm dimension is exploited to discourage unethical buying behaviour

    Scale development on consumer behavior toward counterfeit drugs in a developing country: A quantitative study exploiting the tools of an evolving paradigm

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    Background: Although desperate need and drug counterfeiting are linked in developing countries, little research has been carried out to address this link, and there is a lack of proper tools and methodology. This study addresses the need for a new methodological approach by developing a scale to aid in understanding the demand side of drug counterfeiting in a developing country. Methods. The study presents a quantitative, non-representative survey conducted in Sudan. A face-to-face structured interview survey methodology was employed to collect the data from the general population (people in the street) in two phases: pilot (n = 100) and final survey (n = 1003). Data were analyzed by examining means, variances, squared multiple correlations, item-to-total correlations, and the results of an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis. Results: As an approach to scale purification, internal consistency was examined and improved. The scale was reduced from 44 to 41 items and Cronbach's alpha improved from 0.818 to 0.862. Finally, scale items were assessed. The result was an eleven-factor solution. Convergent and discriminant validity were demonstrated. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the "Consumer Behavior Toward Counterfeit Drugs Scale" is a valid, reliable measure with a solid theoretical base. Ultimately, the study offers public health policymakers a valid measurement tool and, consequently, a new methodological approach with which to build a better understanding of the demand side of counterfeit drugs and to develop more effective strategies to combat the problem.This work was supported by the Federal Ministry of Health Sudan.Scopu

    Perceptions of Yemeni physicians about sources of drug information and factors predicting their choices

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    High-quality information is a necessary prerequisite for an optimum prescribing decision that enhances patient healthcare outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the main sources of information used by physicians to obtain knowledge about new drugs and to identify the relationship of physicians' characteristics and practice-setting factors with their choices of sources of drug information. To achieve this objective, a crosssectional study was conducted through a questionnaire distributed among physicians in the public and private sectors. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, t-tests, and analysis of variance were carried out to test the differences in the score of “sources of drug information” between categories of physicians' characteristics and practice-setting factors. The study revealed that the majority (96.2%) of physicians considered medical representatives (MRs) to be their primary source of information about new drugs. Also, MRs seen per week were shown to exert significant differences between groups of physicians for all types of drug information sources, with the exception of noncompany information. In addition, significant differences were seen between groups of physicians sorted by academic affiliation for all types of drug information sources. In conclusion, the majority of physicians use MRs as the main source of information about new drugs. Also, among physicians' characteristics and practice-setting factors, academic affiliation was one of the most influential factors in identifying physicians' preference for sources of information about new drugs

    The Association of Smoking and Coffee Consumption With Occurrence of Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Patients With Active Helicobacter pylori Infection in Jazan City: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a severe infection responsible for upper gastrointestinal symptoms (UGISs). Several causes of H. pylori infection include food ingestion and person-to-person transmission. Many lifestyle variables can affect the occurrence of UGISs such as coffee consumption and smoking. Objective: To assess the association between smoking and coffee consumption and the occurrence of UGISs in patients with active H. pylori infection in Jazan city in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used to conduct the study between July 2022 and August 2022 in Jazan, southern Saudi Arabia. Male and female Saudis or non-Saudis ≥ 18 years of age with an active H. pylori infection were included. Participants under 18 years or without active H. pylori infection were excluded. Data were collected from participants using the convenience sampling technique and a structured questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire evaluated social and demographic factors such as age, sex, place of residence, nationality, and educational level; the second part evaluated smoking and coffee-drinking habits. Furthermore, frequencies and percentages represented categorical variables. A continuous variable was converted to a categorical variable. The relationship between different variables is tested using the Chi-square test. Result: The total number of respondents who completed the questionnaire was 1225, with only 422 having H. pylori entries in this study. There were 290 (68.7%) men and only 132 (31.3%) women among them; the majority were young adults (18-20 years old). More than half of the participants (53%) never smoked, 23% were active smokers, and 23% were former smokers. Around 27.1% smoke five cigarettes a day and 12.6% smoke five to 15 cigarettes a day. Three-hundred (71.1%) of the participants drank coffee. 23.9% indicated that they did not drink coffee. Of those who take coffee, more than half (51.7%) take fewer than three cups daily and 25.6% take approximately three to five cups of coffee per day. Our findings indicate a link between coffee consumption and UGISs (p = 0.00), while smoking did not have a significant relationship with UGISs (p = 0.06). Conclusion: Our research showed that drinking coffee was related to UGISs, but smoking was not found in people with active H. pylori infection. In smokers, UGISs increased substantially, but not significantly. We need real-world research to identify the association between coffee consumption and UGISs. In addition, we need to educate people at risk for UGISs to reduce coffee, smoking, and other risk factors

    The impact of law enforcement on the dispensing antibiotics without prescription in Saudi Arabia : findings and implications

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    Background: Dispensing of antibiotics without a prescription (DAwP) has been widely practised in Saudi Arabia despite being illegal. This is a concern increasing AMR. In May 2018, the law and regulations were enforced including fines up to 100,000 SR (equivalent to US$26,666) and cancellation of licences. Consequently, we wanted to evaluate the impact. Methods: Mixed method study among 116 community pharmacies in two phases. Pre-law enforcement phase between December 2017 and March 2018 and post-law enforcement phase one year later. Each phase consisted of a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey and a simulated client method (SCM). In the SCM, clients presented with either pharyngitis or urinary tract infections (UTI) with 3 levels: level 1 – SC asked for something to relieve the symptoms, level 2 – SC asked for something stronger if an antibiotic was not dispensed, level 3 – SC requested an antibiotic. In SCM for each phase, all 116 pharmacies were visited with at least one of the scenarios. Results: Before the law enforcement, 70.7% of community pharmacists reported DAwP was common. 96.6% and 87.7% of participating pharmacies dispensed antibiotics without a prescription for pharyngitis and UTI respectively. After law enforcement, only 12.9% of community pharmacists indicated that DAwP was common, with only 12.1% and 5.2% dispensing antibiotics without prescriptions for pharyngitis and UTI respectively and mostly after level 3. Conclusion: Law enforcement was effective. However, there is still further scope for improvement as community pharmacists are worried patients may go elsewhere if no antibiotic dispensed on request. This could include educational activities
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