24 research outputs found

    Мотиви за свързани с външния вид поведения при млади мъже с различен статус на телесното тегло: качествено изследване

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    Изследването проучва мотивите за свързаните с външния вид поведения при млади мъже във възникваща зрелост (18-29 г.) с различен статус на телесното тегло. Проведени са 15 дълбинни полу-структурирани интервюта с мъже и 15 с жени, анализирани чрез тематичен анализ и интерпретативен феноменологичен анализ. Седем от петнадесетте млади мъже са с наднормено тегло или затлъстяване, като този статус на телесното тегло оказва значимо влияние върху съдържанието на мотивите за свързаните с външния вид поведения. Идентифицирани са девет мотива: да бъдеш с нормално тегло (по-слаб или по-едър, в зависимост от актуалния статус на телесното тегло); да не ти се подиграват другите; да имаш красиво/мускулесто тяло (стегнато, спортно тяло, или добре развито, мускулесто тяло); за здраве; за да се чувстваш добре; за висока самооценка; за да те харесват момичетата; за да можеш да победиш във физически сблъсък (включва да бъдеш физически силен и да предизвикваш уважение/респект у другите мъже); за (професионално) развитие в спорта. Първите пет мотива са свързани с поведенията на хранене (специален хранителен режим/диета) и с поведенията на физическа активност (спорт, физически упражнения, фитнес), а мотивът да имаш красиво/мускулесто тяло – и с прекомерни физически тренировки, прием на хранителни добавки и анаболни стероиди. Останалите мотиви са свързани с поведенията спорт, фитнес, прекомерни физически тренировки, прием на хранителни добавки и анаболни стероиди. Първите два мотива се отнасят до лицата със свръхтегло, третият – почти изцяло до мъжете с нормално тегло. Мотивите за здраве и да се чувстваш добре са сред най-универсалните (значими при всички статуси на телесното тегло). Последните 4 мотива могат да бъдат отнесени най-вече към нормалното тегло и добре развитата мускулатура

    Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood and Identity Distress

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    Emerging adulthood is characterized by a psychosocial moratorium up to 30 years of age, and the psychosocial moratorium implies a crisis or identity distress. We are interested in the possible correlations between the dimensions of emerging adulthood and the identity distress and their mediation through processes of self-reflection. The study involved 202 persons aged 17-30 years. An Inventory for the study of the Dimensions of Emerging adulthood (IDEA), Identity Distress Measurement Scale (IDM), and Reflection-Rumination Questionnaire (RRQ) were used. The results revealed that there was a direct correlation between the general level of discomfort and the negativity/ instability and a backward correlation between career choices and the feeling of "in between". Negativity/ instability was a predictor of both greater experiences of general discomfort and a longer experience of identity distress. Separation from parents was also a predictor of experiencing a higher overall level of general discomfort, and working (parallel to education) was a predictor of a longer experience of identity distress. Rumination was a mediator in the relationship between the dimension of negativity / instability and the duration of experienced distress.Language: Bulgaria

    Rumination and Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood

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    The study investigated the relationships between the dimensions of emerging adulthood and self-esteem, depression and anxiety, as well as the mediating effect of reflection processes between them. Two hundred and two subjects, aged 17-30 years, participated in the study. The methods used included Inventory for the Study of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA), Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire (RRQ), Rosenberg Global Self-Esteem Scale (RSEI), Short Depression Scale of the Center for Epidemiological Studies (CES-D 10), and Revised Checklist for Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (Symptom Checklist 90 - R). Results showed that women had higher levels of depression, rumination and reflection compared to men. Significant low to moderate correlations were revealed between Identity exploration as a dimension of emerging adulthood, rumination and reflection, and depression. Experimentation / opportunities correlated with reflection, and Negativity / instability with rumination, depression and anxiety. Identity exploration, Negativity / Instability and Focusing on yourself were significant predictors of depression, and significant predictors of anxiety in emerging adulthood were Negativity/Instability and Experimentation/ opportunities. Rumination had significant indirect effects on self-esteem, depression and anxiety, with significant independent predictors the dimensions Identity exploration, Negativity/ Instability (except for anxiety) and Feeling "in between"

    Multisensory Environmental Therapy (Snoezelen) for Job Stress Reduction in Mental Health Nurses: a Randomised Trial

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    This independent measures experimental design study conducted in the UK and USA, assessed the benefits of multisensory environmental therapy (MSET) using a snoezelen room to reduce occupational stress in sixteen mental health nurses. An independent staff member randomly allocated each participant to one of two intervention conditions: either the hospital /university unit lounge (control group n = 8) or MSET (experimental group n=8). The intervention was undertaken for four weeks, two sessions per week, for thirty minutes. Measures of pulse rate were obtained both pre-and post-intervention. In addition, pre-and post-measures were obtained on the State-Trait Anxiety Scale and the Profile of Mood States and, upon conclusion of the study, an intervention satisfaction questionnaire was completed. Sixteen participants were included in the analysis of the primary outcomes. A significant treatment by pre-post interaction was found for pulse rates, the State Anxiety Scale, and on the Confusion Bewilderment sub-scale of the Profile of Mood States scale. In conclusion, nurses reported unanimous satisfaction with MSET and felt their on-the-job performance was enhanced in the areas of holistic caring for patients and problem solving.The Hope Foundatio

    Depression Awareness and Self-Management Through the Internet: Protocol for an Internationally Standardized Approach

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    BACKGROUND: Depression incurs significant morbidity and confers increased risk of suicide. Many individuals experiencing depression remain untreated due to systemic and personal barriers to care. Guided Internet-based psychotherapeutic programs represent a promising means of overcoming such barriers and increasing the capacity for self-management of depression. However, existing programs tend to be available only in English and can be expensive to access. Furthermore, despite evidence of the effectiveness of a number of Internet-based programs, there is limited evidence regarding both the acceptability of such programs and feasibility of their use, for users and health care professionals. OBJECTIVE: This paper will present the protocol for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the iFightDepression tool, an Internet-based self-management tool. This is a cost-free, multilingual, guided, self-management program for mild to moderate depression cases. METHODS: The Preventing Depression and Improving Awareness through Networking in the European Union consortium undertook a comprehensive systematic review of the available evidence regarding computerized cognitive behavior therapy in addition to a consensus process involving mental health experts and service users to inform the development of the iFightDepression tool. The tool was implemented and evaluated for acceptability and feasibility of its use in a pilot phase in 5 European regions, with recruitment of users occurring through general practitioners and health care professionals who participated in a standardized training program. RESULTS: Targeting mild to moderate depression, the iFightDepression tool is based on cognitive behavioral therapy and addresses behavioral activation (monitoring and planning daily activities), cognitive restructuring (identifying and challenging unhelpful thoughts), sleep regulation, mood monitoring, and healthy lifestyle habits. There is also a tailored version of the tool for young people, incorporating less formal language and additional age-appropriate modules on relationships and social anxiety. The tool is accompanied by a 3-hour training intervention for health care professionals. CONCLUSIONS: It is intended that the iFightDepression tool and associated training for health care professionals will represent a valuable resource for the management of depression that will complement existing resources for health care professionals. It is also intended that the iFightDepression tool and training will represent an additional resource within a multifaceted approach to improving the care of depression and preventing suicidal behavior in Europe

    Burnout and health behaviors in health professionals from seven European countries

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    WOS: 000382703500004PubMed ID: 27251338Within an underlying health-impairing process, work stressors exhaust employees' mental and physical resources and lead to exhaustion/burnout and to health problems, with health-impairing behaviors being one of the potential mechanisms, linking burnout to ill health. The study aims to explore the associations between burnout and fast food consumption, exercise, alcohol consumption and painkiller use in a multinational sample of 2623 doctors, nurses and residents from Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and Macedonia, adopting a cross-national approach. Data are part of the international cross-sectional quantitative ORCAB survey. The measures included the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Health Behaviors Questionnaire. Burnout was significantly positively associated with higher fast food consumption, infrequent exercise, higher alcohol consumption and more frequent painkiller use in the full sample, and these associations remained significant after the inclusion of individual differences factors and country of residence. Cross-national comparisons showed significant differences in burnout and health behaviors, and some differences in the statistical significance and magnitude (but not the direction) of the associations between them. Health professionals from Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria reported the most unfavorable experiences. Burnout and risk health behaviors among health professionals are important both in the context of health professionals' health and well-being and as factors contributing to medical errors and inadequate patient safety. Organizational interventions should incorporate early identification of such behaviors together with programs promoting health and aimed at the reduction of burnout and work-related stress.European UnionEuropean Union (EU) [242084]The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme [FP7-HEALTH-2009-single-stage] under Grant Agreement No. [242084]