13 research outputs found

    Efeito da tigmomorfogênese na morfometria de mudas de Maytenus ilicifolia (Schrad.) Planch.

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814571The present study aimed to quantify morphological changes due to mechanical stimuli by stem bending in the hardening phase of ‘espinheira-santa’ [Maytenus ilicifolia [(Schrad.) Planch.] seedlings. The experiment was conducted at shade house as a completely randomized factorial design (2 x 5) formed by seedlings of two height classes and five stem bending intensities (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40) performed daily for thirty days, with four replicates of ten seedlings. The effect of mechanical stimuli was quantified by the increments in height, stem diameter as well as root and shoot biomass to calculate the absolute growth rate. In addition, root electrolyte leakage was measured. The data was submitted to regression analysis at 5%. The results indicated that increasing the frequency of stem bending induced a reduction in height increment, electrolyte leakage from root tissues and an increase in stem diameter increment and root biomass in seedlings classified by height. The shoot biomass of seedlings with larger dimensions increased a frequency of 20 stem bending even with the linear reduction in seedling height, and consequently increased growth rate. Mechanical stimulus is an option to promote morphological changes in Maytenus ilicifolia seedlings which increases hardiness and seedlings quality for out planting.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814571O presente estudo objetivou quantificar alterações morfológicas decorrentes de estímulos mecânicos por flexões caulinares na fase de rustificação de mudas de espinheira-santa [Maytenus ilicifolia (Schrad.) Planch.]. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de sombra sob delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 2 x 5, formado por mudas divididas em duas classes quanto à altura da parte aérea e cinco intensidades de flexões caulinares (0, 5, 10, 20 e 40) efetuadas diariamente durante trinta dias, em quatro repetições de dez mudas. O efeito dos estímulos mecânicos foi quantificado pelos incrementos na altura, no diâmetro do coleto, assim como pela mensuração da biomassa de raiz e da parte aérea com os quais se determinou a taxa de crescimento absoluto. Complementarmente, foi mensurada a perda de eletrólitos de raízes. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão a 5%. Os resultados indicaram que o aumento do número de flexões caulinares induziu a redução no incremento em altura, no extravasamento de eletrólitos dos tecidos radiculares e, no aumento do incremento no diâmetro do coleto e na biomassa de raízes em mudas classificadas por altura. A biomassa da parte aérea de mudas com maiores dimensões aumentou com até 20 flexões mesmo com a redução linear na altura e, consequentemente, elevou a taxa de crescimento. Estímulos mecânicos por meio de flexões caulinares é uma opção para promover alterações morfológicas em mudas de Maytenus ilicifolia elevando a rusticidade e a qualidade das mudas aptas ao plantio


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    O presente estudo objetivou quantificar altera\ue7\uf5es morfol\uf3gicas decorrentes de est\uedmulos mec\ue2nicos por flex\uf5es caulinares na fase de rustifica\ue7\ue3o de mudas de espinheira-santa [ Maytenus ilicifolia (Schrad.) Planch.]. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de sombra sob delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 2 x 5, formado por mudas divididas em duas classes quanto \ue0 altura da parte a\ue9rea e cinco intensidades de flex\uf5es caulinares (0, 5, 10, 20 e 40) efetuadas diariamente durante trinta dias, em quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es de dez mudas. O efeito dos est\uedmulos mec\ue2nicos foi quantificado pelos incrementos na altura, no di\ue2metro do coleto, assim como pela mensura\ue7\ue3o da biomassa de raiz e da parte a\ue9rea com os quais se determinou a taxa de crescimento absoluto. Complementarmente, foi mensurada a perda de eletr\uf3litos de ra\uedzes. Os dados foram submetidos \ue0 an\ue1lise de regress\ue3o a 5%. Os resultados indicaram que o aumento do n\ufamero de flex\uf5es caulinares induziu a redu\ue7\ue3o no incremento em altura, no extravasamento de eletr\uf3litos dos tecidos radiculares e, no aumento do incremento no di\ue2metro do coleto e na biomassa de ra\uedzes em mudas classificadas por altura. A biomassa da parte a\ue9rea de mudas com maiores dimens\uf5es aumentou com at\ue9 20 flex\uf5es mesmo com a redu\ue7\ue3o linear na altura e, consequentemente, elevou a taxa de crescimento. Est\uedmulos mec\ue2nicos por meio de flex\uf5es caulinares \ue9 uma op\ue7\ue3o para promover altera\ue7\uf5es morfol\uf3gicas em mudas de Maytenus ilicifolia elevando a rusticidade e a qualidade das mudas aptas ao plantio.The present study aimed to quantify morphological changes due to mechanical stimuli by stem bending in the hardening phase of \u2018espinheira-santa\u2019 [ Maytenus ilicifolia [(Schrad.) Planch.] seedlings. The experiment was conducted at shade house as a completely randomized factorial design (2 x 5) formed by seedlings of two height classes and five stem bending intensities (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40) performed daily for thirty days, with four replicates of ten seedlings. The effect of mechanical stimuli was quantified by the increments in height, stem diameter as well as root and shoot biomass to calculate the absolute growth rate. In addition, root electrolyte leakage was measured. The data was submitted to regression analysis at 5%. The results indicated that increasing the frequency of stem bending induced a reduction in height increment, electrolyte leakage from root tissues and an increase in stem diameter increment and root biomass in seedlings classified by height. The shoot biomass of seedlings with larger dimensions increased a frequency of 20 stem bending even with the linear reduction in seedling height, and consequently increased growth rate. Mechanical stimulus is an option to promote morphological changes in Maytenus ilicifolia seedlings which increases hardiness and seedlings quality for out planting

    Results after two years of non-operative treatment of occlusal surface in children with high caries prevalence

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    The aim of this study was to describe the 2-year results of an individualized treatment program designed to control occlusal caries in erupting first permanent molars. The sample consisted of 145 five-to-six-year-old students divided into a control group (n=71) and a test group (n=74). All test children received a biannual basic preventive program and a recall system according to individual disease activity. The basic program consisted of 3 (March) and 2 (August) sessions of oral hygiene orientation and toothbrushing with fluoride gel. The analysis of the baseline and 1-2-year data showed a significant reduction in the number of active lesions in the test group. In the control group, there were initially 70 active lesions and after two years 68 surfaces remained with disease and 24 surfaces had been filled. The children in the test group had 80 surfaces with active lesions initially and after two years only 3 surfaces with disease remained. From the 15 cavitated lesions, only 5 surfaces needed to be filled. This program showed that care of erupting teeth on an individualized basis can control occlusal caries

    Tratamento cirúrgico de fratura de mandíbula infectada em paciente HIV positivo: relato de um caso

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    Os autores apresentam o relato de um caso de fratura de mandíbula, que foi tratada primeiramente de forma conservadora e que, apesar da antibioticoterapia, infectou. Devido a história do uso de drogas injetáveis durante quinze anos suspeitou-se da síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida. O paciente foi então submetido a tratamento cirúrgico com drenagem do abcesso e posterior instalação de miniplacas com parafusos. O exame anti-HIV foi positivo. A conduta terapêutica neste caso, mostrou-se eficiente para o tratamento de fraturas infectadas de mandíbula