44 research outputs found

    Közgazdász hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája

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    The crisis of 2008 drew attention to the low level of financial knowledge among the population bringing research into financial literacy to the fore. The literature has given priority to young people, because in order to be able to avoid a future crisis, it is necessary to develop the next generation’s financial literacy. In our research financial literacy (described by its three components – financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitudes) of 3rd year economics students from a Hungarian university was examined and compared to “average” young people from previous studies not receiving financialeconomic knowledge in the frame of organized education. Our major findings include that examined students significantly undervalued their own financial knowledge in spite of being above average; their financial behaviour shows no significant difference compared to “average” young people (except the acquisition of information prior to the purchase of financial products) as well as their financial attitudes that is above average similarly to the previous research findings. Besides this we found no evidence of the fact that financial knowledge gained in secondary school increases financial literacy that suggests developing financial literacy is not even late in higher education

    A gazdasági felsőoktatás hatása a fiatalok pénzügyi kultúrájára

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    Absztrakt: Kutatásunk célja annak feltárása volt, hogy a célzott pénzügyi-gazdasági képzésben részesülő egyetemi hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája mutat-e eltérést az ilyen képzésben nem részesülő fiatalokéhoz képest. Eredményeink szerint a gazdasági felsőoktatás pozitív hatását csupán a pénzügyi kultúra egy komponensénél, a pénzügyi ismereteknél lehet egyértelműen kimutatni. A pénzügyi viselkedés (2. komponens) esetén csupán két elem mentén mutattuk ki a gazdasági képzésben való részvétel pozitív hatását, míg a pénzügyi attitűdök (3. komponens) esetében egyáltalán nem tapasztaltuk azt. Mindez alátámasztja a pénzügyi-gazdasági képzés közoktatásba való bevezetésének szükségességét, hiszen az oktatás a későbbiekben már csupán a pénzügyi kultúra látható, felszín feletti részére képes jelentős hatást gyakorolni. Abstract: The objective of our research was to reveal whether the financial literacy of university students receiving specific financial-economic education differs from that of youths not participating in this kind of higher education. According to our results, the positive impact of economic higher education can be detected clearly only in the case of one component of financial literacy, namely the financial knowledge. In the case of financial behaviour (the second component of financial literacy) positive effect of the participation in economic higher education appeared only in two elements, while in the case of financial attitudes (the third component of financial literacy) it could not be identified at all. All of this confirms the need for launching financial-economic education into the public education, as later on education can only have a significant impact on the visible, above-surface part of financial literacy

    Közgazdász hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája

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    The crisis of 2008 drew attention to the low level of financial knowledge among the population bringing research into financial literacy to the fore. The literature has given priority to young people, because in order to be able to avoid a future crisis, it is necessary to develop the next generation’s financial literacy. In our research financial literacy (described by its three components – financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitudes) of 3rd year economics students from a Hungarian university was examined and compared to “average” young people from previous studies not receiving financialeconomic knowledge in the frame of organized education. Our major findings include that examined students significantly undervalued their own financial knowledge in spite of being above average; their financial behaviour shows no significant difference compared to “average” young people (except the acquisition of information prior to the purchase of financial products) as well as their financial attitudes that is above average similarly to the previous research findings. Besides this we found no evidence of the fact that financial knowledge gained in secondary school increases financial literacy that suggests developing financial literacy is not even late in higher education

    A gazdasági felsőoktatás hatása a fiatalok pénzügyi kultúrájára

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    The objective of our research was to reveal whether the financial literacy of university students receiving specific financial-economic education differs from that of youths not participating in this kind of higher education. According to our results, the positive impact of economic higher education can be detected clearly only in the case of one component of financial literacy, namely the financial knowledge. In the case of financial behaviour (the second component of financial literacy) positive effect of the participation in economic higher education appeared only in two elements, while in the case of financial attitudes (the third component of financial literacy) it could not be identified at all. All of this confirms the need for launching financial-economic education into the public education, as later on education can only have a significant impact on the visible, above-surface part of financial literacy.Kutatásunk célja annak feltárása volt, hogy a célzott pénzügyi-gazdasági képzésben részesülő egyetemi hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája mutat-e eltérést az ilyen képzésben nem részesülő fiatalokéhoz képest. Eredményeink szerint a gazdasági felsőoktatás pozitív hatását csupán a pénzügyi kultúra egy komponensénél, a pénzügyi ismereteknél lehet egyértelműen kimutatni. A pénzügyi viselkedés (2. komponens) esetén csupán két elem mentén mutattuk ki a gazdasági képzésben való részvétel pozitív hatását, míg a pénzügyi attitűdök (3. komponens) esetében egyáltalán nem tapasztaltuk azt. Mindez alátámasztja a pénzügyi-gazdasági képzés közoktatásba való bevezetésének szükségességét, hiszen az oktatás a későbbiekben már csupán a pénzügyi kultúra látható, felszín feletti részére képes jelentős hatást gyakorolni.&nbsp

    Közgazdász hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája

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    The crisis of 2008 drew attention to the low level of financial knowledge among the population bringing research into financial literacy to the fore. The literature has given priority to young people, because in order to be able to avoid a future crisis, it is necessary to develop the next generation’s financial literacy. In our research financial literacy (described by its three components – financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitudes) of 3rd year economics students from a Hungarian university was examined and compared to “average” young people from previous studies not receiving financialeconomic knowledge in the frame of organized education. Our major findings include that examined students significantly undervalued their own financial knowledge in spite of being above average; their financial behaviour shows no significant difference compared to “average” young people (except the acquisition of information prior to the purchase of financial products) as well as their financial attitudes that is above average similarly to the previous research findings. Besides this we found no evidence of the fact that financial knowledge gained in secondary school increases financial literacy that suggests developing financial literacy is not even late in higher education