947 research outputs found

    Os caes do sítio da Boavista no século XVIII: estudo arqueológico de estruturas portuárias

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    A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo a compreensão da dinâmica portuária da Ribeira de Lisboa em época moderna. Procura contribuir para a reconstrução da frente ribeirinha anterior ao terramoto de 1755, pouco conhecida a nível histórico e arqueológico. Será baseada no estudo arqueológico de duas estruturas portuárias exumadas no sítio da Boavista, antiga freguesia de S. Paulo. O seu cruzamento com dados historiográficos, documentação histórica e iconografia pode proporcionar uma interpretação mais precisa destes locais de embarque e desembarque na Ribeira de Lisboa. Outro objectivo da dissertação é a pesquisa e caracterização da forma, da funcionalidade e, se possível, o conhecimento da toponímia das estruturas portuárias em análise, em articulação com os edifícios existentes na orla ribeirinha. Estudos como estes são escassos em Portugal e permitem compreender a dinâmica marítimo-portuária local, neste caso de Lisboa, de uma capital de um reino em expansão marítima

    Luto patológico, ansiedade perante a morte e variáveis sociodemográficas, sua relação com a sintomatologia depressiva em adultos mais velhos

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015Objectivos: Este estudo consistiu numa análise exploratória das relações entre as manifestações de luto patológico, prolongado ou complicado, ansiedade perante a morte, variáveis sociodemográficas (e.g. sexo e relação mantida com o falecido) e sintomatologia depressiva. Amostra: A amostra de conveniência é constituída por 33 adultos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos. Os participantes foram recrutados na Paróquia de S. João de Deus, em Lisboa, após autorização prestada pelo Pároco responsável. Instrumentos: Foram aplicados individualmente os seguintes questionários: Questionário Sócio-demográfico elaborado para o efeito; Questionário de Ansiedade Perante a Morte, de Barros de Oliveira (1998); Instrumento de avaliação da perturbação de luto Prolongado (PG-13), adaptado e validado para a população Portuguesa por Delalibera, Coelho & Barbosa, (2012) e Escala de depressão do centro de estudos epidemiológicos (C.E.S.-D.), de Gonçalves & Fagulha, (2003, 2004; Radloff, 1977). Resultados: Não se encontram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a sintomatologia depressiva e o tipo de relação mantida com o falecido, o que contraria a literatura encontrada. Encontram-se, porém, correlações positivas significativas entre: ansiedade perante a morte e manifestações de luto prolongado; sintomatologia depressiva e ansiedade perante a morte. Conclusões e limitações: Conclui-se que as manifestações de luto prolongado se mostram positivamente correlacionadas com a ansiedade perante a morte. A sintomatologia depressiva mostra-se positivamente correlacionada com a ansiedade perante a morte. Os resultados obtidos podem dever-se a limitações metodológicas como a reduzida dimensão da amostra, e ao facto de a amostra ser constituída por um número maior de mulheres, do que de homens.Objectives: This study is an exploratory analysis of the relations between the manifestations of pathological, prolonged or complicated grief; death anxiety, sociodemographic variables (e.g. sex and relationship maintained with the deceased) and depressive symptoms. Sample: A convenience sample consisted of 33 adults aged over 65 years. Participants were recruited in Paróquia de S. João de Deus, in Lisbon, after authorization given by the responsible parish priest. Instruments: the following questionnaires were individually applied: Socio-demographic questionnaire prepared for this study; Death anxiety questionnaire by Barros de Oliveira (1998); Prolonged grief disorder questionnaire (PG-13), adapted and validated for the Portuguese population by Delalibera, Coelho and Barbosa (2012) and The center for epidemiologic studies – depression scale (CES-D.) by Gonçalves & Fagulha (2003, 2004; Radloff, 1977). Results: Statistically significant differences have been found between depressive symptoms and the type of relationship maintained with the deceased, which contradicts the literature found. There are, however, significant positive correlations between: death anxiety and the manifestations of pathological, prolonged or complicated grief; depressive symptoms and death anxiety. Conclusions and limitations: We conclude that - the manifestations of pathological, prolonged or complicated grief are positively correlated with death anxiety. Depressive symptoms are positively correlated with death anxiety. The results may be due to methodological limitations such as small sample size, and the fact that the sample has a larger number of women than men

    Transformar a crise em oportunidade : desenvolvimento de uma organização criativa

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Design de Comunicação de ModaNum ambiente onde predomina a crise económica, a moda portuguesa, como setor em crescimento, apresenta no seu contexto a criatividade, a inovação e a qualificação como resultados da relação triangular que se estabelece entre o ensino superior, o desemprego e o empreendedorismo. Fatores que à primeira vista parecem problemáticos, quando trabalhados em conjunto podem constituir-se como uma oportunidade, especialmente para os jovens como futuro do país. Aliando esta realidade com as mudanças emergentes no setor da moda, que se quer cada vez mais sustentável com o fim do fast-fashion, o trabalho aqui apresentado pretende constituir-se como uma proposta de desenvolvimento de uma organização criativa em Portugal que tenha como missão a promoção do trabalho de estudantes de design de moda de Instituições de Ensino Superior portuguesas. Como base do estudo exploratório, foram utilizadas metodologias que permitiram realizar um diagnóstico estratégico, ou seja, um estudo necessário para a compreensão da viabilidade de implementação da proposta, o que resultou num modelo de negócio inovador que pode ser utilizado por qualquer pessoa que pretenda desenvolver um plano para o seu próprio negócio.In an environment dominated by economic crisis, the Portuguese fashion, as a growing sector, presents in its context the creativity, the innovation and the qualification as a result of the triangular relationship that is established between higher education, unemployment and entrepreneurship. Factors that at first glance seem problematic, when worked together can constitute themselves as an opportunity, especially for young people as the future of the country. Combining this fact with the emerging changes in the fashion industry, which must become more sustainable with the end of fast fashion, this work aims to establish itself as a proposal for the development of a creative organization in Portugal, that has the mission of promoting the work of fashion design students from the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. As the basis of the exploratory study, were used methodologies that allowed to develop a strategic diagnostic, a necessary research for understanding the feasibility of the proposal implementation, which resulted in na inovative business model that can be used by any person who intends to create a plan for their own business

    Essential oils encapsulated in zeolite structures as delivery systems (EODS): an overview

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    Essential oils (EO) obtained from plants have proven industrial applications in the manufacturing of perfumes and cosmetics, in the production and flavoring of foods and beverages, as therapeutic agents in aromatherapy, and as the active principles or excipients of medicines and pharmaceutics due to their olfactory, physical-chemical, and biological characteristics. On behalf of the new paradigm of a more natural and sustainable lifestyle, EO are rather appealing due to their physical, chemical, and physiological actions in human beings. However, EO are unstable and susceptible to degradation or loss. To tackle this aspect, the encapsulation of EO in microporous structures as zeolites is an attractive solution, since these host materials are cheap and non-toxic to biological environments. This overview provides basic information regarding essential oils, including their recognized benefits and functional properties. Current progress regarding EO encapsulation in zeolite structures is also discussed, highlighting some representative examples of essential oil delivery systems (EODS) based on zeolites for healthcare applications or aromatherapy.The authors are grateful for the national funds provided by the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal) under the projects UIDB/04050/2020 (CBMA) and PTDC/AAGTEC/5269/2014 (FEDER, European Fund for Regional Development)/COM PETE/POCI—Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme under the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958. They are grateful for the financial support provided by the Research Centers CQ/UM through UID/QUI/0686/2020 and Project BioTecNorte (operation NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004), supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement through the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contextos sociodemográficos, obstétricos e alimentares : impacto na idade gestacional e peso ao nascer do recém nascido

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    Enquadramento: Na gravidez existem um conjunto de determinantes sociodemográficas, obstétricas e alimentares que podem influenciar o desenvolvimento da gravidez com implicações na idade gestacional e peso ao nascimento. Objetivos: Analisar a influência de variáveis sociodemográficas, obstétricas e hábitos alimentares na idade gestacional e peso ao nascimento. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza quantitativa, analítica, descritiva e correlacional, com uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 1424 mulheres de várias zonas de Portugal cujos partos ocorreram entre 2004 e 2006. Resultados: A amostra é constituída por mulheres casadas (75.86%), a viver na zona rural (57.30%), com habilitações literárias equivalentes ao 2º e 3º ciclo ou ensino secundário/tecnológico (33.29%; 33.29%), com emprego (71.45%) e baixos rendimentos (57.89%). A idade média materna foi de 29.74 anos, com um ganho ponderal gestacional médio de 11.81Kg e sem diabetes na gravidez (91.29%). A maioria das grávidas (58.42%) classificou a sua alimentação de “pouco/nada saudável”, 90.81% faz “muitas vezes/sempre” o pequeno-almoço, 56.44% o lanche (manhã), 93.92% o almoço, 71.78%, o lanche (tarde), 95.26% o jantar e 58.27% faz a ceia “nunca/raramente”. A maioria das grávidas referiu ser pouco atenta na escolha dos alimentos em função das suas caraterísticas. Verificamos que o estado civil, a escolaridade e o rendimento familiar influenciaram a idade gestacional, enquanto o peso ao nascer é influenciado pela situação profissional. A idade materna influencia a idade gestacional e nenhuma das variáveis obstétricas influenciam o peso do RN ao nascimento. Verificou-se que o pequeno-almoço, o lanche (manhã), o almoço, o lanche (tarde) e o jantar influenciam a idade gestacional. Já o peso ao nascer do RN é influenciado pela realização do lanche (manhã), do almoço e da ceia. No que concerne à caracterização dos alimentos verificou-se que não exerce influência sobre a idade gestacional, nem sobre o peso do RN ao nascer. Conclusão: As evidências encontradas realçam a necessidade de investir na sensibilização da grávida/casal relativamente a recursos sociais existentes e hábitos alimentares corretos promovendo o envolvimento da comunidade e dos grupos sociais no sentido da adoção de condutas positivas promotoras de uma gravidez saudável e harmoniosa. Assim o enfermeiro de ESMO assume um papel preponderante na promoção da saúde reprodutiva no período pré-concecional e gravidez de forma a reduzir as complicações maternas contribuindo para uma gestação de termo e peso adequado do RN ao nascimento. Palavra-chave: Gravidez, idade gestacional e peso ao nascimento.ABSTRACT Background: During pregnancy there is a set of sociodemographic, obstetric and diet determinants that may influence the development of pregnancy and have implications in gestational age and birth weight. Objectives: To analyze the influence of sociodemographic, obstetric and diet variables on gestational age and birth weight. Methods: This is a quantitative, analytical, descriptive and correlacional kind of research, with a non-probability sample by convenience, consisting of 1424 women from various parts of Portugal, whose deliveries occurred between 2004 and 2006. Results: The sample consists of married women (75.86%), living in a rural area (57.30%), with qualifications equivalent to the 6th and 9th year or secondary /technological education (33.29 %; 33.29 %), employed (71.45 %) and with a low income (57.89 %). The average of the maternal age was 29.74 years, with a gestational weight gain of 11.81Kg average and without diabetes in pregnancy (91.29%). Most of the pregnant women (58.42%) classified their diet as little healthy or even unhealthy; 90.81% take breakfast often or always; 56.44% eat something during the morning; 93.92% have lunch; 71.78% have a snack during the afternoon; 95.26% have dinner and 58.27% never or rarely have supper. Most pregnant women refer to be little careful in choosing foods according to their characteristics. We found that marital status, education level and family income influence gestational age. Birth weight is influenced by employment status. Maternal age influences gestational age and none of the obstetric variables influence the newborn weight at birth. It was found that breakfast, a snack (morning), lunch, a snack (afternoon) and dinner influence gestational age. But in relation to the new born weight at birth it is influenced by having a snack (morning), lunch and supper. Regarding the characterization of foods it was found that it doesn’t have any influence on gestational age or on the birth weight of the newborn. Conclusion: The evidences demonstrate the need to invest in the awareness of the pregnant women/ couple in relation to the existing social resources and correct eating habits by promoting the involvement of the community and social groups towards the adoption of positive behaviors that promote a healthy and harmonious pregnancy. So the ESMO nurse has a leading role in promoting reproductive health not only in the pre-conceptional period but also during pregnancy in such a way to reduce maternal complications and contributing to a term pregnancy and proper weight of the newborn at birth. Keyword: Pregnancy, gestational age and birth weight

    Marked mitral prosthesis rocking motion preceding atrioventricular groove rupture

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    AbstractRupture of the atrioventricular groove is an uncommon but dreaded complication of mitral valve replacement. We present the case of a 74-year-old male submitted to mitral valve surgery, complicated by atrioventricular groove rupture presaged by the excessive rocking movement of the prosthesis seen in the pre-discharge transthoracic echocardiogram.<Learning objective: Valvular prosthesis rocking movement has been typically associated with paravalvular leaks and fistulae. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case to illustrate the association of excessive rocking movement with atrioventricular groove weakness, anticipating subsequent sulcus rupture and pseudoaneurysm formation.

    Integration of biomonitoring and instrumental techniques to assess the air quality in an industrial area located in the coastal of Central Asturias, Spain

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    Throughout the world, epidemiological studies were established to examine the relationship between air pollution and mortality rates and adverse respiratory health effects. However, despite the years of discussion the correlation between adverse health effects and atmospheric pollution remains controversial, partly because these studies are frequently restricted to small and well-monitored areas. Monitoring air pollution is complex due to the large spatial and temporal variations of pollution phenomena, the high costs of recording instruments, and the low sampling density of a purely instrumental approach. Therefore, together with the traditional instrumental monitoring, bioindication techniques allow for the mapping of pollution effects over wide areas with a high sampling density. In this study, instrumental and biomonitoring techniques were integrated to support an epidemiological study that will be developed in an industrial area located in Gijon in the coastal of central Asturias, Spain. Three main objectives were proposed to (i) analyze temporal patterns of PM10 concentrations in order to apportion emissions sources, (ii) investigate spatial patterns of lichen conductivity to identify the impact of the studied industrial area in air quality, and (iii) establish relationships amongst lichen conductivity with some site-specific characteristics. Samples of the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata were transplanted in a grid of 18 by 20 km with an industrial area in the center. Lichens were exposed for a 5-mo period starting in April 2010. After exposure, lichen samples were soaked in 18-MΩ water aimed at determination of water electrical conductivity and, consequently, lichen vitality and cell damage. A marked decreasing gradient of lichens conductivity relative to distance from the emitting sources was observed. Transplants from a sampling site proximal to the industrial area reached values 10-fold higher than levels far from it. This finding showed that lichens reacted physiologically in the polluted industrial area as evidenced by increased conductivity correlated to contamination level. The integration of temporal PM10 measurements and analysis of wind direction corroborated the importance of this industrialized region for air quality measurements and identified the relevance of traffic for the urban area

    Neonatal Cholestasis Over Time: Changes in Epidemiology and Outcome in a Cohort of 154 Patients from a Portuguese Tertiary Center

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    Introduction: In the last two decades there have been advances in the diagnosis and management of neonatal cholestasis, which may have changed its epidemiology, diagnostic accuracy, outcomes, and survival. Our goal was to characterize these changes over time in our setting. Methods: Retrospective cohort study in a tertiary center, enrolling patients born between January 1985 and October 2019. The cohort was divided into two periods, before (A; n = 67) and after (B; n = 87) the year 2000; and in two groups, according to patient's outcome (favorable, unfavorable). Overall survival and survival with and without orthotopic liver transplant (OLT) were evaluated in the two periods (A and B) and in different subgroups of underlying entities. Results: We found that the age of cholestasis recognition decreased significantly from period A to period B [median 43 days and 22 days, respectively, (p < 0.001)]; the changes in epidemiology were relevant, with a significant decrease in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (p < 0.001) and an increase in transient cholestasis (p = 0.004). A next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel available since mid-2017 was applied to 13 patients with contributory results in 7, but, so far, only in 2 patients led to conclusive diagnosis of underlying entities. The number of cases of idiopathic cholestasis did not vary significantly. Over time there was no significant change in the outcome (p = 0.116). Overall survival and survival without OLT had no significant improvement during the period of observation (in periods A and B, 86 vs. 88%, and 85 vs. 87%, respectively). However, in period B, with OLT we achieved the goal of 100% of survival rate. Conclusions: Our data suggest that transient cholestasis became a very important subset of neonatal cholestasis, requiring specific guidance. The NGS panels can provide important inputs on disease diagnosis but, if applied without strict criteria and expertise, they can open a Pandora's box due to misinterpretation. Despite all the advances in accurate diagnosis and timely management-including early recognition of cholestasis-the improvement in patient outcomes and survival were still not significant.This work was supported by Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit (UCIBIO), which was financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/MULTI/04378/2019)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multimodality imaging in the recurrence of left ventricular pseudoaneurysm after surgical correction

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    Copyright © 2020 Via Medica.A 61-year-old male, former smoker and diabetic patient with a previous medical history noted for an inferior myocardial infarction complicated with left ventricular free wall rupture that had been surgically corrected 6 years prior, presented to the cardiology unit complaining of a new-onset dyspnoea, orthopnoea and fatigue which had started over the month prior to presenting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cuidado de la salud a mujeres embarazadas imigrantes y portuguesas en Portugal

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    This study aimed to assess the care received and the barriers faced by immigrants and Portuguese pregnant women in Portugal. This is an exploratory qualitative study, resorting to applying semi-structured interviews to 60 immigrant and 22 Portuguese women. Content analysis supported by QSR Nvivo10 program was used. The study was approved by an Ethics Committee. The results showed four categories related to affective dimensions-relational, cognitive, technical-instrumental and health care policy for pregnant women. As for the barriers in health care, these were mentioned by some of the expectant mothers, especially immigrant women. Almost all, both immigrant and Portuguese, pregnant women were satisfied with the health care.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la asistencia sanitaria recibida y las barreras que enfrentan las madres inmigrantes y portuguesas en Portugal. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, exploratorio, con entrevista semiestructurada que se aplicó a 60 mujeres inmigrantes y 22 portuguesas. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido apoyado por el programa QSR Nvivo10. El estudio fue aprobado por un Comité de Ética. Los resultados mostraron cuatro categorías: las relacionadas con las dimensiones afectivas y relacionales, con la política, la técnica instrumental y el cuidado de la salud cognitiva de las embarazadas. Se han mencionado las barreras en el cuidado de la salud por algunas embarazadas, sobre todo inmigrantes. La gran mayoría de las mujeres embarazadas tanto inmigrantes como portuguesas, se encontraban satisfechas con la atención de la salud.Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer os cuidados de saúde recebidos e as barreiras enfrentadas por gestantes imigrantes e portuguesas, em Portugal. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, do tipo exploratório, com aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada a 60 mulheres imigrantes e 22 portuguesas. Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo apoiada pelo programa QSR Nvivo10. O estudo foi aprovado por uma Comissão de Ética. Os resultados apontaram quatro categorias relacionadas às dimensões afetivo-relacional, cognitiva, técnico-instrumental e política do cuidado de saúde à gestante. Já as barreiras nos cuidados de saúde foram mencionadas por algumas gestantes, com destaque para as imigrantes. Na sua grande maioria, tanto as gestantes imigrantes quanto as portuguesas, encontravam-se satisfeitas com os cuidados de saúde