199 research outputs found

    Modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb effects

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    We present a spatially resolved semiclassical model for the simulation of semiconductor quantum-dot lasers including a multi-species description for the carriers along the optical active region. The model links microscopic determined quantities like scattering rates and dephasing times, that essentially depend via Coulomb interaction on the carrier densities, with macroscopic transport equations and equations for the optical field

    Influence of the carrier reservoir dimensionality on electron-electron scattering in quantum dot materials

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    We calculated Coulomb scattering rates from quantum dots (QDs) coupled to a 2D carrier reservoir and QDs coupled to a 3D reservoir. For this purpose, we used a microscopic theory in the limit of Born-Markov approximation, in which the numerical evaluation of high dimensional integrals is done via a quasi-Monte Carlo method. Via a comparison of the so determined scattering rates, we investigated the question whether scattering from 2D is generally more efficient than scattering from 3D. In agreement with experimental findings, we did not observe a significant reduction of the scattering efficiency of a QD directly coupled to a 3D reservoir. In turn, we found that 3D scattering benefits from it?s additional degree of freedom in the momentum space

    Dark Matter Search Using XMM-Newton Observations of Willman 1

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    We report the results of a search for an emission line from radiatively decaying dark matter in the ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxy Willman 1 based on analysis of spectra extracted from XMM-Newton X-ray Observatory data. The observation follows up our analysis of Chandra data of Willman 1 that resulted in line flux upper limits over the Chandra bandpass and evidence of a 2.5 keV feature at a significance below the 99% confidence threshold used to define the limits. The higher effective area of the XMM-Newton detectors, combined with application of recently developing methods for extended-source analysis, allow us to derive improved constraints on the combination of mass and mixing angle of the sterile neutrino dark matter candidate. We do not confirm the Chandra evidence for a 2.5 keV emission line.Comment: 23 pages, including 17 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Confirmation of Two Cyclotron Lines in Vela X-1

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    We present pulse phase-resolved X-ray spectra of the high mass X-ray binary Vela X-1 using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We observed Vela X-1 in 1998 and 2000 with a total observation time of ~90 ksec. We find an absorption feature at 23.3 +1.3 -0.6 kev in the main pulse, that we interpret as the fundamental cyclotron resonant scattering feature (CRSF). The feature is deepest in the rise of the main pulse where it has a width of 7.6 +4.4 -2.2 kev and an optical depth of 0.33 +0.06 -0.13. This CRSF is also clearly detected in the secondary pulse, but it is far less significant or undetected during the pulse minima. We conclude that the well known CRSF at 50.9 +0.6 -0.7 kev, which is clearly visible even in phase-averaged spectra, is the first harmonic and not the fundamental. Thus we infer a magnetic field strength of B=2.6 x 10^12 G.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 15 Figures, accepted by A&

    X-ray irradiated protoplanetary disk atmospheres II: Predictions from models in hydrostatic equilibrium

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    We present new models for the X-ray photoevaporation of circumstellar discs which suggest that the resulting mass loss (occurring mainly over the radial range 10-40 AU) may be the dominant dispersal mechanism for gas around low mass pre-main sequence stars, contrary to the conclusions of previous workers. Our models combine use of the MOCASSIN Monte Carlo radiative transfer code and a self-consistent solution of the hydrostatic structure of the irradiated disc. We estimate the resulting photoevaporation rates assuming sonic outflow at the surface where the gas temperature equals the local escape temperature and derive mass loss rates of ~10^{-9} M_sun/yr, typically a factor 2-10 times lower than the corresponding rates in our previous work (Ercolano et al., 2008) where we did not adjust the density structure of the irradiated disc. The somewhat lower rates, and the fact that mass loss is concentrated towards slightly smaller radii, result from the puffing up of the heated disc at a few AU which partially screens the disc at tens of AU. (.....) We highlight the fact that X-ray photoevaporation has two generic advantages for disc dispersal compared with photoevaporation by extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photons that are only modestly beyond the Lyman limit: the demonstrably large X-ray fluxes of young stars even after they have lost their discs and the fact that X-rays are effective at penetrating much larger columns of material close to the star (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 12 pages, 11 figure

    Time-Evolution of Viscous Circumstellar Disks due to Photoevaporation by FUV, EUV and X-ray Radiation from the Central Star

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    We present the time evolution of viscously accreting circumstellar disks as they are irradiated by ultraviolet and X-ray photons from a low-mass central star. Our model is a hybrid of a 1D time-dependent viscous disk model coupled to a 1+1D disk vertical structure model used for calculating the disk structure and photoevaporation rates. We find that disks of initial mass 0.1M_o around 1M_o stars survive for 4x10^6 years, assuming a viscosity parameter α=0.01\alpha=0.01, a time-dependent FUV luminosity LFUV 10−2−10−3L_{FUV}~10^{-2}-10^{-3} L_o and with X-ray and EUV luminosities LX∌LEUV 10−3L_X \sim L_{EUV} ~ 10^{-3}L_o. We find that FUV/X-ray-induced photoevaporation and viscous accretion are both important in depleting disk mass. Photoevaporation rates are most significant at ~ 1-10 AU and at >~ 30 AU. Viscosity spreads the disk which causes mass loss by accretion onto the central star and feeds mass loss by photoevaporation in the outer disk. We find that FUV photons can create gaps in the inner, planet-forming regions of the disk (~ 1-10 AU) at relatively early epochs in disk evolution while disk masses are still substantial. EUV and X-ray photons are also capable of driving gaps, but EUV can only do so at late, low accretion-rate epochs after the disk mass has already declined substantially. Disks around stars with predominantly soft X-ray fields experience enhanced photoevaporative mass loss. We follow disk evolution around stars of different masses, and find that disk survival time is relatively independent of mass for stars with M ~ 3M_o the disks are short-lived(~10^5 years).Comment: Accepted to ApJ, Main Journa

    Methods to Compute Pressure and Wall Tension in Fluids containing Hard Particles

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    Colloidal systems are often modelled as fluids of hard particles (possibly with an additional soft attraction, e.g. caused by polymers also contained in the suspension). in simulations of such systems, the virial theorem cannot be straightforwardly applied to obtain the components of the pressure tensor. In systems confined by walls, it is hence also not straightforward to extract the excess energy due to the wall (the "wall tension") from the pressure tensor anisotropy. A comparative evaluation of several methods to circumvent this problem is presented, using as examples fluids of hard spheres and the Asakura-Oosawa model of colloid-polymer mixtures with a size ratio q=0.15q=0.15 (for which the effect of the polymers can be integrated out to yield an effective attractive potential between the colloids). Factors limiting the accuracy of the various methods are carefully discussed, and controlling these factors very good mutual agreement between the various methods is found.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Diagnostic Line Emission from EUV and X-ray Illuminated Disks and Shocks around Low Mass stars

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    Extreme ultraviolet (EUV, 13.6 eV < h\nu \lta 100 eV) and X-rays in the 0.1-2 keV band can heat the surfaces of disks around young, low mass stars to thousands of degrees and ionize species with ionization potentials greater than 13.6 eV. Shocks generated by protostellar winds can also heat and ionize the same species close to the star/disk system. These processes produce diagnostic lines (e.g., [NeII] 12.8 ÎŒ\mum and [OI] 6300 \AA) that we model as functions of key parameters such as EUV luminosity and spectral shape, X-ray luminosity and spectral shape, and wind mass loss rate and shock speed. Comparing our models with observations, we conclude that either internal shocks in the winds or X-rays incident on the disk surfaces often produce the observed [NeII] line, although there are cases where EUV may dominate. Shocks created by the oblique interaction of winds with disks are unlikely [NeII] sources because these shocks are too weak to ionize Ne. Even if [NeII] is mainly produced by X-rays or internal wind shocks, the neon observations typically place upper limits of \lta 10^{42} s−1^{-1} on the EUV photon luminosity of these young low mass stars. The observed [OI] 6300 \AA line has both a low velocity component (LVC) and a high velocity component. The latter likely arises in internal wind shocks. For the former we find that X-rays likely produce more [OI] luminosity than either the EUV layer, the transition layer between the EUV and X-ray layer, or the shear layer where the protostellar wind shocks and entrains disk material in a radial flow across the surface of the disk. Our soft X-ray models produce [OI] LVCs with luminosities up to 10−410^{-4} L⊙_\odot, but may not be able to explain the most luminous LVCs.Comment: 51 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Ap

    SRG/ART-XC, Swift, NICER, and NuSTAR study of different states of the transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J0903-531

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    The results of the broadband spectral and timing study of the recently discovered transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J0903-531 in a wide range of luminosities that differ by a factor of ~30 are reported. The observed X-ray spectrum in both states can be described as a classical pulsar-like spectrum consisting of a power law with a high-energy cutoff. We argue that the absence of the spectrum transformation to the two-hump structure that is expected at low fluxes indicates that the magnetic field of the neutron star is relatively weak below (2-3) x 1012 G. This estimate is consistent with other indirect constraints and non-detection of any absorption features that might be interpreted as a cyclotron absorption line. The timing analysis of the NuSTAR data revealed only slight variations of a single-peaked pulse profile of the source as a function of the energy band and mass accretion rate. In both intensity states, the pulsed fraction increases from 40% to roughly 80% with the energy. Finally, we were also able to obtain the orbital solution for the binary system using data from the Fermi/GBM, NICER, and NuSTAR instruments.</p
