402 research outputs found

    Seasonal activity of Coleoptera attracted by fermental crown traps in forest ecosystems of Central Russia

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    The seasonal activity of Coleoptera was studied using fermental crown traps. The study was conducted from April to October 2019 in five forest biotopes (aspen, lime, pine, birch and oak) in the territory of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve (Russia, Republic of Mordovia). Eighty-three species are found from 31 families. Cerambycidae (13 species), Nitidulidae (11 species) and Curculionidae (9 species) had the greatest species diversity. A significant part of the identified taxa (57 species from 23 families) can be attributed to saproxylic beetles. The peak abundance of Coleoptera in four biotopes (aspen, lime, pine and birch forests) was in mid-May; in an oak forest, it was at the beginning of June. Seven species seasonal activity was monitored (Cryptarcha strigata, Glischrochilus hortensis, Glischrochilus grandis, Cychramus luteus, Soronia grisea, Protaetia marmorata and Anisandrus dispar)

    Neutrino spin evolution in presence of general external fields

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    The derivation of the quasiclassical Lorentz invariant neutrino spin evolution equation taking into account general types of neutrino non-derivative interactions with external fields is presented. We discuss the constraints on the characteristics of matter and neutrino under which this quasiclassical approach is valid. The application of the obtained equation for the case of the Standard Model neutrino interactions with moving and polarized background matter is considered.Comment: The form of the article has been sufficiently improve


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    The paper presents data on a record ofAllonyx quadrimaculatus(Schaller) in the Republic of Mordovia (Russia,CentralEuropeanTerritory) and also the whole known information about specimens of the species stored in Russianmuseums. Wediscussthespecies’ distribution which is considered as intermittent. Data on biology of Allonyxquadrimaculatusand description of its newly found habitat are presented

    Geochemical evidence for seabed fluid flow linked to the subsea permafrost outer border in the South Kara Sea

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    Driven by rising bottom water temperatures, the thawing of subsea permafrost leads to an increase in fluid flow intensity in shallow marine sediments and results in the emission of methane into the water column. Limiting the release of permafrost-related gas hydrates and permafrost- sequestered methane into the global carbon cycle are of primary importance to the prevention of future Arctic Ocean acidification. Previous studies in the South Kara Sea showed that abundant hydro-acoustic anomalies (gas flares) induced by seafloor gas discharge into the water column occur in water whose depth is ≥20 m. This distribution of gas flares could indicate the outer extent to which continuous permafrost restricts upward fluid flow. This paper reports on a geochemical analysis of a 1.1 m long sediment core located in an area of shallow fluid flow off of the Yamal Peninsula coast (South Kara Sea) using high-resolution seismic data. Our results reveal a thin zone of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM), a sharp shallow sulfate-methane transition (SMT) located at a sub-bottom depth of 0.3 m, and significant temporal variation in methane discharge confirmed by the pyrite (FeS2) distribution in the core sample. A concave up pore water chloride profile depicts upward fresh/brakish water advection in subsurface sediments. The terrestrial/fresh water genesis of methane from the sampled core is deduced from the stable isotopic signatures (δ13 C and δD). We propose two mechanisms for the observed fluid flow: i) convection of thaw water from subsea permafrost; and/or ii) lateral sub-permafrost ground water discharge marking the outer extent of continuous permafrost off of the central Yamal Peninsula coast at ˜45 m water depth

    Основания для развития линейки отечественных сухогрузных судов

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    Егоров, Г. В. Основания для развития линейки отечественных сухогрузных судов = Foundation for development of line-up of native dry-cargo vessels / Г. В. Егоров, А. Г. Егоров // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2020. – № 3 (481). – С. 3–16.Анотація. Мета. Опис методики, яка дає змогу спрогнозувати склад флоту на середньострокову перспективу. Методика. Застосовано методи теорії і проєктування корабля, а також будівельної механіки корабля, аналізу і статистики. Результати. Поданий прогноз за складом флоту і його структурою до 2030 року, включаючи судна, побудовані в XXI столітті, з урахуванням суден, що були замовлені в 2020–2022 роках. Наукова новизна. Вперше виконано системні дослідження технічного стану суховантажних суден змішаного обмеженого району плавання, включаючи судна, побудовані в останні двадцять років. Практична значимість. Проведено спеціальні дослідження по 1735 побудованих із 1956 по 2000 роки суховантажних суден. Аналіз показав, що із цих суден за станом на квітень 2020 року працює 831 одиниця середнім віком 39,8 років. Списано 766 суден (44 %), із них втрачено в катастрофах 95 (12 %) середнім віком 31,2 роки і утилізовано 671 середнім віком здачі на металом 36,5 років. У відстої 138 суден із середнім віком 44,2 роки. Нині в роботі приблизно 1052 судна, з них «старих» 79 %, решта 21 % побудовані в XXI столітті. З 2000 року побудовано (або куплено з ринку) 221 суховантажне судно змішаного, внутрішнього і морського обмеженого району плавання. Показано, що головним фактором, що визначає параметри вантажних суден водного транспорту, є вантажна база. Найбільш затребуваними були і залишаються суховантажні судна «Дніпро/Волго-Дон макс» класу. Встановлено, що зменшити масу судна в порожньому стані можна вже тільки за рахунок більш легких матеріалів. Нововведенням є застосування нових Al-Mg сплавів зі зниженим вмістом скандію. Шляхом зростання міцності маса конструкцій може бути знижена порівняно зі звичайними алюмінієвими сплавами приблизно на 25 %. Для вантажних суден змішаного ріка–море плавання і річкового плавання актуальним є застосування композитів для виготовлення люкових закриттів (таке рішення застосовується на водному транспорті США), поперечних рухомих переділок, дільних речей, елементів надбудови.Abstract. Purpose. Description of the methodology for medium term prediction of fleet composition. Methodology. Methods of ship theory and design, as well as ship structural mechanics, analysis and statistics are applied. Results. Forecast is given for the fleet composition and its structure until 2030, including ships built in XXI century, with taking into account ships ordered in 2020–2022. Scientific novelty. For the first time, systematic studies of the technical condition of river-sea dry-cargo vessels, including vessels built in the last twenty years, have been carried out. Practical impact. Special studies were carried out with 1735 dry-cargo vessels built from 1956 to 2000. The analysis has shown, as of April 2020, from all vessels 831 units are operating with an average age of 39.8 years. 766 vessels (44 %) were written off, of which 95 (12 %) were lost in accidents with an average age of 31.2 years and 671 were scrapped with an average age of delivery on metal 36.5 years. There are 138 vessels out of operation with an average age of 44.2 years. Today, there are about 1052 dry-cargo vessels in operation, of which 79 % are "old", remaining 21% were built in XXI century. Since 2000, 221 river, river-sea and restricted area dry-cargo vessels have been built (or bought on the market). It is shown that the main factor determining the parameters of cargo vessels in water transport is the cargo base. Dry-cargo vessels of "Dnipro/Volgo-Don max" class were and remain the most in demand. It has been established that it is possible to reduce lightweight of ship only due to modern materials. An innovation is the use of new Al-Mg alloys with reduced scandium content. Due to the increase in strength, the mass of structures can be reduced compared to conventional aluminum alloys by 25 %. For river and river-sea cargo vessels use of composites for hatch covers (this solution is used in US water transport), movable transverse bulkheads, fittings and superstructure elements are actual.Аннотация. Цель. Описание методики, позволяющей спрогнозировать состав флота на среднесрочную перспективу. Методика. Применены методы теории и проектирования корабля, а также строительной механики корабля, анализа и статистики. Результаты. Дан прогноз по составу флота и его структуре до 2030 года, включая суда, построенные в XXI веком, с учетом судов, заказанных в 2020–2022 годах. Научная новизна. Впервые выполнены системные исследования технического состояния сухогрузных судов смешанного ограниченного района плавания, включая суда, построенные в последние двадцать лет. Практическое значение. Проведены специальные исследования по 1735 построенным с 1956 по 2000 год сухогрузным судам. Сегодня в работе примерно 1052 сухогрузов, из них «старых» 79 %, остальные 21 % построены в XXI веке. С 2000 года построено (или куплено на рынке) 221 сухогрузное судно смешанного, внутреннего и морского ограниченного района плавания. Показано, что главным фактором, определяющим параметры грузовых судов водного транспорта, является грузовая база. Наиболее востребованными были и остаются сухогрузные суда «Днепр/Волго-Дон макс» класса. Установлено, что уменьшить массу судна порожнем можно уже только за счет более легких материалов

    Spin light of neutrino in gravitational fields

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    We predict a new mechanism for the spin light of neutrino (SLνSL\nu) that can be emitted by a neutrino moving in gravitational fields. This effect is studied on the basis of the quasiclassical equation for the neutrino spin evolution in a gravitational field. It is shown that the gravitational field of a rotating object, in the weak-field limit, can be considered as an axial vector external field which induces the neutrino spin procession. The corresponding probability of the neutrino spin oscillations in the gravitational field has been derived for the first time. The considered in this paper SLνSL\nu can be produced in the neutrino spin-flip transitions in gravitational fields. It is shown that the total power of this radiation is proportional to the neutrino gamma factor to the fourth power, and the emitted photon energy, for the case of an ultra relativistic neutrino, could span up to gamma-rays. We investigate the SLνSL\nu caused by both gravitational and electromagnetic fields, also accounting for effects of arbitrary moving and polarized matter, in various astrophysical environments. In particular, we discuss the SLνSL\nu emitted by a neutrino moving in the vicinity of a rotating neutron star, black hole surrounded by dense matter, as well as by a neutrino propagating in the relativistic jet from a quasar.Comment: 14 pages in LaTex with 1 eps figure; derivation of the neutrino spin oscillations probability in gravitational fields and several clarifying notes are added, typos correcte

    Biases in estimation of insect herbivory from herbarium specimens

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    Information regarding plant damage by insects in the past is essential to explore impacts of climate change on herbivory. We asked whether insect herbivory measured from herbarium specimens reflects the levels of herbivory occurring in nature at the time of herbarium sampling. We compared herbivory measurements between herbarium specimens collected by botany students and ecological samples collected simultaneously by the authors by a method that minimized unconscious biases, and asked herbarium curators to select one of two plant specimens, which differed in leaf damage, for their collections. Both collectors and curators generally preferred specimens with lesser leaf damage, but the strength of this preference varied among persons. In addition, the differences in measured leaf damage between ecological samples and herbarium specimens varied among plant species and increased with the increase in field herbivory. Consequently, leaf damage in herbarium specimens did not correlate with the actual level of herbivory. We conclude that studies of herbarium specimens produce biased information on past levels of herbivory, because leaf damage measured from herbarium specimens not only underestimates field herbivory, but it is not proportional to the level of damage occurring in nature due to multiple factors that cannot be controlled in data analysis