43 research outputs found

    Procesos de comunicaci贸n en la modelaci贸n matem谩tica escolar

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    RESUMEN: Se presentan los avances de una investigaci贸n que analiza las dimensiones de la comunicolog铆a (expresi贸n, difusi贸n, interacci贸n, estructuraci贸n y observaci贸n) y los procesos de comunicaci贸n de la teor铆a de sistemas de Niklas Luhmann (autorreferencialidad, autopoiesis e interpenetraci贸n) que se involucran en actividades de modelaci贸n matem谩tica. La investigaci贸n se desarrolla bajo un enfoque cualitativo a partir de un estudio de caso en el que participan seis estudiantes de grado noveno (13-15 a帽os). Los datos se vienen obteniendo a trav茅s grabaciones de audio y video adem谩s de documentos escritos producidos por los participantes. La investigaci贸n permite observar la comunicaci贸n como un sistema autopoi茅tico, que se genera a trav茅s de distinciones que conllevan por medio de la toma de decisiones a la acci贸n y de nuevo a la comunicaci贸n

    Caracterizaci贸n de los Sistemas Ganaderos de Aptitud Lechera en el Valle del Quijos, Provincia del Napo, Ecuador

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    This paper focuses on identifying and characterizing the structure, function, as well as the use of technology of the livestock systems on the spatial, socioeconomic, and environmental dynamics in which livestock is developed in the Quijos Valley (Ecuador). The methodology was based on bibliographic exploration and fieldwork through observation and surveys applied in 70 farms in the region. As a result of the statistical analysis, the existence of four livestock typologies was characterized; G1 without the use of technology, G2 little use of technology, G3 semi-technified, G4 technified. In the first three (93.17% of the total), the forest component covers a very high percentage in relation to the size of the farms. In these groups, it shows silvopastoral systems (SSP) in high densities of trees per hectare under spatial arrangementssuch as live fences and scattered paddocks. We also have several bovine biotypes. For the first livestock typologies G1, G2 and G3, mestizo breed animals (Brown Swiss, Holstein, Norman) predominate with dual purpose productive orientation (meat and milk). The composition of the herd shows an atypical distribution in the first two typologies. This is because there is no balance according to each bovine category, thus having a significant effect on productivity. Meanwhile in the group of high use of technology, there are bovine animals of pure milk production or crosses (Jersey, Holstein). It is concluded that there is a wide divergence between the livestock systems identified and characterized in the Quijos Valley. Thus, the measure gained in intensification has been lost in conservation.Este trabajo permiti贸 identificar y caracterizar la estructura, funci贸n, as铆 como el uso de tecnolog铆a de los sistemas ganaderos, sobre las din谩micas espaciales, socioecon贸micas y ambientales en las cuales se desarrolla la ganader铆a en el Valle del Quijos (Ecuador). La metodolog铆a se bas贸 en la exploraci贸n bibliogr谩fica y el trabajo de campo por medio de observaci贸n y encuestas aplicadas en 70 fincas de la regi贸n. Como resultado del an谩lisis estad铆stico, se caracteriz贸 la existencia de cuatro tipolog铆as ganaderas; G1 sin uso de tecnolog铆a, G2 poco uso de tecnolog铆a, G3 semitecnificadas, G4 tecnificadas. En las tres primeras (93.17 % del total), el componente boscoso cubre un porcentaje muy alto en relaci贸n con el tama帽o de las fincas, encontrando en estos grupossistemassilvopastoriles(SSP) en altas densidades de 谩rboles por hect谩rea bajo arreglos espaciales como cercas vivas y dispersos en potreros. Igualmente tenemos varios biotipos bovinos, en donde para las primeras tipolog铆as ganaderas G1, G2 y G3, predominan animales mestizos de razas (Brown Swiss, Holstein, Normando) con orientaci贸n productiva doble prop贸sito (carne y leche); la composici贸n del hato muestra una distribuci贸n at铆pica en las dos primeras tipolog铆as, al no existir equilibrio de acuerdo con cada categor铆a bovina, afectando as铆 la productividad. Mientras tanto en el grupo de alto uso de tecnolog铆a, se tienen bovinos de razas de producci贸n de leche puras o en cruces (Jersey, Holstein). Se concluye que existe una amplia divergencia entre los sistemas ganaderos identificados y caracterizados en el Valle del Quijos y que, a medida que se ha ganado en intensificaci贸n, se ha perdido en conservaci贸n


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    Introducci贸n: La enterobacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae es un bacilo gram negativo, agente causal de infecciones intrahospitalarias de dif铆cil tratamiento, es la responsable de un gran n煤mero de afecciones las cuales pueden infectar desde: el tracto urinario, respiratorio, 贸rganos intraabdominales hasta producir casos de bacteriemia.  Objetivo: Analizar evidencias cient铆ficas actualizadas sobre Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasa (KPC) y betalactamasa de espectro extendido (BLEE) en pacientes hospitalizados. M茅todos: El estudio es de dise帽o documental de tipo descriptivo, de nivel explicativo, se hizo la b煤squeda de 98 art铆culos relacionados al tema, por medio de buscadores cient铆ficos como Pudmed, Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science, Elsevier, publicado en los 煤ltimos diez a帽os, de los cuales se tomaron solo 10 ya que cumpl铆an los criterios de inclusi贸n. Resultados: Existe un predominio de casos de Klebsiella Pneumoniae en Colombia 91%, Argentina con 83% y Cuba 80,30%, la resistencia se ha asociado con m谩s frecuencia al uso de cefalotina, cefuroxima, ceftriaxona, sobre todo en Paraguay y Argentina. Conclusi贸n: la presencia de la K. pneumoniae y su resistencia antimicrobiana es un problema creciente a nivel de salud p煤blica, que ha ganado mayor protagonismo con el pasar de los a帽os.   Palabras clave: Bacteriemia, Enterobacteriaceae produtoras de carbapenemase, Cefalotina, Ceftriaxona, Cefuroxima   ABSTRACT   Introduction: The enterobacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae is a gram-negative bacillus, the causative agent of difficult-to-treat intrahospital infections, it is responsible for a large number of conditions which can infect from: the urinary tract, respiratory tract, intra-abdominal organs to produce cases of bacteremia. Objective: To analyze updated scientific evidence on Klebsiella pneumoniae that produces carbapenemase (KPC) and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) in hospitalized patients. Methods: The study is of a documentary design of a descriptive type, of an explanatory level, a search was made for 98 articles related to the subject, through scientific search engines such as Pudmed, Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science, Elsevier, published in the last ten years, of which only 10 were taken as they met the inclusion criteria. Results: There is a predominance of Klebsiella pneumoniae cases in Colombia 91%, Argentina 83% and Cuba 80.30%, resistance has been more frequently associated with the use of cephalothin, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, especially in Paraguay and Argentina. Conclusion: the presence of K. pneumoniae and its antimicrobial resistance is a growing public health problem, which has gained greater prominence over the years.   Keywords: Bacteremia, Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriacea, Cephalothin, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime

    Influence of Litter Size at Birth on Productive Parameters in Guinea Pigs

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    A study was conducted at the Escuela Superior Polit猫cnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador, to evaluate the influence of litter size of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) on their development and to establish the economic profitability of the production system. Forty-eight animals were used, distributed into litters of two, three, and four rodents per litter, with a balanced diet and green fresh alfalfa for the weaning, growth, and fattening stage, the rodents and litters were randomly selected, applying the statistical model completely randomly and evaluating different variables across 120 days. The litters of three guinea pigs obtained the best productive responses and economic profitability. With respect to sex, the males presented better productive behavior, greater economic increase, and less cost, evidencing that mixed feeding influences the number of guinea pigs per birth in terms of growth and development. The results serve to improve guinea pig meat production for the rural population

    Assessment of Guinea Grass Panicum maximum under Silvopastoral Systems in Combination with Two Management Systems in Orellana Province, Ecuador

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    Climate change has increased the interannual and seasonal variation in the average temperature and precipitation rate, which determine forage availability globally. Similar patterns of change have occurred in tropical regions, and Ecuador is no exception. This region includes other influencing factors, such as the conversion of tropical forests to extensive pastures. Therefore, this study was carried out to evaluate guinea grass (Panicum maximum) cultivated under silvopastoral systems with different management strategies in both of the seasons of the study region in Ecuador (rainy season and dry season). A randomized complete block design was used for the experiment, with three repetitions and three treatments. Agronomic measures, forage production, chemical composition, animal responses, and soil properties were evaluated. Data were analyzed with the Mixed model of SAS. Differences in all evaluated parameters were observed between treatments, and silvopastoral systems (SPSs) produced better results than conventional grass monoculture. Furthermore, there was a strong seasonal effect on forage production, chemical composition, and soil properties. Therefore, management of Panicum maximum with well-planned grazing can enhance animal responses and help to retain natural resources, lowering the pressure on forests

    H谩bitat popular sustentable en San Juan de Pasto mejoramiento integral, dise帽o urbano y una transformacion a la visi贸n de la vivienda econ贸mica.

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    El presente trabajo pretende sentar las bases para desarrollar desde un nuevo concepto hasta un nuevo prototipo de vivienda econ贸mica, basado sobre conceptos de sustentabilidad, se busca adem谩s satisfacer las necesidades b谩sicas de vivienda en la ciudad de san Juan de pasto adem谩s de aprovechar las grandes posibilidades y potencialidades. Son alarmantes las condiciones de la vivienda de inter茅s social (VIS) en la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto, las pol铆ticas no han dado una verdadera soluci贸n al problema, y al d茅ficit presentado en el municipio, mientras esto ocurre, la poblaci贸n aumenta considerablemente, mas aun dentro de los estratos 1 y 2, directos afectados en la realizaci贸n de este tipo de proyectos. El proyecto busca poner en valor los activos vinculados a la vivienda en el barrio, tanto para la subsistencia material como para la integraci贸n social, con el prop贸sito de mejorar la calidad de vida, adem谩s de explorar en nuestra ciudad la soluci贸n de una vivienda digna de caracter铆sticas m铆nimas. Partiendo de la necesidad de la poblaci贸n y la explosi贸n demogr谩fica presentada en la ciudad, con base en esta realidad el proyecto plantea mejorar la definici贸n del concepto de vivienda de inter茅s social a un h谩bitat popular sustentable, entendida como el desarrollo de actividades sociales, culturales, y econ贸micoproductivas de bienes y servicios en un mismo 谩mbito, y as铆 orientar el desarrollo urbano del proyecto a que se consolide como un v铆nculo de integraci贸n social y cultural con el trabajo incorporado al territorio. Para obtener como resultado un planteamiento urbano y arquitect贸nico amarrado a elementos urbanos estructurantes que permitan el desarrollo de un sistema sustentable, a partir de la propuesta de incorporar el suelo productivo en las viviendas de manera comunal, para la integraci贸n de todos los aspectos sociales y culturales de una comunidad

    Large-Scale Cryosectioning Technique Allows in Vitro Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Gross Histologic Findings in the Wrist

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    To enhance the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the clinical assessment of wrist joint pathology, we correlated findings from consecutive MRIs of cadaver wrists with findings from gross histologic sections of these wrists, using the sections as the standard of reference. The study required a sectioning technique that allowed preparation of large-scale sections closely matching corresponding MRIs in size and sectioning plane. We adapted a large-scale cryosectioning technique for undecalcified bone, previously described in the literature, to our study of 16 formalin fixed cadaver wrists. After subjecting each wrist to MR imaging with a wrist coil, we cryosectioned the entire wrist joint, from the distal ulna and radius to the proximal metacarpals, in the frontal plane, which corresponded to the MR images. The cryostat's tissue stage was mounted on a ball and socket-like joint that allowed corrections of the sectioning plane, enabling us to obtain sections in a plane closely resembling the corresponding MRIs. We stained the cryosections by a safranin-O fast green method modified to minimize hydration. When cryosections whose portions detached from the slide during staining were eliminated, morphologic comparison of the remaining coverslipped sections with photos of the corresponding tissue block surface taken before sectioning revealed that the sections were accurate representations of the wrist. The sections were deemed suitable as a standard of reference for comparison of the corresponding MRIs. The large-scale sectioning technique and modified staining method can be used in further comparison studies aimed at refining MRI techniques to permit greater differentiation of joint structures on the MRI. (The J Histotechnol. 21:225-229, 1998