45 research outputs found

    Space-time dynamics of carbon stocks and environmental parameters related to carbon dioxide emissions in the Buor-Khaya Bay of the Laptev Sea

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    This study aims to improve understanding of carbon cycling in the Buor-Khaya Bay (BKB) by studying the inter-annual, seasonal, and meso-scale variability of carbon stocks and related hydrological and biogeochemical parameters in the water, as well as factors controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. Here we present data sets obtained on summer cruises and winter expeditions during 12 yr of investigation. Based on data analysis, we suggest that in the heterotrophic BKB area, coastal erosion and river discharge serve as predominant drivers of the organic carbon (OC) cycle, determining OC input and transformation, dynamics of nutrients, carbon stocks in the water column, and atmospheric emissions of CO2

    ‘Waiting impulsivity’ in isolation-reared and socially-reared rats: effects of amphetamine

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    Background Rats reared in social isolation exhibit various cognitive and behavioural abnormalities in adulthood. However, impulsivity following this treatment still remains unclear, especially in response to medications used in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as amphetamine. Methods Using an isolation-rearing (IR) manipulation, the present study examined the effects of IR on impulsive action and impulsive choice when also treated with doses of d-amphetamine, by employing the five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT) and a temporal discounting of reward task (TDRT), respectively. Results IR rats showed similar acquisition of the 5-CSRTT. Amphetamine increased premature responding in both groups; however, IR rats showed less responding overall. For the TDRT, IR rats revealed a greater preference for the large but delayed reward during task acquisition (i.e. were less impulsive) with a higher rate of nose poking during the delay, and exhibited a compressed dose-response function (i.e. reduced dose sensitivity) for amphetamine. Discussion Impulsive action and impulsive choice were reduced in IR rats under certain conditions, and a blunted response to d-amphetamine was found on these measures. These reductions in impulsivity contrast with locomotor hyperactivity normally shown in IR rats and the findings have implications for the utility of IR as a model of psychopathology

    Radium Isotopes Across the Arctic Ocean Show Time Scales of Water Mass Ventilation and Increasing Shelf Inputs

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    The first full transarctic section of 228Ra in surface waters measured during GEOTRACES cruises PS94 and HLY1502 (2015) shows a consistent distribution with maximum activities in the transpolar drift. Activities in the central Arctic have increased from 2007 through 2011 to 2015. The increased 228Ra input is attributed to stronger wave action on shelves resulting from a longer ice-free season. A concomitant decrease in the 228Th/228Ra ratio likely results from more rapid transit of surface waters depleted in 228Th by scavenging over the shelf. The 228Ra activities observed in intermediate waters

    Оценка исследовательской деятельности ученых Беларуси с использованием баз данных «Web of Science»

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    Рассматриваются публикационная активность ученых Национальной академии наук Беларуси, степень отражения статей белорусских исследователей в базах данных «Web of Science» и сведения о цитировании работ белорусских авторов в исследованиях других ученых

    Radium Isotopes across the Arctic Ocean show Time Scales of Water Mass Ventilation and Increasing Shelf Inputs

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    The first full transarctic section of 228Ra in surface waters measured during GEOTRACES cruises PS94 and HLY1502 (2015) shows a consistent distribution with maximum activities in the Transpolar Drift. Activities in the central Arctic have increased from 2007 through 2011 to 2015. The increased 228Ra input is attributed to stronger wave action on shelves resulting from a longer ice‐free season. A concomitant decrease in the 228Th/228Ra ratio likely results from more rapid transit of surface waters depleted in 228Th by scavenging over the shelf. The 228Ra activities observed in intermediate waters (< 1500m) in the Amundsen Basin are explained by ventilation with shelf water on a time scale of about 15‐18 years, in good agreement with estimates based on SF6 and 129I/236U. The 228Th excess below the mixed layer up to 1500m depth can complement 234Th and 210Po as tracers of export production, after correction for the inherent excess resulting from the similarity of 228Ra and 228Th decay times. We show with a Th/Ra profile model that the 228Th/228Ra ratio below 1500m is inappropriate for this purpose because it is a delicate balance between horizontal supply of 228Ra and vertical flux of particulate 228Th. The accumulation of 226Ra in the deep Makarov Basin is not associated with an accumulation of Ba and can therefore be attributed to supply from decay of 230Th in the bottom sediment. We estimate a ventilation time of 480 years for the deep Makarov‐Canada Basin, in good agreement with previous estimates using other tracers

    (Table) Carbon, nitrogen and n-alkane content and isotopic composition of bottom sediments obtained in the East Siberian Sea

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    The chemical composition of organic matter (Corg, Norg, d13C, d1SN, and n-alkanes) was studied in the top layer of bottom sediments of the East Siberian Sea. Possible ways were proposed to estimate the amount of the terrigenous component in their organic matter (OM). The fraction of terrigenous OM estimated by the combined use of genetic indicators varied from 15% in the eastern part of the sea, near the Long Strait, to 95% in the estuaries of the Indigirka and Kolyma rivers, averaging 62% over the sea area

    Radium in the Arctic Ocean - the 2015 GEOTRACES missions

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    The Arctic Ocean is a small ocean basin surrounded by wide and shallow shelves receiving large river inputs. The radium quartet are four tracers of contact with sediments that give information on transport processes ranging in time scale from days to hundreds of years. 228Ra (5.8 y halflife) is a good tracer for surface water circulation. New 2015 GEOTRACES (sections GN01+GN04) 228Ra data show the first full Barents Sea to Bering Strait transect with maximum activities in the Transpolar Drift. We compare the 2015 section in the central Arctic with earlier Polarstern sections in 1987/1991, 2007 and 2011 and discuss reasons for increases in maximum 228Ra activities (Kipp et al., 2017). The penetration of 228Ra and its daughter 228Th to waters of intermediate depths (up to about 1500m) shows the exchange of these waters with shelf and slope sediments on the time scale of 228Ra decay. Input from the seafloor causes an enrichment of 228Ra and 226Ra in bottom waters. In deep waters (>2000m) of the Eurasian and Makarov basins 226Ra (1600 y halflife) accumulates to values around 16 dpm/100L or about twice the surface water concentration. It has been argued that export production increases with decreasing ice cover in the Arctic (Arrigo et al., 2008). Natural radionuclides can help to quantify export production rates, but the fluxes found may depend on the time scale of the tracer used. The most commonly used tracer 234Th/238U (24 d halflife) has a memory much shorter than a season. The 210Po/210Pb (138 d; Roca-Martí et al., 2016) and 228Th/228Ra ratios (1.9 y) are alternatives on a full seasonal time scale. Arrigo, K.R. et al., 2008. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L19603 Kipp, L. et al., 2017. ASLO 2017 OSM abstracts Roca-Martí, M. et al., 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121, 5030-504

    Preferential burial of permafrost‐derived organic carbon in Siberian‐Arctic shelf waters

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    The rapidly changing East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) receives large amounts of terrestrial organic carbon (OC) from coastal erosion and Russian-Arctic rivers. Climate warming increases thawing of coastal Ice Complex Deposits (ICD) and can change both the amount of released OC, as well as its propensity to be converted to greenhouse gases (fueling further global warming) or to be buried in coastal sediments. This study aimed to unravel the susceptibility to degradation, and transport and dispersal patterns of OC delivered to the ESAS. Bulk and molecular radiocarbon analyses on surface particulate matter (PM), sinking PM and underlying surface sediments illustrate the active release of old OC from coastal permafrost. Molecular tracers for recalcitrant soil OC showed ages of 3.4–13 14C-ky in surface PM and 5.5–18 14C-ky in surface sediments. The age difference of these markers between surface PM and surface sediments is larger (i) in regions with low OC accumulation rates, suggesting a weaker exchange between water column and sediments, and (ii) with increasing distance from the Lena River, suggesting preferential settling of fluvially derived old OC nearshore. A dual-carbon end-member mixing model showed that (i) contemporary terrestrial OC is dispersed mainly by horizontal transport while being subject to active degradation, (ii) marine OC is most affected by vertical transport and also actively degraded in the water column, and (iii) OC from ICD settles rapidly and dominates surface sediments. Preferential burial of ICD-OC released into ESAS coastal waters might therefore lower the suggested carbon cycle climate feedback from thawing ICD permafrost

    Radium isotopes and 228Th in surface water samples collected on POLARSTERN expedition PS78

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    228Ra is strongly enriched in shelf waters and its half-life (5.8 years) is well suited to study the fate of shelf-derived water in the central Arctic. During PS78 (TRANSARC I) we studied the distribution of 228Ra in surface waters of the central Arctic to investigate how this 228Ra signal is transported in the Transpolar Drift. Water from the ships' seawater intake (Sta 196, 205) or from a submersible pump lowered to 10m depth on hydrographic stations (from station 209 onwards) was filtered and passed over MnO2-coated cartridges to absorb Radium and Thorium. Short-lived 224Ra, as analog for the total concentration of its parent 228Th, was determined on board with RaDeCC counting. In the lab, the cartridges were leached and long-lived Radium isotopes were measured by gamma spectroscopy