33 research outputs found


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    Sexual intercourse in adult people is not only related to reproduction,recreation and better relation but also for maintaining good health. Regular andfrequent sexual intercourse has protective role for cardiovascular disease, malignancyand often related with longevity. On the contrary less frequent sexual intercourse isoften correlated to early death and reproductive organ disorders. One main factorwhich involve in any process related to sexual intercourse is nitric oxide. Thisresearch aims to know the declination of total nitrate and nitrite concentration as themain oxidation product of nitric oxide and necrosis of the endothelial and smoothmuscles of corpus cavernosum after three month sexual intercourse abstinence andstress immobilization.By randomized pretest-posttest control group design, the research wasconducted in adult male mice (Mus musculus) which were divided into four groups.each consisted of seven mice. One group as a control and the other three wereexposed to sexual abstinence, immobilization stress and the combination of sexualabstinence and immobilization stress in three months period. The investigation wascarried out to the penile total nitrate and nitrite concentration and the histologicalchanges of the middle part of the penile shaft. To know the degree of lesion then thecalculation of the histologic features was done in five view fields of every preparat.The result was compared to control group.In this research, the mean of total nitrate and nitrite decline and the lowest wasfound in the combine intervention groups with significance level p < 0,005. Thecorpus cavernosum in the intervention groups showed multifocal necrosis onendothelial and smooth muscle cells of corpus cavernosum with picnotic nuclei,irregular form and dark colour. Some muscle cells are lysis. These features werefound in three among seven samples in sexual abstinence group, two among sevensamples in immobilization stress group and in all samples of combined interventiongroup.Conclusions can be drawn from this research are that the sexual abstinence,immobilization stress and the combine interventions decline the nitrate and nitriteconcentrations and induce endothelial and smooth muscle cells necrosis of the copuscavernosum

    Ethanolic extract of black grapes (Vitis Vinifera) ameliorates overtraining-induced pancreatic β-cells and muscle damage

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    Overtraining is a high-volume, high-intensity, long-duration, and high-frequency training. The heavier physical training, the more oxygen needed for metabolism. Increasing oxygen usage causes an elevation of electron leakage in mitochondria;thus,produce a higher amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidant inhibits oxidative damage in a target molecule. Grapes contain a lot of antioxidants, such as polyphenols and anthocyanins. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of ethanol extract of Balinese grapes (Vitis vinifera) on β-cells and muscle damage in overtraining-induced rats. This study was a completely randomized experimental study using a posttest only control group design. Samples were 36 male albino rats (Rattus norvergicus), aged 2.5-3 months, divided randomly into two groups. The control group (P0), 18 rats, were given overtraining and placebo of 2 ml distilled water; the treatment group (P1) 18 rats, were given overtraining and 25g/kg.BW ethanol extract of Balinese grapes. The result showed the average amount of pancreatic β-cells in the P0 group was higher than the P1 group (p< 0.001). In addition, the average level of creatine kinase was also higher in the P1 group than those of the P0 group (p<0,001). It can be concluded that the administration of ethanolic extract of Balinese grapes mitigates the damage on pancreatic β-cells and muscle cells induced with overtraining


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    Asthma gymnastics is one type of exercise therapy that conducted in groups (exercise group) that involving activities of body movement or an essential activity to help the process of respiratory rehabilitation in patients with asthma and it is one of the supporting element in the treatment of asthma. Asthma is a lung disease with characteristics: a reversible airway (but incomplete in some patients) spontaneously or treatment; Inflammation of the airways; Increased airway response to various stimuli (hyperreactivity). This study aims to find out whether asthma gymnastic can reduce the frequency of recurrence of asthma, increase oxygen saturation and physical fitness in patients with asthma in Lung polyclinic of Wangaya hospital Denpasar. This study is an experimental study with the pre and post test control group design. Number of samples were 30 people with asthma consist of 15 patients with asthma as treatment group and 15 patients with asthma as control group. The results showed that in the treatment group have improvement on well controlled relapse and decrease of well uncontrolled relapse. Based on the value Mann Whitney test p = 0.008, it means asthma gymnastics can reduce recurrence in patients with bronchial asthma. Effect of asthma gymnastic on oxygen saturation in treatment group by mean values of % SpO2 increased from 95.1 to 96.5. By using the Mann Whitney p = 0.001, it means asthma gymnastics can improve oxygen saturation in patients with bronchial asthma. Conclusion that administration of asthma gymnastics training for three times a week for eight weeks can reduce the frequency of recurrence, improve oxygen saturation and physical fitness in patients with asthma. Asthma gymnastics will be expected to conduct by asthma sufferer regularly in an effort to control the frequency of asthma attacks effectively

    Estrogen Receptors of Hairs Blacks and Whites

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    Aging is termed as same as degenerative process, in which all part of tissue organs retarted the microstructure either macrostructure, forming and function even the colour, including black hair change to white hair. Several researchers have been recommended that estrogen hormone be able ease black to white hair, but hormone without any presenting of receptor won’t be work properly. The main aim of this study were to determine amount of estrogen receptor contents in famales and males black and white hairs included the microscopically structure. Method: Twelve females and males there were 50 -56 years old each pairs black and white head hairs were plucked along with follicles. This estrogen receptors analyzed using radioreceptor binding assay there were 5mm eah hair follices including the root cutted and each pair put its in 2 ml glass tube already filled in with 500 μl 125I-estradiol and incubated in 37oC for 3 hrs. Following times were over the tube flushed twice carefully the hair won’t be flushed. Then count by putting in the gamma counter chamber for 1 minute each. The values that shown in the monitor as CPM (count per minute), recorded as receptor of estradiol. Results: Mean (±SD) sum estrogen receptor in females black and white hairs were 479.3 ± 37.5 and 387.7 ± 33.0, but significantly decreased in male black hair was 316.9±17.8 and 274.0 ± 19.8. All those pairs significantly different either female black and white hairs or male black and white hair and also significantly different among groups. Conclusion: The lowest estrogen receptors recorded in male white hairs and microstructure decreasing of melanin contents


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    Aktivitas praktikum lapangan merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan sebagaiimplementasi kurikulum akademik di Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNIMA. Sebagaiimplementasi kurikulum tersebut telah dibuat model aktivitas praktikum lapangan (modelAPeL) dan telah digunakan sejak tahun 2001. Namun model APeL ternyata menimbulkanrisiko yang merugikan bagi mahasiswa dilihat dari respon fisiologis dan kelelahansehingga mahasiswa belum dapat mencapai kinerja yang diharapkan. Untuk itu telahdiupayakan dengan penerapan pendekatan ergonomi total (PET) suatu model baru yaitumodel APeLErg. Untuk menguji keandalan model APeLErg dibandingkan dengan modelAPeL, telah dilakukan penelitian dengan hipotesis: model APeLErg, dibandingkan denganmodel APeL; memperbaiki respon fisiologis tubuh; menurunkan kelelahan; danmeningkatkan kinerja mahasiswa di daerah dataran rendah/panas dan di daerah datarantinggi/dingin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap dengan menggunakan rancangansama subjek. Penelitian pada tahap pertama dilakukan di daerah panas denganmenggunakan 15 orang subjek sedangkan penelitian tahap kedua di daerah dinginmenggunakan 18 orang subjek. Hasil penelitian tahap I dan tahap II menunjukkan bahwaaktivitas dengan model APeLErg dapat: memperbaiki respon fisiologis mahasiswa secarasignifikan (p<0,05); menurunkan rata-rata skor kelelahan umum secara signifikan(p<0,05); meningkatkan kecepatan, kekonstanan dan ketelitian mahasiswa secarasignifikan (p<0,05); dan meningkatkan kinerja mahasiswa secara signifikan (p<0,05). Darihasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa model APeLErg dapat: memperbaiki responfisiologis mahasiswa; menurunkan tingkat kelelahan mahasiswa; dan meningkatkankinerja mahasiswa dalam melakukan aktivitas praktikum lapangan


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    The effort to gain best achievement in sports by means of exercise has twodilemmatic sides, both for the coaches and sport promoters. On one side, exercise shouldbe done intensely and maximally, but on the other side, it is a known fact that excessiveand maximal exercises can damage the body organs. The purposes of this study were toobserve the side effects of interval running exercise of 800 meters, to find out level offatigue by examining lactate acid produced by each model, and to assess the negativeeffects on organs as indicated by the level of SGOT-SGPT. The exercise model appliedin the study comprised interval running of 2 x 800 meters, 4 x 400 meters, 8 x 200meters, 16 x 100 meters and one standard of comparison exercise, which was runningexercise of 2 x 800 meters with passive rest. This study was true experimental usingrandomized pre-test-post-test control group design. Samples of this study were 27 malestudents of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Manado State University, who were dividedinto five groups. Group 1 was with interval running exercise of 2 x 800 meters. Group 2was assigned to interval running exercise of 4 x 400 meters. Group 3 was with intervalrunning exercise of 8 x 200 meters. Group 4 was with interval running exercise of 16 x100 meters. Group 5 as comparison standard was with running exercise of 2 x 800 meterspassive rest. All the exercise models were carried out for six weeks, each with afrequency of three times a week. Results of the study showed that the five groupsdemonstrated reduction of running time of 800 meters dash (p<0.05), lactate acidproduction differed in some of the groups (p>0.05), levels of SGOT and SGPT of allgroups did not show significant increase (p>0.05). From the above findings, it can beconcluded that all exercise models of interval running 2 x 800 meters, 4 x 400 meters, 8 x200 meters, 16 x 100 meters and 2 x 800 meters with passive rest lowered the runningtime of 800 meters dash and did not increase level of SGOT-SGPT

    Pelatihan Pliometrik Jump to Box Lebih Meningkatkan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dari Pada Pelatihan Pliometrik Barrier Hops Pada Permainan Bola Basket

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan  pelatihan  jump to box dan barrier hops terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 32 orang siswa SMK Negeri 1 Kuta Selatan yang dipilih secara acak sederhana yang telah memenuhi kriteria insklusi dan eksklusi. Sampel dibagi menjadi dua kelompok sehingga masing-masing kelempok berjumlah 16 orang dan diberikan perlakuan yang berbeda selama enam minggu. Kelompok satu  diberikan pelatihan jump to box dan kelompok dua diberikan pelatihan barrier hops. Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan uji t paired untuk mengethui perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan pada kedua kelompok dan uji t-independent untuk menguji perbedaan daya ledak otot tungkai antar kelompok baik sebelum maupun sesudah pelatihan. Batas kemaknaan di pakai 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rerata daya ledak otot tungkai antar kelompok sesudah pelatihan sebesar 58,00±10,33 cm pada kelompok jump to box dan pada kelompok barrier hops sebesar 50,49±10,19 cm. Rerata daya ledak otot tungkai pelatihan jump to box lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pelatihan barrier hops yang secara statistik berbeda bermakna dengan nilai p=0,036 (p<0,05). Dengan demikian, pelatihan jump to box dan pelatihan barrier hops dapat meningkatkan daya ledak otot tungkai, di mana pelatihan jump to box lebih meningkatkan daripada pelatihan barrier hops

    Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-α), Nuclear Factor of kappa B (NF-kB) p65 and Calcineurin Expression play a role in the regulation of muscle regeneration process through aerobic exercise in HIV patients

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    Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection is a chronic disease with inflammatory conditions and experience progressive muscle wasting with increasing of tumor necrosis factor alpha. Physical exercise is a non-pharmacological therapy which stimulate the muscle regeneration. Moderate intensity of aerobic exercise is safe for human immunodeficiency virus  patients. Whether tumor necrosis factor alpha plays a role in the process of muscle regeneration in human immunodeficiency virus  infection who have had tumor necrosis factor alpha level higherObjective: To explain the role of tumor necrosis factor alpha, NF-kappaB, and Calcineurin expression in the regulation of muscle regeneration process.Methods: Research subjects are population with clinical stage II human immunodeficiency virus infection. Subjects were grouped in to two: I (n = 9) as subjects who got aerobic exercise for 8 weeks and C (n = 9) as subjects who were observe for 8 weeks. Muscle samples were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle biopsies that were performed 24 hours after the last physical exercise. And the immunohistochemical examination was done with anti- tumor necrosis factor alpha monoclonal antibody, anti- NF-kappaB. and anti-calcineurin.Results: The relationship of muscle contraction to Tumor necrosis factor alpha and calcineurin expression, and to the other myogenic factors was significant, but not to NF-kappaB p65 expression. NF-kappaB p65 has another path.Conclusion: Muscle regeneration process need TNF-alpha, and NF-kB p65 expression as regulators with TNF-alpha_NF-kB p65_myogenic factors as path of exercise and calcineurin expression as regulator with calcineurin_myogenic factors as path of exercise.</pre


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    Pitra yadnya is the the ceremonies as a holy sacrifice performed by Hindu followers as a manifestation of devotion to parents who have died. So everyone who believe on Hinduism, especially, in Bali will perform cremation ceremonies which called ngaben. In this ceremony required some form of offerings and it is quite a lot. During process of making the offerings involved many people. In the process of making cremation offerings involving physical and mental activity, in an integrated manner can cause fatigue. that fatigue usually occurs at the end of working hours caused by various factors, such as monotony, static muscle work, tools and working facilities that do not fit the worker’s anthropometry, work station that is not ergonomically sound, forced attitude and work-break timing is not right , and muscle complaints; therefore, it is needed ergonomic intervention.There are four issues: 1) Is ergonomic intervention while preparing the offerings for ngaben pranawa improves the efficiency of the worker seen from the decrease of fatigue? 2 ) Is ergonomic intervention while preparing the offerings for ngaben pranawa improves the efficiency of worker seen from the decrease in musculoskeletal complaints? 3) Is ergonomic intervention while preparing the offerings for ngaben pranawa improves efficiency of worker seen from the decrease in the workload? 4) Is ergonomic intervention while preparing the offerings for ngaben pranawa improves efficiency of worker seen from productivity? A study with the same subject design was carried out on 18 person adult female Balinese. In the first period of study the subject preparing the offerings with the existing working condition, while in the second period an ergonomic intervention was introduced, using tables and working chairs, and guidance book in preparing the same offerings. Based on the results of research and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn. 1) Ergonomics intervention in the process of making offerings for ngaben pranawa improved work efficiency seen from the decreased in fatigue, that is equal to 36.24% (p &lt;0.005). 2) Decrease musculoskeletal complaints, amounting to 37.98% (p &lt;0.005). 3) Decreased the workload. that is equal to 13.22% (p &lt;0.005), and 4) Increased work efficiency viewed from the offering makers productivity, namely by 78% (p &lt;0.005). Ergonomic interventions proven to reduce fatigue, musculoskeletal complaints decreased workload, and can increased work productivity. Therefore, it is advisable to apply the ergonomic intervention at the cremation offerings and another religious ceremonies. Benefit of ergonomics intervention in this study was the participation and collaboration, a commitment from all parties, and the interaction between the participant of making offerings, and ergonomics intervention can improve efficiency in the process of making offerings for cremate ceremonyin Denpasar city.</p