2,110 research outputs found

    Photon Pair Generation in Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator with Reverse Bias Enhancement

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    Photon sources are fundamental components for any quantum photonic technology. The ability to generate high count-rate and low-noise correlated photon pairs via spontaneous parametric down-conversion using bulk crystals has been the cornerstone of modern quantum optics. However, future practical quantum technologies will require a scalable integration approach, and waveguide-based photon sources with high-count rate and low-noise characteristics will be an essential part of chip-based quantum technologies. Here, we demonstrate photon pair generation through spontaneous four-wave mixing in a silicon micro-ring resonator, reporting a maximum coincidence-to-accidental (CAR) ratio of 602 (+-) 37, and a maximum photon pair generation rate of 123 MHz (+-) 11 KHz. To overcome free-carrier related performance degradations we have investigated reverse biased p-i-n structures, demonstrating an improvement in the pair generation rate by a factor of up to 2, with negligible impact on CAR.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Rotating Convection in an Anisotropic System

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    We study the stability of patterns arising in rotating convection in weakly anisotropic systems using a modified Swift-Hohenberg equation. The anisotropy, either an endogenous characteristic of the system or induced by external forcing, can stabilize periodic rolls in the K\"uppers-Lortz chaotic regime. For the particular case of rotating convection with time-modulated rotation where recently, in experiment, chiral patterns have been observed in otherwise K\"uppers-Lortz-unstable regimes, we show how the underlying base-flow breaks the isotropy, thereby affecting the linear growth-rate of convection rolls in such a way as to stabilize spirals and targets. Throughout we compare analytical results to numerical simulations of the Swift-Hohenberg equation

    Manipulating the quantum information of the radial modes of trapped ions: Linear phononics, entanglement generation, quantum state transmission and non-locality tests

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    We present a detailed study on the possibility of manipulating quantum information encoded in the "radial" modes of arrays of trapped ions (i.e., in the ions' oscillations orthogonal to the trap's main axis). In such systems, because of the tightness of transverse confinement, the radial modes pertaining to different ions can be addressed individually. In the first part of the paper we show that, if local control of the radial trapping frequencies is available, any linear optical and squeezing operation on the locally defined modes - on single as well as on many modes - can be reproduced by manipulating the frequencies. Then, we proceed to describe schemes apt to generate unprecedented degrees of bipartite and multipartite continuous variable entanglement under realistic noisy working conditions, and even restricting only to a global control of the trapping frequencies. Furthermore, we consider the transmission of the quantum information encoded in the radial modes along the array of ions, and show it to be possible to a remarkable degree of accuracy, for both finite-dimensional and continuous variable quantum states. Finally, as an application, we show that the states which can be generated in this setting allow for the violation of multipartite non-locality tests, by feasible displaced parity measurements. Such a demonstration would be a first test of quantum non-locality for "massive" degrees of freedom (i.e., for degrees of freedom describing the motion of massive particles).Comment: 21 pages; this paper, presenting a far more extensive and detailed analysis, completely supersedes arXiv:0708.085

    Planning, implementation and scientific goals of the Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) field mission

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    The Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) field mission based at Ellington Field, Texas, during August and September 2013 employed the most comprehensive airborne payload to date to investigate atmospheric composition over North America. The NASA ER-2, DC-8, and SPEC Inc. Learjet flew 57 science flights from the surface to 20 km. The ER-2 employed seven remote sensing instruments as a satellite surrogate and eight in situ instruments. The DC-8 employed 23 in situ and five remote sensing instruments for radiation, chemistry, and microphysics. The Learjet used 11 instruments to explore cloud microphysics. SEAC4RS launched numerous balloons, augmented AErosol RObotic NETwork, and collaborated with many existing ground measurement sites. Flights investigating convection included close coordination of all three aircraft. Coordinated DC-8 and ER-2 flights investigated the optical properties of aerosols, the influence of aerosols on clouds, and the performance of new instruments for satellite measurements of clouds and aerosols. ER-2 sorties sampled stratospheric injections of water vapor and other chemicals by local and distant convection. DC-8 flights studied seasonally evolving chemistry in the Southeastern U.S., atmospheric chemistry with lower emissions of NOx and SO2 than in previous decades, isoprene chemistry under high and low NOx conditions at different locations, organic aerosols, air pollution near Houston and in petroleum fields, smoke from wildfires in western forests and from agricultural fires in the Mississippi Valley, and the ways in which the chemistry in the boundary layer and the upper troposphere were influenced by vertical transport in convective clouds

    The Missing Luminous Blue Variables and the Bistability Jump

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    We discuss an interesting feature of the distribution of luminous blue variables on the H-R diagram, and we propose a connection with the bistability jump in the winds of early-type supergiants. There appears to be a deficiency of quiescent LBVs on the S Dor instability strip at luminosities between log L/Lsun = 5.6 and 5.8. The upper boundary, is also where the temperature-dependent S Dor instability strip intersects the bistability jump at about 21,000 K. Due to increased opacity, winds of early-type supergiants are slower and denser on the cool side of the bistability jump, and we postulate that this may trigger optically-thick winds that inhibit quiescent LBVs from residing there. We conduct numerical simulations of radiation-driven winds for a range of temperatures, masses, and velocity laws at log L/Lsun=5.7 to see what effect the bistability jump should have. We find that for relatively low stellar masses the increase in wind density at the bistability jump leads to the formation of a modest to strong pseudo photosphere -- enough to make an early B-type star appear as a yellow hypergiant. Thus, the proposed mechanism will be most relevant for LBVs that are post-red supergiants. Yellow hypergiants like IRC+10420 and rho Cas occupy the same luminosity range as the ``missing'' LBVs, and show apparent temperature variations at constant luminosity. If these yellow hypergiants do eventually become Wolf-Rayet stars, we speculate that they may skip the normal LBV phase, at least as far as their apparent positions on the HR diagram are concerned.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figs, accepted by Ap

    Phase II trial of standard versus increased transfusion volume in Ugandan children with acute severe anemia.

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    BACKGROUND: Severe anemia (SA, hemoglobin 6 g/dl: primary outcome) and 28-day survival. RESULTS: Median admission hemoglobin was 4.2 g/dl (IQR 3.1 to 4.9). Initial volume received followed the randomization strategy in 155 (97%) patients. By 24-hours, 70 (90%) children in the Tx30 arm had corrected SA compared to 61 (74%) in the Tx20 arm; cause-specific hazard ratio = 1.54 (95% confidence interval 1.09 to 2.18, P = 0.01). From admission to day 28 there was a greater hemoglobin increase from enrollment in Tx30 (global P <0.0001). Serious adverse events included one non-fatal allergic reaction and one death in the Tx30 arm. There were six deaths in the Tx20 arm (P = 0.12); three deaths were adjudicated as possibly related to transfusion, but none secondary to volume overload. CONCLUSION: A higher initial transfusion volume prescribed at hospital admission was safe and resulted in an accelerated hematological recovery in Ugandan children with SA. Future testing in a large, pragmatic clinical trial to establish the effect on short and longer-term survival is warranted. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.Gov identifier: NCT01461590 registered 26 October 2011

    Modelling, optimisation and decision support using the grid

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    Modelling, Optimisation and Decision Support tools are vital in most areas of engineering. As part of the Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment (DAME) e-Science project, a virtual “work-bench” has been developed that can aid the engineer in solving engineering design problems. While the problem that motivated the development of these tools was taken from the aerospace industry, this sort of approach has broader application in areas such as automotive and marine engineering, as well as in the medical industry

    Networked but Commodified: The (Dis)Embeddedness of Digital Labour in the Gig Economy

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    This article investigates the (dis)embeddedness of digital labour within the remote gig economy. We use interview and survey data to highlight how platform workers in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are normatively disembedded from social protections through a process of commodification. Normative disembeddedness leaves workers exposed to the vagaries of the external labour market due to an absence of labour regulations and rights. It also endangers social reproduction by limiting access to healthcare and requiring workers to engage in significant unpaid ‘work-for-labour’. However, we show that these workers are also simultaneously embedded within interpersonal networks of trust, which enable the work to be completed despite the low-trust nature of the gig economy. In bringing together the concepts of normative and network embeddedness, we reconnect the two sides of Polanyi’s thinking and demonstrate the value of an integrated understanding of Polanyi’s approach to embeddedness for understanding contemporary economic transformations