270 research outputs found

    Nuove povert\ue0, spreco e sicurezza alimentare in Italia

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    Una recente special issue del British Food Journal (Caraher e Cavicchi, 2014) ha esaminato il fenomeno della sicurezza alimentare, il ruolo dei banchi alimentari e l\u2019assistenza agli indigenti nei paesi occidentali. Molti banchi hanno legato la propria nascita al fenomeno delle eccedenze alimentari, con la consapevolezza che quanto veniva prodotto in eccesso dall\u2019intera filiera, poteva potenzialmente essere redistribuito a chi aveva pi\uf9 bisogno. Tuttavia, l\u2019evidenza di una crescita sia dei punti di distribuzione sia del numero di assistiti durante la crisi economica, pone il problema del ruolo di questi enti. Come sostenuto da Winne (2009): \u201cdobbiamo esaminare seriamente il ruolo dei banchi alimentari; questo implica che non possiamo continuare a lodarne la crescita come segno della nostra generosit\ue0 e carit\ue0, ma indurci a riconoscere questo fenomeno come un simbolo del fallimento della nostra societ\ue0 nel delegare ai governi la responsabilit\ue0 per risolvere I problemi di lotta alla fame, di insicurezza alimentare e di povert\ue0 (p. 184)

    Consumers' attitude towards farmers' markets: an explorative analysis in Tuscany

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    Farmers Markets (FMs) around the world are often considered as one key response to the less sustainable conventional food production systems. Despite the economic crisis, international studies show that the most important factor leading people to buy fresh products in these points of sale is the quality. In fact, consumers usually cite \better food quality", \locally produced foods", \higher social interaction" and \learning directly about the vendors and their food production practices", as the principal motivations in buying in FM environment. In this paper the results of a survey carried out in several FMs and shops in Tuscany are presented. A sample of consumers were interviewed on-site using a structured questionnaire. The attitude of respondent towards FM was assessed using a test scale composed of 16 items referring to five different features of this form of distribution, supposed to be relevant in the consumer choice: quality of products, direct contact with farmers, convenience, environmental sustainability, and support for rural development processes. The high level of reliability of the attitude scale allowed its use in performing a cluster analysis of observed units. The cluster analysis allowed to identify two groups of consumers with different characteristics both in term of socio-economic descriptive variables and in term of attitudes and motivations towards FMs.food miles,Alternative Food Networks (AFN),sustainability,Italy,Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC)

    From sharecroppers to “flying farmers”: new forms of tourism entrepreneurship in rural areas

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    Source at https://ertr.tamu.edu/volume-14-issue-3-4-dec-2017/volume-14-issue-3-4-december-2017-applied-research-notes-4/.The purpose of this study is to challenge the view of the rural environment as a static environment and the view of farmers as conservative actors. The focus is on mobile innovative practices by rural entrepreneurs who bring to life some of the features of the experience economy. An exploratory study concerning an association of rural entrepreneurs in the Italian region of Marche and a specific project of this association is conducted. The findings suggest that sociality and sense of belonging embedded in local rural communities can become a tool for promoting rural tourism through entrepreneurial mobile practices

    Not Quite Under the Tuscan Sun… the Potential of Film Tourism in Marche Region

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    The relationship between film and tourism is complex and at times often subtle – not all movies directly encourage tourism, but they can influence tourist images as well as provide additional aspects to the tourist experience. This conceptual paper considers the role that film can play to encourage and enhance tourism in the Marche Region of Italy. Based on theoretical knowledge developed to date, a process to develop film tourism product is proposed. Such a practical application of academic knowledge will also provide data with which to further develop theoretical models in the field.La relazione tra cinema e turismo è complessa e molto spesso sottile – non tutti i film incoraggiano direttamente il turismo, ma possono influenzare le impressioni dei turisti e aggiungere ulteriori elementi alla loro esperienza. Questo lavoro concettuale considera il ruolo che i film possono avere per incoraggiare e incrementare il turismo nella regione Marche, in Italia. Basandosi sulla conoscenza teorica sviluppata finora, viene proposto un processo per migliorare il prodotto cineturistico. L’applicazione pratica di conoscenza sviluppata in ambito accademico potrà fornire ulteriori dati per sviluppare ulteriori modelli teorici in questo campo di ricerca.

    Universities' Emerging Missions to Foster Sustainability of Rural Areas: Multiple Case Studies From The Marche Region☆

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    Abstract This paper explores a new emerging function for Universities: that of co-creation for sustainability ( Trencher et al., 2013 , Trencher et al., 2014a , Trencher et al., 2014b ). Contribution to sustainability involves an engagement in place-based, multi-stakeholder partnerships able to solve real-world issues. This theory is applied to multiple case studies which involve the University of Macerata, located in a rural area in the Marche region (Italy). Case study methodology is applied in order to understand if conditions expressed by the theory are met or need extension ( Yin, 2009 ). Findings support the new emerging framework and describe the different roles assumed by the University in each of the cases

    Food and gastronomy as elements of regional innovation strategies

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    The paper discusses recent innovation and diversification paths in agro-food, specifically the linkage between food, territory and branding, the emerging phenomenon of Food Cities and increasing interest in healthier and more sustainable food products. It also focuses on EU policies and instruments in support of R&I activities in agro-food and explores agro-food domain within the context of smart specialisation.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Dynamics of Smart Specialisation Agri-food Trans-regional Cooperation S3 Policy Brief Series No. 21/2017

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    The objective of this paper is to inform the community of researchers, policymakers and practitioners about the dynamics of setting up the Thematic Smart Specialisation Platform on Agri-food, and to provide information about its functioning and governance. This work outlines the milestones of the process and the main achievements. The paper proposes the steps to be followed by policymakers and regional officers who are motivated to lead, support and actively contribute to a thematic platform within the Thematic Smart Specialisation Platform on Agri-food. At the same time, it discusses specific cases of such partnerships and describes the motivations and objectives of the regions that decided to embark on the journey towards establishment of specific thematic partnerships through this Platform.JRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen