101 research outputs found

    Um estudo de caso de narração não-fidedigna múltipla: “Em parte incerta (Gone girl, 2014)” de David Fincher

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    Dissertação de Mestrado submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico - especialização em Narrativas Cinematográficas.O conceito de narrador não fidedigno tem sido objeto de constante debate e reinterpretação, desde a sua definição original no âmbito literário em 1961 até à aplicação no estudo dos filmes quebra cabeças (variante de mind game film”) das últimas três décadas. O presente trabalho consiste na análise da narração não fidedigna múltipla do filme Em Parte Incerta (Gone Girl, 2014, David Fincher), no qual os dois protagonistas, ambos narradores não fidedignos, formam um dispositivo conjunto de não fidedignidade, que se regula e reconfigura constantemente, suportando e dinamizando toda a estrutura narrativa. Argumenta-se que as definições e modelos teóricos existentes que contemplam a presença simultânea de vários narradores não fidedignos (Phelan e Hansen) não analisamem pormenor as dinâmicas relacionais internas entre os narradores e consideram a não fidedignidade como estando limitada a cada narrador, sem prestar atenção às consequências da narração de um narrador sobre as ações de outros narradores e, indiretamente, sobre a estrutura narrativa. A não fidedignidade é aqui reinterpretada enquanto propriedade ou característica flutuante, que não se limita ao domínio de uma entidade narradora, mas se dilui nas ações e nas relações entre as personagens e ultrapassa as fronteiras da diegese, contaminando a componente estrutural extradiegética. Neste sentido, o estudo da narração não fidedigna no âmbito cinematográfico não devia prescindir da análise das decisões autorais tomadas para orquestrar o processo de revelação da verdade ao espetador, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de novos modelos para desenvolver esta tarefa.ABSTRACT - The concept of the unreliable narrator has been the subject of constant debate and reinterpretation, since its original definition for the literary field in 1961 until its application in the study of mind game films over the last three decades. The present work analyzes the unreliable narrationcontained in the film Gone Girl (David Fincher, 2014), in which the two protagonists form a joint unreliability, which is constantly being regulated and reconfigured, thereby supporting and energizing the entire narrative structure. It is argued that the existing theoretical definitions and models that contemplate the simultaneous presence of multiple unreliable narrators (Phelan and Hansen) do not analyze in detail the internal relational dynamics between diegetic narrators andlimite the unreliability to each narrator per se, without paying attention to the consequences of eachnarration on the actions of other narrators and, indirectly, on theentire narrative structure of the film. Unreliability is here reinterpreted as a fluctuating property, which is not limited to the domain of a narrating entity, but rather diluted in the actions and relationships between the characters, going beyond the diegetic boundaries and contaminating the extradiegetic structure as well. In this sense, the study of unreliable narration in thecinematic field should notdismiss the analysis of authorial decisions (related to direction, cinematography, post-production, etc.) taken to orchestrate the process of revealing the truth to the spectator, which will require the future definition of new models to address this task.N/

    Short-Selling Bans and Bank Stability

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    In both the subprime crisis and the eurozone crisis, regulators imposed bans on short sales mainly aimed at preventing stock price turbulence from destabilizing financial institutions. Contrary to the regulators’ intentions, financial institutions whose stocks were banned experienced greater increases in the probability of default and volatility than unbanned ones. Increases were larger for more vulnerable financial institutions. To take into account the endogeneity of short sales bans, we match banned financial institutions with unbanned ones with similar sizes and levels of riskiness and instrument the 2011 ban decisions with regulators’ propensity to impose a ban in the 2008 crisis

    Rational modification of estrogen receptor by combination of computational and experimental analysis

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    In this manuscript, we modulate the binding properties of estrogen receptor protein by rationally modifying the amino acid composition of its ligand binding domain. By combining sequence alignment and structural analysis of known ER-ligand complexes with computational analysis, we were able to predict ER mutants with altered binding properties. These predictions were experimentally confirmed by producing single point variants with up to an order of magnitude increased binding affinity towards some estrogen disrupting chemicals and reaching an IC50 value of 2 nM for the 17α−Ethinylestradiol ligand. Due to increased affinity and stability, utilizing such mutated ERs instead of the wild type ER as bio-recognition element would be beneficial in an assay or biosensor.JRC.I-Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (Ispra

    Short-selling bans and bank stability

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    The GINGER Project and status of the ring-laser of LNGS

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    A ring-laser attached to the Earth measures the absolute angular velocity of the Earth summed to the relativistic precessions, de Sitter and Lense-Thirring. GINGER (Gyroscopes IN GEneral Relativity) is a project aiming at measuring the LenseThirring effect with a ground based detector; it is based on an array of ring-lasers. Comparing the Earth angular velocity measured by IERS and the measurement done with the GINGER array, the Lense-Thirring effect can be evaluated. Compared to the existing space experiments, GINGER provides a local measurement, not the averaged value and it is unnecessary to model the gravitational field. It is a proposal, but it is not far from being a reality. In fact the GrossRing G of the Geodesy Observatory of Wettzell has a sensitivity very close to the necessary one. G ofWettzell is part of the IERS system which provides the measure of the Length Of the DAY (LOD); G provides information on the fast component of LOD. In the last few years, a roadmap toward GINGER has been outlined. The experiment G-GranSasso, financed by the INFN Commission II, is developing instrumentations and tests along the roadmap of GINGER. In this short paper the main activities of G-GranSasso and some results will be presented. The first results of GINGERino will be reported, GINGERino is the large ring-laser installed inside LNGS and now in the commissioning phase. Ring-lasers provide as well important informations for geophysics, in particular the rotational seismology, which is an emerging field of science. GINGERino is one of the three experiments of common interest between INFN and INGV

    Rational modification of estrogen receptor by combination of computational and experimental analysis

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    In this manuscript, we modulate the binding properties of estrogen receptor protein by rationally modifying the amino acid composition of its ligand binding domain. By combining sequence alignment and structural analysis of known estrogen receptor- ligand complexes with computational analysis, we were able to predict estrogen receptor mutants with altered binding properties. These predictions were experimentally confirmed by producing single point variants with up to an order of magnitude increased binding affinity towards some estrogen disrupting chemicals and reaching an half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of 2 nM for the 17α- ethinylestradiol ligand. Due to increased affinity and stability, utilizing such mutated estrogen receptor instead of the wild type as bio-recognition element would be beneficial in an assay or biosensor

    Molecular epidemiology of Usher syndrome in Italy

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    Purpose: Usher syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by hearing and vision loss. Usher syndrome is divided into three clinical subclasses (type 1, type 2, and type 3), which differ in terms of the severity and progression of hearing loss and the presence or absence of vestibular symptoms. Usher syndrome is defined by significant genetic heterogeneity, with at least 12 distinct loci described and 9 genes identified. This study aims to provide a molecular epidemiology report of Usher syndrome in Italy. Methods: Molecular data have been obtained on 75 unrelated Italian patients using the most up-to date technology available for the screening of Usher syndrome gene mutations, i.e., the genotyping microarray developed by Asper Biotech (Tartu, Estonia), which simultaneously investigates 612 different marker positions using the well established arrayed primer extension methodology (APEX). Results: Using this method, we found that 12% of cases (9 out of 75) harbored homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in the gene positions analyzed, whereas 20% (15 out of 75) of the patients were characterized by the presence of only one mutated allele based on the positions analyzed. One patient was found to be compound heterozygous for mutations in two different genes and this represents an example of possible digenic inheritance in Usher syndrome. A total of 66.6% of cases (50 out of 75) were found to be completely negative for the presence of Usher syndrome gene mutations in the detected positions. Mutations detected by the array were confirmed by direct sequencing. Conclusions: These findings highlight the efficacy of the APEX-based genotyping approach in the molecular assessment of Usher patients, suggesting the presence of alleles not yet identified and/or the involvement of additional putative genes that may account for the pathogenesis of Usher syndrome

    Ten Years of Experience With a Telemedicine Platform Dedicated to Health Care Personnel: Implementation Report

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    Background: Telemedicine, a term that encompasses several applications and tasks, generally involves the remote management and treatment of patients by physicians. It is known as transversal telemedicine when practiced among health care professionals (HCPs). Objective: We describe the experience of implementing our telemedicine Eumeda platform for HCPs over the last 10 years. Methods: A web-based informatics platform was developed that had continuously updated hypertext created using advanced technology and the following features: security, data insertion, dedicated software for image analysis, and the ability to export data for statistical surveys. Customizable files called "modules" were designed and built for different fields of medicine, mainly in the ophthalmology subspecialty. Each module was used by HCPs with different authorization profiles. Implementation (results): Twelve representative modules for different projects are presented in this manuscript. These modules evolved over time, with varying degrees of interconnectivity, including the participation of a number of centers in 19 cities across Italy. The number of HCP operators involved in each single module ranged from 6 to 114 (average 21.8, SD 28.5). Data related to 2574 participants were inserted across all the modules. The average percentage of completed text/image fields in the 12 modules was 65.7%. All modules were evaluated in terms of access, acceptability, and medical efficacy. In their final evaluation, the participants judged the modules to be useful and efficient for clinical use. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the usefulness of the telemedicine platform for HCPs in terms of improved knowledge in medicine, patient care, scientific research, teaching, and the choice of therapies. It would be useful to start similar projects across various health care fields, considering that in the near future medicine as we know it will completely change

    Correlation between Chest Computed Tomography Score and Laboratory Biomarkers in the Risk Stratification of COVID-19 Patients Admitted to the Emergency Department

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    background: it has been reported that mid-regional proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM) could be considered a useful tool to stratify the mortality risk in COVID-19 patients upon admission to the emergency department (ED). during the COVID-19 outbreak, computed tomography (CT) scans were widely used for their excellent sensitivity in diagnosing pneumonia associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. however, the possible role of CT score in the risk stratification of COVID-19 patients upon admission to the ED is still unclear. aim: the main objective of this study was to assess if the association of the CT findings alone or together with MR-proADM results could ameliorate the prediction of in-hospital mortality of COVID-19 patients at the triage. moreover, the hypothesis that CT score and MR-proADM levels together could play a key role in predicting the correct clinical setting for these patients was also evaluated. methods: epidemiological, demographic, clinical, laboratory, and outcome data were assessed and analyzed from 265 consecutive patients admitted to the triage of the ED with a SARS-CoV-2 infection. results and conclusions: the accuracy results by AUROC analysis and statistical analysis demonstrated that CT score is particularly effective, when utilized together with the MR-proADM level, in the risk stratification of COVID-19 patients admitted to the ED, thus helping the decision-making process of emergency physicians and optimizing the hospital resources