127 research outputs found

    Financial Crisis and Disclosure Requirements in Italy: The “Consob Blacklist”

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    AbstractListed companies are subject to significant transparency obligations, which are essential for correct investor's portfolio allocation and to ensure the proper functioning of markets. The issue is particularly relevant as disclosure requirements related to listing entail a trade-off between costs and benefits of transparency which should be carefully evaluated. In Italy, the “Consob blacklist” includes listed companies which are subject to more frequent obligations of information disclosure, pursuant to art. 114 of Legislative Decree, 24 February 1998, n. 58. Since its establishment in 2002, 79 companies have been included, a large number especially when compared to the small size of the Italian market. This study analyses primary elements of this new instrument such as its effectiveness in investor protection, characteristics and recurring elements of companies included in the list, the role played by general economic trends in determining conditions for inclusion, elements able to influence the possible outcome (favourable or unfavourable) deriving from the inclusion in the blacklist

    Credit risk management and cyclicality of bank lending to non-financial corporations in Italy during the financial crisis: 2008-2012. A modeling study

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    Credit to non-financial corporations in Italy is characterized, in the period June 2008-June 2012, by frequent and intense quarterly cyclical fluctuations (peak amplitude €39.2 billion). The amplitude of these fluctuations has been ascribed to the effects of Basel II accords during the financial crisis which, by imposing regulatory capital constraints on banks’ lending on the basis of credit risk estimates, induces an excessive credit reduction during economic recession and an excessive credit growth during economic expansion. In order to mitigate these cyclical effects, various techniques of buffering have been advocated. The authors have tested the opposite null hypothesis that the interaction between new credit given and defaults from outstanding loans tends to a steady state. It has been tested a quasi-linear distribution with a Cyclical Sensitivity Parameter (CSP) parameterized on variation of new credit supply in excess or defect of the rate of default of outstanding loans. It is found that, in the period June 2008-June 2012, frequent fluctuations of the total credit used by non-financial corporations are strongly related to the interaction between the default rate of outstanding loans and the growth rate of new credit supply. It’s concluded that credit risk management in Italy has been effective in parameterizing credit supply growth to outstanding credit reduction caused by defaulting loans within the Basel II regulatory framework. Basel III prospective point-in-time output buffers based on filtered Credit/GDP ratios and dynamic provisioning proposals should take into account this steady state pattern underlying frequent and intense credit cyclical fluctuations

    Corporate Governance in Downturn Times: Detection and Alert \u2013 The New Italian Insolvency and Crisis Code

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    In its life cycle, an enterprise may experience periods of crisis. If the crisis is monitored promptly and appropriate measures are taken, not only may the enterprise continue to operate but it may also be able to seize opportunities for growth. The Italian legislator is introducing a procedure aimed at supporting companies to detect the very irst warning signs of a crisis. The supervisory board of auditors, the audit irm, and certain qualiied creditors will have the right and duty to start the early warning procedure (\u201callerta\u201d). The board of statutory auditors (Collegio Sindacale) plays a fundamental role: its ex-ante supervisory and control activities over management allow it to efectively play an important role as main recipient of any crisis warning signs. The new regulatory framework lays down certain indicators and critical thresholds, which may trigger the alert process. Initially, the Delegated Legislation (Bill No.3671-bis) sets forth certain speciic inancial indicators. The new bill (Crisis and Insolvency Code) on the contrary refers to a more complex and sector-speciic system of indicators. The indings of an empirical research conducted by analysing a sample of more than 600 enterprises and testing the discriminating capacity of the indicators initially considered are presented herein

    Corporate Governance in Downturn Times: Detection and Alert – The New Italian Insolvency and Crisis Code

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    In its life cycle, an enterprise may experience periods of crisis. If the crisis is monitored promptly and appropriate measures are taken, not only may the enterprise continue to operate but it may also be able to seize opportunities for growth. The Italian legislator is introducing a procedure aimed at supporting companies to detect the very first warning signs of a crisis. The supervisory board of auditors, the audit firm, and certain qualified creditors will have the right and duty to start the early warning procedure (“allerta”). The board of statutory auditors (Collegio Sindacale) plays a fundamental role: its ex-ante supervisory and control activities over management allow it to effectively play an important role as main recipient of any crisis warning signs. The new regulatory framework lays down certain indicators and critical thresholds, which may trigger the alert process. Initially, the Delegated Legislation (Bill No.3671-bis) sets forth certain specific financial indicators. The new bill (Crisis and Insolvency Code) on the contrary refers to a more complex and sector-specific system of indicators. The findings of an empirical research conducted by analysing a sample of more than 600 enterprises and testing the discriminating capacity of the indicators initially considered are presented herein

    ZETA™ methodology and variation in the systemic risk of default: accounting for the effects of Type II (false negative) errors variation on lending

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    Olgiati Stefano - University of Bergamo, Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods. Danovi Alessandro - University of Bergamo The loan manager - dealing with one single borrower at a time and being responsible for that single decision to lend - is exposed to the idiosyncratic risk of default of his customer just like the physician is exposed to the risk of a wrong diagnosis with our strep throat. At the same time – if we do not expect the strep throat diagnostic test kit to change - we would still expect that physician reading that test to become more careful – or update his prior beliefs – about his diagnoses when a flu epidemic is likely to kick in with a certain estimated probability (likelihood). However, this has not been the case with loan management - there is in fact some consensus that before 2007 a reduction in the standards of idiosyncratic risk assessment by lenders - prior to risks pooling - coupled with a worsening of the systemic risk scenario, is partly to blame for the well known 2007-2008 financial crisis, with some of the blame falling also on the incapacity of actuarial mathematical models (test kits) to update worst case scenarios or be calibrated continuously on the basis of variation in the likelihood of default of the underlying risks pool.The authors of this paper argue that, on the other hand, a standard Bayesian transformation of the ZETA bankruptcy prediction methodology introduced by Altman in 1968-1977 allows for a continuous a posterioriupdate of conditional Type I and II errors due to variation in the systemic likelihood of default. The Bayesian transformation can be used both to condition the loan manager's prior decision (generally based on Basel II-compliant Internal Rating Based system or Credit Agency's Rating) and to update such decision on the basis of any posterior hypothesis (based on actuarial frequentist assumptions of conditional hazard rates) regarding the creditworthiness and the probability of default of an underlying pool of securities.At the same time – under a Bayesian framework - the ZETA diagnostic test can be conditioned on the new evidence introduced by other tests to increase the total sensitivity of the default prediction models (IRB ratings, TTC ratings, logit, probit, neural) to update the commercial bank's lending decisions.A ground-state, static meta-analysis of Altman's et al. ZETA original article (1977) reveals that the odds of the commercial bank detecting a default after the ZETA score has been introduced (post-test) is 13.2 times more effective than the a priori prediction. Under the same assumptions, the odds of the commercial bank detecting a survival after (post-test) the ZETA score has been introduced is 12.2 times more effective than the a priori. Integration of the ZETA model with other default prediction models reaches a credibility interval of CI ≥ 95% when the updated likelihood of default is equal to 60%. As expected, the Efficiency Comparison Test ECZETA=.00243 is invariant under the Bayesian transformation

    Adeguati assetti per prevenire la crisi d'impresa: arrivano nuovi adempimenti per gli imprenditori.

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    Il nuovo Codice della crisi e dell’insolvenza richiama l’obbligo per l’imprenditore individuale e collettivo di adottare un assetto organizzativo, amministrativo e contabile adeguato a prevedere tempestivamente l’emersione della crisi d’impresa al tempo stesso, prescrive che tali misure debbano consentire di rilevare eventuali squilibri patrimoniali o economico-finanziari, verificare la sostenibilità dei debiti e le prospettive di continuità aziendale almeno per i dodici mesi successivi

    Alcune osservazioni empiriche sui concordati preventivi del tribunale di Milano.

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    Il presente contributo si inserisce in una pi\uf9 ampia ricerca (5), tutt\u2019ora in corso, che raccoglie informazioni circa le caratteristiche delle imprese che accedono alla procedura, la gestione del processo di ammissione con evidenziazione del lavoro dell\u2019attestatore, il ruolo degli organi giudiziari, i costi e i risultati relativi all\u2019esecuzione del concordato. In queste pagine \ue8 presentata l\u2019analisi di un significativo numero di imprese in crisi (835 casi) che hanno richiesto l\u2019accesso al concordato preventivo davanti al Tribunale di Milano. Sono poi valutati gli esiti e alcuni elementi fattuali, con l\u2019obiettivo di verificare come si coniughi la tutela dei creditori con la conservazione del valore dell\u2019impresa. Si tratta ovviamente di una analisi concentrata nello spazio e che utilizza tecniche di statistica descrittiva pi\uf9 che inferenziale. Nondimeno pu\uf2 esser considerato un primo passo per una maggior comprensione dei pregi e limiti del concordato, utile anche in vista delle future evoluzioni normative

    Quaderno della Banca d'Italia - Serie: Questioni di Economia e Finanza. - Titolo: Strumenti negoziali per la soluzione delle crisi d\u2019impresa: il concordato preventivo ISSN 1972-6627 (stampa) ISSN 1972-6643 (online)

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    Questo studio \ue8 stato condotto dagli autori con la collaborazione nella raccolta dei dati del CESPEC ossia del Centro Studi Procedure Esecutive e Concorsuali dei magistrati specializzati in materia concorsuale e della Banca d'Italia al fine di comprendere, sulla base di una robusta analisi empirica: se le procedure di concordato preventivo rappresentino o meno un efficace strumento per la soluzione delle crisi di impresa, quali siano le principali finalit\ue0 economico aziendali che sono perseguite dalle imprese mediante questo strumento e quali siano le percentuali di successo conseguite. La ricerca \ue8 stata considerata di notevole impatto in quanto ha contribuito a creare una base informativa utile a supportare riflessioni e conseguentemente anche proposte di modifica e integrazione nel redigendo codice della crisi e dell'insolvenza. Il lavoro fornisce, infatti, un ampio insieme di nuove evidenze empiriche sull\u2019impiego e sul funzionamento delle procedure di concordato preventivo basate su un dataset, appositamente assemblato, che costituisce la pi\uf9 ricca base informativa al momento disponibile. I risultati principali possono essere sintetizzati come segue: i concordati preventivi sono impiegati prevalentemente con finalit\ue0 liquidatoria (circa il 70 per cento dei casi). La percentuale di concordati per i quali quanto previsto nel piano \ue8 effettivamente realizzato \ue8 pari a meno di un quarto delle procedure presentate. Il recupero dei crediti assistiti da garanzia avviene in misura pressoch\ue9 integrale in tutte le tipologie di concordato, mentre per i crediti non garantiti i tassi di recupero variano sensibilmente, ma sono sistematicamente superiori rispetto alle aspettative: dal 18 per cento per i concordati liquidatori al 37 per cento per quelli in continuit\ue0 diretta (23 per cento per quelli in continuit\ue0 indiretta). Analisi di regressione mostrano che migliori performance dei concordati preventivi sono associate a un minore grado di \u201ccronicit\ue0 della crisi\u201d al momento dell\u2019apertura del concordato, misurata con il tempo trascorso dalle prime difficolt\ue0 persistenti che l\u2019impresa incontra nell\u2019adempiere agli obblighi nei confronti dei creditori bancari e l\u2019avvio della procedura. Ne segue l'importanza di anticipare il pi\uf9 possibile il momento da un lato di rilevazione della crisi (early warning), dall'altro e proprio a tale fine la rilevanza strategica degli assetti organizzativi, amministrativi e contabili adeguati, dall'altro ancora l'opportunit\ue0 che siano implementati interventi tempestivi ed utili per il turnaround. La prof.ssa Riva per il Piemonte Orientale e il prof. Danovi per l'Universit\ue0 di Bergamo, autori del presente lavoro, sono stati individualmente auditi dalla Commissione Giustizia 2 del Senato il 21.11.2018 per proporre modifiche al Codice della Crisi e dell'Insolvenza (Atto del Governo 53). Sono stati inoltre invitati a fare parte della "Commissione di studi del Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili Codice della Crisi e dell'Insolvenza" e in seno a tale organismo nuovamente auditi nel luglio 2020 alla Camera dei Deputati seconda Commissione Giustizia (Atto del Governo 175). Alla luce dei risultati ottenuti, inoltre, gli autori Riva e Danovi sono stati coinvolti attivamente nella ricerca finanziata dalla UE (European Commission JUST/2014/JCOO/AG/CIVI/7627) "Best practices in european restructuring. Contractualised distress resolution in the shadow of the law" (www.codire.eu

    Strumenti negoziali per la soluzione delle crisi d\u2019impresa: il concordato preventivo

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    Questo studio fornisce un ampio insieme dinuove evidenze empiriche sull\u2019impiego e sul funzionamento delle procedure di concordato preventivo basate su un dataset, appositamente assemblato, che costituisce lapi\uf9 ricca base informativa al momento disponibile. I concordati sono impiegati prevalentemente con finalit\ue0 liquidatoria (circa il 70 per cento dei casi). La percentuale di concordati per i quali quanto previsto nel piano \ue8 effettivamente realizzato \ue8 pari a meno di un quarto. Il recupero dei crediti assistiti da garanzia avviene in misura pressoch\ue9 integrale in tutte le tipologie di concordato, mentre per i crediti non garantiti i tassi di recupero variano sensibilmente: dal 18 per cento per i concordati liquidatori al 37 per cento per quelli in continuit\ue0 diretta (23 per cento per quelli in continuit\ue0 indiretta). Analisi di regressione mostrano che migliori performance dei concordati preventivi sono associate a un minore grado di \u201ccronicit\ue0 della crisi\u201d al momento dell\u2019apertura del concordato, misurata con il tempo trascorso dalle prime difficolt\ue0 persistenti che l\u2019impresa incontra nell\u2019adempiere agli obblighi nei confronti dei creditori bancari e l\u2019avvio della procedura

    Giustizia e letteratura II

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    The book explores and links different cultures, disciplines and perspectives, with a far more original and broad approach to the relations between “Justice” and “Literature” than more traditional works focused on “Law” and “Literature”. The many contributions from writers, literature and movie critics, psychologists, and criminal law practitioners and scholars, draw a complex and interdisciplinary path through primary texts of Italian and international literature, with the aim of prompting readers’ reflections about core issues related to law, crime, and responsibility. Through the analysis of masterpieces of literature, theatre and cinema, this book aims at stimulating dialogue and debate, as well as critical abilities and a deep-rooted sense of justice, amongst both law professionals and citizens at large. Literature and other forms of narration are presented here as a privileged key to approach long-standing questions about (amongst other) causes and consequences of crime; victimization and coping mechanisms; the role of criminal law and criminal proceedings; legalism and equity; law and ethics; the ‘time’ of justice; freedom, responsibility, culpability and forgiveness; rules, legality, socialization and culture; language and images as mediums for justice issues; the impact of prejudice and of existing balances of power on the application of the law; social and legal mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion; gender issues and legal systems; and so on. A whole section (Part V) is devoted to crimes against humanity and how the literary testimony may be understood both as a strategy to resist injustice and to seek justice, and as a way to prevent further horrors. Through this quest for justice in literature and arts, the volume proposes a wider cultural and research project which defies traditional formalistic and retributive approaches to criminal law, in order to open new perspectives for restorative and reintegrative strategies