108 research outputs found

    Exploring the Role of Interdisciplinarity in Physics: Success, Talent and Luck

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    Although interdisciplinarity is often touted as a necessity for modern research, the evidence on the relative impact of sectorial versus to interdisciplinary science is qualitative at best. In this paper we leverage the bibliographic data set of the American Physical Society to quantify the role of interdisciplinarity in physics, and that of talent and luck in achieving success in scientific careers. We analyze a period of 30 years (1980-2009) tagging papers and their authors by means of the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS), to show that some degree of interdisciplinarity is quite helpful to reach success, measured as a proxy of either the number of articles or the citations score. We also propose an agent-based model of the publication-reputation-citation dynamics reproduces the trends observed in the APS data set. On the one hand, the results highlight the crucial role of randomness and serendipity in real scientific research; on the other, they shed light on a counter-intuitive effect indicating that the most talented authors are not necessarily the most successful ones.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    The Microbiota Is Not an Organ: Introducing the Muco-Microbiotic Layer as a Novel Morphofunctional Structure

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    In this paper, we want to refute the notion that the microbiota should be considered an organ, given that an organ comprises tissue of similar or different embryological origin, while the microbiota is a pool of different microbial species originating individually from single replications and not from a common ancestral cellular element. Hence, we would like to propose a new morphological interpretation of its nature, based on the comprehensive context in which these microbes live: a muco-microbiotic layer of hollow organs, such as the airways and the bowel. The above concept should represent not only a new terminological annotation but also a more accurate portrayal of the physiology and pathophysiology of these organs. Indeed, a better understanding of the biological nature of this part of the human body can help scientists develop more specific experimental protocols, potentially leading to the establishment of better therapeutic strategies

    A Heuristic Method to Calculate the Capacity of Residential PV-BESS in Providing Upward Flexibility Services in Energy Communities

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    This paper proposes a heuristic method for calculating the capacity of a set of residential photovoltaic-battery systems in providing upward flexibility services to the grid in an energy communities framework. The proposed method has been designed to calculate the upward service capacity in a few minutes, assuming a scenario where the grid operator urgently needs an upward service in a specific area. The proposed method calculates the service capacity by exploiting the PV overgeneration and the state of charge of batteries, adopting a distributed approach. If the service capacity varies relevantly over time, a centralized approach is considered allowing the service capacity to remain constant over time. An algorithm is provided that implements the proposed heuristic method that can be easily translated into a software code and solved even in the absence of specific skills and expensive high-level computational tools, i.e. using cost-effective single-board computers. The main benefits and advantages of the proposed method are due to its applicability in real-time problems and to its simplicity which makes it easy to be translated into software code and solved even in the absence of specific skills and high-level computational tools. Therefore, it is a simple and advantageous solution, especially for small energy communities. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and algorithm, studying a set of four residential photovoltaic-battery systems and real input data. For this test case, the algorithm returns a flat service capacity of approximately 8 kW which remains perfectly constant for 1-hour. Lastly, the performance of the proposed heuristic method is compared with the solution of two optimization problems aiming at the same scope

    Separate episodes of capillary leak syndrome and pulmonary hypertension after adjuvant gemcitabine and three years later after nab-paclitaxel for metastatic disease

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    Background: Systemic capillary leak syndrome is a rare disease with a high mortality rate. This syndrome is characterised by generalised edema, hypotension, hemoconcentration, and hypoproteinemia. The cause is the sudden onset of capillary hyperpermeability with extravasations of plasma from the intravascular to the extravascular compartment. We present the case of a patient who experienced two episodes of systemic capillary leak syndrome and pulmonary hypertension; the first after gemcitabine in an adjuvant setting and the second three years later after treatment with nab-paclitaxel for metastatic disease.Case presentation: A 65-year-old patient underwent a pancreatectomy in January 2010 for ductal carcinoma (pT3 N0 M0, stage IIa), followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Seven days after the last cycle, she developed dyspnea associated with orthopnea and cough. A transthoracic cardiac ecocolordoppler was performed, with evidence of pulmonary hypertension (58 mmHg). Blood tests showed an increase in creatinine, pro-BNP and D-Dimer. She began high-dose diuretic therapy combined with cortisone. After a month, the patient was eupneic and the anasarca had resolved. We decided gradually to reduce the steroid and diuretic therapy. After ten days of the reduction, the patient began to re-present the same symptoms after treatment with gemcitabine. Corticosteroid therapy was restored with rapid clinical benefit and decreased pro-BNP after a week of treatment. After two years, the disease returned. As a first line treatment, it was decided to use nab-paclitaxel 100 mg/m2 weekly. After two doses, followed by approximately 14 days of treatment, the patient developed acute respiratory distress syndrome. The clinical suspicion was a relapse of capillary leak syndrome and treatment with a high-dose diuretic (furosemide 250 mg daily) was started combined with cortisone (40 mg methylprednisolone). The patient showed a progressive clinical benefit.Conclusions: In patients treated with gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel who experience a sudden onset of diffuse edema with respiratory distress, capillary leak syndrome should be suspected. Immediate treatment with corticosteroids may be life-saving. © 2013 Casadei Gardini et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Paraneoplastic lipase and amylase production in a patient with small-cell lung cancer: Case report

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    Background: Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is known to express antigens of both the neural crest and epithelium, and to secrete polypeptide hormones and enzymes. Anecdotal reports correlate lung cancer with marked hyperamylasemia, and a review of the literature reveals only one case of metastatic SCLC linked to high paraneoplastic lipase production. Case presentation: We present the case of a patient with metastatic SCLC who showed both lipase and pancreatic isoamylase elevation in the absence of acute pancreatitis. Chemotherapy resulted in a rapid reduction in serum lipase and in pancreatic isoamylase which was correlated with the radiological response of the tumor to therapy. Lipase and pancreatic isoamylase expression in tumor cells from the lung biopsy was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining. Conclusions: This is a very rare case of paraneoplastic syndrome linked to metastatic SCLC. The enzymes secreted could be used as markers of response to treatment until clonal selection mechanisms and intratumor heterogeneity induce changes in biochemical characteristics and consequently in tumor behavior

    Solar Energy and PV Systems in Smart Cities

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    A PV system on the rooftop is an easy and cost-effective way which allows consumers to independently meet a part of own electricity need. From an economic and financial perspective, consumers reduce the electricity bill and save money. These savings can be reinvested in actions aimed at the increase in energy efficiency, so triggering a worthy process of improvement. From a social perspective, consumers exploit renewable energy sources, so contributing to the environmental preservation by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. The opportunities described above are evidently reserved to those users who have ample space for installing a PV system; on the contrary, users who live in apartment buildings in the cities are excluded. For the latter category, smart cities may represent a solution. Indeed, smart cities can offer to all citizen the same opportunities in the pair of renewable energy source exploitation and sustainable development. As an example, citizens living in a rural area have large roofs; their existing or new PV plants can be oversized with respect to the local demand, and the overgeneration may serve citizens living in a built-up area. Although very simple, this initiative brings citizens close to each other and relevantly joins them in a process of social development..

    Rationale and design of MILES-3 and MILES-4 studies: two randomized phase III trials comparing single-agent chemotherapy versus cisplatin-based doublets in elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Platinum-based chemotherapy is the cornerstone of treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, but the efficacy of adding cisplatin to single-agent chemotherapy remains to be demonstrated in prospective phase III trials dedicated to elderly patients. Furthermore, the superiority of cisplatin/pemetrexed over cisplatin/gemcitabine in non-squamous NSCLC has not been confirmed prospectively. We present the rationale and design of two open-label, multicenter, randomized phase III trials for elderly patients with advanced NSCLC∶ Multicenter Italian Lung cancer in the Elderly Study (MILES)-3 and MILES-4. The aim is to evaluate the efficacy of adding cisplatin to single-agent chemotherapy (both trials) and the efficacy of pemetrexed versus gemcitabine in non-squamous tumors (MILES-4). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Both trials are dedicated to first-line therapy of patients older than 70 years with advanced NSCLC, ECOG performance status 0-1. In the MILES-3 trial, patients are randomized in a 1∶1 ratio to gemcitabine or cisplatin/gemcitabine. In the MILES-4 study patients with non-squamous histology are randomized, in a factorial design with 1∶1∶1∶1 ratio, to four arms: gemcitabine (A), cisplatin/gemcitabine (B), pemetrexed (C), cisplatin/pemetrexed (D). Two comparisons are planned∶ A+C vs B+D to test the role of cisplatin; A+B vs C+D to test the role of pemetrexed. Primary endpoint of both trials is overall survival. Secondary and exploratory endpoints include progression-free survival, response rate, toxicity, and quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: MILES-3 and MILES-4 results will add important evidence about the role of cisplatin-based doublets and pemetrexed in the first-line therapy of elderly patients with advanced NSCLC

    Molecular profile and its clinical impact of IDH1 mutated versus IDH1 wild type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

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    IDH1-mutated cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) are an interesting group of neoplasia with particular behavior and therapeutic implications. The aim of the present work is to highlight the differences characterizing IDH1m and IDH1wt CCAs in terms of genomic landscape. 284 patients with iCCA treated for resectable, locally advanced or metastatic disease were selected and studied with the FOUNDATION Cdx technology. A comparative genomic analysis and survival analyses for the most relevant altered genes were performed between IDH1m and IDH1wt patients. Overall, 125 patients were IDH1m and 122 IDH1wt. IDH1m patients showed higher mutation rates compared to IDH1wt in CDKN2B and lower mutation rates in several genes including TP53, FGFR2, BRCA2, ATM, MAP3K1, NOTCH2, ZNF703, CCND1, NBN, NF1, MAP3KI3, and RAD21. At the survival analysis, IDH1m and IDH1wt patients showed no statistically differences in terms of survival outcomes, but a trend in favor of IDH1wt patients was observed. Differences in prognostic values of the most common altered genes were reported. In surgical setting, in IDH1m group the presence of CDKN2A and CDKN2B mutations negatively impact DFS, whereas the presence of CDKN2A, CDKN2B, and PBRM1 mutations negatively impact OS. In advanced setting, in the IDH1m group, the presence of KRAS/NRAS and TP53 mutations negatively impact PFS, whereas the presence of TP53 and PIK3CA mutations negatively impact OS; in the IDH1wt group, only the presence of MTAP mutation negatively impact PFS, whereas the presence of TP53 mutation negatively impact OS. We highlighted several molecular differences with distinct prognostic implications between IDH1m and IDH1wt patients

    TRIPLETE: A randomised phase III study of modified FOLFOXIRI plus panitumumab versus mFOLFOX6 plus panitumumab as initial therapy for patients with unresectable RAS and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer

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    FOLFOXIRI plus bevacizumab is considered a standard option in the upfront treatment of clinically selected patients with metastatic colorectal cancer irrespective of RAS and BRAF molecular status. The randomised MACBETH and VOLFI studies showed that a modified FOLFOXIRI regimen in combination with cetuximab or panitumumab, respectively, achieved high therapeutic activity in RAS and BRAF wild-type patients with an acceptable toxicity profile. Drawing from these considerations, we designed TRIPLETE study aiming at comparing two different chemotherapy backbones (mFOLFOXIRI or mFOLFOX6) in combination with panitumumab in the first-line treatment of patients with RAS and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer. Methods This is a prospective, open-label, multicentre phase III trial in which initially unresectable and previously untreated RAS and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer patients are randomised to receive a standard treatment with mFOLFOX6 plus panitumumab or an experimental regimen with modified FOLFOXIRI (irinotecan 150 mg/m 2, oxaliplatin 85 mg/m 2, L-leucovorin 200 mg/m 2, 5-fluoruracil 2400 mg/m 2 48-hour continuous infusion) plus panitumumab up to 12 cycles, followed by panitumumab plus 5-fluorouracil and L-leucovorin until disease progression. The primary endpoint is overall response rate according to RECIST 1.1 criteria. Discussion The relative benefit of chemotherapy intensification when using an anti-EGFR-based regimen in molecularly selected patients is unknown; TRIPLETE study aims at filling this gap of knowledge. The study is sponsored by the Gruppo Oncologico Nord Ovest Cooperative Group and is currently ongoing at 42 Italian centres. Clinical trial information NCT03231722
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