155 research outputs found

    Cambios en los índices de desarrollo del aprendizaje en niños pequeños con desórdenes del espectro autista

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    The developmental rates of learning of 20 young children with autistic spectrum disorders were measured with a battery of learning, language, and adaptive behavior measures upon entry and exit from an early intervention program. These children received between 3 and 10 hours this highly structured program utilizing discrete trial teaching strategy. These final data support the hypothesis that behaviorally based early intervention can have an impact on developmental rates of learning of these young children with autism, that is both statistically and clinically significant.Se midieron los índices de desarrollo del aprendizaje en 20 niños pequeños con desórdenes del espectro autista, con una batería de pruebas objetivas de aprendizaje, lenguaje y adaptación, en un programa de intervención temprana. Estos niños recibieron entre tres y diez horas este programa altamente estructurado, con una estrategia básica de capacitación discreta por ensayo. Los datos obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de que la intervención temprana con base conductual tiene un impacto tanto clínico como estadísticamente significativo, en los índices de desarrollo de estos pequeños niños con autismo

    Cambios en los índices de desarrollo del aprendizaje en niños pequeños con desórdenes del espectro autista

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    The developmental rates of learning of 20 young children with autistic spectrum disorders were measured with a battery of learning, language, and adaptive behavior measures upon entry and exit from an early intervention program. These children received between 3 and 10 hours this highly structured program utilizing discrete trial teaching strategy. These final data support the hypothesis that behaviorally based early intervention can have an impact on developmental rates of learning of these young children with autism, that is both statistically and clinically significant.Se midieron los índices de desarrollo del aprendizaje en 20 niños pequeños con desórdenes del espectro autista, con una batería de pruebas objetivas de aprendizaje, lenguaje y adaptación, en un programa de intervención temprana. Estos niños recibieron entre tres y diez horas este programa altamente estructurado, con una estrategia básica de capacitación discreta por ensayo. Los datos obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de que la intervención temprana con base conductual tiene un impacto tanto clínico como estadísticamente significativo, en los índices de desarrollo de estos pequeños niños con autismo

    Cambios en los índices de desarrollo del aprendizaje en niños pequeños con desórdenes del espectro autista

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    The developmental rates of learning of 20 young children with autistic spectrum disorders were measured with a battery of learning, language, and adaptive behavior measures upon entry and exit from an early intervention program. These children received between 3 and 10 hours this highly structured program utilizing discrete trial teaching strategy. These final data support the hypothesis that behaviorally based early intervention can have an impact on developmental rates of learning of these young children with autism, that is both statistically and clinically significant.Se midieron los índices de desarrollo del aprendizaje en 20 niños pequeños con desórdenes del espectro autista, con una batería de pruebas objetivas de aprendizaje, lenguaje y adaptación, en un programa de intervención temprana. Estos niños recibieron entre tres y diez horas este programa altamente estructurado, con una estrategia básica de capacitación discreta por ensayo. Los datos obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de que la intervención temprana con base conductual tiene un impacto tanto clínico como estadísticamente significativo, en los índices de desarrollo de estos pequeños niños con autismo

    The protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy):A multidisciplinary attempt to unravel its age and role in the salt supply of Early States in Tyrrhenian Central Italy

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    While processes involved in the protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy) have been reconstructed in detail, the age of this industry remained uncertain since materials suited for traditional dating (14C dating on charcoal and typological dating of ceramics) were very scarce. We attempted to assess its age by radiocarbon dating organic matter and carbonates in strata that were directly linked to the industry. Microbial DNA and C isotope analyses showed that the organic matter is dominantly composed of labile organic matter, of which the age is coeval with the briquetage industry. Carbonates had a complex origin and were overall unsuited for radiocarbon dating: Shells in process residues exhibited a large, uncertain ‘marine reservoir effect’, hampering their use for dating the industry; the secondary carbonates in these residues had a quite varied composition, including much more recent carbonate that precipitated from infiltrated lateral run-off, as could be concluded from C and Sr isotope analyses. Dates found that were deemed reliable (c. 1000–100 cal BCE) show that this ancient industry, which started in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (1107–841 cal BCE), extended into the Roman Republican period and was contemporary with the saltern-based larger scale salt industry in Central Lazio

    The impact of COVID-19 on individuals with ASD in the US: Parent perspectives on social and support concerns

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    The COVID-19 pandemic’s disruptions to daily routines and services have proven especially challenging for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. The current retrospective study aimed to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic’s social environmental changes on parental ratings of personal and child concerns about family conflict, opportunities for social interaction, and loss of institutional support (school and therapy services). Analyses of responses from families with ASD in the US determined differences in concerns across three time points which were measured simultaneously: prior to COVID-19, at the start of COVID-19, and at the time of survey completion. From our sample of 246 school-aged children, parents retrospectively reported significantly increasing levels of concern for both themselves and their children over time, with parents’ personal concern levels rated consistently higher than their ratings of their child’s level of concern. Concerns about loss of institutional support were higher for parents of children reported as having co-occurring intellectual disability. Further, parents of younger children also reported more concerns about loss of services, as well as more social concerns. For parent ratings of child concerns, children who were reportedly aware of COVID-19 were determined to have higher levels of social concerns and concerns about loss of institutional support. Meanwhile, the child’s age and gender did not impact their parent ratings of child concerns. The increased level of parental and child-perceived concerns over the course of the pandemic suggests a need for improved service delivery and support for these families. The high levels of concerns observed in the current study provide support for the need to assess families’ priorities and tailor services to best meet families’ needs. This will potentially increase the quality of life of family members, and improve ASD services across the lifespan, and improve outcomes

    Old and recent multidisciplinary studies in the territory of Sezze and its surroundings

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    Following a synthesis of published archaeological investigations in the territory of Sezze by the team of the University of Groningen within the Pontine Region Project (PRP), this paper discusses the methodology and first results of two more recent fieldwork projects within the framework of the PRP, both funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): 1) the Avellino Event Project (AVP) of the universities of Groningen and Leiden that studies the distal effects of the great Bronze Age eruption of mount Vesuvius on the human environment of the Fondi and Pontine plains. 2) the Minor Centres project that studies the development of the settlements of Forum Appi and Ad Medias along the Via Appia in relation with the development of the Roman countryside. Both projects add significantly to the long term reconstruction of the human landscape in the plain south of Sezze as well as open up perspectives on further interdisciplinary work.A seguito della sintesi pubblicata sulle indagini archeologiche nel territorio di Sezze, condotte dall'Università di Groningen sotto l'egida del Progetto della Regione Pontina (PRP), questo documento discute la metodologia e i primi risultati di due progetti di ricerca sul campo più recenti nel quadro del PRP, entrambi finanziati dall'Organizzazione olandese per la ricerca scientifica (NWO): 1) l'Avellino Event Project (AVP) delle Università di Groningen e Leiden che studia gli effetti distali della grande eruzione del Vesuvio risalente all'età del bronzo sull'ambiente umano della pianura di Fondi e della pianura Pontina. 2) il progetto dei Centri Minori che studia lo sviluppo degli insediamenti di Forum Appi e Ad Medias lungo la Via Appia in relazione allo sviluppo della campagna romana. Entrambi i progetti contribuiscono in modo significativo alla ricostruzione a lungo termine del paesaggio umano nella pianura di Sezze e aprono prospettive su ulteriori lavori interdisciplinari

    Is Aboriginal Food Less Allergenic? Comparing IgE-Reactivity of Eggs from Modern and Ancient Chicken Breeds in a Cohort of Allergic Children

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    BACKGROUND: Hen's egg allergy ranks among the most frequent primary food allergies in children. We aimed to investigate sensitization profiles of egg allergic patients and compare in vitro IgE reactivities of eggs from ancient chicken breeds (Araucana and Maran) with those from conventional laying hen hybrids. METHODOLOGY: Egg allergic children (n = 25) were subjected to skin prick test, double blind placebo controlled food challenge, and sensitization profiles to Gal d 1-5 were determined by allergen microarray. IgE binding and biological activity of eggs from different chicken breeds were investigated by immunoblot, ELISA, and mediator release assays. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that Gal d 1 and Gal d 2 are generally major egg allergens, whereas Gal d 3-5 displayed high sensitization prevalence only in patients reacting to both, egg white and yolk. It seems that the onset of egg allergy is mediated by egg white allergens expanding to yolk sensitization in later stages of disease. Of note, egg white/yolk weight ratios were reduced in eggs from Auraucana and Maran chicken. As determined in IgE immunoblots and mass analysis, eggs from ancient chicken breeds did not differ in their protein composition. Similar IgE-binding was observed for all egg white preparations, while an elevated allergenicity was detected in egg yolk from Araucana chicken. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results on allergenicity and biological activity do not confirm the common assumption that aboriginal food might be less allergenic. Comprehensive diagnosis of egg allergy should distinguish between reactivity to hen's egg white and yolk fractions to avoid unnecessary dietary restrictions to improve life quality of the allergic child and its family

    Anxiety, concerns and COVID-19: Cross-country perspectives from families and individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on the mental health and well-being of children with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) and of their families worldwide. However, there is insufficient evidence to understand how different factors (e.g., individual, family, country, children) have impacted on anxiety levels of families and their children with NDCs developed over time. METHODS: We used data from a global survey assessing the experience of 8043 families and their children with NDCs (mean of age (m) = 13.18 years, 37% female) and their typically developing siblings (m = 12.9 years, 45% female) in combination with data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the University of Oxford, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook, to create a multilevel data set. Using stepwise multilevel modelling, we generated child-, family- and country-related factors that may have contributed to the anxiety levels of children with NDCs, their siblings if they had any, and their parents. All data were reported by parents. RESULTS: Our results suggest that parental anxiety was best explained by family-related factors such as concerns about COVID-19 and illness. Children’s anxiety was best explained by child-related factors such as children’s concerns about loss of routine, family conflict, and safety in general, as well as concerns about COVID-19. In addition, anxiety levels were linked to the presence of pre-existing anxiety conditions for both children with NDCs and their parents. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that across the globe there was a raise in anxiety levels for both parents and their children with NDCs because of COVID-19 and that country-level factors had little or no impact on explaining differences in this increase, once family and child factors were considered. Our findings also highlight that certain groups of children with NDCs were at higher risk for anxiety than others and had specific concerns. Together, these results show that anxiety of families and their children with NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic were predicted by very specific concerns and worries which inform the development of future toolkits and policy. Future studies should investigate how country factors can play a protective role during future crises
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