336 research outputs found

    Analysis of the biofilm proteome of Xylella fastidiosa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Xylella fastidiosa </it>is limited to the xylem of the plant host and the foregut of insect vectors (sharpshooters). The mechanism of pathogenicity of this bacterium differs from other plant pathogens, since it does not present typical genes that confer specific interactions between plant and pathogens (avr and/or hrp). The bacterium is injected directly into the xylem vessels where it adheres and colonizes. The whole process leads to the formation of biofilms, which are considered the main mechanism of pathogenicity. Cells in biofilms are metabolically and phenotypically different from their planktonic condition. The mature biofilm stage (phase of higher cell density) presents high virulence and resistance to toxic substances such as antibiotics and detergents. Here we performed proteomic analysis of proteins expressed exclusively in the mature biofilm of <it>X. fastidiosa </it>strain 9a5c, in comparison to planktonic growth condition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found a total of 456 proteins expressed in the biofilm condition, which correspond to approximately 10% of total protein in the genome. The biofilm showed 37% (or 144 proteins) different protein than we found in the planktonic growth condition. The large difference in protein pattern in the biofilm condition may be responsible for the physiological changes of the cells in the biofilm of <it>X. fastidiosa</it>. Mass spectrometry was used to identify these proteins, while real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction monitored expression of genes encoding them. Most of proteins expressed in the mature biofilm growth were associated with metabolism, adhesion, pathogenicity and stress conditions. Even though the biofilm cells in this work were not submitted to any stress condition, some stress related proteins were expressed only in the biofilm condition, suggesting that the biofilm cells would constitutively express proteins in different adverse environments.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed overexpression of proteins related to quorum sensing, proving the existence of communication between cells, and thus the development of structuring the biofilm (mature biofilm) leading to obstruction of vessels and development of disease. This paper reports a first proteomic analysis of mature biofilm of <it>X. fastidiosa</it>, opening new perspectives for understanding the biochemistry of mature biofilm growth in a plant pathogen.</p

    LaMMos - Latching Mechanism based on Motorized-screw for Reconfigurable Robots and Exoskeleton Suits

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    Reconfigurable robots refer to a category of robots that their components (individual joints and links) can be assembled in multiple configurations and geometries. Most of existing latching mechanisms are based on physical tools such as hooks, cages or magnets, which limit the payload capacity. Therefore, robots re- quire a latching mechanism which can help to reconfigure itself without sacrificing the payload capability. This paper presents a latching mechanism based on the flexible screw attaching principle. In which, actuators are used to move the robot links and joints while connecting them with a motorized-screw and dis- connecting them by unfastening the screw. The brackets used in our mechanism configuration helps to hold maximum force up to 5000N. The LaMMos - Latching Mechanism based on Motorized- screw has been applied to the DeWaLoP - Developing Water Loss Prevention in-pipe robot. It helps the robot to shrink its body to crawl into the pipe with minimum diameter, by recon- figuring the leg positions. And it helps to recover the legs positions to original status once the robot is inside the pipe. Also, LaMMos add stiffness to the robot legs by dynamically integrate them to the structure. Additionally, we present an application of the LaMMos mechanism to exoskeleton suits, for easing the mo- tors from the joints when carrying heavy weights for long periods of time. This mechanism offers many interesting opportunities for robotics research in terms of functionality, pay- load and size.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Clinical and molecular genetic features of pulmonary hypertension in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

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    BACKGROUND: Most patients with familial primary pulmonary hypertension have defects in the gene for bone morphogenetic protein receptor II (BMPR2), a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of receptors. Because patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia may have lung disease that is indistinguishable from primary pulmonary hypertension, we investigated the genetic basis of lung disease in these patients. METHODS: We evaluated members of five kindreds plus one individual patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and identified 10 cases of pulmonary hypertension. In the two largest families, we used microsatellite markers to test for linkage to genes encoding TGF-beta-receptor proteins, including endoglin and activin-receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK1), and BMPR2. In subjects with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary hypertension, we also scanned ALK1 and BMPR2 for mutations. RESULTS: We identified suggestive linkage of pulmonary hypertension with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia on chromosome 12q13, a region that includes ALK1. We identified amino acid changes in activin-receptor-like kinase 1 that were inherited in subjects who had a disorder with clinical and histologic features indistinguishable from those of primary pulmonary hypertension. Immunohistochemical analysis in four subjects and one control showed pulmonary vascular endothelial expression of activin-receptor-like kinase 1 in normal and diseased pulmonary arteries. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary hypertension in association with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia can involve mutations in ALK1. These mutations are associated with diverse effects, including the vascular dilatation characteristic of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and the occlusion of small pulmonary arteries that is typical of primary pulmonary hypertension


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    O Programa de Extensão Cuidado e Atenção à Criança e Adolescente em Tratamento Oncológico - CAACTO, tem como objetivo promover a atenção integral à saúde das crianças e adolescentes em tratamento no Centro de Tratamento à Criança e ao Adolescente com Câncer –CTCriaC do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria –HUSM, bem como a seus cuidadores e familiares na perspectiva da Política Nacional de Humanização da assistência em saúde. Entre as diversas atividades realizadas, apresentamos a Visita Guiada, que consiste um passeio pelos serviços hospitalares que prestam serviços a esses usuários. Tem como objetivo levar ao conhecimento dos pacientes e familiares o universo de pessoas e processos envolvidos no tratamento, bem como permitir que os profissionais conheçam os usuários para os quais prestam seus serviços. Partimos do pressuposto que as trocas estabelecidas contribuam para desmistificar a hospitalização, dirimir medos e ansiedade, compreender o universo de pessoas e processos envolvidos no tratamento, levando à humanização do tratamento. A dinâmica da atividade consiste em articulações e planejamento com os profissionais dos diversos setores envolvidos; seleção dos usuários elegíveis para a visita pelo médico de plantão e equipe de enfermagem, priorizando aqueles em primeira internação; organização do roteiro de visita; conversa com usuários e familiares sobre os critérios e cuidados durante a visita. Fazem parte do roteiro: Hemoterapia, Lavanderia e Sala de Costura, Farmácia Hospitalar, Nutrição e Dietética. Como resultados positivos pode-se contabilizar a humanização das relações estabelecidas entre pacientes, familiares, acadêmicos e profissionais do serviço. Valorização dos profissionais e dos serviços prestados, sensibilização dos profissionais diante das pessoas a quem atende; compreensão, por parte dos usuários e familiares, do contexto hospitalar e do tratamento; formação humanizada e interdisciplinar dos acadêmicos envolvidos

    KIAA1549: BRAF gene fusion and FGFR1 hotspot mutations are prognostic factors in pilocytic astrocytomas

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    Up to 20% of patients with pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) experience a poor outcome. BRAF alterations and Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) point mutations are key molecular alterations in Pas, but their clinical implications are not established. We aimed to determine the frequency and prognostic role of these alterations in a cohort of 69 patients with PAs. We assessed KIAA1549:BRAF fusion by fluorescence in situ hybridization and BRAF (exon 15) mutations by capillary sequencing. In addition, FGFR1 expression was analyzed using immunohistochemistry, and this was compared with gene amplification and hotspot mutations (exons 12 and 14) assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and capillary sequencing. KIAA1549:BRAF fusion was identified in almost 60% of cases. Two tumors harbored mutated BRAF. Despite high FGFR1 expression overall, no cases had FGFR1 amplifications. Three cases harbored a FGFR1 p.K656E point mutation. No correlation was observed between BRAF and FGFR1 alterations. The cases were predominantly pediatric (87%), and no statistical differences were observed in molecular alterations-related patient ages. In summary, we confirmed the high frequency of KIAA1549:BRAF fusion in PAs and its association with a better outcome. Oncogenic mutations of FGFR1, although rare, occurred in a subset of patients with worse outcome. These molecular alterations may constitute alternative targets for novel clinical approaches, when radical surgical resection is unachievable.This study was partially supported by CNPq/Universal (475358/2011-2), and FAPESP (2012/19590-0) grants to RMR and to the NIH- P30CA046934 (CCSG Molecular Pathology/Cytogenetics) to MVG and DL

    Fighting Misconceptions to Improve Compliance with Influenza Vaccination among Health Care Workers: An Educational Project

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    The compliance with influenza vaccination is poor among health care workers (HCWs) due to misconceptions about safety and effectiveness of influenza vaccine. We proposed an educational prospective study to demonstrate to HCWs that influenza vaccine is safe and that other respiratory viruses (RV) are the cause of respiratory symptoms in the months following influenza vaccination. 398 HCWs were surveyed for adverse events (AE) occurring within 48 h of vaccination. AE were reported by 30% of the HCWs. No severe AE was observed. A subset of 337 HCWs was followed up during four months, twice a week, for the detection of respiratory symptoms. RV was diagnosed by direct immunofluorescent assay (DFA) and real time PCR in symptomatic HCWs. Influenza A was detected in five episodes of respiratory symptoms (5.3%) and other RV in 26 (27.9%) episodes. The incidence density of influenza and other RV was 4.3 and 10.8 episodes per 100 HCW-month, respectively. The educational nature of the present study may persuade HCWs to develop a more positive attitude to influenza vaccination

    A new species of Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) from the northern portion of the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil

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    Abstract Brachycephalus is a genus of small ground-dwelling anurans, endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Recent molecular analyses have corroborated the monophyly of three species groups within this genus (B. ephippium, B. ephippium, and B. ephippium). In the meantime, the genus has been targeted as a group with recent taxonomic issues owing to its interspecific morphological similarity and genetic conservatism. Herein, we describe a new species of Brachycephalus from the northern portion of Serra do Mar mountain range, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It belongs to the B. ephippium species group, exhibiting moderate hyperossification of the skull and vertebral column. The new species can be distinguished from all other congeners based on morphological, acoustic, and molecular data. Furthermore, we provide information on osteology and natural history of the new species

    Proposta de treinamento para os coordenadores de merchandising / Training proposal for training coordinators merchandising

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    Esse estudo refere-se à necessidade de treinamento e qualificação de seus profissionais, visando a importância do mesmo na organização. Em contribuição  para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, verificou-se, por meio de entrevista com o gerente da empresa CBN Distribuição e Logística, a necessidade de treinamento para os coordenadores do setor de merchandising. O objetivo foi propor treinamento para os coordenadores de merchandising, identificando o perfil profissional, para desenvolver uma proposta de treinamento e sugerir um modelo de capacitação para liderança. O método de pesquisa é exploratória e qualitativa. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário misto, composto por 19 questões fechadas e  uma aberta, aplicado por via sistema integrado, para 53 promotores da organização. Com o treinamento os coordenadores estarão capacitados para exercerem seus cargos com mais atitude, melhorando seu desempenho e o trabalho em equipe. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa, conclui-se que os resultados apresentados foram, em  média, positivos, porém nota-se que 40% dos participantes da pesquisa apresentam insatisfação em relação aos seus coordenadores, pois há alguns aspectos a serem melhorados, como, por exemplo, trabalho em equipe