165 research outputs found

    Biology of metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    : In the past ten years we have made exceptional progresses in the understanding of RCC biology, particularly by recognizing the crucial pathogenetic role of activation of the HIF/VEGF and mTOR pathways. This has resulted in the successful clinical development of anti-angiogenic and mTOR-targeted drugs, which have profoundly impacted on the natural history of the disease and have improved the duration and quality of RCC patient lives. However, further improvements are still greatly needed: 1) even in patients who obtain striking clinical responses early in the course of treatment, disease will ultimately escape control and progress to a treatment-resistant state, leading to therapeutic failure; 2) prolonged disease control usually requires 'continuous' treatment, even across different treatment lines, making the impact of chronic, low-grade, toxicities on quality of life greater and precluding, for most patients, the possibility of experiencing 'drug-free holidays'; 3) although we have successfully identified classes of drugs (or molecular mechanisms of action) that are effective in a substantial proportion of patients, we still fall short of molecular predictive factors that identify individual patients who will (or will not) benefit from a specific intervention and still proceed on a trial-and-error basis, far from a truly 'personalized' therapeutic approach; 4) finally (and perhaps most importantly), even in the best case scenario, currently available treatments inevitably fail to definitively 'cure' metastatic RCC patients. In this review we briefly summarize recent developments in the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of RCC, the development of resistance/escape mechanisms, the rationale for sequencing agents with different mechanisms of action, and the importance of host-related factors. Unraveling the complex mechanisms by which RCC shapes host microenvironment and immune response and therapeutic treatments, in turn, shape both cancer cell biology and tumor-host interactions may hold the key to future advances in such a complex and challenging disease

    Biology of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    In the past ten years we have made exceptional progresses in the understanding of RCC biology, particularly by recognizing the crucial pathogenetic role of activation of the HIF/VEGF and mTOR pathways. This has resulted in the successful clinical development of anti-angiogenic and mTOR-targeted drugs, which have profoundly impacted on the natural history of the disease and have improved the duration and quality of RCC patient lives. However, further improvements are still greatly needed: 1) even in patients who obtain striking clinical responses early in the course of treatment, disease will ultimately escape control and progress to a treatment-resistant state, leading to therapeutic failure; 2) prolonged disease control usually requires 'continuous' treatment, even across different treatment lines, making the impact of chronic, low-grade, toxicities on quality of life greater and precluding, for most patients, the possibility of experiencing 'drug-free holidays'; 3) although we have successfully identified classes of drugs (or molecular mechanisms of action) that are effective in a substantial proportion of patients, we still fall short of molecular predictive factors that identify individual patients who will (or will not) benefit from a specific intervention and still proceed on a trial-and-error basis, far from a truly 'personalized' therapeutic approach; 4) finally (and perhaps most importantly), even in the best case scenario, currently available treatments inevitably fail to definitively 'cure' metastatic RCC patients. In this review we briefly summarize recent developments in the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of RCC, the development of resistance/escape mechanisms, the rationale for sequencing agents with different mechanisms of action, and the importance of host-related factors. Unraveling the complex mechanisms by which RCC shapes host microenvironment and immune response and therapeutic treatments, in turn, shape both cancer cell biology and tumor-host interactions may hold the key to future advances in such a complex and challenging disease

    Flesh qualitative traits of tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna L.), a promising species candidate for aquaculture, captured in the middle Adriatic Sea in different seasons

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    The quality traits of the fillets from tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna L.) fished in the mid-Adriatic Sea were investigated. Forty fishes per season were sampled to evaluate the proximate composition, cholesterol content and fatty acid profile of fillets. Seasons significantly affected the quality traits of flesh. The protein content ranged from 19.39% in winter to 19.67% in summer, without significant differences. Lipid content was notably higher in spring (2.28%) and summer (2.32%), compared to autumn (1.72%) and winter (1.31%). Energy content was significantly higher in spring (416.45 kJ/100 g) and summer (417.97 kJ/100 g) compared to autumn (391.35 kJ/100 g) and winter (372.79 kJ/100 g). Saturated fatty acid content was highest in spring (35.88%), whereas monounsaturated acid content was not influenced by season. The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content exceeded 37% of total fatty acid content during summer. The n-6/n-3 ratio remained favourably low across all seasons (from 0.16 to 0.18), with a slight significant increase in autumn (0.31). In conclusion, this study indicates that the flesh of tub gurnard has high nutritional value year-round, with the best results (in terms of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) being obtained in summer

    MISSEL: a method to identify a large number of small species-specific genomic subsequences and its application to viruses classification

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    Continuous improvements in next generation sequencing technologies led to ever-increasing collections of genomic sequences, which have not been easily characterized by biologists, and whose analysis requires huge computational effort. The classification of species emerged as one of the main applications of DNA analysis and has been addressed with several approaches, e.g., multiple alignments-, phylogenetic trees-, statistical- and character-based methods

    Pre-growing of cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas)in the central Adriatic sea using devices in open sea.

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    in Adriatic Sea shellfish acquaculture is based on mussels in long line system. Even if oyster have to be considered a high value productif comparated to mussels, this acquaculture pratices whit can be successfully achieved in the same system. The present trial aimed to asses the possibility to perform in open sea condition

    Tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucerna L.: a new fish species suitable for farming? First answers evaluating the growth of juveniles reared at different stocking densities, welfare and fillet quality

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    A trial was conducted to evaluate the growth performance and survival of Chelidonichthys lucerna. A total of 13 352 180-days old juveniles (5.5 ± 2 g; 5 ± 1 cm) were reared at two different densities (A-EXP = 68 fish m−3; B-FFA = 15 fish m−3) in eight tanks (four tanks per group) for 360 days. The welfare status and meat quality of fish were evaluated for the A-EXP and B-FFA groups in comparison with wild-caught fishery gurnard (C-WID). The survival rate was high for both A-EXP (79%) and B-FFA (93.5%). B-FFA fish had the highest specific growth rate (1.16 vs. 1.07; P < 0.05), and were heavier than A-EXP fish (321 ± 40 g vs .239 ± 44 g; P < 0.01). Rearing conditions did not affect blood metabolites, except for glucose concentrations, which were higher in C-WID (P < 0.05). The meat quality traits showed that reared groups were fatter (2.8–3.2%) than C-WID (0.94%); total n-3 fatty acids (19.02–19.26%) were lower in reared groups than C-WID (29.99%); and EPA + DHA were similar in all groups (15.1–16.61% vs. 27.99%). Despite the good growth and survival, the final mean weight was below that requested by the market (400–500 g). Future research efforts should focus on reducing the feed conversion rate (3:1)

    Sterol and Mineral Profiles of the Common Sea Snail Hinia Reticulata and the Long Sea Snail Nassarius Mutabilis (Gastropods) Collected from the Middle Adriatic Sea

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    Sea snails represent a common food in the world as a source of sterols, such as cholesterol and phytosterol, and minerals. Sterols play important roles in body functions and also minerals are important for human health, so the intake of these nutrients into human diets should be known. The aim of this study was to examine the sterol and mineral profiles of the long (Hinia reticulata) and the common (Nassarius mutabilis) sea snails. Samples of both species were collected at different catch times from November 2019 to March 2020 and transported to the University of Camerino (UNICAM) for the evaluation of their sterol and mineral profiles, including toxic elements (Cd, Cr, Pb). The results of the study showed that the average content of total lipid were 57 mg/100 g, 38 mg/100 g for cholesterol and 19 mg/100 g for phytosterol in the long sea snail, and the values were respectively 68, 48, and 20 mg/100 g in the common sea snail, without significant differences in the two examined sea snails. Additionally, the result of the mineral analysis showed that both species were significant sources of minerals, with negligible levels of toxic metals and metalloids. Therefore, the Long and the Common sea snail are suitable and safety sea products for human nutrition
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