11 research outputs found

    Strategi Penanganan Sengketa Tanah Studi Kasus : PT. Musim Mas dengan Warga Dusun Tambun Kelurahan Pangkalan Lesung Kecamatan Pangkalan Lesung Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2011-2013

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    Almost all aspects of yhe land will be triggeredand become a source of disputes such as problems with the boundaries of the land even a matter of dispute always synonymous with a dispute between the comunity and the company, such as then right to cultivate companies that exceed the permit Villagers Dusun Tambun with the students have done many demonstrations to government Pelalawan with the demands of freeing their hometown of status rights ofexploitation PT. Musim Mas, and demanded the government to review the district pelalawan to review the license right to cultivate PT. Musim Mas.The resultsof this study can show what the cause of land disputes PT. Musim Mas season wit Dusun Tambun fat and strategies Pelalawan local government in dealing with land disputes betweem PT. Musim Mas seasin with Dusun Tambun chubby dimples base villge. Regent decision KPTS number 140/pem/2012/31 to handle land disputes between PT. Musim Mas season with Dusun Tambun villagers fat. This is a strategic step taken by the government of the regency. Dispute relsolution team is formed with the task of addressing immediate dispute between PT. Musim Mas seasons with Dusun Tambun villagers fat.In this study the authors used qualitative methods, the data obtained and the data obtained are generally qualitative. this qualitative method attempts to understand and interpret the meaning of human interaction or human behavior in perspective according to the meaning of his own research. The results obtained are the steps Pelalawan strategy of government in resolving the dispute, with the formation of a team wich dispute that occur in the mortar between the base village PT. Muism Mas season Dusun Tambun villagers fat.Key Words : Strategy, Handling Dispute

    El CĂłdigo Civil Chileno y sus Reformas

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    El CĂłdigo Civil Chileno fue promulgado el 14 de diciembre de 1955, siendo Presidente de la RepĂşblica don Manuel Montt. EmpezĂł a regir el 19 de enero de 1857

    Forage Consumption and Its Effects on the Performance of Growing Swine-Discussed in Relation to European Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.) in Semi-Extensive Systems: A Review

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    Due to its distinct properties, wild boar meat is considered a highly desirable consumer product, in a market that is expanding. Outdoor production is also favoured by consumers who value animal welfare and environmental sustainability when choosing meat products. There is evidence that farms that include pasture for grazing typically have reduced feeding costs. Such production systems can also be more environmentally sustainable as the input (pasture) is inedible to humans, compared to conventional indoor systems, which use human-edible feeds (e.g., soya). However, some wild boar farms have performed poorly compared to those rearing other swine such as hybrid wild boar and domestic pigs. Diet is central to all livestock production and is likely a significant influencing factor of wild boar performance, both in terms of forage consumption and nutritional composition. Other factors may also influence performance, such as weather, behaviour and grazing management. Wild boar production systems hold their own intrinsic value in a growing marketplace. However, information gathered through the study of wild boar has external applications in informing outdoor domestic pig production systems to encourage the use of pasture as part of the habitat of domestic pigs

    Oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy in cystic fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis is a lethal autosomal recessive condition caused by a defect of the transmembrane conductance regulator gene that has a key role in cell homeostasis. A dysfunctional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator impairs the efflux of cell anions such as chloride and bicarbonate, and also that of other solutes such as reduced glutathione. This defect produces an increased viscosity of secretions together with other metabolic defects of epithelia that ultimately promote the obstruction and fibrosis of organs. Recurrent pulmonary infections and respiratory dysfunction are main clinical consequences of these pathogenetic events, followed by pancreatic and liver insufficiency, diabetes, protein-energy malnutrition, etc. This complex comorbidity is associated with the extensive injury of different biomolecular targets by reactive oxygen species, which is the biochemical hallmark of oxidative stress. These biological lesions are particularly pronounced in the lung, in which the extent of oxidative markers parallels that of inflammatory markers between chronic events and acute exacerbations along the progression of the disease. Herein, an abnormal flux of reactive oxygen species is present by the sustained activation of neutrophils and other cystic fibrosis-derived defects in the homeostatic processes of pulmonary epithelia and lining fluids. A sub-optimal antioxidant protection is believed to represent a main contributor to oxidative stress and to the poor control of immuno-inflammatory pathways in these patients. Observed defects include an impaired reduced glutathione metabolism and lowered intake and absorption of fat-soluble antioxidants (vitamin E, carotenoids, coenzyme Q-10, some polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.) and oligoelements (such as Se, Cu and Zn) that are involved in reactive oxygen species detoxification by means of enzymatic defenses. Oral supplements and aerosolized formulations of thiols have been used in the antioxidant therapy of this inherited disease with the main aim of reducing the extent of oxidative lesions and the rate of lung deterioration. Despite positive effects on laboratory end points, poor evidence was obtained on the side of clinical outcome so far. These aspects examined in this critical review of the literature clearly suggest that further and more rigorous trials are needed together with new generations of pharmacological tools to a more effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy of cystic fibrosis patients. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Antioxidants and Antioxidant Treatment in Disease