22 research outputs found

    Суммарный расход топлива малооборотным двигателем судна с кайтом

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    Шостак, В. П. Суммарный расход топлива малооборотным двигателем судна с кайтом = The total fuel consumption vessel with low-speed engine and kite / В. П. Шостак, А. И. Кисарова // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2016. – № 2 (464). – C. 26–33.Представлена методика розрахунку витрати палива на головний двигун транспортного судна з кайтом. Ця витрата – сума витрат на ділянках рейсової лінії з умовно сталою погодою; при сприятливому вітрі в роботу включається кайт, знижуючи навантаження і витрату палива. Оскільки погода мінлива, то розрахунок проводиться по всіх рейсах за життєвий цикл судна. Наведено розрахункові дані витрати палива для двигуна 6S50ME стосовно до танкера типу "Дмитрий Медведев" з кайтом на ділянці рейсу в Атлантиці.The calculation method for determination of fuel consumption for main engine for a life cycle of a transport ship with a kite – in the deterministic setting – has been considered. This fuel consumption – the amount of consumptions in certain sector on regular ship line with conditionally constant weather; in some sectors with a favorable wind, the kite starts work, reducing the load and fuel consumption of the main engine. Conditionally constant weather predetermines a constant load on the main engine and therefore constant fuel consumption. Such weather can last a different time, which is on stochastic depending on wind speed and World ocean areas. As the weather is changeable, so the calculation is performed on all voyages over the ship’s life cycle. The fuel consumption estimated data for the low-speed engine 6S50ME applied to the tanker "Dmitry Medvedev" type with a kite on a sector of regular ship line in the North Atlantic are consider. Paid attention that the fuel consumption for the ship’s life cycle stipulates use the method of statistical modeling.Представлена методика расчета расхода топлива на главный двигатель транспортного судна с кайтом. Этот расход – сумма расходов на участках рейсовой линии с условно постоянной погодой; при благоприятном ветре в работу включается кайт, снижая нагрузку и расход топлива. Поскольку погода изменчива, то расчет производится по всем рейсам за жизненный цикл судна. Приведены расчетные данные расхода топлива для двигателя 6S50ME применительно к танкеру типа "Дмитрий Медведев" с кайтом на участке рейса в Атлантике

    Age-dependent human beta cell proliferation induced by glucagon-like peptide 1 and calcineurin signaling

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    Inadequate pancreatic beta cell function underlies type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Strategies to expand functional cells have focused on discovering and controlling mechanisms that limit the proliferation of human beta cells. Here, we developed an engraftment strategy to examine age-associated human islet cell replication competence and reveal mechanisms underlying age-dependent decline of beta cell proliferation in human islets. We found that exendin-4 (Ex-4), an agonist of the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R), stimulates human beta cell proliferation in juvenile but not adult islets. This age-dependent responsiveness does not reflect loss of GLP-1R signaling in adult islets, since Ex-4 treatment stimulated insulin secretion by both juvenile and adult human beta cells. We show that the mitogenic effect of Ex-4 requires calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) signaling. In juvenile islets, Ex-4 induced expression of calcineurin/NFAT signaling components as well as target genes for proliferation-promoting factors, including NFATC1, FOXM1, and CCNA1. By contrast, expression of these factors in adult islet beta cells was not affected by Ex-4 exposure. These studies reveal age-dependent signaling mechanisms regulating human beta cell proliferation, and identify elements that could be adapted for therapeutic expansion of human beta cells

    PLD3 is a neuronal lysosomal phospholipase D associated with β-amyloid plaques and cognitive function in Alzheimer\u27s disease.

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    Phospholipase D3 (PLD3) is a protein of unclear function that structurally resembles other members of the phospholipase D superfamily. A coding variant in this gene confers increased risk for the development of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), although the magnitude of this effect has been controversial. Because of the potential significance of this obscure protein, we undertook a study to observe its distribution in normal human brain and AD-affected brain, determine whether PLD3 is relevant to memory and cognition in sporadic AD, and to evaluate its molecular function. In human neuropathological samples, PLD3 was primarily found within neurons and colocalized with lysosome markers (LAMP2, progranulin, and cathepsins D and B). This colocalization was also present in AD brain with prominent enrichment on lysosomal accumulations within dystrophic neurites surrounding β-amyloid plaques. This pattern of protein distribution was conserved in mouse brain in wild type and the 5xFAD mouse model of cerebral β-amyloidosis. We discovered PLD3 has phospholipase D activity in lysosomes. A coding variant in PLD3 reported to confer AD risk significantly reduced enzymatic activity compared to wild-type PLD3. PLD3 mRNA levels in the human pre-frontal cortex inversely correlated with β-amyloid pathology severity and rate of cognitive decline in 531 participants enrolled in the Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project. PLD3 levels across genetically diverse BXD mouse strains and strains crossed with 5xFAD mice correlated strongly with learning and memory performance in a fear conditioning task. In summary, this study identified a new functional mammalian phospholipase D isoform which is lysosomal and closely associated with both β-amyloid pathology and cognition

    Інструментарій прогнозування та оптимізації параметра налаштування малообертового двигуна при проектуванні судна з кайтом

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    The developed simulation (stochastic) mathematical model for calculating fuel consumption of the main low-speed engine of a transport ship with a kite is proposed. The peculiarity of the model is the use of a number of initial probabilistic quantities such as wave height, wind speed, in the form of inverse integral distribution functions of their values. This makes it possible, using a generator of uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers, to compute the arrays of possible values of the total fuel consumption of the main engine for the entire future operation and to determine the expected value of consumption. Such a simulation model with a pseudo-random number generator serves as a tool for comparing the fuel consumption of the alternative main engines, differing in the value of the “internal combustion engine – turbocharger” matching parameter. The minimum value of the total fuel consumption corresponds to the optimum value of the matching parameter.Due to the simulation mathematical model, the influence of the “internal combustion engine – turbocharger” matching parameter on the total fuel consumption for the 25-year operation period of the tanker with a deadweight of 26,470 t is investigated with the help of a computer. Its propulsion is provided by the 6S50ME-C7 engine and SkySails 640 m2 kite switched if the winds are favorable. It is found that the optimum matching parameter corresponds to a point on the propeller curve of the engine with a load coordinate of 60.5 % of the rated value. This refers to a round transatlantic voyage in the Northern Atlantic, mainly in temperate latitudes, with prevailing westerlies and northeast trade winds. Fuel economy in the liner shipping at speeds of about 13.5 knots for these conditions due to the use of the kite is 21 %, from the optimization of the mentioned parameter 3.4 % and in general 24.4 %. At the price of fuel for ship diesel engines of USD 322/ton, the expected value of fuel consumption reduction for the medium-range tanker for the specified period is USD 2,029.000 or USD 81,000/year.Исследуется влияние параметра согласования «двигатель внутреннего сгорания – турбокомпрессор» на расход топлива за срок службы судна с помощью имитационной математической модели. Установлено, что для танкера с двигателем 6S50ME-C7 и кайтом площадью 640 м2 оптимальный параметр соответствует точке согласования на винтовой характеристике двигателя с координатой по нагрузке 60,5 % от номинальной. Экономия топлива от оптимизации на стадии проектирования судна составит за срок эксплуатации на рейсовой линии в Северной Атлантике около 3 %Досліджується вплив параметра узгодження «двигун внутрішнього згоряння – турбокомпресор» на витрату палива за строк служби судна за допомогою імітаційної математичної моделі. Встановлено, що для танкера з двигуном 6S50ME-C7 і кайтом 640 м2 оптимальний параметр відповідає точці узгодження на гвинтовій характеристиці двигуна з координатою по навантаженню 60,5 % від номінального. Економія палива від оптимізації на стадії проектування судна становитиме за строк експлуатації на рейсовій лінії в Північній Атлантиці близько 3

    Інструментарій прогнозування та оптимізації параметра налаштування малообертового двигуна при проектуванні судна з кайтом

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    The developed simulation (stochastic) mathematical model for calculating fuel consumption of the main low-speed engine of a transport ship with a kite is proposed. The peculiarity of the model is the use of a number of initial probabilistic quantities such as wave height, wind speed, in the form of inverse integral distribution functions of their values. This makes it possible, using a generator of uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers, to compute the arrays of possible values of the total fuel consumption of the main engine for the entire future operation and to determine the expected value of consumption. Such a simulation model with a pseudo-random number generator serves as a tool for comparing the fuel consumption of the alternative main engines, differing in the value of the “internal combustion engine – turbocharger” matching parameter. The minimum value of the total fuel consumption corresponds to the optimum value of the matching parameter.Due to the simulation mathematical model, the influence of the “internal combustion engine – turbocharger” matching parameter on the total fuel consumption for the 25-year operation period of the tanker with a deadweight of 26,470 t is investigated with the help of a computer. Its propulsion is provided by the 6S50ME-C7 engine and SkySails 640 m2 kite switched if the winds are favorable. It is found that the optimum matching parameter corresponds to a point on the propeller curve of the engine with a load coordinate of 60.5 % of the rated value. This refers to a round transatlantic voyage in the Northern Atlantic, mainly in temperate latitudes, with prevailing westerlies and northeast trade winds. Fuel economy in the liner shipping at speeds of about 13.5 knots for these conditions due to the use of the kite is 21 %, from the optimization of the mentioned parameter 3.4 % and in general 24.4 %. At the price of fuel for ship diesel engines of USD 322/ton, the expected value of fuel consumption reduction for the medium-range tanker for the specified period is USD 2,029.000 or USD 81,000/year.Исследуется влияние параметра согласования «двигатель внутреннего сгорания – турбокомпрессор» на расход топлива за срок службы судна с помощью имитационной математической модели. Установлено, что для танкера с двигателем 6S50ME-C7 и кайтом площадью 640 м2 оптимальный параметр соответствует точке согласования на винтовой характеристике двигателя с координатой по нагрузке 60,5 % от номинальной. Экономия топлива от оптимизации на стадии проектирования судна составит за срок эксплуатации на рейсовой линии в Северной Атлантике около 3 %Досліджується вплив параметра узгодження «двигун внутрішнього згоряння – турбокомпресор» на витрату палива за строк служби судна за допомогою імітаційної математичної моделі. Встановлено, що для танкера з двигуном 6S50ME-C7 і кайтом 640 м2 оптимальний параметр відповідає точці узгодження на гвинтовій характеристиці двигуна з координатою по навантаженню 60,5 % від номінального. Економія палива від оптимізації на стадії проектування судна становитиме за строк експлуатації на рейсовій лінії в Північній Атлантиці близько 3

    Tools for Forecasting and Optimizing the Tuning Parameter of the Low­speed Engine for Designing a Ship with the Kite

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    The developed simulation (stochastic) mathematical model for calculating fuel consumption of the main low-speed engine of a transport ship with a kite is proposed. The peculiarity of the model is the use of a number of initial probabilistic quantities such as wave height, wind speed, in the form of inverse integral distribution functions of their values. This makes it possible, using a generator of uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers, to compute the arrays of possible values of the total fuel consumption of the main engine for the entire future operation and to determine the expected value of consumption. Such a simulation model with a pseudo-random number generator serves as a tool for comparing the fuel consumption of the alternative main engines, differing in the value of the “internal combustion engine – turbocharger” matching parameter. The minimum value of the total fuel consumption corresponds to the optimum value of the matching parameter.Due to the simulation mathematical model, the influence of the “internal combustion engine – turbocharger” matching parameter on the total fuel consumption for the 25-year operation period of the tanker with a deadweight of 26,470 t is investigated with the help of a computer. Its propulsion is provided by the 6S50ME-C7 engine and SkySails 640 m2 kite switched if the winds are favorable. It is found that the optimum matching parameter corresponds to a point on the propeller curve of the engine with a load coordinate of 60.5 % of the rated value. This refers to a round transatlantic voyage in the Northern Atlantic, mainly in temperate latitudes, with prevailing westerlies and northeast trade winds. Fuel economy in the liner shipping at speeds of about 13.5 knots for these conditions due to the use of the kite is 21 %, from the optimization of the mentioned parameter 3.4 % and in general 24.4 %. At the price of fuel for ship diesel engines of USD 322/ton, the expected value of fuel consumption reduction for the medium-range tanker for the specified period is USD 2,029.000 or USD 81,000/year

    Сумарна витрата палива малооборотним двигуном судна з кайтом

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    The calculation method for determination of fuel consumption for main engine for a life cycle of a transport ship with a kite — in the deterministic setting — has been considered. This fuel consumption — the amount of consumptions in certain sector on regular ship line with conditionally constant weather; in some sectors with a favorable wind, the kite starts work, reducing the load and fuel consumption of the main engine. Conditionally constant weather predetermines a constant load on the main engine and therefore constant fuel consumption. Such weather can last a different time, which is on stochastic depending on wind speed and World ocean areas. As the weather is changeable, so the calculation is performed on all voyages over the ship’s life cycle. The fuel consumption estimated data for the low-speed engine 6S50ME applied to the tanker «Dmitry Medvedev» type with a kite on a sector of regular ship line in the North Atlantic are consider. Paid attention that the fuel consumption for the ship’s life cycle stipulates use the method of statistical modeling.Представлена методика расчета расхода топлива на главный двигатель транспортного судна с кайтом. Этот расход — сумма расходов на участках рейсовой линии с условно постоянной погодой; при благоприятном ветре в работу включается кайт, снижая нагрузку и расход топлива. Поскольку погода изменчива, то расчет производится по всем рейсам за жизненный цикл судна. Приведены расчетные данные расхода топлива для двигателя 6S50ME применительно к танкеру типа «Дмитрий Медведев» с кайтом на участке рейса в Атлантике.Представлена методика розрахунку витрати палива на головний двигун транспортного судна з кайтом. Ця витрата — сума витрат на ділянках рейсової лінії з умовно сталою погодою; при сприятливому вітрі в роботу включається кайт, знижуючи навантаження і витрату палива. Оскільки погода мінлива, то розрахунок проводиться по всіх рейсах за життєвий цикл судна. Наведено розрахункові дані витрати палива для двигуна 6S50ME стосовно до танкера типу «Дмитрий Медведев» з кайтом на ділянці рейсу в Атлантиці