137 research outputs found


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    Di dalam sebuah negara, pendidikan memang sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Karena hal itu, saya berinisiatif untuk mengadakan pembelajaran bagi anak-anak yang tinggal di desa yang masih minim dengan kesadaran akan pendidikan. Hal ini saya lakukan sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang saya lakukan ini ditujukan bagi anak-anak yang berusia antara 5-7 tahun. Dari pembelajaran yang saya lakukan, terdapat beberapa hasil yang cukup memuaskan. Yaitu: 1) siswa mengikuti setiap kegiatan dan hadir dalam pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Hal ini, menjadi indikator bahwa siswa memiliki minat yang baik untuk mengikuti pembelajaran; 2) siswa bisa menulis dengan baik dan benar, meski beberapa kali mengalami kesalahan pada awalnya. Siswa juga bisa mengerjakan soal berhitung sederhana dengan baik dan benar; 3) siswa mampu membuat dan menyusun kalimat sederhana dengan baik, selain itu siswa juga mampu membuat susunan angka puluhan maupun ratusan

    Prenylated Flavin-dependent decarboxylases: Structure-guided engineering and synthetic applicability

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    The recently discovered prenylated flavin (prFMN) cofactor is utilised by UbiD enzyme family to catalyse non-oxidative decarboxylation of precursors of respiratory quinones. Mechanistic aspect of prFMN-mediated decarboxylation has attracted interests and studies of fungal ferulic acid decarboxylases (FDCs), members of the UbiD enzyme family reveal a rare enzymatic 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition mechanism for the decarboxylation of cinnamic aid. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Az ügyészi fellépés

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    Az ügyészi fellépésnek jelenleg három törvényi meghatározása is elkülöníthető. Az első az ügyészségről szóló 2011. évi CLXIII. törvény (a továbbiakban: Ütv.) 26. §-ának (1) bekezdése szerinti fellépés fogalom. Eszerint „az ügyészségnek e törvényben nem szabályozott, az igazságszolgáltatás közreműködőjeként gyakorolt büntetőjogon kívüli közérdekű feladat- és hatásköreiről külön törvények rendelkeznek. Az ügyész ezeket a hatásköreit a törvénysértés kiküszöbölése érdekében elsősorban bírósági peres és nemperes eljárások megindításával (perindítási jog), valamint hatósági eljárások kezdeményezésével és jogorvoslat előterjesztésével gyakorolja (a továbbiakban együtt: fellépés)”. Ez felöleli tehát a büntetőjogon kívüli ügyészi megjelenés, részvétel szinte valamennyi lehetséges formáját, nem csupán a keresetindítást, vagy a polgári perrendtartás szerinti fellépést, perbe lépést, illetve beavatkozást

    HIV Point Of Care Diagnostics: Meeting The Special Needs Of Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for 70% of the 35 million people living with HIV worldwide, obviously carries the heaviest burden of the HIV epidemic. Moreover, the region’s poor health system occasioned by limited resources and inadequate skilled clinical personnel usually makes decentralization of HIV care difficult. Therefore, quality diagnostics that are easy to use, inexpensive, and amenable for use at point of care (POC) are a dire necessity. Clearly, such diagnostics will significantly lessen the pressure on the existing over-stretched centralized HIV laboratory services. Thankfully, some POC diagnostics are already being validated, while others are in the pipeline. As POC test kits emerge, implementation hurdles should be envisaged and planned for. This review examines emerging HIV diagnostic platforms, HIV POC product pipelines, gaps, perceived POC implementation challenges, and general recommendations for quality care.</jats:p

    Antibacterial and Anti-Biofilm Activities of Neocarya Macrophylla Against Clinical Bacterial Isolates

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    Background: The increasing threat of bacteria resistant to current antibiotics underscores the need for an alternative source of antimicrobial agents. This study was designed to investigate the antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of Neocarya macrophylla against two important human pathogens commonly associated with biofilm-related infections.Methods: The methanolic extract of N. macrophylla leaves and its n-butanol and ethylacetate fractions were screened in-vitro for their antimicrobial activity using agar well diffusion technique while the antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of the extract and its fractions were investigated against clinical isolates of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa using microbroth dilution technique and microtiter plate method respectively.Results: The methanolic leaf extract and its fractions exhibited substantial antimicrobial activity. The n-butanol and ethylacetate fractions showed highest activity against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus respectively. The MIC and MBC of the extract and its fractions against both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa ranged from 3.125-37.5 mg/ml and 6.25-75 mg/ml respectively. In addition, a concentration-dependent antibiofilm activity against the test organisms was also observed with the ethylacetate fraction exhibiting the highest antibiofilm activity.Conclusion: The extracts and fractions of N. macrophylla exhibited remarkable antibacterial and antibiofilm activities against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. The plant thus can be considered as a potential source of bioactive principles in the continuous fight against bacterial virulence and resistance.Keywords: Neocarya macrophylla, Antimicrobial activity, Antibiofilm activity, Antimicrobial resistance

    A reductive aminase from Aspergillus oryzae

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    Reductive amination is one of the most important methods for the synthesis of chiral amines. Here we report the discovery of an NADP(H)-dependent reductive aminase from Aspergillus oryzae (AspRedAm, Uniprot code Q2TW47) which can catalyse the reductive coupling of a broad set of carbonyl compounds with a variety of primary and secondary amines with up to >98% conversion and with up to >98% enantiomeric excess. In cases where both carbonyl and amine show high reactivity, it is possible to employ a 1:1 ratio of the substrates, forming amine products with up to 94% conversion. Steady-state kinetic studies establish that the enzyme is capable of catalysing imine formation as well as reduction. Crystal structures of AspRedAm in complex with NADP(H) and also with both NADP(H) and the pharmaceutical ingredient (R)-rasagiline are reported. We also demonstrate preparative scale reductive aminations with wild-type and Q240A variant biocatalysts displaying total turnover numbers of up to 32,000 and space time yields up to 3.73 g L-1 d-1

    Lower Back Pain as an Occupational Hazard Among Ugandan Health Workers

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    Background: Lower back pain is a public health concern affecting 70–85% of the world's population. There is paucity of published data on the prevalence, disability and risk factors for lower back pain among health workers in Uganda.Objective: To determine the frequency rate (note that is it implicit that frequency is a rate like incidence so including rate seems redundant here. This is bounded by zero and infinity. In contrast, prevalence is bounded by 0 and 1 and is thus a proportion not a rate) of lower back pain and its associated risks amongst health professionals in the Arua District of Uganda.Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of 245 consecutive participants conducted during February-April 2020. We stratified risks as individual or work related and analyzed the data using IBM SPSS version 25. Chi-square was used to measure the significance of association between categorical variables at 95% confidence interval, regarding a p ≤ 0.05 as significant.Results: The mean age of participants was 40.87 years ± 8.74 (SD), with female predominance (69.8%). Majority were either general nurses or midwives (64.9%) and more than half had practiced for over 6–10 years. The frequency rate of lower back pain was 39.6% (n = 97). Individual factors associated with LBP were; cigarette smoking (X2 = 33.040; P ≤ 0.001), alcohol consumption (X2 = 13.581; P ≤ 0.001), age (X2 = 14.717; P = 0.002), and female gender (X2 = 4.802; P = 0.028). The work related factors significantly associated with lower back pain were: being a nurse/midwife (X2 = 9.829; P = 0.007), working in the outpatient department (X2 = 49.752; P ≤ 0.001), bending (X2 = 43.912; P ≤ 0.001), lifting (X2 = 33.279; P X2 = 40.096; P ≤ 0.001), being in awkward positions (X2 = 15.607; P= X2 = 21.999; P ≤ 0.001).Conclusion: The frequency rate of low back pain was high amongst health workers and its main associated individual and work related factors could have been prevented. Health workers should strike a balance between caring for their personal back-health and meeting clients' needs while manually handling patients. Ergonomic structuring, job organization, back health care courses and use of assistive equipment could reduce such occupational hazards in our low resourced settings.</p

    Synthetic Enzyme-Catalyzed CO2 Fixation Reactions.

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    In recent years, (de)carboxylases that catalyze reversible (de)carboxylation have been targeted for application as carboxylation catalysts. This has led to the development of proof-of-concept (bio)synthetic CO2 fixation routes for chemical production. However, further progress towards industrial application has been hampered by the thermodynamic constraint that accompanies fixing CO2 to organic molecules. In this Review, biocatalytic carboxylation methods are discussed with emphases on the diverse strategies devised to alleviate the inherent thermodynamic constraints and their application in synthetic CO2 -fixation cascades
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