204 research outputs found


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    Background: The frequent coexistence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with functional dyspepsia (FD) and an irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been described in the literature. Aim: To study the specific features of GERD clinical course and diagnosis in patients with GERD in combination with FD and constipation predominant IBS (IBS-C) in comparison to patients with isolated GERD; to assess the efficacy of lactulose and itopride hydrochloride. Materials and methods: A total of 60 patients with GERD, FD (Rome criteria III), and IBS-C (Rome criteria III) and 29 patients with isolated GERD were examined. GERD diagnosis was based on clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric criteria. For 4 weeks 10 patients with combination of non-erosive reflux disease (NERD), FD and IBS-C received lactulose monotherapy and other 10 patients received combination of lactulose with itopride hydrochloride. Clinical symptoms and pH-metric parameters were assessed before and 4 weeks after treatment. Results: Combination of GERD, FD and IBS-C was noted more frequently in women under 40 with normal body mass index (р<0.05). Classic GERD symptoms were absent in 43.4% of patients with gastrointestinal comorbidity and in 10.3% of patients with isolated GERD (р=0.004). A higher prevalence of belching and nausea was found in patients, suffering from GERD, FD and IBS-C, than in those with isolated GERD (р<0.05). After 4-week lactulose and itopride hydrochloride treatment all the patients with GERD, FD and IBS-C showed a reduction of clinical symptoms (p<0.05) and normalization of pH-metric parameters (р<0.001). Conclusion: GERD course in patients with concomitant FD and IBS-C has the following peculiarities: predominance of women, absence of classic GERD-symptoms in almost half of these patients, and frequent combination with other functional symptoms. Combination therapy with lactulose and itopride hydrochloride enables successful control of GERD and FD symptoms as well as esophageal pH normalization

    Basic principles of postgrowth annealing of CdTe:Cl ingot to obtain semi-insulating crystals

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    The process of annealing of a CdTe:Cl ingot during its cooling after growth was studied. The annealing was performed in two stages: a high-temperature stage, with an approximate equality of chlorine and cadmium vacancy concentrations established at the thermodynamic equilibrium between the crystal and vapors of volatile components, and a low-temperature stage, with charged defects interacting to form neutral associations. The chlorine concentrations necessary to obtain semi-insulating crystals were determined for various ingot cooling rates in the high temperature stage. The dependence of the chlorine concentration [Cl+Te] in the ingot on the temperature of annealing in the high-temperature stage was found. The carrier lifetimes and drift mobilities were obtained in relation to the temperature and cadmium vapor pressure in the postgrowth annealing of the ingot.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Stable radiation-controlling boundary conditions for the generalized harmonic Einstein equations

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    This paper is concerned with the initial-boundary value problem for the Einstein equations in a first-order generalized harmonic formulation. We impose boundary conditions that preserve the constraints and control the incoming gravitational radiation by prescribing data for the incoming fields of the Weyl tensor. High-frequency perturbations about any given spacetime (including a shift vector with subluminal normal component) are analyzed using the Fourier-Laplace technique. We show that the system is boundary-stable. In addition, we develop a criterion that can be used to detect weak instabilities with polynomial time dependence, and we show that our system does not suffer from such instabilities. A numerical robust stability test supports our claim that the initial-boundary value problem is most likely to be well-posed even if nonzero initial and source data are included.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures; more numerical results and references added, several minor amendments; version accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Пищевая, лечебная и экологическая ценность грибов Pleurotus ostreatus

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    We present the literature review describing food, medicinal and ecological properties of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom). It is shown that the mushroom is adequate foodstuff for human beings. It provides with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and mineral salts. Protein of the oyster mushrooms’ mycothallus contains 18 amino acids, eight of which were essential (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, and valine). Therapeutic value of the mushroom is characterised by a content of water-soluble (thiamine B1, riboflavin B2, niacin, B5, PP, pyridoxine B6, biotin B7, ascorbic and pantothenic acid) and liposoluble (calciferol, ergosterol, tocopherol) vitamins. The considerable gains from the farm wastes use for the mushrooms raising with subsequent application of the substrate in plant cultivation and animal husbandry are stated. Проаналізовано дані літератури, що характеризують харчові, лікувальні та екологічні властивості грибів Рleurotus ostreatus (глива звичайна). Глива – повноцінний продукт харчування, який забезпечує потребу організму людини у білках, вуглеводах, жирах, вітамінах і мінеральних солях. У білках плодових тіл гливи міститься 18 амінокислот, 8 з яких незамінні (ізолейцин, лейцин, лізин, метіонін, фенілаланін, триптофан, треонін, валін). Лікувальна цінність грибів характеризується вмістом водорозчинних (тіамін В1, рибофлавін В2, ніацин В5, РР, піридоксин В6, біотин В7, аскорбінова та пантотенова кислота) і жиророзчинних (кальциферол, ергостерол, токоферол) вітамінів. Відмічено можливість значного підвищення ефективності використання відходів сільського господарства за рахунок отримання плодових тіл, а також наступного використання субстрату після плодоносіння у рослинництві та тваринництві.Проанализированы данные литературы, характеризующие пищевые, лечебные и экологические свойства гриба Рleurotus ostreatus (вешенка обыкновенная). Вешенка – полноценный продукт питания, обеспечивающий потребность организма человека в белках, углеводах, жирах, витаминах и минеральных солях. В белках плодовых тел вешенки содержится 18 аминокислот, восемь из которых незаменимые (изолейцин, лейцин, лизин, метионин, фенилаланин, триптофан, треонин, валин). Лечебная ценность грибов характеризуется содержанием водорастворимых (тиамин В1, рибофлавин В2, ниацин В5, РР, пиридоксин В6, биотин В7, аскорбиновая и пантотеновая кислота) и жирорастворимых (кальциферол, эргостерол, токоферол) витаминов. Отмечена возможность значительного повышения эффективности использования отходов сельского хозяйства за счет получения плодовых тел, а также последующего применения субстрата после плодоношения в растениеводстве и животноводстве.

    Morphometric analysis of pancytokeratin-negative neoplastic damages of the lymphatic nodes of the neck.

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    Patients with a diagnosis of cancer with an unknown primary localization (CUPL) are mostly referred to the category of cancer cohort with the clinical manifestation of lymph nodes enlargement. Cases of CUPL occupy 3-5% of all neoplasia of any localization, and only 20% of them have prognostically better chances as compared to other 80%. Materials and methods. The retrospective study 41 observations of the neoplastic lymph nodes in the neck without other clinical manifestations of primary tumor localization during was performed August 2016 - July 2017. The average age of patients was 47.68±16.41 years (median 46). The aim of the study was to analyze the complex of morphological, morphometric and immu­no­histochemical characteristics of Cytokeratin, Ran negative phenotypes of neoplastic lesions of lymph nodes of the neck for the improvement of diagnostic algorithms. Results. The authors have adjusted the objective parameters of nuclei of tumor cells (area, perimeter, coefficient of "roundness"), in comparison with the size of ordinary lymphocytes, the dependence of the size of the nuclei on morphological characteristics and the immunophenotype of the neoplastic damage of the lymph nodes of the neck has been analyzed


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    The aim of the work – to develop a methodology for conducting classes in a sectional room, which will allow students to be involved and motivated to study a clinical case involving an autopsy, and to more objectively evaluate theoretical training and practical skills at its completion; evaluate the opinion of students of the rst and second course, regarding their attitude to different methods of conducting classes on pathomorphology. In addition, to conduct a survey of students, who taught the subject “Pathomorphology”, regarding their attitude to various methods of conducting lessons from the subject, and to analyze its results.The main body. We proposed the technique of laboratory class with evaluation of achieved knowledge and skills. The general purpose of this approval was the improving of students’ observing work quality in an autopsy room. We developed the methodological materials in form of simpli ed questionnaire blank for autopsy report, which in its turn was adapted for third-year students.Conclusions. This method stimulates the observation skills during the autopsy. It either comprises the writing assessment of knowledge and skills that are related to the current case. Attendance of educational autopsies helps medical students in clinical-pathological comparison, in more profound understanding of pathologies, and improves their quali cation.Мета роботи – розробити методику проведення заняття у секційному залі, що дозволить залучити та мотивувати студентів до вивчення клінічного випадку, пов’язаного із розтином, а також більш об’єктивно оцінити теоретичну підготовку та практичні навички по його завершенні. Оцінити думку студентів першого та другого курсів щодо їх ставлення до різних методів проведення заняття з патоморфології. Окрім того, провести опитування студентів, яким викладався предмет “Патоморфологія”, щодо їх ставлення до різних методик проведення занять із предмета, та проаналізувати його результати.Основна частина. Для підвищення якості роботи студентів у секційному залі ми запропонували техніку проведення заняття та оцінки отриманих знань і навичок, розробивши методичні матеріали у вигляді бланка навчального протоколу розтину, адаптованого для студентів третього року навчання медичного факультету.Висновки. Дана методика стимулює навичку спостереження в процесі автопсії, а також включає у себе виконання письмового завдання для перевірки теоретичних знань та вмінь, пов’язаних із макроскопічним описом патологічних змін. Навчальне відвідування автопсій допомагає майбутнім лікарям провести клініко-морфологічні паралелі, глибше зрозуміти зміст нозологій та підвищити власний кваліфікаційний рівень

    Evolution of the cosmic ray anisotropy above 10^{14} eV

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    The amplitude and phase of the cosmic ray anisotropy are well established experimentally between 10^{11} eV and 10^{14} eV. The study of their evolution into the energy region 10^{14}-10^{16} eV can provide a significant tool for the understanding of the steepening ("knee") of the primary spectrum. In this letter we extend the EAS-TOP measurement performed at E_0 around 10^{14} eV, to higher energies by using the full data set (8 years of data taking). Results derived at about 10^{14} and 4x10^{14} eV are compared and discussed. Hints of increasing amplitude and change of phase above 10^{14} eV are reported. The significance of the observation for the understanding of cosmic ray propagation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication on ApJ Letter

    Ragweed pollen rain impact on allergy rate and severity in Krasnodar: a three-year non-randomised controlled study

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    Background. The main hay fever agent in Krasnodar Krai is ragweed pollen (Ambrosia gen.). An important alerting guide for medical practitioners and allergic citizens is the seasonal anthetic calendar and pollen peak times.Objectives. Obtaining of relevant data on ragweed pollen air contamination rate in Krasnodar in a three-year-dynamics (2018–2020) to estimate the anthetic activity correlation with abiotic and anthropogenic factors and the role of pollen indicators in allergic morbidity.Methods. We surveyed the daily average ragweed pollen values in Krasnodar air. Allergic medical visits were analysed in terms of the ragweed anthetic activity and pollen air contamination of the city.Results. A maximal daily average ragweed pollen peak occurs in August: 663.35 p.g./m3 in 2018, 209.89 p.g./m3 in 2019, 80.62 p.g./m3 in 2020. Numbers of medical visits for pollinosis per a selected municipal medical facility: 314 in 2018, 335 in 2019 and 146 in 2020, with a peak period in September--October. Analyses of the air pollution impact on ragweed pollen production revealed a correlation between the pollen rate and values of CO (correlation coefficient r-0.356), NH3 (r-0.198) and dust pollution (r-0.361) in July, August, September and October 2018–2020.Conclusion. Analyses of climatic factors uncovered clear patterns: strongest anthesis corresponds to minimal humidity (<60%), the pollen grain content diminishes with lower humidities dropping to minimal with precipitations and increases at temperatures 20 °C and above. No significant dependency was observed between air pollution and the allergic pollen content. Anthesis in ragweed moderately correlates with the rate of medical visits