130 research outputs found

    Test Educational Materials in Pdf Format Development for Interactive Learning

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    Рассмотрен автоматизированный способ формирования интерактивных заданий с применением системы LuaLaTeX для самостоятельной проработки и закрепления материала обучающимися. Предлагаемый подход позволяет синтезировать задания, отличающиеся порядком вопросов и вариантов ответов из заданного перечня для одного исходного документа. Результат работы может быть применен в различных системах управления обучением.Forming interactive tasks automated method using the LuaLaTeX system for independent study and material consolidation by students is considered. The proposed approach allows you to synthesize tasks that differ in the questions and answers order from a given list from one source document. The result of the work can be applied in various learning management systems


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    Dispatch reliability – is one of the key criteria of aircraft technical operation process efficiency which reflects economic efficiency of airline activity. The higher the operational reliability, the better the level of aircraft operation in airline, the higher maintenance quality and safety policy is more effective. Due to the lack of unified procedure of dispatch reliability control both for aircraft manufacturers and Russian Federation aircraft operators and based on international experience it was concluded that there is a need for dispatch reliability specification by introducing a number of parameters, definitions and development, thereby the unified updated methodic of calculation. In this work six basic and three auxiliary parameters are introduced, the following terms and definitions are established: dispatch reliability, operational reliability, ground operational interruptions, operational interruptions, in-flight  interruptions. A unified actualized methodic of dispatch reliability and operational reliability calculation is developed, which is reasonable and more accurate. Since the aircraft dispatch reliability includes the notion of Regularity and Punctuality, definitions and criteria calculation are given.  The detailed example of criteria calculation is shown: dispatch reliability, dispatch regularity, flight punctuality, operational reliability, flight delays for a hundred landings, aircraft changes for a hundred landings, flight cancellations for a hundred landings.Надежность вылетов (далее – регулярность вылетов) – это один из ключевых критериев эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов, отражающий экономическую эффективность функционирования авиакомпании. Чем выше показатель эксплуатационной надежности выполнения рейсов, тем лучше авиакомпания справляется с эксплуатацией воздушных судов, тем выше качество обслуживания самолетов и эффективнее политика безопасности. В связи с отсутствием единого порядка учета регулярности вылетов воздушных судов как у предприятий – изготовителей воздушных судов, так и у эксплуатирующих воздушные суда авиакомпаний Российской Федерации и основании международного опыта, в работе сделан вывод о необходимости детализации расчета регулярности вылетов путем введения ряда параметров, определений и разработки тем самым единой актуализированной методики расчета. В данной работе введены шесть основных и три вспомогательных параметра, приняты следующие термины и определения: регулярность вылетов; эксплуатационная надежность; наземные сбои в эксплуатации; эксплуатационные прерывания; сбои, произошедшие в полете.  Разработана актуализированная методика расчета регулярности вылетов и эксплуатационной надежности выполнения рейсов, которая является разумной и имеет более высокую точность. Поскольку регулярность вылетов воздушных судов включает понятие регулярности отправлений ВС (Regularity) и пунктуальности выполнения рейсов (Punctuality), даны определения и представлен расчет показателей для данных понятий. Детально показан пример расчета показателей: регулярности вылетов, регулярности отправлений, пунктуальности выполнений рейсов, эксплуатационной надежности выполнения рейсов,  задержки рейсов на сто посадок, замены воздушных судов на сто посадок, отмены рейсов на сто посадок


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    In the conditions of contemporary world market, the maintenance process to keep the required level of aircraft serviceability in airlines should be economically efficient in relation to labour, time and material expenses. The solution of the problem can be achieved by planning and managing the activity of airlines with the aim to improve the efficiency of civil aircraft maintenance process. Planning and implementation of activities for process improvement of aircraft maintenance efficiency in particular such factors as aircraft (A/C) reliability and safety, flight regularity and A/C timewise operation efficiency, A/C intensities and economy require collaboration and interaction of developer, manufacturer and operator. This work proves the need to develop the planning and performance technology of actions related to the airlines activity allowing step by step according to developer, manufacturer and operator activities to establish the cooperation and influence on aircraft serviceability, thereby increasing the maintenance process by all possible managing actions. The complex technology to improve the efficiency of aircraft maintenance process including activities on “A/C Reliability”, “Technology”, “Personnel”, “Equipment”, “Materials” has been developed with the aim to increase the A/C fleet serviceability level. The complex technology is represented as a route technology with brief description of destinations in the route chart with input/output indications at each stage.The advantages of complex technology application are shown in the example of improving one of the efficiency measures in aircraft maintenance process.В условиях современного мирового рынка процесс технической эксплуатации для поддержания требуемого уровня исправности парка воздушных судов в авиакомпаниях должен быть экономически выгодным в отношении трудовых, временных и материальных затрат. Решение данной задачи может быть достигнуто путем планирования и управления деятельностью авиапредприятий с целью повышения эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов гражданской авиации. Планирование и осуществление мероприятий, связанных с деятельностью авиапредприятий по улучшению показателей безотказности авиационной техники, безопасности и регулярности полетов, интенсивности использования воздушных судов и экономичности их процесса технической эксплуатации, требует организации совместной работы и взаимодействия разработчика, изготовителя и эксплуатанта воздушных судов. В данной статье обоснована необходимость в разработке технологии планирования и осуществления мероприятий, связанных с деятельностью авиапредприятий, позволяю- щей поэтапно по направлениям деятельности разработчика, изготовителя и эксплуатанта воздушных судов установить взаимосвязь и влияние на уровень исправности парка, тем самым повышая эффективность процесса технической эксплуатации путем всех возможных управляющих воздействий. Разработана комплексная технология повышения эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов, включающая мероприятия по направлениям «Надёжность воздушного судна», «Технология», «Персонал», «Оборудование», «Материалы», с целью повышения уровня исправности парка ВС. Комплексная технология представлена в виде маршрутной технологии с сокращенным описанием комплекса мероприятий по направлениям в маршрутной карте, с указанием входов и выходов на каждом этапе. Показаны преимущества применения комплексной технологии на примере улучшения одного из целевых показателей эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов.

    Heart myxoma under the mask of interstitial lung lesion: a difficult case from practice

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    The aim of the investigation was to describe a clinical case of the development of interstitial lung lesions in a 57-year-old man with a large left atrial myxoma, which had a reverse development after myxomectomy.Materials and methods. Patient V., 57 years old, was hospitalized in the therapeutic department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N. I. Pirogov in connection with bilateral polysegmental pneumonia. A month before hospitalization, he underwent an outpatient examination for progressive dyspnea. Myxoma of the heart was diagnosed. Due to the progression of respiratory failure and the appearance of fever, he was hospitalized. Amidst the multistage antibiotic therapy, there was a torpid course of lung pathology with syndromes of bilateral dissemination and “ground glass”, bilateral lymphadenopathy of the mediastinum, high pulmonary hypertension, and systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome. Thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery, tuberculosis, sepsis, infective endocarditis, neoplastic processes of pulmonary and other localization were excluded.Results. The clinical picture corresponded to interstitial lung lesions within the framework of paraneoplastic syndrome in heart myxoma. It was decided to urgently carry out myxomectomy.Conclusion. The clinical case demonstrates the development of a rare variant of paraneoplastic syndrome in left atrial myxoma, which was suspected during the patient’s treatment for bilateral polysegmental pneumonia. The progression of the pulmonary lesion was explained by active interstitial inflammation and was supported by the immunological activity of the heart tumor.The performed myxomectomy, despite the persisting syndrome of systemic inflammatory reaction and infiltration of the lung tissue, led in 2 weeks to complete resolution of interstitial lung lesions and pulmonary hypertension, which confirmed the causal relationship between myxoma of the heart and involvement in the pathological process of the lungs

    Measurements of KL Branching Fractions and the CP Violation Parameter |eta+-|

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    We present new measurements of the six largest branching fractions of the KL using data collected in 1997 by the KTeV experiment (E832) at Fermilab. The results are B(KL -> pi e nu) = 0.4067 +- 0.0011 B(KL -> pi mu nu) = 0.2701 +- 0.0009 B(KL -> pi+ pi- pi0) = 0.1252 +- 0.0007 B(KL -> pi0 pi0 pi0) = 0.1945 +- 0.0018 B(KL -> pi+ pi-) = (1.975 +- 0.012)E-3, and B(KL -> pi0 pi0) = (0.865 +- 0.010)E-3, where statistical and systematic errors have been summed in quadrature. We also determine the CP violation parameter |eta+-| to be (2.228 +- 0.010)E-3. Several of these results are not in good agreement with averages of previous measurements.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. D; 20 pages, 22 figure

    A clinical case of a combination of Spina bifida, Arnold-Chiari anomaly and multiple congenital malformations in a child

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    The purpose of the study - presentation of a clinical case of a combination of Spina bifida and Arnold-Chiari type 2 anomaly.Цель исследования. Представление клинического случая сочетания Spina bifida и аномалии Арнольда-Киари 2 типа

    Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients

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    Climate change and other global change drivers threaten plant diversity in mountains worldwide. A widely documented response to such environmental modifications is for plant species to change their elevational ranges. Range shifts are often idiosyncratic and difficult to generalize, partly due to variation in sampling methods. There is thus a need for a standardized monitoring strategy that can be applied across mountain regions to assess distribution changes and community turnover of native and non-native plant species over space and time. Here, we present a conceptually intuitive and standardized protocol developed by the Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN) to systematically quantify global patterns of native and non-native species distributions along elevation gradients and shifts arising from interactive effects of climate change and human disturbance. Usually repeated every five years, surveys consist of 20 sample sites located at equal elevation increments along three replicate roads per sampling region. At each site, three plots extend from the side of a mountain road into surrounding natural vegetation. The protocol has been successfully used in 18 regions worldwide from 2007 to present. Analyses of one point in time already generated some salient results, and revealed region-specific elevational patterns of native plant species richness, but a globally consistent elevational decline in non-native species richness. Non-native plants were also more abundant directly adjacent to road edges, suggesting that disturbed roadsides serve as a vector for invasions into mountains. From the upcoming analyses of time series, even more exciting results can be expected, especially about range shifts. Implementing the protocol in more mountain regions globally would help to generate a more complete picture of how global change alters species distributions. This would inform conservation policy in mountain ecosystems, where some conservation policies remain poorly implemented

    Случай успешного хирургического лечения разрыва гигантской аневризмы инфраренального отдела аорты у пациентки старческого возраста

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    Today, abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery is a fairly well-studied area of medicine. Nevertheless, some questions remain rather debatable. No clear criteria for giant aneurysms have been developed so far. The available foreign and domestic literature reports about 40 cases of surgical treatment of giant abdominal aortic aneurysms, 16 of which are cases of aneurysm rupture. Open surgery remains the method of choice in the treatment of giant aneurysms due to the pronounced technical difficulties of endovascular intervention. The authors present a case of successful surgical treatment of a giant aneurysm rupture in an elderly patient. The peculiarity of this patient's condition is the occurrence of aneurysm rupture after hospital admission. The patient refused surgical treatment for two years after aneurysm detection. On examination after admission, multispiral computed tomography revealed an aneurysm size of 101 mm. On the eve of surgery, pain syndrome in the left abdomen and tachycardia appeared. Aneurysm rupture was suspected and the patient was urgently admitted to the operating room. The surgery was performed under the conditions of machine reinfusion of autoblood. The patient underwent abdominal aortic aneurysm resection with linear prosthesis and retroperitoneal hematoma removal. The postoperative period had no peculiarities. On the 10th day after the operation the patient was discharged in satisfactory condition to the outpatient treatment. This clinical case demonstrates the possibility of successful surgical treatment of giant aneurysm rupture in elderly patients.Сегодня хирургия аневризмы брюшного отдела является достаточно хорошо изученным разделом медицины. Тем не менее некоторые вопросы остаются довольно дискутабельными. До сих пор не выработано четких критериев гигантских аневризм. В доступной зарубежной и отечественной литературе сообщается о 40 случаях хирургического лечения гигантских аневризм брюшного отдела аорты, 16 из которых – в состоянии разрыва аневризмы. Методом выбора при лечении гигантских аневризм остается открытая операция в связи с выраженными техническими трудностями эндоваскулярного вмешательства. В статье авторы приводят случай успешного хирургического лечения разрыва гигантской аневризмы пациентки старческого возраста. Особенностью течения состояния данной пациентки является возникновение разрыва аневризмы после поступления в стационар. Пациентка в течение двух лет после обнаружения аневризмы отказывалась от оперативного лечения. При обследовании после поступления в стационар по данным мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии размер аневризмы достигал 101 мм. Накануне операции появились болевой синдром в левых отделах живота, тахикардия. Был заподозрен разрыв аневризмы, пациентка экстренно подана в операционную. Операция проводилась в условиях аппаратной реинфузии аутокрови. Больной выполнены резекция аневризмы брюшного отдела аорты с линейным протезированием и удаление забрюшинной гематомы. Течение послеоперационного периода проходило без особенностей. На 10-е сутки после операции пациентка в удовлетворительном состоянии выписана на амбулаторный этап лечения. Данный клинический случай свидетельствует о возможности успешного хирургического лечения разрыва гигантской аневризмы у пациентов старческой возрастной группы

    Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass-loss rate and stabilization

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    The breakdown of plant material fuels soil functioning and biodiversity. Currently, process understanding of global decomposition patterns and the drivers of such patterns are hampered by the lack of coherent large-scale datasets. We buried 36,000 individual litterbags (tea bags) worldwide and found an overall negative correlation between initial mass-loss rates and stabilization factors of plant-derived carbon, using the Tea Bag Index (TBI). The stabilization factor quantifies the degree to which easy-to-degrade components accumulate during early-stage decomposition (e.g. by environmental limitations). However, agriculture and an interaction between moisture and temperature led to a decoupling between initial mass-loss rates and stabilization, notably in colder locations. Using TBI improved mass-loss estimates of natural litter compared to models that ignored stabilization. Ignoring the transformation of dead plant material to more recalcitrant substances during early-stage decomposition, and the environmental control of this transformation, could overestimate carbon losses during early decomposition in carbon cycle models

    Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass‐loss rate and stabilization

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    The breakdown of plant material fuels soil functioning and biodiversity. Currently, process understanding of global decomposition patterns and the drivers of such patterns are hampered by the lack of coherent large-scale datasets. We buried 36,000 individual litterbags (tea bags) worldwide and found an overall negative correlation between initial mass-loss rates and stabilization factors of plant-derived carbon, using the Tea Bag Index (TBI). The stabilization factor quantifies the degree to which easy-to-degrade components accumulate during early-stage decomposition (e.g. by environmental limitations). However, agriculture and an interaction between moisture and temperature led to a decoupling between initial mass-loss rates and stabilization, notably in colder locations. Using TBI improved mass-loss estimates of natural litter compared to models that ignored stabilization. Ignoring the transformation of dead plant material to more recalcitrant substances during early-stage decomposition, and the environmental control of this transformation, could overestimate carbon losses during early decomposition in carbon cycle models