26 research outputs found

    İstanbul’un fiziksel çehresinin değişiminde rol oynayan Rum Mimarlar ve Kubbeli Rum Ortodoks Kiliseleri

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    The cosmopolitan characteristic of Istanbul, expresses itself clearly not only in the political, economic and social domains but also in that of architecture, the traces left by different cultures and creeds. With the Non-Muslim Regulation issued after the conquest of Istanbul, it is stated that Christian and Jewish communities can live their religious lives freely. While the architectural activities continue within the determined rules, the construction of the dome and the lead coating of the dome are prohibited within the framework of these rules. With the Tanzimat Edict of 1839, non-Muslim Ottomans were granted equal rights with Muslims, Concrete steps were taken with the 1856 Reform Edict . On this date, with the permission given for the construction of new churches and domes, domed churches began to be built in Istanbul.İstanbul, siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyal alanlarda ve farklı kültür ve inançların bıraktığı izler olan mimari eserleri ile kozmopolit bir kimliğe sahiptir. İstanbul’un fethi sonrasında düzenlenen Gayrimüslim Nizamnamesi ile Hıristiyan ve Yahudi toplulukların dini hayatlarını serbest şekilde yaşamaları bildirilmektedir. Mimari faaliyetleri ise belirlenen kurallar dâhilinde devam ederken yine bu kurallar dâhilinde kubbe inşası ve kubbenin kurşunla kaplanması yasaklanmıştır. 1839 Tanzimat Fermanı ile gayrimüslim Osmanlılara Müslümanlarla eşit haklar tanınmış, 1856 Islahat Fermanı ile de somut adımlar atılmıştır. Bu dönemde yeni kilise ve kubbe inşasına verilen izinle İstanbul’da kubbeli kiliseler yapılmaya başlamıştır.Publisher's Versio

    Reusable Ionogel-based Photo-actuators in a Lab-on-a-disc

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication and performance of a reusable ionogel-based photo-actuator, in-situ photopolymerised into a lab-on-a-disc microfluidic device, for flow control. The ionogel provides an effective barrier to liquids during storage of reagents and spinning of the disc. A simple LED (white light) triggers actuation of the ionogel for selective and precise channel opening at a desired location and time. The mechanism of actuation is reversible, and regeneration of the actuator is possible with an acid chloride solution. In order to achieve regeneration, the Lab-on-a-Disc device was designed with a microchannel connected perpendicularly to the bottom of the ionogel actuator (regeneration channel). This configuration allows the acid solution to reach the actuator, independently from the main channel, which initiates ionogel swelling and main channel closure, and thereby enables reusability of the whole device.Economía y Competitividad), Spain. This project has receivedfunding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme(FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstrationunder grant agreement no. 604241. JS and FBL acknowledge fund-ing support from Gobierno de Espa˜na, Ministerio de Economía yCompetitividad, with Grant No. BIO2016-80417-P and personallyacknowledge to Marian M. De Pancorbo for letting them to use herlaboratory facilities at UPV/EHU. A.T., L.F., and D.D. are grateful forfinancial support from the Marie Curie Innovative Training Net-work OrgBIO (Marie Curie ITN, GA607896) and Science FoundationIreland (SFI) under the Insight Centre for Data Analytics initiative,Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289

    Poly(ionic Liquid) Thermo-responsive Hydrogel Microfluidic Actuators

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    tributylhexyl phosphonium sulfopropylacrylate (PSPA) poly(ionic liquid) (PILc) hydrogels as temperature controlled actuators in microfluidic devices. The hydrogel size is modulated by localised changes in its temperature due to the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behaviour exhibited by PSPA.A.T., L.F., and D.D. are grateful for financial support from the Marie Curie Initial Training Network OrgBIO funded by the European Community’s FP7 People Programme (Marie Curie ITN, GA607896), J.S., F.B.L. and D.D. also acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement no. 604241 (NAPES) and L.F. and D.D. acknowledge funding from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the Insight Centre for Data Analytics initiative, Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289. F.B.L. acknowledges the Ramón y Cajal Programme (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and to Marian M. De Pancorbo for letting him to use her laboratory facilities at UPV/EHU

    Ka višem kvalitetu socijalne stanogradnje u Srbiji: objekat za socijalno stanovanje u Požarevcu

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    Novoizgrađeni objekat za socijalno stanovanje u Požarevcu prezentuje uspešno realizovan projektantski napor da se u okvirima rigoroznih normativa i ograničenih finansijskih sredstava za datu namenu kreiraju kvalitetna stambena arhitektura i prostorni ambijent primeren budućim korisnicima. Urbanističkoarhitektonsko rešenje ukazuje na integralno razmatranje kontekstualnih uslovljenosti, prostorno-funkcionalnih zahteva i specifičnih potreba ciljnih, socijalno ugroženih kategorija stanara. Adekvatan standard stanovanja, socijalna odgovornost, vizeulna izražajnost i atraktivnost arhitekture, prepoznaju se kao osnovni principi primenjene metodologije projektovanja i unapređenog pristupa sagledavanju kompleksne problematike socijalne stanogradnjeu Srbiji.The newly constructed social housing apartment building in Požarevac is a successfully completed design effort to create quality residential architecture and a spatial environment suitable for its future users, within the framework of rigorous spatial norms and limited financial resources. The urban architectural solution indicates an integral consideration of contextual conditions, spatial and functional requirements and the specific needs of the targeted, socially disadvantaged categories of tenants. The basic principles of the design methodology applied are an adequate standard of housing, social responsibility, visual expressiveness and architectural attractiveness, as well as an improved approach to understanding the complexity of the development of social housing in Serbia.Izvedeno (autorsko) delo sa publikacijom u naučnom časopisu, M108, Višeporodični stambeni objekat za socijalno stanovanje kat. parc. br. 7766/94, K.O. Požareva

    Comparison of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and sheep (Ovis aries) femur morphological characteristics as a method of determination animal species

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    Forensic analysis of the osteological characteristics of femurs of roe deer and sheep was performed by the method of comparison. In this study, 6 femurs of adult roe deer and 6 femurs of adult sheep were used. After the soft tissue remains were removed from the bones, they were boiled and then bleached in 3% the solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). After bleaching, the bones were air-dried and then photographed. The roe deer femur is on average 2.3 cm longer than the same bone in sheep. The body of roe deer femur is strongly curved cranially, and in sheep it is slightly curved. The caudal surface of the femur body in sheep has two rough lines that were absent in the middle third in roe deer femoral body. The supracondylar fossa in roe deer is deep and in sheep shallow. The deep fovea in roe deer and shallow fovea in sheep were observed on the middle of the femoral head. The greater trochanter in roe deer femur is higher and narrower in comparison to sheep. The lateral surface of the greater trochanter of femur in roe deer is rough and in sheep it is smooth. The trochanteric fossa in roe deer femur is narrow and deep, while in sheep it is wide and shallow. On the distal extremity of the femur, the trochlea in roe deer is shallower than in sheep. On the lateral condyle, the popliteal muscular fossa in roe deer is narrow and shallow and in sheep wide and deep. The roe deer patella is on average 0.3 cm shorter and 0.4 cm narrower compared to sheep


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    Despite that the turning point was achieved in tuberculosis control in the world, still there is on-going interest to this social disease.Goal: to evaluate changes of main epidemiological rates, to publish achievements and prospects of the implementation of National tuberculosis control programme for the period after 2015.Materials and methods. Comparative analysis included evolution of tuberculosis in various localizations in 2011-2015.Results. Tuberculosis situation has been gradually improving in the Republic of Moldova for the last 5 years. The data evidence about the number of tuberculosis cases going down but the global burden of the disease remains fairly high. The success in tuberculosis control supported by WHO and other international organizations is also related to certain Moldavian research achievements.Conclusion. Due to diversity of clinical forms of tuberculosis and the growing problem of comorbidity the cross-disciplinary approach to tuberculosis control can assure success of these activities. Несмотря на то что в борьбе с туберкулезом (ТБ) в мире наступил переломный момент, к этому социально значимому заболеванию сохраняется неослабевающий интерес.Цель: оценка динамики основных эпидемиологических показателей, освещение достижений и перспектив реализации Национальной программы по борьбе с ТБ на период после 2015 г.Материалы и методы. Проведен сравнительный анализ эволюции ТБ различных локализаций в 2011-2015 гг. Результаты. Последнее пятилетие характеризуется постепенным улучшением эпидемической ситуации по ТБ в Республике Молдова. Приведенные данные свидетельствуют о том, что число заболевших ТБ продолжает уменьшаться, но глобальное бремя болезни в целом остается еще весомым. Отмечаемые успехи в борьбе с ТБ при поддержке ВОЗ и других международных организаций связаны в том числе и с отечественными научными достижениями.Заключение. В связи с многообразием клинических форм ТБ и нарастающей проблемой коморбидности залогом успеха борьбы с этим заболеванием может быть междисциплинарный подход


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    Thermal behavior of ErI3 and ErOI was studied by DTA, thermogravimetry, x-ray diffraction, and chemical analysis in the range of 25-1000-degrees-C. Composition and temperature ranges of the existence of the intermediate phases of variable composition were determined


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    Thermal behavior of ErI3 and ErOI was studied by DTA, thermogravimetry, x-ray diffraction, and chemical analysis in the range of 25-1000-degrees-C. Composition and temperature ranges of the existence of the intermediate phases of variable composition were determined

    Insectivore mammals from the Late Miocene of the Republic of Moldova

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