
Reusable Ionogel-based Photo-actuators in a Lab-on-a-disc


This paper describes the design, fabrication and performance of a reusable ionogel-based photo-actuator, in-situ photopolymerised into a lab-on-a-disc microfluidic device, for flow control. The ionogel provides an effective barrier to liquids during storage of reagents and spinning of the disc. A simple LED (white light) triggers actuation of the ionogel for selective and precise channel opening at a desired location and time. The mechanism of actuation is reversible, and regeneration of the actuator is possible with an acid chloride solution. In order to achieve regeneration, the Lab-on-a-Disc device was designed with a microchannel connected perpendicularly to the bottom of the ionogel actuator (regeneration channel). This configuration allows the acid solution to reach the actuator, independently from the main channel, which initiates ionogel swelling and main channel closure, and thereby enables reusability of the whole device.Economía y Competitividad), Spain. This project has receivedfunding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme(FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstrationunder grant agreement no. 604241. JS and FBL acknowledge fund-ing support from Gobierno de Espa˜na, Ministerio de Economía yCompetitividad, with Grant No. BIO2016-80417-P and personallyacknowledge to Marian M. De Pancorbo for letting them to use herlaboratory facilities at UPV/EHU. A.T., L.F., and D.D. are grateful forfinancial support from the Marie Curie Innovative Training Net-work OrgBIO (Marie Curie ITN, GA607896) and Science FoundationIreland (SFI) under the Insight Centre for Data Analytics initiative,Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289

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