26 research outputs found

    Spotkania z cyklu Podstawy anatomii w naukach klinicznych

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    The assessment of overall survival (OS) after adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with malignant endometrial cancer in Poland

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    Objectives: In 2013 malignant endometrial cancers have amounted to 7.3% of all cancers diagnosed among women in the report by the Polish National Cancer Registry Raw prevalence rate amounted to 28.7, whereas standardised prevalence rate 15.6 per 100 000 population. Among the causes of death, these cancers amounted to 3% and were ranked ninth on the list of the most common causes of oncologic mortality of women. In the year 2013 a total of 1243 women died of malignant endometrial cancers. A stable increase of malignant endometrial cancer incidence has been observed for 2 decades. Despite that fact, the increase of the mortality incidence is at a much lower level, which demonstrates the much higher effectiveness of the treatment of such cancers. The recording rate of the malignant endometrial cancer mortality amounts to 95%, so the presented absolute numbers are reliable. Examining the clinical stages of malignant endometrial cancers, we can establish that approx. 85% of them are diagnosed at stage I or II according to the FIGO classification. Patients with advanced stages of cancer represent less than 15%. Material and methods: retrospective analysis of endometrial body cancer prevalence data for the entire population of Poland, assessment of malignant endometrial cancer prevalence in the years 2008–2015 and overall survival probability in the population of patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. Results: The number of patients with a diagnosed malignant endometrial cancer within the studied period in Poland remains on a stable level (2008 — 30.6 thousand patients, 2015 — 40.2 thousand patients). Among all listed patients with the indica­tion of C54 each year approx. 20% enters hospital treatment. System therapy with chemotherapy drugs was used in approx. 1–2% of patients treated in hospitals. The average age of the patients was 64.9 years, and the median age 65 years. The num­ber of observations was 2085, including 1088 censored observations. The average survival for the sample under study was 30.67 month (SD = ± 0.6); median survival time was 23.93 month. The number of censored observations was 1088 (52.16%). Probable survival of 1 year is achieved by 67.57% of patients, 2 years by 49.73%, 3 years by 40.68%, above 5 years 30.77%. Conclusions: The incidence of endometrial cancer in Poland in the years 2008–2015 continues to grow at 5% upward trend (in Europe 3.4–5.9). In Poland in 2012, crude incidence rate for cancer of the uterus was 29.8 and did not differ significantly from the results in countries such as Finland, Slovakia, Sweden, Belgium and Bulgaria. The overall survival after adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with malignant endometrial cancer in Poland shows considerable differences depending on the region of the country

    Dziedzictwo kulturowe. Edukacja. Historia. Dziedzictwo regionalne. Muzyka, literatura, sztuka i media

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    The following publication showcases research on national heritage by early career researchers from Poland. Articles included are related to the broad domain of pedagogy, spanning over social sciences or arts and humanities. Contributions represent both historical and contemporary insights from a range of disciplines: education, history, area studies, art and media studies. Various examples of national heritage are discussed from both Polish and general perspective. The aim of the book was to contribute to the process of inclusion of new researchers into interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue

    Characteristics of the Alternative Phenotype of Microglia/Macrophages and its Modulation in Experimental Gliomas

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    Microglia (brain resident macrophages) accumulate in malignant gliomas and instead of initiating the anti-tumor response, they switch to a pro-invasive phenotype, support tumor growth, invasion, angiogenesis and immunosuppression by release of cytokines/chemokines and extracellular matrix proteases. Using immunofluorescence and flow cytometry, we demonstrate an early accumulation of activated microglia followed by accumulation of macrophages in experimental murine EGFP-GL261 gliomas. Those cells acquire the alternative phenotype, as evidenced by evaluation of the production of ten pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines and expression profiling of 28 genes in magnetically-sorted CD11b+ cells from tumor tissues. Furthermore, we show that infiltration of implanted gliomas by amoeboid, Iba1-positive cells can be reduced by a systematically injected cyclosporine A (CsA) two or eight days after cell inoculation. The up-regulated levels of IL-10 and GM-CSF, increased expression of genes characteristic for the alternative and pro-invasive phenotype (arg-1, mt1-mmp, cxcl14) in glioma-derived CD11b+ cells as well as enhanced angiogenesis and tumor growth were reduced in CsA-treated mice. Our findings define for the first time kinetics and biochemical characteristics of glioma-infiltrating microglia/macrophages. Inhibition of the alternative activation of tumor-infiltrating macrophages significantly reduced tumor growth. Thus, blockade of microglia/macrophage infiltration and their pro-invasive functions could be a novel therapeutic strategy in malignant gliomas

    Racial differences in systemic sclerosis disease presentation: a European Scleroderma Trials and Research group study

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    Objectives. Racial factors play a significant role in SSc. We evaluated differences in SSc presentations between white patients (WP), Asian patients (AP) and black patients (BP) and analysed the effects of geographical locations.Methods. SSc characteristics of patients from the EUSTAR cohort were cross-sectionally compared across racial groups using survival and multiple logistic regression analyses.Results. The study included 9162 WP, 341 AP and 181 BP. AP developed the first non-RP feature faster than WP but slower than BP. AP were less frequently anti-centromere (ACA; odds ratio (OR) = 0.4, P < 0.001) and more frequently anti-topoisomerase-I autoantibodies (ATA) positive (OR = 1.2, P = 0.068), while BP were less likely to be ACA and ATA positive than were WP [OR(ACA) = 0.3, P < 0.001; OR(ATA) = 0.5, P = 0.020]. AP had less often (OR = 0.7, P = 0.06) and BP more often (OR = 2.7, P < 0.001) diffuse skin involvement than had WP.AP and BP were more likely to have pulmonary hypertension [OR(AP) = 2.6, P < 0.001; OR(BP) = 2.7, P = 0.03 vs WP] and a reduced forced vital capacity [OR(AP) = 2.5, P < 0.001; OR(BP) = 2.4, P < 0.004] than were WP. AP more often had an impaired diffusing capacity of the lung than had BP and WP [OR(AP vs BP) = 1.9, P = 0.038; OR(AP vs WP) = 2.4, P < 0.001]. After RP onset, AP and BP had a higher hazard to die than had WP [hazard ratio (HR) (AP) = 1.6, P = 0.011; HR(BP) = 2.1, P < 0.001].Conclusion. Compared with WP, and mostly independent of geographical location, AP have a faster and earlier disease onset with high prevalences of ATA, pulmonary hypertension and forced vital capacity impairment and higher mortality. BP had the fastest disease onset, a high prevalence of diffuse skin involvement and nominally the highest mortality

    Body image and sexual satisfaction of women after mastectomy

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    Praca ma charakter teoretyczno – empiryczny. Badania przeprowadzone w niniejszej pracy koncentrują się na poznaniu obrazu własnego ciała i satysfakcji seksualnej kobiet po zabiegu mastektomii. Badania przeprowadzone zostały wśród 30 kobiet po zabiegu amputacji piersi oraz 30 kobiet stanowiących grupę kontrolną. W badaniach został wykorzystany następujący zestaw metod: Skala Oceny Ciała (Body Esteem Scale) S. Franzoi i S. Shields w polskiej adaptacji M. Lipowskiej i M. Lipowskiego, Kwestionariusz Satysfakcji Seksualnej M. Plopy oraz ankiety personalne stworzone na potrzeby badania. Uzyskany materiał został poddany analizie statystycznej. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że kobiety po zabiegu mastektomii postrzegają swoje ciało bardziej negatywnie oraz przejawiają obniżony poziom satysfakcji seksualnej. Analiza wykazała również istotne statystycznie, dodatnie korelacje między wynikiem ogólnym obrazu ciała i poszczególnymi jego wymiarami a ogólną satysfakcją seksualną oraz satysfakcją z bliskości, pieszczot i seksu. Analiza nie potwierdziła związku między czasem jaki upłynął od zabiegu a zmianą postrzegania własnego ciała. Natomiast potwierdzony został dodatni związek między czasem od zabiegu a satysfakcją seksualną kobiet po mastektomii.This thesis is of a theoretical and empirical nature. Research conducted in this thesis focuses on getting to know the attitude to one's body and the sexual satisfaction of women after mastectomy. Research was conducted among 30 women after breast amputation surgery and 30 women who were a control group. The following set of methods was used in the research: Body Esteem Scale S. Franzoi I S. Shields in Polish adaptation of M. Lipowska and M. Lipowski, Questionnaire On Sexual Satisfaction of M. Plopa and personal questionnaires created for the purposes of the study. The obtained material has been subjected to statistical analysis. The results obtained indicate that women after mastectomy have a more negative attitude towards their own body and a reduced level of sexual satisfaction. The analysis also showed statistically significant positive correlations between the overall body image and its individual dimensions and general sexual satisfaction as well as satisfaction with closeness, caresses and sex. The analysis did not confirm the relationship between the time elapsed from the surgery and the ratio of women to their own body. however, the positive relationship between the time that has elapsed since surgery and the sexual satisfaction of women after mastectomy has been confirmed

    Rzadki przypadek obumierania podskórnej tkanki tłuszczowej u noworodków

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    Introduction. Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn (SCFN) isa rare disorder of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn usually appears days to weeks after a complicatedperinatal period and the most frequent risk factors are birthasphyxia, birth trauma and meconium aspiration. Clinically, the diseaseis characterized by oedematous lesions evolving into indurated,erythematous plaques and nodules. Skin lesions dissolve spontaneouslyin weeks/months.Objective. To present a rare case of subcutaneous fat necrosis of thenewborn.Case report. Monthly infant, born at time of caesarean due to fluctuationsin heart rate in a state of severe asphyxia. As a cause of respiratorydistress, meconium aspiration syndrome was confirmed. In the firstdays of life transient thrombocytopenia and elevated markers ofinflammation in the laboratory tests were observed. In addition, oedematouslesions evolving into indurated plaques and nodules on theback and upper limbs appeared. Based on a typical clinical picturediagnosis of subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn was diagnosed.During the 3-month follow-up a spontaneous regression of the skinlesions without scarring was observed.Conclusions. Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn is a rare diseaseusually with mild course. However, in some cases skin may bea visual marker of life-threatening metabolic disturbances such ashypercalcaemia

    False information by vaccination movements as a challenge for public health

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    The analysis of the characteristics of refusals to carry out preventive vaccinations, both in historical and contemporary perspective, showed that the dissemination of false information by vaccination movements, had and has a significant impact on the level of vaccination in the scope of individual preventive vaccinations, e.g. against polio, tetanus and diphtheria and it is real public health challenge. It is necessary to analyze the nature of the message in terms of the sender’s intentions, i.e. to distinguish between misinformation and disinformation. Preparation of an appropriate communication strategy in public health in this regard, seems necessary and crucial in terms of maintaining a high level of confidence in preventive vaccinations, and thus population resistance in the case of infectious diseases. Type of research methodology/research approach used: literature analysis