138 research outputs found

    Synantocytes: the fifth type of glia? In comparison with astrocytes.

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    To date four types of glial cells have been identified in central nervous system: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymocytes. The latest results indicate the existence of the fifth glial type-synantocytes from the Greek word synanto that is for contact. Synantocyte processes reach neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, synapses, myelin sheaths and nervous fibres' nodes of Ranvier. Morphologically, synantocytes are similar to astrocytes, but they do not contain, like astrocytes, glial fibrillary acidic protein and S-100 beta protein. Synantocytes show expression of NG2 surface chondroition sulphate proteoglycan. Moreover, these cells in contrast to astrocytes do not have membrane transporters for glutamate (Glu), but have receptors for Glu and gamma-aminobutyric acid, whose activation can contribute to keeping up ion balance in CNS. Synantocytes are components of synapses, participate in neuronal cytoskeleton stabilization and control myelin integrity, mediate oligodendrocytes answer to nervous fibres' damage and form glial scars. Thus, there are evidences that synantocytes and astrocytes make separate glial population, playing important functions in neuroprotection

    Health education of blood donors on HIV viral infections

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    The phenomenon of HIV today is not only a medical problem but also a social one. Due to the pathways of infection, everyone can get infected for us. Currently, there is a steady increase in HIV infection in the world. Convincing people about the lack of danger and the non-characteristic symptoms of infection or their lack, causes that many people do not realize that they are infected. Knowledge about the situations in which we can be infected and the possibility of transmission routes of these viruses can contribute to reducing the number of new infections. The aim of the work was to get to know the state of knowledge about the society about HIV / AIDS and to indicate the role of health education in the fight against infectious diseases. The study included 100 people. The quantitative method was used for research, while the sociological questionnaire was used as a research technique. The analysis of the empirical material shows that the state of knowledge about HIV infection requires education among the population. What's more, the public will be happy to take part in professional training on HIV / AIDS threats. The research shows that trainings should take place periodically, cover various social groups with the cooperation of many non-medical environments. It should be remembered that multisectoral cooperation is a prerequisite for the success of any health improvement program

    Fournier gangrene - diagnostic and treatment

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    Fournier gangrene is a rare, progressively necrotizing perineum inflammation, often leading to death of the patient. The infection is caused by a mixed oxygen-anaerobic bacterial flora. Treatment is based on immediate and radical surgical intervention supported by antibiotic therapy and intensive general treatment. Adequate, quick adoption of curative and caring activities is one of the factors affecting the success of treatment. Depending on the dynamically progressing disease process, it is necessary to efficiently identify problems and modify treatment and nursing care plans from the stages of treatment

    Intercultural Competences in Health Care - Jehovah's Witnesses

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    After Poland's accession to the European Union, borders were opened and migrations from many culturally different countries intensified, which led to an increase in immigrants and refugees assimilating in Poland. Numerous ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural groups existed and exist in Poland. All of these groups benefit from health services. The above situation requires medical personnel to perceive the patient through the prism of his biological, psychological, social and health problems, as well as in terms of spiritual needs of religions, as well as beliefs and socio-cultural origin. Therefore, knowledge about the cultural differences of healthcare service recipients and shaping intercultural sensitivity among healthcare workers is essential. This work examines multiculturalism in health care based on the example of the confession of Jehovah's Witnesses. Its aim was to get to know the health service opinions regarding cultural competences in specific work with patients

    Theoretical study of cobalt and nickel complexes involved in methyl transfer reactions: structures, redox potentials and methyl binding energies

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    Cobalamins, cobalt glyoximate complexes and nickel complexes with Triphos (bis(diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphine) and PPh2CH2CH2SEt ligands were studied with the DFT/BP86 method in connection with methyl transfer reactions. Geometries, methyl binding energies and redox potentials were determined for the studied complexes. Three- and four-coordinate structures were considered for nickel complex with PPh2CH2CH2SEt ligand, whereas four- and five-coordinate for its methyl derivative. On the basis of calculations, the possible mechanism of methyl transfer reaction between cobalt and nickel complexes was considered

    Nutrition of patients during radio and chemotherapy

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    The most common method of cancer treatment still includes surgical treatment, which is also the oldest way to fight cancer. Radiotherapy is currently one of the basic method of treating malignant tumors [1]. This method uses the action of ionizing radiation. However, the radiation does not work selectively and also damages healthy tissues. Chemotherapy - the youngest method of cancer treatment - consists in administering to patients cytostatics that block the basic life functions of the cell, mainly by disrupting the ability to divide and multiply cancer cells. Each of the mentioned therapeutic methods may cause side effects in addition to the therapeutic effect. Anorexia, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea or constipation are most often observed. During radiotherapy and chemotherapy, patients observe changes in taste, dry mouth and the possibility of oral irritation [2]. Through the occurrence of side effects of radio and chemotherapy, patients are exposed to the development of malnutrition and even cachexia. For this reason, intensive counseling and individual diet modification should be used in all patients undergoing radio and chemotherapy

    Effects of monosodium glutamate treatment on calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in hippocampus of postnatal rats

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    Introduction. Calretinin (CR) is a protein, which is present in GABAergic neurons and belongs to the calcium-binding proteins family. It may reduce the excitotoxicity phenomenon through its Ca2+ buffering properties. This phenomenon is due to the increase of calcium ions levels caused by the excess of glutamate — the main excitatory neurotransmitter. The aim of the study was to investigate alterations of calretinin-immunoreactivity in neurons of hippocampal CA1 region and dentate gyrus with hilus in 10 day-old rats treated with monosodium glutamate (MSG). Material and methods. Ten 7 day-old Wistar rats were used. The MSG-group consisted of 5 MSG-treated rats at a dose of 4 g/kg b.w. for 3 consecutive days and the second group consisted of 5 control animals. After euthanasia the brains containing hippocampus were dissected and embedded in paraffin blocks. The immunohi­stochemical peroxidase-antiperoxydase reaction was performed on tissue sections. The morphometric analyses of CR-immunopositive neurons: density, percentage ratio to the density of all cells and an assessment of digital immunostaining intensity were performed. Results. The distribution of the CR-immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus was irregular. In the MSG-group there were single cells, which were more intensely stained than in control animals. Some of cells contained processes of different length. The density of CR-immunopositive cells and their percentage ratio to the density of all cells did not change significantly after MSG treatment. However, there was a statistically significant increase in the staining intensity of CR-immunopositive cells. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that CR-positive cells in P7–P10 rats are only slightly affected by MSG in CA1 region and dentate gyrus with hilus of the hippocampus

    The use of selected commercial molecular assays for the microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis

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    Introduction: We performed a retrospective assessment of the AMPLICOR Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) assay for the molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis based on our own determinations between 1999 and 2009 and a preliminary assessment of the Xpert MTB/RIF system, which we are currently using. Materials and methods: The study groups comprised 1875 samples (including 104 inhibited samples) and 213 samples, respectively. Results: The sensitivities of the AMPLICOR MTB and the Xpert MTB/RIF assays were 81.9% and 81.8%, respectively, and their specificities were 97.2% and 99.5%, respectively, versus culture on Loewenstein-Jensen medium. Both assays showed a considerable difference in sensitivity depending on whether the test samples were smear-positive (AFB+) or smearnegative (AFB–). The sensitivities of the AMPLICOR MTB and the Xpert MTB/RIF assays were 97.8% and 100.0%, respectively, for AFB+ samples and 58.1% and 50.0%, respectively, for AFB– samples. Conclusions: Our results confirm full usefulness of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay for routine diagnosis in the case of smearpositive clinical samples.Wstęp: W pracy, retrospektywnie oceniono test AMPLICOR Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) w molekularnej diagnostyce gruźlicy, na podstawie własnych oznaczeń w latach 1999–2009 oraz wstępnie oceniono system Xpert MTB/RIF, który jest na bieżąco w użyciu. Materiał i metody: Grupy badane obejmowały odpowiednio 1875 próbek (w tym 104 reakcje zahamowane) i 213 próbek. Wyniki: Czułość testów AMPLICOR MTB i Xpert MTB/RIF oceniono na 81,9% i 81,8%, a swoistość wynosiła odpowiednio 97,2% i 99,5%, wobec hodowli na pożywce Loewensteina-Jensena. Obydwa testy wykazywały znaczącą różnicę w czułości, w zależności od tego czy badane próbki były dodatnie (AFB+) czy ujemne (AFB–) w rozmazie. I tak dla próbek AFB+ czułość wynosiła 97,8% i 100%, a dla próbek AFB– czułość była 58,1% i 50%, odpowiednio dla testów AMPLICOR MTB i Xpert MTB/RIF. Wnioski: Przedstawione wyniki wykazują pełną przydatność testu Xpert MTB/RIF w rutynowej diagnostyce dla próbek klinicznych, dodatnich w mikroskopowym badaniu rozmazu. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2012; 80, 1: 6–1