188 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Energy-Saving Lighting Systems for Poultry Houses

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    The provision of lighting in poultry shelters is an energy-intensive process in poultry farming, due to a lack of sunlight in closed facilities. Lighting plays an important role in the majority of organism biorhythms and it clocks the processes of vital activities of the birds. Lighting directly influences productivity, growth and sexual maturation of birds. A determining factor for the lifetime of an LED is the crystal heating temperature during its operation. It may be assumed that the LED lifetime is largely independent of the variation in the current passing through the LED (within the limits of its design values). The research objective was to conduct laboratory testing to compare the electricity consumption between the existing and a newly developed lighting system for poultry house no. 19 of the Kuchinsky Poultry Breeding Plant. In order to conduct the laboratory testing, the authors developed lighting fixtures consisting of sealed plastic bodies with an LED-carrying PCB inside. The testing continued for 113 days. The new system consumed 662 kWh, while the previous system consumed 783 kWh. Energy savings through the testing period amounted to 15%. During the testing, the new equipment was reliable; no failures of LED fixtures were recorded. Keywords: LED lighting, energy conservation, poultry farming, microclimat

    Future prospects of additive technologies

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    In this article the current state and future prospects of additive technologies was analyzed. The systematization of additive manufacturing depending on the used types of materials and methods of its treatment was carried out. The main steps of manufacturing process with additive technologies were defined. The proportion of additive technologies in manufacturing of the leading world countries was evaluated and presented. The advantages and disadvantages of additive manufacturing were summarized and the future prospects of additive technologies were formulated

    Semantics and technologies in modern design of interior stairs

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    Use of metal in the design of interior stairs presents new features for shaping, and can be implemented using different technologies. The article discusses the features of design and production technologies of forged metal spiral staircase considering the image semantics based on the historical and cultural heritage. To achieve the objective was applied structural-semantic method (to identify the organization of structure and semantic features of the artistic image), engineering methods (to justify the construction of the object), anthropometry method and ergonomics (to provide usability), methods of comparative analysis (to reveale the features of the way the ladder in different periods of culture). According to the research results are as follows. Was revealed the semantics influence on the design of interior staircase that is based on the World Tree image. Also was suggested rational calculation of steps to ensure the required strength. And finally was presented technology, providing the realization of the artistic image. In the practical part of the work is presented version of forged staircase

    Stylization levels of industrial design objects

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    The urgency of the research of form making problem in design is associated with the necessity of new understanding of visual culture and new approaches to design engineering representing the integration of artistic and designed problems. The aim of this research is to study the levels of stylization of design objects and dependance (relation) on the specific project objectives and existing technologies. On the ground of quantitative evaluation, the stylization measures are emphasized: figurative image, stylized image and abstract image. Theoretic conclusions are complemented by practical problem solution over creating openwork metal lantern. Variants of both the traditional mains supply of the lantern and the autonomic supply system based on solar energy were offered. The role of semantic factor, affecting the depth of perception of design objects semantic space, is represented in this paper

    Legal policy in the field of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel outside the higher education system

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    The modern legal policy in the field of preparation of dissertations for the degree of Сandidate of Sciences outside postgraduate education and the degree of Doctor of Sciences in doctoral studies is in the focus. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that transition to the model of legislative regulation of doctoral studies and preparation of PhD dissertations outside postgraduate studies in the context of exclusively scientific activities has resulted in the lack of a proper legislative basis for functioning of the scientific sphere, while the state of higher education and science, provision of qualified personnel for all branches and spheres depends on the proper organization of doctoral and postdoctoral institutions. The aim is to identify the shortcomings of the legal policy and possible ways to improve it. The article investigates normative and legal regulation of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel outside higher education system; it critically assesses the present condition of higher education, prospects for improving the institutions of doctoral and postdoctoral studies. The general scientific (dialectical method, analysis, synthesis) and private scientific research methodology (formal-legal, system-structural, historical-legal methods) heavily contribute to the research. The outcome allows to substantiate the necessity to clearly establish the rights, duties and conditions of doctoral students and applicants at the legislative level. Detailed guarantees for such participants of scientific activity should promote the increasing demand for highly qualified specialists and realization of their creative potential. Financial incentives for doctoral students and their scientific consultants also need optimization being curently at a low level thus reducing the demand for doctoral and postdoctoral studies

    Breeding den selection by Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) in southern Yamal Peninsula, Russia

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    Selecting the right location for a den during the breeding season is a type of habitat selection in the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) that is likely to affect its reproductive success. A den’s suitability likely depends on its ability to provide shelter, as well as its proximity to prey resources. Depending on the different relative risks that Arctic foxes may face across their broad circumpolar range, Arctic foxes may place different emphases on selection for shelter and prey resources in different ecosystems. Understanding the different requirements for reproduction under different ecological conditions is highly relevant to conservation efforts in areas where Arctic foxes are threatened by rapid environmental changes. Here, we investigated the relative selection for shelter and prey resources in southern Yamal Peninsula (Russia) using data from 45 dens collected over a 13-year period. Arctic foxes preferred to breed in dens with more den entrances; an indicator of shelter quality. Arctic foxes also preferred dens surrounded by more prey resources (quantified by the amount of river valley habitat), but this result was less conclusive. These results complement the findings reported from other study areas, illustrating that Arctic foxes in ecosystems with diverse predator communities may put emphasis on selection for shelter quality. In less productive ecosystems, Arctic foxes may rather put emphasis on selection for prey resources. As tundra ecosystems become more productive and generalist predators move north, the reproductive requirements and habitat selection of Arctic foxes may change accordingly, depending on the species’ ability to adapt

    The influence of surface finishing methods on touch-sensitive reactions

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    This paper describes the modern technological development trends in jewelry design. In the jewelry industry, new trends, associated with the introduction of updated non-traditional materials and finishing techniques, are appearing. The existing information-oriented society enhances the visual aesthetics of new jewelry forms, decoration techniques (depth and surface), synthesis of different materials, which, all in all, reveal a bias towards positive effects of visual design. Today, the jewelry industry includes not only traditional techniques, but also such improved techniques as computer-assisted design, 3D-prototyping and other alternatives to produce an updated level of jewelry material processing. The authors present the specific features of ornamental pattern designing, decoration types (depth and surface) and comparative analysis of different approaches in surface finishing. Identifying the appearance or the effect of jewelry is based on proposed evaluation criteria, providing an advanced visual aesthetics basis is predicated on touch-sensitive responses

    Controlling Explosive Sensitivity of Energy-Related Materials by Means of Production and Processing in Electromagnetic Fields

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    The present work is one of the world first attempts to develop effective methods for controlling explosive sensitivity of energy-related materials with the help of weak electric (up to 1 mV/cm) and magnetic (0.001 T) fields. The resulting experimental data can be used for purposeful alternation of explosive materials reactivity, which is of great practical importance. The proposed technology of producing and processing materials in a weak electric field allows forecasting long-term stability of these materials under various energy impacts

    Establishment of Forest Plantations With Container Tree Seedlings

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